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2019上海中考词形词性转换汇总练习(包含答案)2019中考词形词性转换汇总练习I. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper formsI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式完成句子)(用所给单词的适当形式完成句子): :1.Would you mind making a little less? They are having a meeting at the moment. (noisy)2.The Smiths live on thefloor. (nine)3.All the great_ are respected(尊敬)by the world. (invent)4.My pet is acat. She is very lovely. (male)5.Ill do my homework morenext time. (care)6.When you study a foreign language, itsimportant to make a good7.Everyone knows such kind of books isbookstore. (harm). (begin)to children. They shouldnt be sold at any8.In the past punishment(惩罚)was decided by the university. The student had nobut to accept it. (choose)9.Our teacher told us the _story I had ever heard at yesterdays class meeting. (sad)10. TheLesson is very difficult but very important. You must learn it by heart.(twelve)11. They looked veryin the idea.(interest)12. After they got on the bus, they found only one. (sit) the fish, Tom. (you)What we have had is just part of the truth. We should try to getinformation about it. (far)Asight stopped them from going forward. (frighten)He seemed very. He got a D in the English test. (happy)Before you start this work, you should try to realize its. (important)March 8 isDay. (woman)This book belongs to you. Where is? (me)The visitors are_ students.(main)Do you know about the _of the book? (write)Can you show me your _of coins?(collect)23. To my, I got full marks for maths last week. (surprised)24. In this new housing estate there stand a lot of high and magnificent25. (build)In winter, most of the rivers and lakes are. It becomes a world of ice. (freeze)Then he slowly walkedthe house. (pass)Do you know who is theof the English contest? (win)Peter is very. Im sure he will come to take care of your baby whenhes asked to. (help)The Yangtze River is thelongest river in the world. (three)to meet all of you here. (please)Now more and more gardens are being built in our. (neighbour)1 / 102019上海中考词形词性转换汇总练习(包含答案)32. Itsvery important for us to learn English33. Both our teacher and my mother are satisfied with my34. Oliver Twist ate the cake35. We are all pleased to hear that the. (hungry)went on very well. ( operate)36. The children in this kindergarten have been trained to take care ofthough theyare only six years old. (they)37. Could you tell me who will give us aon childrens education? (speak)38. These modern machines work. (automatic)39. This cartoon film isthan the one I saw last Saturday. (fun)40. Will you please tell me how much theis? (post)41. The twin sisters used to bein Hollywood. (act)42. Actions speak more_ than words. (loud)43. I amabout my schoolwork because I havent worked hard this term. (worry)44. Your pet dog is sothat all of us like to play with it. (love) has been snowingfor a whole day. (heavy)We have been told theof the case. (true)Have you made youryet?(decide)People from Italy are called. (Italy)Iwhere he comes from. (wonderful)The weather in April is, so youd better take more clothes with you. (change)Ferries come and go on the river asas boats. (quick)Listen, everybody, we will meet at theof the cinema at 4 pm. (enter)You cannot eat so much fast food, because it is. (health)It is reported that three _have been put into prison. (Canada)Time fliesand never returns. (swift)We saw her runningthe street just now. (cross)57. Do English people shake hands as often as? (Germany)58. We all know thattheres nothing on the moon. (live)59. In order to make the tripfor his children, Mr. Green kept the name of thedestination (目的地) a secret. (excite)60. Ateam from China will arrive in America next week. (medicine)61. This morning I lost my handbag and this afternoon I fell off my bike and broke my leg. I thinkit is anday.(luck) students are not able to pay their college. (expensive)British people eat a large number of. (potato)She seems angirl.(honesty)We tried all sorts of, but they were all useless. (medical)The digital (数码) camera is one of the_ of the modern science. (wonderfully)I wouldnt do business with such aman. (fool)Carl looks muchthan before. (health)I was70. The mother was2 / 102019上海中考词形词性转换汇总练习(包含答案)to the brave man who had saved her son. (thank)to meet Jane in aforeign country.(surprise)71. I happened to meet a group ofon my way home yesterday. (France)3 / 102019上海中考词形词性转换汇总练习(包含答案)72. The little boy can run a marathon in73. three hours. (little)I was told that my class teachers daughter would leaveschool this July. (second)Its ato have a picnic with all the family members. (please)The lost calculator has been returned to its. (own)Be sure to let me know whenever you are in. ( dangerous)The completion (完成) of the big bridge made every one of usand happy. (exciting)Theis not so good as we expected. (perform)What aday it is today! Shall we go to have a picnic in the countryside? (sun)The tallis one of my fathers best friends. (art)Have you decided to take the headmasters? (advise)Even, he lost his job.(bad)Please answer thequestions. (follow)Many people becameafter the fire. (home)Theof the restaurant is quite good. (serve)speaking, the computer has become an important part of our life. (general)I thought thewas quite dull at yesterdays party. (recite)Theof the river is still a secret. (long)No one knew why the baby kept. (cry)Life today is becoming harder and busier, so everyone should have his own way of. (relax)Into hard work, we need some good ways to succeed. (add)fiction. (scientist)Itsof you to make such a decision. (wisdom)Quite a fewhouses have been built for the tourists around the lake. (wood)The passenger plane landedat last after flying in the storm for about one hour. (safe)My family have been to Beijingto climb the Great Wall. (two)One shouldnt give up easily if he is determined to. (success)92. I am fond of98. Laurashusband works as ain a bank. (message)100.The harder you work; theprogress youll make. (great)101.It willrain this afternoon. (impossible)102.People from different come together to visit the famous museum. (country)103.He can do everything onown. (he)104.About tworide in the bus will take you to the seaside. (hour)105.I would like to buy three kilos of. (tomato)106.What nice! Letsput them on the walls of the meeting room. (paint)107.How often do you take your son to thePalace? (child)108.In thecentury, science is developing very fast. (twenty-one)109.To be, I think you didnt sing as well as Jack. (honesty)110.Do you know if the headmistress of the school is ateacher? (chemical)111.The patient is getting. The doctors will use new medicine for him. (ill)112.“What can I do for you?” theasked. (library)4 / 102019上海中考词形词性转换汇总练习(包含答案)113.food is sold in lots of supermarkets. (freeze)114.We have plenty of_ after class.(active)115.A doctors duty is to savepeoples. (life)116.She lives in Britain but has French. (national)117.In winter, British people useinstead of air-conditioners. (heat)118.Its notto wear your school uniform on Friday. (need)119.Your homework today is toall these new words. (memory)12 0.This is andoor. Youneednt press any button.(automatically)12 1.Hardis very important to every player who wants to be successful in the match. (train)122.She took the two oclockto Chicago just now. (fly)123.Inweather, the water is always covered with ice. (freeze)124.The old lady was tooto say a word. (frighten)125.It was too dark for us to see anything. (clear)126.My mum doesonce a week. (shop)127.George Stephenson became famous in his. (twenty)128.We all found the film very. (interest)129.That girlshair attracted all of us. (gold)130.The weather report says, “Itstoday.” (cloud)131.As we entered the garden, we saw a little girlon the grass in the sun. (lie)132.Its greatto play chess on the internet. (funny)135.133.After showing the students how to do this experiment, the teacher told them that hadbeen achange. (physics)boys in the class, because he never gets to school on time. (lazy)134. Lin Tao is one of the most, we won the basketball match without difficulty. (luck)136.The monkey looked atin the mirror. (it)137.I wondered whether the bag was that. (lady)138.The shopping centre is alwaysof customers at weekends. (fill)139.Do you know theof the nearest police station?(located)140.I helped the old man to show my . (kind)141.is more important than wealth.(healthy)142.Nothing isif you set your mind to it. (possible)143.The sun is shining. Letsgo for a picnic. (bright)144.Dont hesitate to ask if you have anywhen doing your homework. (difficult)145.My mother is always busythe clothes in the evening. (wash)146.The doctors were always busy operating on the _soldier in the field hospital duringthe war. (wound)147.Liz is muchthan her twin sister. (thin)idea of this text. (mainly)149.Itsour responsibility to save water and. (electrical)150.English has morewho learn it as a second language than Chinese. (speak)5 / 10148.Please write down the2019上海中考词形词性转换汇总练习(包含答案)151.English is alanguage. It makes peoples in the world understand each other betterthan ever. (use)152.You have to recite words every day to keep your _active. (memorize)153.Although he worked hardest, he got themoney of all. (little)154.should obey the traffic rule. (drive)155.My mother is a hard-working. (business)156.About twentywill come to visit our school this coming Saturday. (Australia)157.WHO means World Health. (organize)158.I feltsorry for having missed such a wonderful football match. (truth)159.He apologized to Mike for thefrom his birthday party. (absent)160.We should throw rubbish into litter bins so as not to161.Our language lab is on thethe city. (pollution)floor of the classroom building. (four)162.“Stop them! They are,” an old man shouted. (thief)163.After a long, they got the solution to the problem. (discuss)164.We hope our country will become more and more. (power)165.Paris is the capital of, isnt it? (French)166.The lady sold fiveof bread to the little boy and wished him good luck. (loaf)167.Tom is better atthan anyone else in the class. (swim)168.Maryplaying the piano for two hours every day. (practice)169.Yao Ming is a famous basketball player. (profession)170.My mother is verythough she is only forty. (forget)171.does a lot of harm to others as well as the smoker himself. (smoke)172.American people usually have theturkey at Christmas. (tradition)173.Thelight suddenly went out. (electricity)174.Who can tell me theof the Himalaya? (high)175.When autumn comes,fall off trees. The ground is always covered with them. (leaf)176.These old cans are kept for. (recycle)177.Manyare waiting for the famous dancer at the airport.(report)178.Marys brother works as ain the restaurant. (wait)179.The man saved the little girl from the fire and took her to180.An American. (safe)said last week that there was enough water for life on Mars. (science)181.The Forbidden City will bein the following years. (build)182.Never be afraid offace if you want to make progress in your spoken English. (lose)183.John found his former friends were as_ to him as before. (friend)184.No one else can dancethan the girl in red. (beautiful)185.Could you tell thebetween the three sisters? (different)186.Taxiare developing very fast in modern cities. (serve)187.Last night on my way home, I saw a bankwith my own eyes. (rob)188.Youdbetter not swim in the river. The water has beenpolluted. (serious)189.I have received anto her birthday party. (invite)6 / 102019上海中考词形词性转换汇总练习(包含答案)190.The more you practise, the more191.The wind is blowing192.Weveto work out a193.Chinese will be194.A few friends ofyou can speak English. (fluent). Itsthe right time to fly kites. (gentle)to the problem. (solve)used in the world from now on. (wide)will come to our dinner party tonight. (we)in the poor areas. (educational)customs. (west)195.The government will take action to improve the196.Many people in China are not familiar with197.The music sounded quitewhile the dance was not beautiful. (wonder)198.July is usually themonth in Shanghai. (hot)199.The room is so dirty that a lot ofcan be seen running here and there. (mouse)200.Which do you want to do, go into business or become a? (fire)201.I dont think it a good idea. Do you want to listen to my? (suggest)202.What he said_ us a lot. We wondered what had happened to him. (surprise)203.Nowadayscan be seen here and there. (foreign)204.His grandparents have beenfor over ten years, but hell never forget the days withthem together. (death)205.The song was sothat she didnt notice the telephone ring. (enjoy)206.With theof e-book technology, probably an e-book library will appear. (develop)207.I think the success will depend on yournot your money. ( wise)208.They will have somevisits to other cities. (education)209.Everyone should take anpart in sports events. ( activity)210.I have been to Nanjing once and this is mytime to see the Yangtze River there. (two)211.Maths is mysubject. (favour)212.On the way I saw an old manbeside the road. (sit)213.He used to be a. (farm)214.Thatsfor the girl to be late today. She is always the first to get to school. (usually)215.How many womenare there in the restaurant? (cooker)216.As thegoes, “ No pains, no gains”. (say)217.Eating too many sweets is bad for. (tooth)218.His aunt takes goodof him when his mother is away. (carefully). (tour)219.My uncle is a travel agent. His job is to serve220.Sorry, I cant lend my tapeto you. (record)221.The street has been222.Its rude to look223.Busiest men find the_ by the workers. (wide)at a person. (straight)time. ( much )224.Fewcould speak Chinese in the past.( English )225.There is no short-cut to. ( succeed )226.Computer is an amazingour life? (invent)227.Many228.come to Disneyland every day. (visit)he arrived there on time. (final)7 / 102019上海中考词形词性转换汇总练习(包含答案)229.The reporter went to the sea with severalto look for the lost boat. (fish)230.She has gains muchbecause she keeps eating but never exercises. (weigh)231.Shes busy writing a letter to a friend ofin her study. (she)232.There are many places ofinterest in Shanghai. (history)233.Theythe woman into buying all the dresses in the shop. (foolish)234.Our teacher told us that it was achange.(chemistry)235.Itsimportant for a student to tell theafter he does something wrong. (true)236.The doll was the present from my auntie on mybirthday. (five)237.The sun gives us light and. (hot)238.School will be over in a fewtime. ( month )239.I cant find my wallet. It has240.My grandfather keeps in good241.The Atlantic is the second242.Mr. Marko is one of the! (appear)though hesover eighty. (healthy)ocean in the world. (big)of that factory. (engine)243.Its tenwalk from here. Youneednt take a bus. (minute)244.Many years ago this kind of TV set was very. (expense)245.I have made up my mind to study hard, because our teacher always tells us thatpower. (know)246.No one knows whether Bin Laden is stillor not. (live)247.The man in the prison is looking forward to having. (free)248.We travelled to a beautiful and quiet village. There we spent a249.Mr Black is a singerthirty. (age)250.What is theof the word? (mean)251.The little girl saidto the strange man. (soft)252.isday. (pleased)hands is a kind of custom in some countries. ( shake)253.Young boys enjoy watching footballon TV. (match)254.Jacky told us an_ story that everybody laughed happily. (amusement)255.We were surprised at the news of his. (die)256.Thanks forme. Ill do my best. (choice)257.Jiang Wen is one of the most famousin China.(act)258.Boba story to explain why he was late for school.(inventor)259.Of all the boys, John runs the most. ( slow)260.This iron ball is muchthan that one. (heavy)261.Id like to have a talk with theof this hotel. (manage)262.Itscold tonight. (terrible)263.There are manyvisiting the museum. ( Japan)264.On Christmas Eve, the265.Nanjing Road is266.Its muchpark is always full of children. (amuse)in the centre of Shanghai. (locate)to swim with your friend than to swim alone. (safe)be broken. (easy)8 / 10267.Take care! The vase can2019上海中考词形词性转换汇总练习(包含答案)268.There used to be a greatbetween the two families. (friend)outside. (wind)269.Im afraid we cannot go fishing today.Its quite270.Theis made of eggs and flour. (mix)271.Im poor atand geography. (historical)272.Itsfor the children to play with fire. (danger)273.Shanghai hasat an amazing speed these years. (development)274.Joe is one of my. (neighbourhood)275.We must trainevery day in order to keep strong. (we)276.Of all the Christmas cards,is the nicest. (Rose)277.Im too tired to go a step. (far)278.The river is twentydeep. (foot)279.Every month you can get three thousand yuan at _. (little)280.Lets cut this loaf of bread into. (half)281.Hissister is only one year older than he. (old)282.Li Ming is a friend of my. (cousin)283.Hefor our country in the battle and we will always remember him. (death)284.Boys are quiet. (noise)285.Youdbetter take a taxi instead ofthere. (walk)286.They are sitting in the room. (quiet)287.Who knows what the word? (mean)288.Miss Li taughtEnglish last term. (we)289.Nobody will believe you since you are so. (honest)290.Yougot the first prize! (real)291.Mr Smith spent hisbirthday the other day. (forty)292.cannot calculate as fast as computers. (human)293.Da Shan is from294.It was snowing295.Airbut he can speak very good Chinese. (Canadian)outside. (hard)makes us feel sick.(pollute)296.Look! There are so manyhere. Why do you take the small one? (toy)297.After hearing these words, his face turned even. (red)298.How many299.They sent a few300.They were welllessons do you have every week? (physical)letters to Japan last Friday. (busy) at a friendshouse. (service)9 / 102019上海中考词形词性转换汇总练习(包含答案)KeysKeys:1.noise2.ninth3.inventors4.female5.carefully6.beginning7.harmful8.choice9.saddest10.twelfth 11. interested12.seat13.yourself14.further15.frightening16.unhappy17.importance18.Womens 19.mine20.mainly21.writer22.collection23.surprise24.building25.frozen26.past27.winner 28.helpful 29. third 30.Pleased 31.neightborhood 32. well 33.honesty 34.hungrily 35. hardest36.operation 37.themselves 38.speech 39.automatically 40.funnier41.poster42.actresses43.loudly44.worried 45.lovely 46.heavily 47.truth 48. decision 49.Italians 50. wonder 51.changeable 52.quickly 53.entrance54.unhealthy 55.Canadians. 56.swiftly 57.across 58.Germans 59. living 60.exciting 61.medical 62. unlucky63.expenses 64.potatoes 65.honest 66.medicine 67.wonders 68.foolish69. healthier 70.surprised 71. thankful72. Frenchmen 73.less 74. secondary 75.pleasure 76.owner 77.danger 78. excited 79.performance 80. sunny81.artist 82.advice 83.worse 84.following 85.homeless86. ser vice87.Generally speaking 88.recitation89.length90 crying 91.relaxation 92.addition 93. science 94.wise95. wooden96. safely97.twice98.succeed99.messenger100.greater101.possibly102.countries103.his104.hours105.tomatoes106.paintings107.Childrens108.twenty-first109.honest110.chemistry111.worse112.librarian113.Frozen114.activities115.lives116.nationality117.heats118.needed119.memorize120.automatical121.training122.flight123.freezing124.frightened125.clearly126.shopping127.twenties128.interesting129.golden130.cloudy131.lying132.fun133.physical134.laziest135.Luckily136.itself137.ladys138.full139.location140.kindness141.Health142.impossible143.brightly144.difficulties145.washing146.wounded147.thinner148.main149.electricity150.speakers151.useful152.memory153.least154.Drivers155.businesswoman156.Australians157.organization158.truly159.absence160.pollute161.fourth162.thieves163.discussion164.powerful165.France166.loaves167.swimming168.practises169.professional170.forgetful171.Smoking172.traditional173.electric174.height175.leaves176.recycling177.reporters178.waiter179.safety180.scientist181.rebuilt182.losing183.friendly184.morebeautiful185.difference186.services187.robbery188.seriously189.invitation190.fluently191.gently192.solution 193.widely 194.ours 195.education 196.western 197.wonderful 198.hottest 199.mice200. fireman 201.suggestions 202.surprised 203. foreigners 204.dead 205.enjoyable 206.development207.wisdom208 educational 209.active 210.second 211.famorite 212. sitting 213.farmer 214.unusual 215.cooks216.saying217.teeth 218.care 219.tourists 220 recorder 221.widened 222. straight 223.most 224.Englishmen225.success226.invention 227.visitors 228.Finally 229.fishermen 230.weitht 231.hers 232.historical 233.fooled234.chemical235.truth236.fifth237.heat238.months239disappeared240.health241.biggest242engineers243.minutes244.expensive 245.knowlegde 246.alive 247.freedom 248.pleasant 249. aged250.meaning251.softly 252.shaking 253.matches 254.amusing 255. death 256.choosing 257.actors 158.invented 259.slowly260.heavier 261.manager262.terribly 263.Japanese 264.amusement 265.located 266.safer 267.easily268.friendship269.windy270.mixture271.history272.dangerous273.developed274.neighbours275.ourselves 276. Roses 277.farther 278.feet 279.least 280 halves 281. elder 282 cousins283.died 284.noisy 285.walking 286. quietly 287. means 288.us 289.dishonest.290. really 291.fotieth292.humans293.Canada 294.hard 295.pollution 296.toys 297.redder 298 physics 299. business 300.served10 / 10
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