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Period 4 训练案案 (Writing课本本P6)Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?写作一写作一:完成课本P6的3a和3b 的练习。写作二写作二:根据下面提示写一份不少于70词的海报。内容包括:1.我们学校有很多俱乐部,有绘画俱乐部、音乐俱乐部、游泳俱乐部,等等。Period 4 训练案案 2.你会画画吗?你会弹吉他吗?你游泳游得好吗?3.英语俱乐部是新的俱乐部,你可以在那儿说英语。Period 4 训练案案 【思路点【思路点拨】第一步:审题:人称_ 时态_ 第二步:列出主要的短语和句型。1.你想加入吗?_2.我们学校有很多俱乐部。_第一及第二人称第一及第二人称Period 4 训练案案 一般一般现在在时Do you want to join?There are many clubs in our school.3.你会吗?_4.绘画俱乐部_5.音乐俱乐部_6.游泳俱乐部_7.弹吉他_Can you?Period 4 训练案案 drawing clubmusic clubswimming club play the guitar8.擅长_9.英语俱乐部_10.说英语_be good at/do well inPeriod 4 训练案案 English clubspeak English第三步:运用and,or,so,because 等连接词将以上要点连成文章,并注意句型的多样化。Students Wanted for School Clubs_Period 4 训练案案 Students Wanted for School Clubs There are many clubs in our school.For example, we have a swimming club, a drawing club, a music club and so on.Do you want to join us? Can you draw? Can you play the guitar? Period 4 训练案案 Can you swim well? By the way, we have an English club.Its new.We can speak English there.If you want to join us, please call Mr.Wu at 678-3267.I believe our clubs will make you happy.Period 4 训练案案 第四步:修改文章自己复查,小组互改。1.用红笔在文章中纠错。2.欣赏好词好句:评选小组内写得最好的三个句子摘抄下来。_Period 4 训练案案 (作文评分细则与标准请参照本书最后一页)Period 4 训练案案 作文等级1315分1012分79分46分03分评分员签名老师评分勾选() 单元元语法法专练一、一、单项填空。填空。( )1.I learnt to play _ piano when I was 4 and learnt to play _ basketball at 10.A.the; the B.the; / C./; the D./; /Period 4 训练案案 B( )2._ Tom _ English songs? Yes, he can.A.Is; sing B.Does; sing C.Can; sings D.Can; singPeriod 4 训练案案 D( )3.Are you _ children? Please call us _ 31308371 and help to make these children happy.A.good to; of B.good with; at C.good for; at D.well in; forPeriod 4 训练案案 B( )4.Tell Sally _ me, please.A.to call B.call C.calls D.calling( )5.Can I sit here?No,_.A.I cant B.I dont C.you cant D.you dontPeriod 4 训练案案 AC( )6.My sister cant _ a kite.A.made B.do C.make D.to make( )7.Do you like _? Come and join _!A.to sing; our B.singing; we C.singing; us D.sing; oursPeriod 4 训练案案 CC( )8.Can you paint?_.A.Yes,a little B.Yes,little C.No,a little D.No,little( )9.Which one do you like better, the red one _ the blue one? The red one.A.or B.and C.of D.withPeriod 4 训练案案 AA( )10.I am a student.He is _ a student.A.all B.too C.also D.eitherPeriod 4 训练案案 C二、用所二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。11.He wants _(be) a musician when he grows up.12.His father is a_(teach)in China.13.Little Steve can_(write) his name by himself.Period 4 训练案案 to beteacher write14.Mr.Reds favorite club is the_(swim)club.15.Lets go to the_(sport)center to watch the badminton game.Period 4 训练案案 swimming sports单元基元基础巩固巩固一、一、单项填空。填空。( )1.Did you do well in _ English exam last week?Yes,I got _ “A”.A.the;an B.an;the C.a;/ D.the;aPeriod 4 训练案案 A( )2.Ann _ a picture of her school.Its nice.A.knows B.draws C.spells D.calls( )3.Our teachers often ask_ to help others as much as we can.A.us B.we C.he D.theyPeriod 4 训练案案 BA( )4.Little Tom draws _.His drawings are very _.A.good;well B.well;good C.good;good D.well;well( )5.My mother wants to buy a pair of _ shoes for me.A.sport B.sporting C.sports D.sportedPeriod 4 训练案案 BC( )6.My sister wants _ the movie club very much.A.joins B.to join C.joining D.join( )7.Most people in China _ Chinese.A.say B.tell C.speak D.talkPeriod 4 训练案案 BC( )8.Tom can play the guitar,_ he cant play it well.A.and B.but C.or D.because( )9.Then you can _ in our school music festival.A.be B.is C.are D.amPeriod 4 训练案案 BA( )10.How about joining the art club? _!A.Sounds good B.It sound well C.It sound good D.Its sound goodPeriod 4 训练案案 A二、根据中文提示或音二、根据中文提示或音标填写填写单词,使句子完,使句子完整、通整、通顺。11.Tony can sing,but he cant _ (游泳)well.12.Tom often _ (画画)animals at home.Period 4 训练案案 swimdraws13.There are some _ (俱乐部)in our school and we all like them.14.Miss He _ (教授)us math.15.How many _ (人)are there in Zhanjiang?16.Jay Chou can _ very well.Period 4 训练案案 clubsteaches peoplesing 17.The girl likes music.She is a famous _ .18.I would like to play _ with you now.19.I get up late and I am late _ .20.Little Steve can _ his name by himself.Period 4 训练案案 musicianchess todaywrite三、完成句子。三、完成句子。21.我们需要学会与别人好好相处。We need to learn to_others.22.你喜欢和老人交朋友吗?Do you like_the old people?Period 4 训练案案 be good with/getmaking friends with/on well withto make friends with23.我的朋友擅长拉小提琴。My friend_the violin.24.丽莎是一个好女孩,因为她经常帮助妈妈做家务。Lisa is a good girl because she often_housework.Period 4 训练案案 is good at playing/doeshelps her mother with/dowell in playing25.他周末经常踢足球。He often _.Period 4 训练案案 plays soccer/football on weekends/on the weekend谢谢观看!
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