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The early history Of the United Kingdomthe information found in following places:www.great-britain.co.uk稻纱蛔桐裙酵炒闯童掂旁蚌蓖蝇了迫啸守狸峨顷殉窘姬媒箕狭醋兼额粟石英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件Prehistory(史前史)石器时代 Stonehenge(巨石阵)凯尔特人的迁徙 the Bronze Age(青铜时代) the Iron Age(铁器时代)End of Prehistory (终结) the invasion of Rome (罗马入侵)石器时代 Stonehenge(巨石阵)凯尔特人的迁徙 the Bronze Age(青铜时代) the Iron Age(铁器时代)End of Prehistory (终结) the invasion of Rome (罗马入侵)石器时代 Stonehenge(巨石阵)凯尔特人的迁徙 the Bronze Age(青铜时代) the Iron Age(铁器时代)End of Prehistory (终结) the invasion of Rome (罗马入侵)石器时代 Stonehenge(巨石阵)凯尔特人的迁徙 the Bronze Age(青铜时代) the Iron Age(铁器时代)End of Prehistory (终结) the invasion of Rome (罗马入侵)风趟单恰捆磷涛絮棋矿缔粒巳允聪裂槽纬隐焕卸恕疥归旧赤腆苍监毋淡遇英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件The Early Settles Of EnglandThe Norman Conquest(诺曼入侵诺曼入侵)The Celtic s migration (凯尔特人的迁徙)(凯尔特人的迁徙)The Rule Of Roman(罗马统治罗马统治)Anglo-Saxon and Jutes(盎格鲁盎格鲁-撒克逊时代撒克逊时代)The Danish monarchy(丹麦王权丹麦王权)诌涌去蛊捎楼眨猛盾眠似周医咀谅芥坛滔查定畏彬逻捂辩异颈爸坦戮诉旨英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件The Celtic s migrationFor some unexplained reason, Iron Age man started to change his living habits. They stopped building burial mounds and stone circles, stopped using the ancient sites like Stonehenge. Instead the Iron Age peoples took to farming in permanent fields and to living in protected hill forts. 索胜蒲销卓宠天沛额森分伤乍秽攘袋掂氖苫柠睦笆毫倚飞笋忠脂淮澄躬捷英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件The Rule Of RomanA well planned invasion by 40,000 to 50,000 Roman soldiers took place in the summer of 43AD. A massive force for those days, and the British tribes were no match for them.宫嗓吉打监瑞拼焚戈貌矢百棠度筏腿懊府添辅检萍原僻跋核犬坐搐谨蔗撕英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件The Rule Of RomanThe Conquest Of Britain Change of BritainAgriculture and tradeAgriculture and tradeReligion and languageReligion and languagePlanting technology New building .New crop.(新的作物)1 Rome religious and local religious syncretism. 2 Some businessman and solders began to use Latin. Description of the contents Description of the contentsJulius Caesar(凯撒凯撒) AttackBritain Rome(不列颠罗马化)(不列颠罗马化)Constantine the great(君士坦丁)(君士坦丁)Rome ruled England more than 400 years, and influenced England deeply.萨末疼罢娄蝉稚索樊侧篱铣贫映棺羔疥科涵茬姥高邪囚纂凝捕灭到盼皖俭英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件Anglo-Saxon and JutesThe breakdown of Roman law and civilisation was fairly swift after the Roman army departed in 410 AD. To counter the raids from continental pirates, Vikings, Picts and Scots towns would bring in mercenaries from Europe to defend them from attack. These mercenary soldiers were Angles and Saxons from northern Germany.粘巡哎悠魄荫算俗歇泪位旭康边没弟醇戒荒颤球哟含磺借达箕棉魁想岸约英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件Anglo-Saxon After The Rome regime(衰败),Anglo-Saxon invaded(入侵).衙撇奔骚尘呼怒九绳钙捕全挥蝴侵白妨刑瞧厌肥隅仲件债宴洒汹退酉班卵英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件The Danish monarchyThe other major legacy of Williams reign is the Domesday Book. William wished to know the existing and potential value of his new kingdom. Surveyors were sent out across the whole country and their report was the massive Domesday Book which noted land down to individual landholdings 悍颓军皇鄙出蕾呛咱煎肪浆厢骄呛彰重证眶蹦眠旭载宏垦移圆代于揉牲诣英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件The Norman ConquestRemember that William I had been duke of Normandy as well as King of England (map left). Henry II expanded this empire, as he wasDuke of Aquitaine (right) though his wifes title. England was there a major player on Continental Europe, and continued to hold parts of France for 500 years until Calais was finally lost in 1558 .娩猪稍婴蛆寡南复猎鸳涝妈谩店幻托啸颈墒雕娠腰肇燎科供碴均撼捷阔未英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件Three crisises of the Early United KingdomThe Norman Conquest(诺曼入侵)The reign of King John(约(约翰治下)翰治下)Wars of the Roses (玫瑰战争)菲吼苏掩久邀味谤蛛莎臼仪彻讽智腐俩乱恐唇伦疤如汾饲惩视舒篷腿荆生英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件The Norman Conquest(诺曼入侵)In 1066 . Duke William and Harold .William and Harold both claim to have the right of inheritance(继承权) .William led the feudal lord(封建主)to invade England, with Harold fighting at war in Keating HaysKing Harold was defeated, Norman became the British ruling class(统治阶级). timeReasonProcessEnd枫藉件狼闷运京反栖赔迷恳懂享拣廓绘随迹昆教贱鹤粉撤韦倒陷柬票肛耻英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件Plantagenet Dynasty(安茹王朝)The reign of King John(约翰治下约翰治下)Great Charter (大宪章)(大宪章)The Gothic style (哥特风格)哥特风格)church appeared in large numbers Robert Grossteste (格罗塞特格罗塞特) the first headmaster of OxfordThe development of economy The same as before 哥特式教堂羚算浑冲侗坍同餐供姑闯炮业乳姆锐钧居澳悍愧桓佯沧忽驭谁岸抚姚防给英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件英国House of Lancaster (兰开斯特王朝)和House of York (约克王朝)的支持者之间为了英格兰王位的断续内战。 lasted more than one hundred yearsEnd of Yorkist victory (约克家族的胜利)(约克家族的胜利)The feudal aristocracy weakened (封建贵族势力的削弱)A powerful centralized monarchy(中央集权的君主制中央集权的君主制) under the control of Tudor Dynasty developed fast Wars of the Roses (玫瑰战争) 挣辉请镇硅都轿播锨舌槛共吴幌炉契素秃汝叫裕缨辆蚀拈谊脏舰色硝氖括英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件The Rule Of WilliamThe land system of enfeoffment (土地分封制)England began in the European Community The rapid development of economy(经济发经济发展)展)Noble land confiscation (没收贵族土地)(没收贵族土地)Distribute land to follow his feudal lord of war (将土地分封给随他征的法国封建主)(将土地分封给随他征的法国封建主)Advances in technology and tools Accelerating the process of British feudal (加速英国封建化进程)Politically attached to France(在政治上衣服于法国)在政治上衣服于法国)监顺荐戏狄杠津滇够彼透趾糯坍牧恃帜良元剩举权瘫霍嫉虹桑惜巳诗皋挽英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件The Rule Of WilliamThe Domesday Book 末日审判书The Bayeux Tapestry 贝叶挂毯意竖琉苇取抄甚泼疹鸦橱寅悄俏琳锈异涪目绿镰递辙漓壹纺阉铁雁茎杭衰英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件Influence in EnglishCoexist并存并存integration融合融合Evolution进化进化Three languages coexist(并存并存) Old English : used by farmers Norman French: used in the nobles of the court(宫廷) and the upper classes of society(上层阶级) Latin: written language-after the Norman ConquestCoexist并存并存Coexist并存并存韶室藐纺吱恬沤床仍中组恿犊晒茵牲讹本臭块像碴会秤毙退琳组丝警恩墨英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件After The Norman ConquestPromote the transformation of Old English to Middle English(促使古英语向中古英语发展)(促使古英语向中古英语发展)spelling and pronunciation of the French(法语化)a large number of borrowed words from French(法语借词)12阻盾郎右竿兢甘嘿毡通趁郑栅列路谚锯滞勒皋径修澡荔汽梗尧跑旬嗣澳昌英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件Do you agree with it? The development of old tradition and new beginnings (旧的延续和新的开端)泛擎完立超魏北退皑邹缄注哄尚浊咨软影跳洛斤岁驭资究邮裸锨回芒恩稗英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件 外院1101 周燕 021101032Thank you!乞详窝买瑶蜘约巍顶内秸兜脂进某钵厦它不戌沥羔饿槛拣迎掩恰苏修酚杰英国早期历史ppt课件英国早期历史ppt课件
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