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教育资源教育资源教师授课时间月日 星期课时第 1 课时课题Unit 1 A family outing 课型新授教学目的( 一) 语言目标1. 词汇:(1) 能听懂、会说、认读新单词together, ride, grandparent。(2) 能用词组 family outing, do things together, watch a movie, go shopping, take/ have a walk, look at the flowers等造句。2. 句型:(1) 能用“What are we going to do?”询问他人活动计划。(2) 能用“We ll. I will.”对该询问进行回答。( 二) 应用目标1. 能谈论将要进行的活动。2. 能听懂、会说 Part A 部分的对话。3. 能听懂、会说、会读Part B 部分的词组。重点(1) 能听懂、会说、认读新单词together, ride, grandparent。(2) 能用词组 family outing, do things together, watch a movie, go shopping, take/have a walk, look at the flowers等造句。(3) 能用“What are we going to do?”询问他人活动计划。(4) 能用“We ll. I will.”对该询问进行回答。难点(1) 运用 B部分的词组造句。(2) movie的发音。 o 发/u:/ 音; /v/的发音,要引导学生观察嘴形,仔细模仿。教学准备用于复习的单词卡片,教学音频,半开卡纸若干Step 1 热身 / 复习(Warm-up/Revision )1. Warming up T: Show me your hands,clap your hands, stamp your feet, say, “ Hooray! , clap your hands, sit down. Look! 教育资源教育资源教学过程2. Brain Storm: Read and do 教师利用多媒体课件快速出示一组动作类单词或词组,让学生以最快的速度读出,并做出相应的动作。其中穿插几次老虎图案,学生看到老虎图案时只需要读出“Wow! ”,以此增强活动的趣味性。例如:go to the zoo go to the park play chess play the violin take photos play basketball go swimming read books dance go shopping walk watch TV visit grandpa and grandma sing . 3. Free talk How many people are there in your family? What do you usually do at weekends with your family? Step 2 新课呈现 (presentation) 1. Pre-reading (1) Talk about the picture and predict the text. T: Look at the picture, where are they? S1: They are at home. T: What are they talking about? Can you guess?(2) Listen and answer. T: What are they talking about? Let s listen carefully, and find the answer. A family outing. (板书课题 A family outing)2. While-reading 教育资源教育资源(1) Who (grandparents) 呈现课题后,教师问: How many people are there in the family? Who are they? 引出 grandpa + grandma = grandparents father + mother = parents。(2) When and where T: When is it? It s Sunday. So they will have a family outing.Where are they going? They will go to the park and grandparent s home.(板书 in the park, at grandparents home,为进一步的阅读做好铺垫。 )(3) What T: What are they going to do in the park? What are they going to do at grandparents home?阅读课文,梳理信息,完成表格。Theyll in the park visit grandparents at grandparents home (在完成表格时,随机教授ride bicycles,可以采用 TPR教学法,注意告诉学生还可以用ride a bike来表达。 )(4) listen and repeat, imitate the pronunciation 3. Post-reading (1) Retell the dialogue复述课文可以引导学生根据表格、 板书的提示进行复述, 形式可以不做限制,可以是和同桌谈论式的对话,也可以叙述课文主要信息。(2) Act the dialogue表演对话教师拿出一家四口的头饰,模拟书上的情境,让学生将对话内容表1. 这篇课文是以对话的形式呈现的,信息量较大,需要教师课前认真解读文本,循序渐进地帮助学教育资源教育资源演出来,通过表演进一步理解对话内容,体验对话中的乐趣。Step 3 趣味练习( Practice )活动:周末总动员A school outing 情境:本周末,将以小组为单位开展课外实践活动,请同学们运用所学英语知识,和组内的同学一起制订出游计划,制作宣传海报,并用口语进行展示。We are Group _. We will go to _. We ll _. We ll have a good time! 生梳理出对话中的关键信息。2. 在 教 学过程中,科学地使用问题导学,让学生对文本有一个整体的 认 识 过程。注意问题设计应有层次,引导学生由浅入深 进 行 阅读。开展拓展活动前应给学生做示范,可以是师生互 动 做 示范,也可以用事先拍摄教育资源教育资源好的录像,给学生一个明确的任务指令,提高活动的指向性和效率。作业1. 听录音,跟读课文。2. Our family outing 和父母一起策划一次家庭出游,制订计划,并记录下来。A family outing plan When? (pictures or photos) Who? Where? What? 3. 你和家人一起外出活动、游玩一定很开心吧,选出几张你最喜欢的照片,下节课带到学校来。板书设计Unit 1 A family outing in the park at grandparents home 教学后记从课文插图很难猜出人物谈论的内容,因此学生的回答可能会很宽泛,这是允许存在的,教师应给学生充分的机会参与猜测和表达。
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