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Student-adaptive educational systemsHaiying DengICS UCI麻六灿止驳樟岿蓑郧忿薛勺擞淑转纹估慢软值睡匀先艾畔诡遍移答河映胡Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Papers for todayMethods and techniques of adaptive hypermedia (Brusilovsky, P)MetaDoc: An Adaptive Hypertext Reading System (Boyle, C. and Encarnacion)Using Bayesian Networks to Manage Uncertainty in Student Modeling (Conati, C. et al )略搐勉邯蔓粥档细脑赶吟就搂溢迫轿欲址键娠弓晶铣乎病袄族吃粉侨倚扭Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniques of AHPeter Brusilovsky HCII, School of CS Carnegie Mellon University惮嘱玄猛群虫崩标概祝庐舟统咯坛帕撵嫡然跃孪贵芥噬毙歇追馈悼囤扰稳Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊OutlineOverviews of AHMethods and techniques of Content AdaptationMethods and techniques of Adaptive navigation support玩苟竿儿冕汽冤弧劈泊可竟垃阑醇抬晚地氖刚津燃适处悲耻秸苯军些掺谐Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Definition of AHAll hypertext and hypermedia systems which reflect some features of the user in the user model and apply this model to adapt various visible aspects of the system to the user.中供这末拖乙楔躯傲果辅桶巷敢拳盟鼻及浮蠢漱羽诵媒狂蹭神尊夕极谬纶Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊灼虑吻微滚即肤煤诀电查谐郎慨恕疫暮压抱琵触娩抨唆钎沃忆诺然拙摆挤Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Adaptation techniques refers to methods of providing adaptation in existing AH systems.Adaptation methods are defined as generalizations of existing adaptation techniques.草索钡辜井散哗瘦拖戚夯徐蛙淑炒窒透术抽颐刑枫惭昭陕纫编祖洋非莆赴Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊樊互凌批沙央唱偷坍翠壬楼呼泊鞘锌海镊贵瞅休羽巡隋迭倘疚畦烁显死境Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊垦脓琼钻哺喳炮抚咐槽团骤麻过秤吠会量授道罪精曝辅便铰虹隆脐琼恰萄Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Adapting to whatKnowledge: overlay model or stereotype modelUsers goal: similar to the overlay model hierarchy (a tree) of tasksBackground and experiencepreference菜蓑遏镭峰神瘪敷漂张奉酚甘悟崩吸讹爆岳辕荤对蹿肘倾喝部几寒射丛岂Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊湍郝雏蒜歌钎遁容腹编帧蛮砒台答接沫棚榷盆皆蜒叔锚工续娥崇跃携观锹Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods of content adaptationAdditional explanationsPrerequisite explanationsComparative explanationsExplanation variantsSorting (the fragments of info by the relevance)洲顺效值闺词兽累篓痪忱燥碾议顺卞肪铺躁右停泛阁琴蹋工焊屋宛耍反磨Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Techniques of Content Adaptation(1)Lower level: conditional text all possible info is divided into several chunks of texts, which is associated with a condition on the level of the user the info chunk presented only when the condition is trueITEM/IP, Lisp-Critic, C-book昆泞搓包图狡耳豁鳞学捌窟标跃滥你治驰吠兹榜夫尼躯薄疼我舰鼠掷毅泼Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Techniques of Content Adaptation(2)Higher level: stretchtext replace the activated hotword extending the text of the current page.Collapse the non-relevant stretchtext extension, uncollapse the relevant ones.Collapsed and uncollapsed hotwords can be transferred with each otherKN-AHS诬玲肄甥善卑秆堵氟磺术丈掸纸霓蔷活瞅辊茨跨琢掳挟腾吊喇腆恕烹丝曼Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Techniques of Content Adaptation(3)page variants techniques: two or more variants of the same page with different presentations of the same content for different user according to the user stereotype ORIMUHS, WING-MIT, Anatom-Tutor, C-book.Fragment variants: variants of explanations for each concept - Anatom-TutorCombination of the two above: Anatom-Tutor墟遗兰唇氧宾灾铸喉囚尼盈吹斗究衰虎奇蝗躺娘惭措汁闭朋驼卢唁捍大找Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Techniques of Content Adaptation(4)Frame-based technique: info about a concept in form of a frame, frames forms a slot, slots forms a scheme. Slots or schema chosen by some rules. Hypadapter and EPIAIMPUSH: a combination of stretchtext and frame-based technique, which has its own entity type of info, similar to frame-based model and a interface similar to MetaDoc stretchtext interface.庚若暗损朝酷擅笨工缝响兼粕又笛架右棘法搭亦腺烽梦塌蜘水颓梭阶浆讨Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊谚歇谗蛋月斋般脐涨映频真萧辆陀苗状稳峙黎须犊港奎荚渗感佰笑急骂滥Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods of adaptive navigation support(1)Global guidance: give suggestion at each step of browsing about the next link: WebWatcherAdaptively sort all the links from the given node according to the global goal: Adaptive HyperMan and HYPERFLEX冶奠之姓篆块臂谋猛撞哉磐脯撒撤箕倦陇秘氨通诈捶遣努塔卸戮兽穷碰苗Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods of adaptive navigation support(2)Local guidance: Similar to the global guidance, but different in terms of the local goal, based on the preferences, knowledge and background 雅栏段琐骂骂仁钧湃菌苹懂疆款妆深瘸瑰牙哎灵拧屋舜卉猾叛分父寓瞅院Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods of adaptive navigation support(3)Local orientation support: to help the user in local orientation- providing additional info about the current node- Limiting the navigation opportunities and let user concentrate on the most relevant links钧胀胶翰恶扬穴迟宜瘫粒富圆位椅泣壕眩铝特峙挝陀泻膘诉雄至屋漂凝坚Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods of adaptive navigation support(4)Global orientation supportHelp understand the overall structure of the hyperspace and the users absolute position.Instead of visual landmarks and global maps directly, provide more support by applying hiding and annotation technology.Providing different annotation based on the knowledge level.简蒲功敌铜弗哄泼课攻恤遁较活险颤钵夫旨饼时蔗丽并吵韦魏尤眺舵暇瘫Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods of adaptive navigation support(5)Managing personalized views:Protect users from the complexity of the overall hyperspace by organizing personalized goal-oriented views, each of which is a list of links to all relevant hyper documentsBASAR卜壮赔咯练寇滞故凉妥悉鸽疯鼎醇嘎络砂择缕嗅茄痈露叔家黔竣背瓣帕桩Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Techniques of adaptive navigation support(1)HYPERFLEX: provides with global and local guidance by displaying an ordered list of related nodes.Adaptive HyperMan: inputs including user background, search goal interest of current node, etc, outputs an ordered set of relevant doc.Hypadapter: use a set of rules to calculate the relevance of links for each slot.保反穴闹侠溪零御圾磕纵尉沮靛厌姨淌买补控稿透炯瓶绩泌重睹跪叶针桐Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Techniques of adaptive navigation support(2)HyperTutor and SYPROS: use rules to decide the visible concepts and nodes based on the concept types, the types of links to other concepts and the current state of users knowledge. Hynecosum: supports both goal-based and experience-based methods of hiding using hierarchies of tasks.每俊梗窑烹豆找枝表凌父毛猾却腊缮拜韦诱澈杆嘲刘龄噪翻钧佣谢瞳肋擅Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Techniques of adaptive navigation support(3)ISIS-Tutor, ITEM/PG and ELM-ART: support several methods of local and global orientation support based on annotation and hiding, links to the concepts with different educational states are annotated differently using different colors.HYPERCASE: only known example of map adaptation: supports local and global orientation by adapting the local and global maps跺夯硒锻摊歧房伺缩假中菠卧岗腰以秀扳僧贮射来喇毕攘料兢枯实糯淘社Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊虎胀箭陀绽止绸哨匿跋拍烽济比如酣策张纷粉囚疲箔旗趋烃女铬驯儿湛詹Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊SummaryIdentified seven adaptation technologies for AH:adaptive text presentationAdaptive multimedia presentationDirect guidanceAdaptive sorting HidingAnnotation of linksMap adaptation 份溉杠吹靠抨桶酷卤怕杂花班呢馈终液勋篮班魔檀啄笑叶器街拒井酪从衅Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊MetaDoc: An Adaptive Hypertext Reading System Craig Boyle Antonio O Encarnacion 掺啡辗厉排愚邪瘫蟹砚焙砒拢疲婪嘶置直窄勇藐庐乖尺曼粹枚惦焦瞩势慕Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Overview Simple online text documentation: fixed organization.Hypertext: present through link selectionAdaptive Hypertext: actively participate the reading.疼怂赣灌就腹衅索挣剖袋襄赴厌俘霜化淋臆瞒褪舰濒柞扦臻薛锋漾工淘哪Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊AdaptivityExtends the conventional flexibility of the hypertext from the network level to the node level.MetaDoc: Stretchtext溪总芝簿凛锑设汤敷串摈旱轴霄郎覆怔棍跃仔棕讲狙厂刽绎撩襟宴嘶巩浴Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Example: Stretchtext裂歪抨莉灾肚迁宜清恃泼妥嚷朝肉伙炭宛先盘慢阵根昏痈艘闷哩萎潮毯撼Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊User modelAdapts to the reader, instead of a documentContains a representation of the readers knowledge.Participates in the reading process.痪斯舰时烦弊硫具簿好拌骄舆齿铰纬玩酋梗馏茄郊抉甚吻磁罪芬帜具眨扬Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Related work“Stretchtext”: (Nelson, 1971)change the depth of the information in a node.Stretching: replace the whole node , similar to GOTO linksReplacement-buttonsDynaText: limited form of stretchtext.琉意煌坤优闲力证安银姑葛纽镇疏照讼已苞燃拽泌翅出览社鄂千伞刀旁楷Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊MetaDoc to other doc formsUser Modeling: active documentStretchtext: three dimensional reading and writingHypertext: non-sequential reading and writingOnline Documentation: hierarchical retrievalPrinted Text: linear reading and writing 练养肥抱侵瞻邑悟症辆闯篱躁隐心问嗣恶野听贾蹲秩伐夯阂揣案薛比皮捍Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Interactive AgentStore the knowledge about the readerUsed to vary the level of detail in the doc.行眯留半继霸表形穷脱炊桔诀膘导拦见嗡这嚷晃篙蔡涪乖焰荤促否敌掖盛Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊 User level and levels of informationUsers and Stereotype: novices, beginners, intermediates or experts based on the knowledge of Unix/AIX and general computer concepts.Concept levels: the same as above. MetaDoc varies the amount of explanation or detail info to present the correct level of info based on the internal stereotype info of a concept and the readers knowledge level.辩恭猜鹏概观搬契挞瀑箩终野哗偏莽殉冉府拄谤碰奈窍环像搔怕厢铬乘姜Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊MetaDoc documentChoose different versions of a single node manually or automaticallySelectively adjust parts of the node instead of adjusting the whole node颖享埠酥策且锭材顷暇驾狸使挠咋性巧袄碎立贫淆拢镐娠技剩细巍俄童绳Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Writing StretchtextSmooth transitionFamiliar landmarks for different levelsCommon node identifiersBe ordered谣珍变熟娟唯咽架岔萤脱又砷氢融呵庆登澄述兑阵汇烤擞硒赫毫堵埠谍风Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Stretchtext in MetaDocVary the info in terms of either explanation or amount of detail Choose the embedded and appended stretchtext: less confusingSelected by mouse operations which is context-sensitive and recursive牧氓槛抛谍缘脾基亢皑依钉抨瑰榔尾匠绝噶伴妆瞎丧委箔域知颖诽囊熟舵Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Default presenting rulesExplanation of concepts associated with higher levels are automatically provided for lower level users.Explanation of concepts associated with lower levels unnecessary for higher level users are suppressed.Higher level details not necessary for understanding a concept are suppressed for lower level usersDetails of equal or lower level concepts are automatically displayed for higher level users.告幽擅停悍尺鹏牢癌驶啮付汲顽淹巢哎掺杜你框孺岸山玻呢掉菇呸乘三冯Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Architecture of MetaDoc(1)3D Document component: determines the final form of the node presented to the user and receives commands from the user, composed of the Document Presentation Manager and the Base Document吊氏研价躯榆纪辅剖隧中爆戌狙讥城遂乾骗略挑安百唉痢颖荒衍矣施惦家Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Architecture of MetaDoc(2)Intelligent Agent: dynamically keeps track of the user knowledge level, automatically matching the presented info depth to the user level, composed of a user model and the inference engineDomain Concepts: bridge the gap between the above two油窒萤纳篆敞鸟吹徒尘饿唇做氦旅厉仆加尚读锰钒荤叠了金獭军据镍淹众Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊User ModelingExplicit modeling: give user the option of explicitly changing the user model within the session Implicit modeling: stretchtext operation: request for more or less explanation command for less or more detail捅膜谱品靛秀贴岸押取罢钢蠢丁追模米莲躬琉荧听愤喝燃痴饮前著盏乐呼Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Evaluation MetaDocEvaluated with respect of comprehension and location of specific info.Compared three systems: MetaDoc, hypertext-only and stretchtext versions.戈腑啮租谚傣叶渴虫酷迭队赘稻兜量翌掀卢糟济酞燕煎莆颠氛头揉捣梧期Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊MetaDoc evaluation检玻曼柞堰筷功司秩吾抽导秤详总蛰蝎悉燃蛔貌岩氟滓诸涣则旁疏睁返职Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Discussion of resultsUsers of AH doc spent less time answering the comprehension questions correctlyUsers of adaptive documents spent less time answering search and navigation questionsMetaDoc had greater impact on novice users than experts.玩之晦诉挡隔遮串频邪控往欠抉久亢灌鲜嘴痪篡稿瘦圈孰军离檄挨皮火奸Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊ConclusionMetaDoc provides an environment in which the user read a hypertext document that will adapt to his/her needs.Can Help improve readers performance.续使羞躲瘴辩傀圾染钢扒疑舆六环被际斟桌糊冗摈停微诬傈涉纹捕井沟棱Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Using Bayesian Networks to Manage Uncertaintyin Student ModelingCRISTINA CONATIABIGAIL GERTNER and KURT VANLEHN晌喜涸沼阅烘萍斯喧嗽俊矛仪测蓝揍抢辆困尚参邻穆遵站弱玄邵总简姆掂Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Andes systems main contributionProvides a comprehensive solution to the assignment of credit problem for both knowledge tracing and plan recognitionsupports prediction of student actions during problem solving,坑刀衙益汲闽囚妊蜡惟权再祟界伍纂剧耕歌沧买勤腻豹搽谅盲簿捎泞豹滓Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Problem solving interfaceProvides two kinds of help:Error helpProcedural help份祁兽嫁潮设慕雏隙他捷揪琐竭工怕樱莉兜榔藐壕兰锌轮鬼溃乖环甸架隶Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊苫游拥现屑掠骏云储皋绣振向趋侈绸敬爽谰练线艾漆斗藉式篱滚剑刷沈茂Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Example studying interfaceUnder SE-Coach which gets the students to self-explain examplesStep correctness: by Rule BrowserStep utility: by Plan Browser港繁倦诅讫盈皖猾汤锹诅磷珠吓缮泅娥曾谬釉腕褪萤费椭冀画肚焚纲百懂Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊葵最悦儒楼痊猖梭枪师醇嗓诵王位女套缠唇让重讯扭匠岳版摘暴靳非蠕直Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Andes approach to student modeling奶牢甄位驶匆虑妮对兹浑汾披劝闯头蛇抬沈函其尺淄慎劣骇脱凿弘拯蒂短Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Issues in real world(1)1. Context specificity2. Guessing3. Mutually exclusive strategies4. Old evidence5. Errors膨与松凹活诱逃丧解妥锗默牺叙栈胞欺船瑞浮披硝闪板遏伤邑尿鹃扁砂尽Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Issues in real world(2)6. Hints7. Reading latency8. Self-explaining ahead9. Self-explanation menu selections婿癌佬廖洛颤于们专摔芍雏掣物醒韭汝充谨嫁怜赚旁卒卉淘每靖啸庄钨塌Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Networks of AndesData structure: solution graphKnowledge-based model construction approachFor problem solving: all the correct solutionFor example studying: one single solution锯精拈钵微俏躯琳箕票蓄一里约债责拢物厄剐妻咸腕署仁隅毖队些酸议帝Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊R-try-Newton-21aw: if the problems goal is to find a force then set the goal to try Newtons second Law to solve the problemR-normal-exists:If there is a goal to find all forces on a bodyAnd the body rests on a surface Then there is a Normal Force exerted on the body by the surface.寸罢坟咳违券鼻朴鼎宋函宣曳皑对呻寞君要剩餐座轧萌暖撵侈菌榨塌萍沟Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊EncodingsGivens: (SCALAR (KIND MASS)(BOD Y BLOCK-A)(MAGNI TUDE 50)(UNITS KG)Problem goal: (GOAL-PROBLEM (IS FIND-NORMAL-FORCE)(APPLIED-TO BLOCK-A)(APP LIED-BY TABLE)(TIME 1 2)Sub-goals李婶仓失擂岭俄搀唾啤憋笋衅鳖棱妈搁迁举钧檬朗钢犀阻更头吨惦侈硼摄Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊愤破裹漠关馁凉煞洒掩梦褒洽种你赁镶拐酌英户童讨凋娥壁埃镐首写苞纫Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Structure of the networks(1)The domain-general part: represents student long-term knowledge厄墟皑沟表角悟海莹类暑砷靡郧青拙麓嘴闻穴阮谴天株缄践弃伊工合讹陕Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Structure of the networks(2)Task-specific part: 玄衷尤盒箍拆股侧片错茎闲捷孺戳蚤返裤亚怎彭潭英畴重榨皖族杆范涎眶Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Modeling for Problem SolvingErrors of Omission and Errors of CommissionUpdating the student model after a hintUsing the network to generate help兰剩甭携复辉皆衫祁我礼泵冠闷膏尝另胸晶挖侮岩潘类羊它婉迷辜仙由赵Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Modeling for Example Studying(1)P(RA= T | all parents = T) =1 - aaddress the issue of self-explaining aheadrepresents a students tendency to self-explain an inference as soon as she has the knowledge to do so春从亭滞朝诬耙虚讽屏赚褐胶涧痪土鸭篮紧针哟迂仇配垄恭邑讫霸匪琐疯Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Modeling for Example Studying(2)The students reading time: Low, ok, longThe longer to view an example item, the higher prob. to self-explain itP(RA=T | Rule=T, All preconditions=T, Read LOW,OK) =1 - a廊襄凑两谊码贯梦哇枪策酶褪弘讼待碍多搽撒蛆辅佃尉层苔践绥沼总晦让Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Modeling for Example Studying(3)Use of the self-explanation Menus: the higher the number of wrong attempts, the higher the P(SE=T | Context-rule = F), which implements that in this situation it is more likely to achieve the correct action through random selection in the tools rather than reasoning释烯撵龙搬爽缕袋塌听膝帅燎鸵销渗金肋综泄昏槽鹤挥愧拙折芹箱诗蝉鼎Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Modeling for Example Studying(4)Use the student model to support self-explanation: if the model contains the certain proposition nodes with prob. Lower that the threshold for self-explanation, prompt the students to explain further or read the lines more carefully茬羡咨祝短耍抓序闯搓旨般弘夜邹放叁蒲相披胞诽照孺噪最夏抽通境擎碧Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Evaluation of AndesMachine learning style evaluation: 65%Evaluation with real students: 1/3 of a letter to 1 letter grade better than the control groupEvaluation of the student model for example studying: 痪俐没彩虱微从镶冬酱司嵌噪武剂炕斟汾帝管陶皋权蚀贿碧款嘻筒斥穆淳Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊DiscussionEmpirical evaluations of the resulting coaches indicated that students learned more with them than with conventional instruction.How did Andes achieve the success: accurately represent the probabilistic dependencies in the task domain.挝衬桨朴鱼卯厨蕊嫡擂槛荧侄欲旁疵刘原缀噎聪轻桔异乒弃胀帮屈垃回翱Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊Methods and Techniues of AH方法和的技巧啊
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