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学术英语学术英语 社科社科AcademicEnglishforAcademicEnglishforSocialSciencesSocialSciences杰蚊馁雷淆岳舷熏啤苟吏巴棍逐瘤攒跨参辨甸斩崖厚页肤候粕蜕燃蒂芍遏复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科6 6Journalism and JournalistsIt is reported that journalism remains one of the most popular majors on most university campuses in America. To be a journalist has been many graduates dream. Why is it the case? Is it because this profession is superior to others? Are there other reasons? Read the following texts and you will get the answer.埠芝烂稠彝槐厕概茬视搔锄败益仍的产箕禹项兴拽翟葵崇鹏咱耿贰彪牧妇复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists Unit ContentsText AText BListeningSpeakingWritingLead-inText C仅椽敬梅钻筒病型刽神锥滤袒萧淆妓灌头粱囚壕冤应殖刚炮搪极吝咯蕾漫复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Lead-inLead-in taskUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists幕漳恢丙荤轻矫妻假硕零汪沮祥有眠姻勤醋攒淖见诬惜村坞缘齐纽斑喂搽复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Lead-inWrite a paragraph which describes a journalists way of life according to your knowledge and imagination. (10 minutes); then read your paragraph to the class.Lead-in taskUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists壶亚销喷衰恬块靛唁拾歪蛙倦拨聘夜囊填厦化发打拟黎占笑酋敝烦猖游肥复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ACritical reading and thinkingDifficult sentencesGroup discussionEnglish language for academic purposeSuggested answersUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists肥津步胀裂皱求催烤岛领粟卯少技讳燕帅接塑韭颧湛捉才戎诀澳五盔士董复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ACritical reading and thinking of Text A Analyze the text by asking the following questions:1.How does the text begin? (Para.1)2.Why did James Kilpatrick tell the story? (Paras.1 & 2)3.What is journalism like? (Para.3)4.Why do the authors say “newspeople do pay a price”? (Para.6)5.Why does journalism remain one of the most popular majors on most university campuses? (Para.6)6.Find examples to illustrate: a)journalism is a glamorous life;b)journalism is not a glamorous life. (Paras.8,9)Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists构遇伐拣刃渊焚税毒坯虽决式稼堕证废燕璃矗茶逐傍钒驳瘟戏裂育刽外损复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ACritical reading and thinking of Text A Analyze the text by asking the following questions:7.What advice do the authors give on how to be successful in journalism? Use an example to illustrate it. (Para.10)8.Why cant journalists react to peoples anger aroused by bad news? (Para.13)9.According to the authors, what is the true reward of journalism? (Para.15)10.What do the authors conclude? (Para.15)11.What is the authors purpose in writing this article?Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists膨逾巍桐沸养窝渝串迄棕国笨鲜卸好勃籍毙骏绵导垦文逞馅电痒渗适辜蝴复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ACritical reading and thinking of Text ATask1 Complete the following table about the main points of the text.1.Journalism can be _. Most journalists cant help it. They are _.2.Journalism is hardly _. Many journalists work in _.3.Journalism isnt for you if you have to be a superstar. One of the real keys to journalistic success is to _.4.Journalism is not about being popular. Journalists do not _.addictivehooked on journalisma glamorous lifequiet anonymitylove the process of journalism regardless of its content or the mediumrate highly with the publicUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists雇肄疯速鸵戮蛮埔破窘吝箍浩默寅胁啦馋湿房巡亿灰菱粳宇整闹褂漓褐坞复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ADifficult sentences“Dont be a newspaperman if you possibly can help it.” (Para.2) “Try not to be a newspaperman.”Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists坦曰愚彝袱霉羡板猪五昌菏氏虱伺补哩预券秀呵弱霉乌泥咽校啼疤赡租项复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ADifficult sentences Today, its not just young men who are interested in journalism. Indeed young women are more likely to be interested and the question about journalism is not just focused on newspaper but also on television or on some online media.Today, of course, the young man interested in journalism is just as likely (possibly even more likely) to be a young woman, and the career question more likely to be about television or an online medium. (Para.2)Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists值唁听措爪逻韭制苔娶袍缕静卑派萄申蘸隶右钎羚痞捷亩束磋焕紊居争赫复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ADifficult sentencesTheres an undeniable element of ego in journalism, and an equally undeniable element of self-sacrifice. (Para.3) To succeed as a journalist, you must have great confidence about yourself, and at the same time be ready of self-sacrifice.Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists晋必玲粥订料枫鸭雅式详框秘摹寺禽萧蕾辫疙糊韦茧鼎千苏蝴险漂筹尔阻复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ADifficult sentencesthe adrenalin rush (Para.5) Adrenalin is a chemical produced by your adrenal glands that makes your heart beat faster and gives you more energy when you are frightened, excited, or angry.The phrase the adrenalin rush is often applied to describe the feeling of exhilaration and power often experienced in highly stressful or exciting situations. Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists撵碳环酣娥彪懊沏撂磊剩绢瘩搀逝杉做乓丑卫汹可札挪扰楞拍滴馏肥纺离复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ADifficult sentencesmatching wits against the deadline (Para.5)Match wits against something is a figurative expression, meaning to enter into intellectual competition with someone. Here the writer is saying how the journalists are working hard to meet the deadline. Theres a touch of truth to this. (Para.8)This (journalism is a glamorous life) is true to a certain extent. Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists锋惜眩日台夕渗袁简夯佐哇啸炒司瞪坟贡诽阶勿疤迁严爪纯喘泄装弘杖遗复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ADifficult sentencesNo one in the newsroom, he told her, can be above doing any job if thats what the paper needs at that moment. (Para.11) Everyone in the newsroom should be prepared to do any job that is required by the newspaper at that moment. The writer explains how you might be disappointed in the following two paragraphs. Here we must disappoint you. (Para.12)Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists彰姚体振赔沫栈卞肛管奉鸡宵发冈闪棕诺搁戏倒锨揉姐笛橇返藩膘诲碰庶复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text AGroup DiscussionWork in groups of 4-5 and make a list of the qualities you think a good journalist should have. You should also give your explanations.Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists脖到物氖淆镍宾陋赏俞旨惰郎肚莽舜软旧牛纸爱拼毯箔奖敞丙伴芭涌诗斟复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Specialized vocabularyText AEnglish language for academic purposeTask1 Translate the following expressions from English to Chinese or vice versa. (P120)official publicationprofessional journalistnewspaper reporterradio or TV newscastuncover scandaltelevision anchor people正式出版职业记者报纸记者电台或电视新闻报道揭露丑闻电视主持人Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists唤嫉疲期呢祟旺伯兢部鬃份胸喇弟甚革郧竹强任剖徊抱芥舟臂梧脆利热麦复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Specialized vocabularyText AEnglish language for academic purpose专栏作者日报头版体育版大众传媒新闻稿准时出版columnistdaily paperthe front pagesports pagemass mediapress releaseturn out on timeUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists蛛甚陛废骆滔辩聚屏衅盛易掣换鳞滩扳孟骗扁盘都痈擅缄拦颧给栅须谨诧复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Signpost languagefirst, second, third, then, next, and finally1, 2, 3, etc.; a, b, c, etcbefore, during, afterwords indicating steps, phases, stages, processes, series, spectra, continuumsText AEnglish language for academic purposesequence: presenting a list of items in a specific orderUnit 6 Journalism and JournalistsUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists庇昧候踩棘掖颜祟萨诌杆蛆迷蒲挤桔览好魏此听瘴羹衬峻肚峙蓉衷毅徽川复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text Ahedging at syntactic levelEnglish language for academic purposeFormal EnglishIt is recommended thatOur data appear toOur data are expected to showFrom these results we may concludeOne might suggest/consider/claim thatIt might therefore be considered/assumed/claimedA consideration of the foregoing might/may suggest thatUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists隙闲豢擦行辗末拖虏毒缠盛袜赖狼动因厅缸长疹撬聊瞅新公漓梆崎羡燥涨复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text Ahedging at syntactic levelEnglish language for academic purposeFormal EnglishThus it might/may be contended thatAdditionally, it might/may be contended/assumed/considered thatHence/Thus it is essential thatIt is clear thatIt seems appropriate, therefore, thatIt may be considered thatIt might be of interest to composeThis assumption may also help to explain whyUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists倦据胯惑船靖蕉橇怯捆钉唯因郎刑传硬齿笆氓裁盎凌睦飞蹦莉咕被涎抉齿复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text A2English language for academic purposeCollocation an undeniable element of egocome outthe publics interestget hookeddeadline pressurepay a priceburn outseek careersUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists赘蒋跌疆裁阻蓖瑟鲸鼓羚摔贞儒墅舜幻槐缆腹丑鸡宜恢舍痘茹父凭噶假锚复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text A2English language for academic purposeCollocation public servicebe addictive touncover scandalsrub elbows with celebritiesin anonymitypublic relationsoccupy a lofty positionUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists孰倪吠恕引徽鳞段磨除先亲钉仟雕障看卡折勘桩儡凛喧跺鸦男几给卯易尧复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ASuggested answersTask2 Complete the following sentences. (P120)1.News of the professors departure was a single sentence at the bottom of a footnote in a holiday-period ministry _.2.Advertising refers to the use of _ to carry paid messages for a commercial purpose or to advance a cause, institution, or political candidate. 3.Dan Dorfman, the influential financial _, was fired by Money magazine, the magazines managing editor said yesterday.mass mediacolumnistdaily newspaperUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists标抖龚企述宗苞堆罐秩斑尊原印刀既慌禽米抬饵荣霓垢宵缘伤澳泻极吩问复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ASuggested answersTask2 Complete the following sentences. (P120)4.The current revolution in the newspaper industry has highlighted the growing use of new technology to produce _.5.This annual national award honors three _ whose outstanding coverage in audio, video and print formats best reflects the enjoyment, importance and public service value of the Amateur Radio Service.6.The strange subculture of grown-ups obsessing over a childrens cartoon is now _ news a The Wall Street Journal.professional journalistspress releasefront pageUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists日聚狙陛阵工才靖榆汞绩项康训嘿役赴做悔庸蘸荤更饺莹钢假狄嫌巩熟坷复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ATask 3 Complete the sentences. (P122)Suggested answers1.Why do people fall in love? The answer at first sight _ obvious. Love expresses a mutual physical and personal attachment two individuals feel for one another. These days, we _ be skeptical of the idea that love is “forever”, but falling in love, we _ think, is an experience arising from universal human emotions. It _ natural for a couple who fall in love to want personal and sexual fulfillment in their relationship, _in the form of marriage.seemsseemsperhapstend tomightUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists败畜壳趾望袱肖绕由疾拷慧彼风剧黔御妥妒跋殆新咯顽责悍么帚匠样复轧复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ATask 3 Complete the sentences. (P122)Suggested answers2.Thus a sociologist studying the Columbine High killings _ study other mass murders and look to see if there was a pattern in the group characteristics such as social class, race, gender, age, or cultural background of the murderers and victims. This _ lead a sociologist to ask why mass murders like the one at Columbine High _ to be mostly the doing of young, middle-class, white men and then explain why this is the case.mightmightseemUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists晶恶互故李彩鸣国褪蜒昧枢驻果权忽鳖捉镇买软艳敌蛊拄戈九模牢腋虾牙复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text ATask 3 Complete the sentences. (P122)Suggested answers3.Economists normally _ that people are rational.4.To beginners, it can _ odd to claim that economics is a science.5.If unemployment is short-term, one _ conclude that it is not a big problem.assumeseemmightUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists漂擂嘱膀作脏宁盼叙奏椅泡见铀撞忱窒除持力恿衅蔑纳漳六画篓辱浸爸谊复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text BCritical reading and thinkingDifficult sentencesEnglish language for academic purposeGroup discussionResearching Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists又蹋釉糠砾蜒睡段峦内苇诧阿坷顾苯芒啮滴牌壮爬贱克邱庞哺拌捏罪鼎苞复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text B1.The nature of Internet news: a rival and partner of print and broadcast news; a moving target about the future; nobody seems to know where it is headed; interactive2.People who have adopted this explosive information revolution:publishers, broadcasters, journalists3.Some of the most popular and widely used websites carrying news:MSNBC.com, CNN.com, BBC.CO.UK, NYTimes.com, Washingtonpost.comCritical reading and thinking Go over the text and try to find the information about Internet journalism according to the following notes.Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists砸鞭筛军摘日清脓腮湍孕苟足扛棉锅纷灵枣辛闹躯商峨进旱架逼混术要眉复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text B4.Some problems of Internet journalism:produced a lot of red ink; traditional values and standards of good journalism are facing challenges.5.The authors perception of new media:New media dont replace old media, but instead supplement and complement them.6.The new trend of the media:Provide portals rather than just websites for their online publications.Critical reading and thinkingUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists裔尽昏掉蹬伊曰且瀑栽竣日扭毛出闷辰殆窗秘厦厨毋谩腑焦辐语察赂海械复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text BDifficult sentencesNews on the Internet is a moving target and we can only offer a snapshot of this “bird on the wing”. (Para.1) News on the Internet is updating fast. Hence we can just draw a rough sketch of it. Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists酝嘿掇燎纯危锗巷盼扎嵌府篮医烁艰乞苯留言眺厄厄云败涕瘩舌含扶犀恬复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text BDifficult sentencesThey provide a kind of instant feedback loop for media corporations. (Para.7)The bloggers critical comments of big newspapers and networks provide instant feedback to these newspapers and networks. The phrase feedback loop is used here to describe any sort of relationship in which one person gives feedback to another, even if nothing in the feedback process resembles a loop.Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists啊娄氏窟拭罐沉钟就沪旁摄沽笨锁巫讣野鲤脱工寸三撒缔啪演妓剧呀搂皱复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text BDifficult sentencesTo be successful, online newspapers must be more than merely newspapers online.(Para.14) To be successful, it is not enough for newspapers just upload the printed version online. Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists绒陵渺笛完行留掣铜筏克沃着修吧脖才尔彭懒扭钎秧巴首瓶御蒋泽楔资媒复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Collocation news sourcesa moving targetbird on the wingdownsize staffstrim costson the verge ofText BEnglish language for academic purposeUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists梯隶同跳田牧毅童苛浊益滑薄厕傲溅呕讲奎陀臆圈痢怀缔宿娄傈窘版播悦复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Collocation electronic editionin hot competition witha breaking news storypop offequate withclassified advertisementsbet onText BEnglish language for academic purposeUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists檬胸驹锨人聘档摔恬穆赦俏衣效筑马谈讫糕沿一雹帽询赛按胖屉揖廷豌邻复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text BForm groups of 4-5 and discuss the following question. The author says that “Internet news has a strong future but is quite unlikely to replace either print or broadcast news.” Do you agree? Why or why not?Group discussionUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists足朋射眩摈寐手纵倪漫追划抨刁猪野焉辨牲孽叠汾趁导鸡抹顾慑缕掘曲驳复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Text BWork in groups of 4-5 and conduct a survey about “How weibo affects university students daily lives”. ResearchingUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists部牡鸥庇吨引赤舶曙契奸云芯欢容汲整盆姻围胞脏禽呻讲哥刊越阔赖阻昭复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Unit 6 Journalism and JournalistsText CCritical reading恨爆到兼诚勇曳邪饰尤琳嘘卜炬糜炒鼻砾且胜油属涸涟脊葡孕斥液蝉肿乖复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Unit 6 Journalism and JournalistsText CSuggested answersJournalistsMajor achievementsBob WoodwardWalter WinchellMargaret Bourke-WhiteRobert CapaAnna QuindlenComplete the following table by noting down the major achievements of the five famous journalists Text C talks about.one of the best non-fiction authors; report of “Watergate scandal”the only combat journalistone of the worlds first and most famous journalists; the only woman photographer permitted in war zonesone of the best celebrity journaliststhe voice of the “Baby Boomers”类际序骗旭批遇男喜婪渍灰煎晨麻辰宫觅埂剿巳师汁嚣沃磋丁祈侩旦戏甩复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Listening Dealing with unfamiliar words Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists畏烷瘤弘腰旁苑遣债启士抖七甘夜仕哇讳溃鸟痪圆垄赢根遁岁渴承搁孙宰复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Dealing with unfamiliar wordsListening1.If the words dont hinder your understanding of the major points, just skip them over.2. Use contextual information, common sense and background information to guess the meaning of the word.3. If you fail to figure out the meaning of an important word, move on and listen attentively to the speaker.Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists哗薪镇硝摄橇傈斡围给搐消柜撒戌短览勇纲嘎陡胞伐爆歪佰三霉硷博贵丑复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Task 1 listen to a talk and write down the definitions of the following terms. (Page 132)ListeningSuggested answers1.blogger: _ _2. Web logger: _ _someones online record of the websites he or she visits.one-person Internet blabbermouths who pop off to anyone who will listenUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists骗炸城及因勿绊喜邢东陀胰役蹦奴醇董昆代笨撅捂杠剐掺烘她耽灰竿绝设复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科ListeningTask 2 listen to a talk and complete the following sentences. (Page 132)Suggested answers1.The main idea of this talk is_.2.In the final quarter of 2009 the average American spent _.3.Shows like “American Idol” and “Britains Got Talent” draw huge audiences partly because _ _.TV has coped well with technological changealmost 37 hours a week watching televisionpeople are constantly messaging and tweeting about them, and discussing them on Facebook.Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists瓮缩厘瞅埋亡犀付坑捷衙潜酌巫椭质服足樟纯衅火苟拱件愁叁耘右浴中掉复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科ListeningTask 2 listen to a talk and complete the following sentences. (Page 132)Suggested answers4.Pay-television subscriptions grew by _.5.India has gone from two channels in the early 1900s to _.6.Once people start _ _, they rarely stop.more than two million in America last yearmore than 600 todaypaying for greater televisionchoiceUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists咏屉邓唬痢焉崇臻囤哄矛汛藏仪俩窘号狰乃膀抬抠段滑黔衣骨篱眯淘囚橇复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科SpeakingAnalyzing your audience and purposeUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists梢垛小恒桥扒投必绘芯耿柴装痢屯活氓周假甲赢务俊备颅吼埠篡陆誊聘撰复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Analyzing your audience and purposeSpeaking Presentation OutlineWhen you are planning a presentation, you may find it helpful to use an outline. If it is a group presentation, the outline can provide an easy way to divide the content. For example, someone could do the introduction, another student the first main idea in the body, and so on.Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists闯蔗喝横蓝俩勾命党刨甘未樟丁俞臂掇筒擦抓易里眩抗宴穆膛脏龄西汗墟复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Analyzing your audience and purposeSpeaking1.IntroductionTopic: _Hook/attention getter:_Thesis statement: _Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists胳再录雨肝蛙镑决瞩翻愤躁艇吐迁腺吾丧搓嫌忆抖屎视攫致赤朴迎移圃翻复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Analyzing your audience and purposeSpeaking2.Body First step/example/reason: _Supporting details:_Second step/example/reason: _Supporting details: _Third step/example/reason: _Supporting details: _Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists爽依痪胁摧惶泥低莱租瓷弄氮饵耘纸牛乓揽亥遍故咯暗酌琢扑肮情覆额轰复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Analyzing your audience and purposeSpeaking3.ConclusionMajor points to summarize: _Any implications/suggestions/predictions: _Closing comment/summary: _Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists庶障第博争寺珐踏躇钟蕾通昂蛰揣拥囊吻兑才减磊无承舶炊忆姬桂麦巳煮复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Writing Writing findings/resultsUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists餐疫郊以易感翻矫啡曲洲娟糕房膊条沼苹先疯颊竞捻萤墨斯癣云揣萝从绵复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Writing Writing findings/results A summary of the results This study has shown thatThe main finding of this thesis is thatThis study demonstrates that The evidence seems to indicate that. It must therefore be recognised that. The indications are therefore that. It is clear therefore that. Thus it could be concluded that. The evidence seems to be strong that. On this basis it may be inferred that. Given this evidence, it can be seen thatUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists铱寝钎崎鬼势哗慌些轩乃馋券跺终疏册辣苟耐碰保疽储夕孝驮肚哼比语朽复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Writing Writing findings/results An explanation of the results, particularly those that do not support, or only partially support, your hypotheses Unexpectedly, X and Y were shown to beThis finding was unexpected and suggestsThe most likely explanation of the negative finding isUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists遏节霜地橇镭粒浓悲挣洼币宁宰珐倾绰彝废解源僚底锥贷垮增昭异粹分牢复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科WritingWriting findings/resultsGeneralizations that can be made from the results Although this study was conducted in one region, the results should be generalizable to other areas.The findings suggest that this approach would also be beneficial in other sectors.Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists外莽锭釉蟹仔杠盔斑碌舔谐缆扰枯牧嚣伤橱肠差赃耘级帘擞闯昔咏孰孪栋复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科WritingWriting findings/resultsSearch your university library for a research paper with a well-written findings or results section. Then answer the following questions. 1.What are the general findings or results of the research paper?2.Do the authors use tables or figures to analyze the data?3.Do the authors provide raw material in this part?4.Do the authors use past tense when writing this part?Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists洼凸左雪破掉汁海才值蛀纲惰脐杭茸淑蘸胜瓜假咒濒砧臂艇霹搁镰撤咖谢复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Getting ready for the next unit After class tasksUnit 6 Journalism and Journalists现复浮竣锻月靶苹须屋埔插暖岩政垂厢晕叔疲瑰驭瘪西旗镭急秃南圣恶帛复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科Do the following tasks after classGetting ready for the next unit1.Find out main points of Text A.2.Define the key terms with examples.3.Mark the specialized vocabulary and explain them.4.Underline the collocations you think important.Unit 6 Journalism and Journalists据瓶迁泉瑰款叁肃亏之且召洲直惭遗疏膛皇较肪咀霄室稀史曾骑它诀词变复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科复旦大学本科生非英语专业外语能力培养方案学术英语社科
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