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Im watching TV.-2-use the computerread a newspapernewspapermake soupsoupwash the dishes-3-What are you doing now?Im watching TV. -4-cleaning listening to a CD reading a newspapertalking on the phone-5- exercisingmaking soupwashing the dishesusing the computer-6-1a Match the activities with the pictures.1. watching TV _2. cleaning _3. reading a newspaper _4. talking on the phone _5. listening to a CD _6. using the computer _7. making soup _8. washing the dishes _9. exercising _agdihecbf-7-a. Jenny _b. John _c. Dave and Mary _1b Listen. What are these people doing? Write the numbers from 1a.185-8-What is she doing now?She is talking on the phone.Shes washing the dishes.What is she doing?-9-1. What is Steve doing?2. What is Jack doing?a. He is watching TV.b. He is listening to a CD. 2a Listen and match the answers with the questions.-10-Jack: Hello, Steve.Steve: Hi, Jack.Jack: What _ you _, Steve?Steve: Im _. What about you?Jack: Im _, but its kind of _.Steve: Yeah, my TV show is also not very _. Do you want to _ the movies?Jack: That sounds good. are doingwatching TVlistening to a CD2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks.boringinterestinggo to-11-2c Role-play the conversation in 2b.-12-v -13-watch watchwatch watchinging dance dancdance dancingingrunrun runrunningningplay play do do clean clean write write givegivehavehaveswim swim get get shopshopplayplayinging dodoinging cleancleaninging writwritinging givgivinging havhavingingswimswimming ming gettinggettingshoppingshoppingCan you add -ing to the words?1.一般在动词一般在动词原形后加原形后加 -ing 2.以不发音字母以不发音字母e 结尾的动词结尾的动词,去去e 加加-ing3.以以“元元+辅辅”结尾结尾的动词的动词,且是重读闭且是重读闭音节的单词音节的单词,双写辅双写辅音字母音字母+ing找规律找规律-14-write takehavemakecome arrive动动词词现现在在分分词词变变变变变变writingtakinghavingmakingcomingarriving-15-sitshopcutstopputgetbeginswimrun动动词词现现在在分分词词变变变变变变sittingshoppingcuttingstoppingputtinggettingbeginningswimmingrunning-16-1.运用功能句编一个小对话。 提示:书写工整,老师评出书写明星。2.同学们可尝试一下用本课所学的句型和朋友在电话 中聊天。
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