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Unit 2 This is my sister. Section A 1a 1c1.确认家庭成员,能用英语表达家庭成员:确认家庭成员,能用英语表达家庭成员:妈妈、爸爸、兄弟、姐妹、祖父、祖母、妈妈、爸爸、兄弟、姐妹、祖父、祖母、父母双亲、朋友、父母双亲、朋友、 这个、那个、这些、那这个、那个、这些、那些些2.运用句型运用句型:This is, That is, These are,Those areFather and motherI loveyou.Whoshe?HesXiaYu.This is his mother. These are his parents . This is his father.That is his grandmother.That is his grandfather.Those are his grandparents . This is his friend.(朋友)(朋友)These are his friends.(朋友们)朋友们)Whos she?Shes his sister.Whos he?Hes his brother.She is Mary. This is her family.This is her _.This is her _.This is her _.This is her _.They are her _.That is her _.Thats her _. They are her _.grandfathergrandmothergrandparentsfathermotherparentsbrothersisterThis is Marys family tree.Can you introduce her family members to us in English? (这是Mary的家谱,你能把她的家庭成员用英语介绍出来吗?)MaryfriendmotherfathergrandfathergrandmotherbrotherbrotherbrotherssisterparentsgrandparentsMemory challenge 1aMatch the words with the people in the picture.1. mother _2. father _3. parents _4. brothers _5. grandmother _6. grandfather _7. friend _ 8. grandparents _9. sister _cbhfeidga11. mother _2. father _3. parents _4. brothers _5. grandmother _6. grandfather _7. friend _ 8. grandparents _9. sister _1bListen and circle the words you hear in 1a.1c Role play the conversations in 1a. A: Thats my family. Those are my parents.B: Whos she?A: Shes my sister. Oh, and these are my brothers. 1c Role play the conversations in 1a. Talk about the other people in the picture.You can use the sentence patterns below.PairworkA: Thats my Those are my B: Whos he/she? ?/Who are they?A: He/She is my ./Theyre my parents mother father sister brother grandmother grandfather friend grandparents2a Listen and circle the words you hear. 1. Jenny _ 2. Jack _ 3. Tom _ 4. Bob _ 5. Linda _ 6. Mary _2b. Listen again and match the names with the people in the picture.dcabef2c. Ask and answer questions about the photo in 2b.A: Whos she?B: Shes Cindy.A: Whos he/she?B: Hes/Shes herCindyExplanationExplanation David, this is my mother.大卫大卫, 这是我妈妈。这是我妈妈。1. 当第三者给双方做介绍时,通常用当第三者给双方做介绍时,通常用“this is +姓名姓名”这个句型,在这种这个句型,在这种场合不说场合不说she is /he is 2. 向别人介绍第三者,并指远处的人时,向别人介绍第三者,并指远处的人时,应用应用thats., 意思为意思为“那位是那位是.”。如:如: - Thats her brother. - 那是她哥哥。那是她哥哥。3. 当你向别人介绍两个或两个以上当你向别人介绍两个或两个以上的人时,常说的人时,常说: These (Those) are. These (Those) are my sisters and brothers.This is Liu Xiang.Introduce the people in the pictures.介绍图中人物。介绍图中人物。That is Yao Ming.These are SHE.Introduce the people in the pictures.介绍图中人物。介绍图中人物。Those are twins. 指示代词指示代词 上一单元我们讲过,表示上一单元我们讲过,表示“这个这个”“那个那个” 等指示概念的词,叫指示代词。如等指示概念的词,叫指示代词。如this,that等。同样表示等。同样表示“这些这些”“那些那些”等指示等指示概念的词也叫指示代词。英语中指示代词的概念的词也叫指示代词。英语中指示代词的用法同汉语中的情况相似用法同汉语中的情况相似, this(这个这个)和和these(这些这些)一般用来指较近的人或事物一般用来指较近的人或事物, that(那个那个)和和those(那些那些)则指较远的人或事则指较远的人或事物。物。ExplanationPractice This_ my sister. That_ his brother. She_ his mother. He_ my father. These_ her parents. Those_ her friends.isareisisisareisareVS.Homework1.Practise the dialogue in 1a with your diskmate.(和同桌练习和同桌练习1a中的对话。中的对话。)2.Take a photo or draw a picture of your family and make a new dialogue with your deskmate according to the one learned in this lesson.(带一张或画一张你带一张或画一张你们的全家福,根据本节课学习的对话和同们的全家福,根据本节课学习的对话和同桌一起编一段新对话。桌一起编一段新对话。)
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