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附件 1: 进口饲料和饲料添加剂产品登记证目录201213登记证号通用名称商品名称产品类别使用范围生产厂家有效期限备注(2012)外饲准字 405 号羟基蛋氨酸钙Methionine Hydroxy Calcium 罗迪美 ? 钙盐 A Rhodimet? A-Dry 矿物质饲料添加剂Mineral Feed Additive 养殖动物All species or categories of animals 法国 Innocaps 公司Innocaps Company Limited, France 2012 (2012)外饲准字 406 号屎肠球菌Enterococcus Faecium 普乐康Protexin Concentrate 微生物饲料添加剂Microbial Feed Additive 家禽、猪、牛和羊Poultry, Pig, Cattle and Sheep 英国普碧欧堤丝国际Probiotics International Ltd, UK (2012)外饲准字 407 号多种有机酸Multi Organic Acids 活力酸 -S固体Vitacidex Dry 饲料酸化剂Feed Acidifier 猪Pig 法国科勒蒙萨顿公司CCA Nutrition, France (2012)外饲准字 408 号多种有机酸Multi Organic Acids 活力酸 -L液体Liquid Vitacid 饲料酸化剂Feed Acidifier 猪和鸡Pig and Chicken 法国科勒蒙萨顿公司CCA Nutrition, France (2012)外饲准字 409 号牛肝脏和磷酸Beef Liver and Phosphoric Acid 得望高级狗粮口味增强剂D Tech 8L 饲料添加剂Feed Additive 狗Dog 澳大利亚SPF Diana SPF Diana Australia Pty Ltd 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页(2012)外饲准字 410 号天然类固醇萨洒皂角苷源自丝兰YUCCA Yucca Schidigera Exact 丝兰宝Biopowder 饲料添加剂Feed Additive 家禽、猪、牛和宠物Poultry, Pig, Cattle and Pet 墨西哥 BAJA Agro International BAJA Agro International, S.A. de C.V., Mexico (2012)外饲准字 411 号木质纤维素Lignocelluloses 万利纤Opticell 饲料添加剂Feed Additive 猪、鸡、兔子、小牛和宠物Pig, Chicken , Rabbit, Calf and Pet 奥地利艾吉美公司Agromed Austria GmbH (2012)外饲准字 412 号麦麸和碳酸钙Wheat Flour and Calcium Carbonate 育幼保Baby Guard 饲料添加剂Feed Additive 家禽Poultry 台湾信逢股份New Well Powder Co., Ltd. (2012)外饲准字 413 号水解植物油Hydrolyzed Vegetable Oil 朋洛弥Palomys 能量饲料Energy Feed 家禽和猪Poultry and Pig 美国哈迪动物营养公司Hardy Animal Nutrition, USA (2012)外饲准字 414 号鱼油Fish Oil 鱼油饲料级Fish OilFeed Grade能量饲料Energy Feed 养殖动物All species or categories of animals Maz Industrial S.A. de C.V ., Mexico (2012)外饲准字 415 号发酵豆粕Fermentation of Defatted Soybean meal 速益泰Soytide 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 猪、家禽、水产、反刍动物Swine, Poultry, Aquaculture Ruminant 希杰第一制糖仁川 2 工厂CJ Cheiljedang Corporation, Incheon 2 Plant, Korea 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页(2012)外饲准字 416 号含可溶物干玉米酒糟Dried Corn Distillers Grains With Solubles 玛吉斯 DDGS Marquis DDGS 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 玛吉斯能源Marquis Energy LLC, USA (2012)外饲准字 417 号肉骨粉Meat and Bone Meal 牛羊肉骨粉Bovine Ovine Meat and Bone Meal 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture Yarus S.A., Uruguay (2012)外饲准字 418 号肉骨粉Meat and Bone Meal 鸡肉粉Poultry By-Product Meal 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 美国温泽世家公司G.A.Wintzer & Son Co., USA (2012)外饲准字 419 号肉骨粉Meat and Bone Meal 羽毛粉Wapak Feather Meal 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 美国温泽世家公司G.A.Wintzer & Son Co., USA (2012)外饲准字 420 号鱼骨粉Fish Bone Meal 鱼骨粉Fish Bone Meal 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture Westward Seafoods Inc., USA (2012)外饲准字 421 号红鱼粉Red Fishmeal 红鱼粉三级Red Fishmeal () 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 毛里塔尼亚ALFA Services Limited 公司ALFA Services Limited, Mauritania 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页(2012)外饲准字 422 号红鱼粉Red Fishmeal 智利红鱼粉一级Chilean Red Fishmeal (? ) 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture Orizon S.A., Chile (2012)外饲准字 423 号白鱼粉White Fishmeal 白鱼粉一级White Fishmeal ( ? ) 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 列宁集体渔庄工船加工Seroglazka CH-036 Lenin Kolkhoz Fishing Company (Produced on Board Seroglazka CH-036) (2012)外饲准字 424 号白鱼粉White Fishmeal 白鱼粉一级White Fishmeal ( ? ) 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 列宁集体渔庄工船加工Sergey Novosyolov CH-038Lenin Kolkhoz Fishing Company (Produced on Board Serggey Novosyolov CH-038) (2012)外饲准字 425 号白鱼粉White Fishmeal 白鱼粉一级White Fishmeal ( ? ) 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 列宁集体渔庄工船加工Mikhail Staritsyn CH-037 Lenin Kolkhoz Fishing Company (Produced on Board Mikhail Staritsyn CH-037) (2012)外饲准字 426 号白鱼粉White Fishmeal 白鱼粉一级White Fishmeal ( ? ) 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 列宁集体渔庄工船加工UMS Victor Gavrilov CH-106Lenin Kolkhoz Fishing Company (Produced on Board UMS Victor Gavrilov CH-106) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页(2012)外饲准字 427 号白鱼粉White Fishmeal 白鱼粉三级White Fishmeal ( ) 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 塔里斯集团 PH384渔船Talley s Group Limited, Product on Vessel, (2012)外饲准字 428 号白鱼粉White Fishmeal 白鱼粉三级White Fishmeal ( ) 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 塔里斯集团 PH622渔船Talley s Group Limited, Product on Vessel, (2012)外饲准字 429 号白鱼粉White Fishmeal 白鱼粉三级White Fishmeal ( ) 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 塔里斯集团 PH475渔船Talley s Group Limited, Product on Vessel, (2012)外饲准字 430 号狗干粮Dog Dry Food 优卡小型犬成犬犬粮Eukanuba Adult Small Breed 配合饲料Compound Feed 狗Dog 宝洁阿根廷Procter Gamble Argentina S.R.L., Argentina (2012)外饲准字 431 号狗干粮Dog Dry Food 优卡迷你雪纳瑞犬专用犬粮Eukanuba Miniature Schnauzer 配合饲料Compound Feed 狗Dog 宝洁阿根廷Procter Gamble Argentina S.R.L., Argentina (2012)外饲准字 432 号狗干粮Dog Dry Food 优卡小型犬体重控制犬粮Eukanuba Weight Control Small Breed 配合饲料Compound Feed 狗Dog 宝洁阿根廷Procter Gamble Argentina S.R.L., Argentina 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页(2012)外饲准字 433 号狗干粮Dog Dry Food 优卡中型犬体重控制犬粮Eukanuba Weight Control Medium Breed 配合饲料Compound Feed 狗Dog 宝洁阿根廷Procter Gamble Argentina S.R.L., Argentina (2012)外饲准字 434 号狗干粮Dog Dry Food 幼犬用软性饲料Dr. Soft Food (Puppy) 配合饲料Compound Feed 狗Dog 韩国巴乌哇呜公司BOWWOW, Korea (2012)外饲准字 435 号丙酸、甲酸、乙酸和丙酸铵Propionic Acid, Formic Acid, Acetic Acid and Ammonium Propionate 菲乐斯液体FYLAX?-Liquid 饲料防霉剂Feed Mould Inhibitor 养殖动物All species or categories of animals 荷兰赛尔可公司Selko B.V., the Netherlands 续展(2012)外饲准字 436 号丙酸、甲酸、乙酸和甲酸铵Propionic Acid, Formic Acid, Acetic Acid and Ammonium Formate 肥酸宝Selacid?-Dry 饲料酸化剂Feed Acidifier 养殖动物All species or categories of animals 荷兰赛尔可公司Selko B.V., the Netherlands 续展(2012)外饲准字 437 号维生素 D3VD3罗维素 ?D3 500 Rovimix?D3 500 饲料级维生素Vitamin Feed Grade 养殖动物All species or categories of animals 帝斯曼营养产品法国DSM Nutritional Products France SAS, France 续展精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页(2012)外饲准字 438 号维生素乙酸酯Vitamin A Acetate 露他维A500S Lutavit A500S 饲料级维生素Vitamin Feed Grade 养殖动物All species or categories of animals 巴斯夫欧洲公司BASF SE, Germany 续展(2012)外饲准字 439 号维生素 E 乙酸酯Vitamin A Acetate 露他维E50S Lutavit E50S 饲料级维生素Vitamin Feed Grade 养殖动物All species or categories of animals 巴斯夫欧洲公司BASF SE, Germany 续展(2012)外饲准字 440 号98.5%L- 赖氨酸盐酸盐L-Lysine Monohydrochloride 98.5% 饲料级98.5%L- 赖氨酸盐酸盐L-Lysine Monohydrochloride 98.5% Feed Grade 饲料级氨基酸Amino Acid Feed Grade 养殖动物All species or categories of animals 味之素泰国Ajinomoto Co., (Thailand)Ltd. 续展(2012)外饲准字 441 号维生素 E Vitamin E 维生素 E?混合型 50 Microvit? E Promix 饲料级维生素Vitamin Feed Grade 养殖动物All species or categories of animals 安迪苏法国公司Rue Marcel Lingot, France 续展(2012)外饲准字 442 号蛋氨酸羟基类似物Methionine Hydroxy Analogue 粉状美斯特?蛋氨酸羟基类似物MetaSmart? 饲料级氨基酸Amino Acid Feed Grade 奶牛Cow 安迪苏法国公司Rue Marcel Lingot, France 续展(2012)外饲准字 443 号灭活酿酒酵母Inactivated Saccharomyces cerevisiae莱克素Biolex?MB40 饲料添加剂Feed Additive 养殖动物All species or categories of animals 德国莱博Leiber GmbH , Germany 续展精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页(2012)外饲准字 444 号水合硅铝酸钠钙Hydrated Sodium-Calcium Aluminosilicate 克毒宝Fintox 饲料添加剂Feed Additive 养殖动物All species or categories of animals 西班牙Lipidos Toledo Lipidos Toledo S.A.C., Spain 续展(2012)外饲准字 445 号多种维生素、氨基酸、大豆蛋白Multi Vitamin, Amino Acid, Soybean Protein 爱胺补Arcavit Amino 添加剂预混合饲料Feed Additive Premix 畜禽Livestock and Poultry 意大利阿卡公司Prodotti Arca S.R.L.,Italia 续展(2012)外饲准字 446 号多种维生素、氨基酸、矿物元素Multi Vitamin, Amino Acid, Minerals 爱固壮Arcavit WP 添加剂预混合饲料Feed Additive Premix 家禽和猪Swine and Poultry 意大利阿卡公司Prodotti Arca S.R.L.,Italia 续展(2012)外饲准字 447 号多种维生素、氨基酸、矿物元素Multi Vitamin, Amino Acid, Minerals 爱金维Arcavit Forte 添加剂预混合饲料Feed Additive Premix 家禽和猪Swine and Poultry 意大利阿卡公司Prodotti Arca S.R.L.,Italia 续展(2012)外饲准字 448 号白鱼粉White Fishmeal Ramoen 牌白鱼粉一级Ramoen Brand White Fishmeal? 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 挪威沃达海产品公司 工船加工F/T RamoenVartdal Seafood AS, Produced In Factory Trawler F/T Ramoen Norway 续展(2012)外饲准字 449 号鱼油Fish Oil 鱼油(饲料级 ) Fish Oil Feed Grade能量饲料Energy Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture Data de Posorja 工厂Fortidex S.A., Data de Posorja Plant 续展精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页(2012)外饲准字 450 号白鱼粉White Fishmeal ICICLE?白鱼粉特级ICICLE Brand White Fishmeal 蛋白质饲料Protein Feed 家禽、猪和水产Poultry, Swine and Aquaculture 美国 ICICLE 海鲜公司工船加工:M/V Northern Victor, 工船编号4078续展(2012)外饲准字 451 号乳清粉Whey Permeate Powder 饲料级乳清粉Feed Grade Whey Permeate Powder 能量饲料Energy Feed 家畜、仔猪和犊牛Livestock ,Piglet and Cattle 美国国际生物营养Bio-Nutrirtiong International, Inc., USA (2012)外饲准字 452 号乳清粉Whey Permeate Powder 加士能低蛋白乳清粉Milk Permeate Powder 能量饲料Energy Feed 猪Pig 美国绿草地乳制品公司Grassland Dairy Products Inc., USA (2012)外饲准字 453 号美国栗树叶提取物Chestnut Leaves Extract 福美酚Farmatan LE 饲料香味剂Feed Flavoring Enhancement 养殖动物All species or categories of animals 斯洛文尼亚天菱Tanin Sevnica D.D., Slovenija (2012)外饲准字 454 号蛋白酶源自米曲霉Protease(by Aspergillusniger oryzae ) 六畜安 ? 粉末Toxi-end? (Powder) 饲料酶制剂Feed Enzymes 畜禽Livestock and Poultry 台湾生百兴业Life Rainbow Biotech Co., Ltd 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页
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