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Section Writing描述性写作:游记报道游记报道就是描述旅游时的所见所闻及所感的文章。一、写作策略1明确游记主题:游记常介绍旅游地的风景名胜,历史、地理及人文知识等。2把握文章类型:游记写作通常为记叙文,时态常用一般现在时和一般过去时。3掌握游记要素:包括交通工具、景点的地理位置、景点特色、具体活动和自己的感受等。4理清文章结构:可按时间或地点的顺序,将文章的要素有机结合起来,将所报道的内容清晰、条理地呈现给读者。介绍要点建议运用句型1.地理位置(过去分词结构做状语)Located in. is one of.2.面积人口/历史(with 结构做定语)It covers a total area of.with a populationof./with a history of.3.气候特征(注意表示天气变化的形容词)Its warm and wet through the year./It hasdistinctive seasons./It has a short and coolsummer and a long, cold winter.4.著名、特殊之处(注意词组的润色).is famous for./The special character of.is.二、常用句型请根据以下的内容提示,写一篇对广州的介绍。写作内容1广州市地处广东省中部,面积为 7434.4 平方千米,人口为994.30 万,是广东省的省会;广州又是一座古城,有 2200 多年的文明史。21982 年,国家选定广州为全国首批历史文化名城之一。3广州一年四季如春、繁花似锦,故又有“花城”的美誉;同时,“五羊”是广州的象征。4今日广州,正以迷人的风采迎接来自四面八方的海内外游客。写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。参考范文GuangzhouLocated in the middle of Guangdong province, Guangzhou,the capital of Guangdong, is an ancient city with a cultural historyof 2,200 years. It covers a total area of 7,434.4 square kilometerswith a population of 9.943 million.Because its weather is warm andsuitable for flowers all the seasons, it is also called “Flower City”and “Five Goats” is the symbol of it.Since 1982, Guangzhou wasnamed as one of the first historical and cultural cities.The specialcharacter of Guangzhou is attracting more and more tourists fromhome and abroad.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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