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RecycleDay 1 A beautiful farmPEP小学英语六年级下Last weekendLast weekend I went to the zoo.What did you do last weekend?I saw a film and played ping-pong.What did you last weekend?Last night I watched TVWhat did you do last night?I stayed at home and read a bookWhat did you do last nightwhat can you see on the farm?some sheepsome cowssome horsessome applessome tomatoesan orange a pearan umbrellaa jacketan eggwhats the difference(不同不同) between “a” “an”and“some”a , an 虽然很相像两者用法不一样辅音音素a 在前元音音素an 优先a, an仅仅指一个some可以指一些Lets do itahotelsomebookssome bread ansomesomeaananonionhorseschildrenuniversityeraseremailTry again!English bookbookbig orangeelephantmanold manananaanaaaanorangestrong elephant1. What is he? He is _ teacher. 2. I have _ friends in my class.3. There is _ rice in the bag.4. Can you find _ box of books in the pictures 5. There is _ American boy in the car. .someFill in the blanks with “a” ”an” and ”some”someanaaThey are all fruit比一比4 students as a group. Write down the fruit you know on your paper, at least(至少至少)5.每四人一组,写出至少五个你所学过每四人一组,写出至少五个你所学过的水果单词,看哪组写的最多。的水果单词,看哪组写的最多。an orangesome strawberriessome pearsa bananaan applesome watermelonssome grapesCan you name the groups of wordsLets do it给下列各组单词命名,并尽可能给下列各组单词命名,并尽可能多的写出该组还有哪那些单词多的写出该组还有哪那些单词Catch the plane找飞机,看谁快找飞机,看谁快Dear friend, Welcome to our farm. We came here ten years ago. _,we only had a _and _.There were little trees here. There are a lot of changes for these ten years. You can see there are many animals now. Besides(除了还有) horses and pigs, there are _, _,and _ on our farm. There are many fruit trees too. You can see _, _,_ and _. You can try these fruit in our farm and enjoy your time on the farm. At that timehorse two pigssheepcowshensapplesorangespeacheswatermelonsThank you!Thank you!同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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