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Unit 4 Where is my car?Part B Start to read Lets check Lets singPart C Story time分课时教学建议分课时教学建议课时课时课型课型主要教学内容主要教学内容教学要求教学要求第六第六课时课时综合综合技能技能活动活动课课Start to readLets checkLets singStory time1. 能够在图片和语境的帮助下能够在图片和语境的帮助下认读句子,并且能够以文段中认读句子,并且能够以文段中的句子为范本,回答的句子为范本,回答Zoom提出提出的问题找到的问题找到Zip的藏身之处。的藏身之处。(Start to read)2. 检测部分要求学生能够熟练检测部分要求学生能够熟练地听、说本单元对话部分的主地听、说本单元对话部分的主要句型,能听、说、认读词汇要句型,能听、说、认读词汇部分的所有单词。部分的所有单词。3. 能够学会唱歌曲能够学会唱歌曲Where is the toy car?4. 能够在图片的帮助下理解故能够在图片的帮助下理解故事内容,在教师的帮助下表演事内容,在教师的帮助下表演故事。故事。注:点击可进入动画。注:点击可进入动画。Lets singFree talkWhere is Is it Where is Zip?Its behind the desk.在后面在后面Lets play hide and seek.捉迷藏捉迷藏Great!注:切换到光盘注:切换到光盘Lets play hide and seek.Great!1,2,310Are you ready?Yes!Where are you?Under the table?Under the bed?In the toybox?Where are you?I cant find you!Haha!Im behindyou!找到找到Lets play hide and seek.Great!1,2,310Are you ready?Yes!Where are you?Under the table?Under the bed?In the toybox?Where are you?I cant find you!Haha!Im behindyou!Is it on the boat? Is it under the chair?Is it on the map?Is it in the desk?Is it on the ball?Is it in the bag? XXXXXWhere is Zip?Read and tick or cross.Listen and tick() or cross(X).XLook and tick().bagcatboxcapbookcarboatmapballpenHomework1.Listen and repeat “Story time”.2. Review unit 2同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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