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中級英語聽力訓練中級英語聽力訓練(一一) 2-year ProgramSummer 2010Required Textbook:Paget & Adams:Longman Access to GETP Intermediate Listening Test Instructor:Hsiao-Chen Rachel HuangWeek 1n nCourse Introduction: a. To establish the basic foundation of listening skill through various occasions / questions presented by the text book. b. Tips to succeed- key words, sequence and specific information. Week 1 Test 1 n nPart 1: Listen and choose the picture that best matches what you hear. The content will include date/clothing/weather, etc. The goal is to identify and recognize the main point of the speaker. n nPart 2: Listen and answer the questions related to Part 2: Listen and answer the questions related to who, what, when, etc.who, what, when, etc.n nPart 3: Listen to short conversations and try to answer questions about status, relationship or locations of speakers. Week 2 Test 2 & 3n nPart 1: Listen and choose the picture that best Part 1: Listen and choose the picture that best matches what you hear. The content will include matches what you hear. The content will include food, locations, etc. The goal is to identify and food, locations, etc. The goal is to identify and recognize the main point of the speaker. recognize the main point of the speaker. n nPart 2: Listen and answer the questions related to Part 2: Listen and answer the questions related to where, how, etc.where, how, etc.n nPart 3: Listen to short conversations and try to Part 3: Listen to short conversations and try to answer questions related to the purpose or main answer questions related to the purpose or main point of speakers. point of speakers. Week 3 Test 4n nPart 1: Listen and choose the picture that best Part 1: Listen and choose the picture that best matches what you hear. The content will include matches what you hear. The content will include transportation, tools, etc. The goal is to identify transportation, tools, etc. The goal is to identify and recognize the main point of the speaker. and recognize the main point of the speaker. n nPart 2: Listen and answer the questions related to Part 2: Listen and answer the questions related to which, how much, etc.which, how much, etc.n nPart 3: Listen to short conversations and try to Part 3: Listen to short conversations and try to answer questions on inferences.answer questions on inferences.Week 3 Test 4nMid-term Examination Week 4 Test 5 & 6n nPart 1: Listen and choose the picture that best Part 1: Listen and choose the picture that best matches what you hear. The content will include matches what you hear. The content will include entertainment, traveling, etc. The goal is to entertainment, traveling, etc. The goal is to identify and recognize the main point of the identify and recognize the main point of the speaker. speaker. n nPart 2: Listen and answer the questions related to Part 2: Listen and answer the questions related to how many, why, etc.how many, why, etc.n nPart 3: Listen to short conversations and try to Part 3: Listen to short conversations and try to understand the speakers tone of voice.understand the speakers tone of voice.Week 5 Test 7 & 8n nPart 1: Listen and choose the picture that best Part 1: Listen and choose the picture that best matches what you hear. The content will include matches what you hear. The content will include art, schools, etc. The goal is to identify and art, schools, etc. The goal is to identify and recognize the main point of the speaker. recognize the main point of the speaker. n nPart 2: Listen and answer the questions related to Part 2: Listen and answer the questions related to cause/effect, reasons/explanation, etc.cause/effect, reasons/explanation, etc.n nPart 3: Listen to short conversations and try to Part 3: Listen to short conversations and try to catch the details of the dialogue.catch the details of the dialogue.Week 6 Test 9n nPart 1: Listen and choose the picture that best Part 1: Listen and choose the picture that best matches what you hear. The content will include matches what you hear. The content will include sports, occupations, etc. The goal is to identify sports, occupations, etc. The goal is to identify and recognize the main point of the speaker. and recognize the main point of the speaker. n nPart 2: Listen and answer the questions related to Part 2: Listen and answer the questions related to professional terminologies.professional terminologies.n nPart 3: Listen to short conversations and try to Part 3: Listen to short conversations and try to point out the specific information of the speakers.point out the specific information of the speakers.Week 6 Test 9 n nFinal Examination
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