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Unit 6 I m watching TV. 【重点单词】_ n. 报纸_ v. 使用,运用_ v. 洗_adv. 只是,恰好_n. 房子_v. 喝, n.饮料_n. 茶_ v. 购物, n. 商店_v.&n. 学习,研究_ adj. 年轻的_det. 任何的_ adj. 另外的_ 儿童(复数)_ v. 怀念,思念_ v. 希望【重点短语】看电视_ 打电话_ 刷盘子_ 做晚饭_ 打扫房子_ 去看电影_ 我家的全家福_ 学习备考_ 谈话节目_ 【重点句型】1.“你正在干什么?” “我正在看电视。 ”-_ _ you _? -I m _ _. 2.“他们正在使用电脑吗?”“是的。”-_ they _ the computer? -Yes,_ _. 【重点语法】 :现在进行时现在进行时的用法1.表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作He is reading a book 2.表示当前一段时间内一直进行的动作或现阶段正在进行的动作They are working on the farm these days 3.将要发生的动作They are flying to shanghai tomorrow. 现在进行时时间状语及标志性词now 现在look 看(后面有明显的“ !” )listen 听(后面有明显的“ !” ) 现在分词的构成一般在动词结尾处加ing Eg: gogoing look-looking 以不发音字母e 结尾的动词,去e 加 ing。Eg: write writing close-closing 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加ing. Eg: getgetting runrunning ( swim, run, put,get,sit,begin) 4.以 ie 结尾的动词,变ie 为 y,再加 ing. (lie lying, tie-tying) 现在进行时的构成肯定句 : 主语 + am/is/are+ doing + 其他+时状 . Eg: He is doing his homework now. 否定句:主语 +am/is/are +not+ doing+ 其他 +时状. Eg: He is not doing his homework now. 一般疑问句:Am/Is/Are + 主语 + doing+其他 +时状? Eg: Is he doing his homework now? 肯定回答: Yes,主语+am/is/are Eg Yes, he is. 否定回答: No, 主语 +am not/isn t/aren t Eg: No, he isnt.肯定式I am working He/she/it is working We/you/they are working 否定式I am not working 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - He/she/it is not working We/you/they are not working 疑问式Am I working? Is he/she/it working Are you/we/they working? 简单回答Yes, I am no, I am not Yes, he/she/it is no, he/she/it is not Yes, we/you/they are no, we/you/they are not 【课文重难点】1.clean 作动词,意为“打扫,清除”。作形容词,意为“干净的,清洁的”,其反义词为dirty 。2.use 1.动词,意为“使用;运用”。 use sth. to do sth.意为“使用某物做某事” 。2.介词 with 与 in 也有“用”的意思,三者之间的区别如下:词条用法例句use 动词,在句中作谓语或用于动词不定式。She often uses a pen to write to her friends. 她经常用钢笔给她的朋友写信。with 使用某种工具或身体的某个部位,通常放于句末,作方式状语。He likes to write with a pen. 他喜欢用钢笔写字。in 使用某种语言或材料,通常放于句末,作方式状语。Can you say it in English? 你能用英语说吗?3.wash 1.及物动词,意为“洗,洗涤”,后跟宾语。wash an apple 洗一个苹果2.不及物动词,意为“洗衣,洗澡,洗手”。wash before a meal 饭前洗手wash in cold water 洗冷水澡3.名词,意为“洗,洗澡”。Please give the car a wash. 请把车洗一下。4.watch 1.look 通常为不及物动词,强调“看”的动作,指“认真看”,在强调看某物/某人时,其后必须接介词at,才能带宾语,即look at。Look at the map. 看地图。2.see是及物动词,侧重于看的结果,意为“看见,看到”。see无进行时态。Can you see the dog over there? 你看见那儿的那只狗了吗?3.watch 作动词,意为“观看,注视”,多指观看运动着的事物,如电视、比赛、表演等,指怀着一种对某物欣赏的心情或一种学习的心情,注视着别人的行为或动作。They are watching the stars. 他们正在看星星。4.read 主要强调“读,阅读” ,在汉语中常翻译成“看”,多指看书、报纸、杂志等。read a letter 看信read the newspaper 看报纸read aloud 大声朗读5.“主系表”结构【教材原文】 That sounds good. 那听起来很好。本句是主系表结构的句子,sound 为连系动词,意为“听起来”,其后常接形容词作表语。句型“ That sounds+形容词”的意思是“那听起来.” 。这一句型常用于口语中,用于对别人的提议、建议表名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - 示自己的看法。【拓展】1.有类似用法的感官动词还有taste(尝起来 ),smell(闻起来 ), feel(摸起来 ),look(看起来 )等。The food tastes delicious. The meat smells bad. This cloth feels soft. You look well today. 2.sound 还可用作名词,意为“声音”,指各种各样的声音,泛指一切声音。I heard a strange sound in the house. 我听见屋里有一种奇怪的声音。6.just just 作副词,意为“只是,仅仅”,它还可意为“恰好,正好”。He is just a child. 他只是个孩子。That s just what I want. 那正是我想要的。7.时间介词at,in,on1.at 表示在某一时刻或某一时间点。Let s meet at six. 咱们六点见。另外,at 表示时间的短语还有:at noon(在中午 ),at midnight( 在午夜 ),at the age of.(在.岁),at night(在晚上 )。2.in 用在某一段较长的时间之前,意为“在.之内”。在一日中的早上、下午、晚上用in;另外,在季节、月份、年、世纪前用in。She was born in 2003. 她出生于 2003 年。3.on 表示在特定的某一天,具体到某一天的上午、下午或晚上也用on。on July 2nd 在 7 月 2 日on the morning of last Sunday 上周日早晨I will give her a present on her birthday. 在她生日那天我将给她一份礼物。【注意】表示时间的单词(词组 )前有 next,last,this,that,every 等修饰语时,其前常不用介词。比较:on Sunday evening 在星期天晚上last Sunday evening 上个星期天晚上8.house,family,home 1.house意为“家;房子;住宅”。多指居住的房屋或建筑。Jim lives in a big house. 吉姆住在一幢大房子里。2.family 意为“家庭,家庭成员”,是集合名词,与房屋及设施无关。How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?【注意】 family 作主语时,谓语动词的单复数要视情况而定,表示整体时用单数,表示家庭成员时用复数。Their family is a big one. 他们家是一个大家庭。My family are very well. 我的家人身体很好。3.home 意为“家;故乡” ,指一家人生活的处所,也可指一个人出生或长大的地方。它常常带有感情色彩,有使人觉得亲切、温暖的意味。He often comes to my home for dinner. 他经常来我家吃晚饭。【注意】 home 有时用作副词,此时前面不加介词to。He goes home at five in the afternoon. 他下午五点回家。9.other 1.用作形容词,意为“另外的,其他的”,后常跟复数名词。Do you have any other books? 你还有别的书吗?2.用作代词,其前要加the,指“ (两个中的 )另一个”。There are two rooms in the house.One is big and the other is small. 这所房子有两个房间。一个大,另一个小。【注意】other 的复数形式是others,表示“除去一部分以后的另一些,但不是剩下的全部”。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - 而 the others 则表示除去一部分以后,剩下的全部。【拓展】other 与 else 都表示“其他的,别的”。1.other 通常用在名词的前面作定语。Where are the other girls? 其他的女孩在哪里?2.else通常用在不定代词或疑问代词的后面作后置定语。用在疑问副词后作状语。Would you like anything else? 你还想要别的东西吗?What else can you see on the table? 在桌子上你还能看见别的什么?Where else did you go? 你还去过哪儿?10.wish 与 hope 词条用法结构例句wish 作“但愿,希望”讲,表示某种未完成或不能完成的愿望。(1)wish to do sth. (2)wish sb. to do sth. (3)wish+that 从句(4)wish sb. sth. The poor boy wishes to have a TV set. 那个贫穷的男孩希望拥有一台电视机。I wish I were a little boy. 我希望我还是个小男孩。hope 作“希望”讲,主要用来表示主观上的愿望并对其实现抱有信心(1)hope to do sth. (2)hope+that 从句I hope to be a doctor. 我希望成为一名医生。I hope they can help us. 我希望他们能来帮助我们。【练习】选择题1.We should keep our classroom _. A.clean B.cleans C.cleaning D.cleaner 2.The child is writing _ a pencil. A.with B.in C.on D.by 3.Do you often _ your computer? A.use B.with C.in D.using 4.I ll give my car a _. A.washes B.to wash C.wash D.washing 5. 6.I have a large _ today. A.wash B.washing C.washes D.to wash 6. 7._!How many birds can you _ in the tree? A.Look;see B.See;look C.Look;watch D.Watch;see 7.He _ a table tennis match on TV now. A.watching B.watches C.watch D.is watching 8. 9.The cake _ good.I can t wait to eat it. A.smell B.smells C.sound D.sounds 9.He returned _ a rainy day. A.on B.at C.in D./ 10.There are three _ near the river. A.houses B.family C.home D.house 11.My _ all like watching football match. A.home B.house C.family D.homes 12. 13.What _ books do you like? A.all B.other C.others D.the other 13.-Bob,we are moving this weekend. -Congratulations!I _ you happiness in your new flat. A. B.wish B.hope C.expect D.send 14. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - 15.I hope _ them in Tianjin. A.to meet B.you to meet C.you meeting D.you not to meet 16. 17._ your room now,Xiao Ming. A.Clean B.Cleaning C.Cleans D.Cleaned 18. 19.Look!They are _ the floor. A.clean B.cleaning C.cleans D.cleaned 20.Our classroon is big and _. A.clean B.cleans C.cleaning D.cleaner 21.What s this _ English? A.in B.with C.for D.of 22.Do you have to _ your clothes on Sundays? A.wash B.washing C.washes D.washed 23.-Do you want to have dinner with me? -That sounds _.I m hungry now. A.delicious B.well C.good D.boring 21.That _ a good idea. A.listens B.sounds C.hears D.looks 22.They often have an English party _ Saturday evening. A.in B.on C.at D.to 23.His brother arrived in Shanghai _ 5 p.m. _ October 15. A.at;on B.at;in C.in;on D.at;to 24.You can go _ now. A.family B.home C.house D.families 25.Let s go _. A.shop B.shopping C.shops D.shoping 26.My brother likes to go to the book store to read books after school. A.shop B.shopping C.library D.house 27.There are two apples.One is in my left hand,and the _ is in my right hand. A.another B.others C.other D.the other 28.Some boys are cleaning the window;some girls are sweeping the floor,and _ are playing on the playground. A.other B.othersC.the others D.all 29.This silk dress _ so smooth.It s made in China. A.feels B.smells C.sounds D.tastes 30.-Which scarf do you prefer? -The red one.It _ more comfortable. A.tastes B.feels C.gets 根据汉语提示完成句子1.I _(只是 )want to talk to you. 2.I don t like drinking _ _( 红茶). 3.It is _( 正好 )half past six. 4.Would you like some _( 饮料 )? 5.My father is _ _ _ _( 正在打电话 ). 6.Can you _ _ _ _( 和我一起吃晚饭)? 7. _ _ _ can you see?/_ _ can you see?(其他什么东西 ) 8.I _ _ have a good trip. 我祝你旅途愉快。9.I _ _ _ a little bird. 我希望我是一只小鸟。10.Would you like _ _ _( 喝的东西 ),tea or coffee? 11.Let s _ _ _ _(看电影 ). 12.The children all _( 想念) their English teacher. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - -
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