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Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Supply Chain ManagementAdvanced Planning andScheduling SystemsMay 25, 2000May 25, 2000筑适核男旅潞削土伏覆呜乘申赴耀咨妆筑瓦爱乱村硅磅具叠妒置映衔孤陕电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Agenda1.The Evolution of the Supply Chain2.Advanced Planning and SchedulingSystems2.1How They Work2.2The Vendors竣悔昼纫吱潭旅刽尉谐座辉肛丛乙垣予敬萌遮操报玩右嘱眺攀磕体棵搔噬电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.The Supply Chain encompasses a number of key business processes involved in managing the flow of materials, information, and funds from the initial suppliers to the ultimate consumer.RetailingDeliveringDistributingProducingSupplying the concept of supply chain managementis relatively simple. MaterialsInformation & FundsMaterialsInformation & FundsMaterialsInformation & Funds顿俱阿懒砍的值形酥汽玄粕奎苗敝筑召袁坎您哪怕件佬增栓冕杀摈激霓柬电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.However, in the real world, multiple suppliers, multiple plants, multiple distribution points and multiple customers significantly complicate material and information flows.RetailingDeliveringDistributingProducingSupplying巩谅尖承槽律麓蹬琵熏郁母皱程彝琉插疮僻复邪膀钩惋哮糜谐粤刹恐溶勺电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT. And, given that supply chains cross multiple companies, walls have been builtthat prevent full and timely information flow.RetailingDeliveringDistributingProducingSupplying粉垮滁淹宪煎逸伴案戍尊别虚拿塑潜攀粟小晚尝伪映谬囤泼肘羌且跃峦席电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Breaking down these walls and integrating the supply chain is critical. However, to date, most supply chain initiatives have been inwardly focused. Only recently, manufacturers are beginning to embrace the total supply chain as a means to achieving competitive advantage.Phase 1 - Process Integration (e.g., reengineering the order-to-cash process).Phase 2 - Intra-Enterprise Integration (e.g., sales strategies coordinated with supply chain capabilities).Phase 3 - Inter-Enterprise Integration (e.g., collaborativeforecasting & replenishment between retailers and suppliers)梅驮痛榷氖姥惊胺咕屉渴窖沤修纳峻砷蓉屹琢遂匡徽骂娇建宅衰远吧葵桐电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Stage 1: Separate best of breed applications dedicated to specific business processes (1970s)G/LPayrollA/PPurchaseOrderMgmt.OrderEntryInventoryMgmt.FinancialsManufacturingDistributionEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP)Supply Chain Technology has evolved over the past several decades.Todays ERP systems are transaction-basedapplications with limited decision-support capability.Stage 3: Enterprise-wide applications (early to mid 1990s andstill ongoing)Stage 2: Suites of integrated applications for functional processes (1980s)杯啡秩帧鸟尹凋众挥法驳葛遗奔橙沮官电唉扮收耀掩典平摈汇愁樟谱窟冤电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.ERP or LegacySystemsDemandPlanningProductionPlanning &SchedulingDistribution/SupplyPlanningTransportationPlanning/ManagementAPS DefinitionERP or legacy interfaced decision support technology which uses advanced algorithms, (e.g., LPs, IPs, mixed IPs, heuristics, theory-of-constraints, etc.) to model supply chain constraints and enable intelligent supply chain planning/decision making.APS CharacteristicsAllows complex supply chain representation and rapid SC model reconfigurationEnables concurrent, dynamic planning, and “what-if” simulations usingmemory resident processingPossess scaleable object architectures capable of running largedata-intensive models Advanced Planning and Scheduling Systems (APS) Are the Next Step of the Evolution for Providing Decision Support Capabilities.峙筐烩瞒蝶舵痘庄策脊倔杭雹橱内局川抽吴门廖忙痘扰辊鳖侈舀椽谢怯烙电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Asset Intensive Supply ChainSetup/sequence dependenciesCapable to promiseCapacity utilizationBottleneck utilizationMaterial Intensive Supply ChainCapable-to-promise requirementsExcess inventoryObsolescenceChanges to ordersEngineering changeDistribution IntensiveSupply ChainLarge number of SKUsComplex distribution/transportation requirementsExcessive inventoryCustomer serviceWhile we tend to draw all supply chains the same, there are many types of supply chains - each with their own unique challenges.E.g., Pulp & PaperE.g., High-TechE.g., Consumer Products橙淤萌拒铰促毙果瑶疾臣惭持溯窃揍簿万蓑进珍妥癌扒抓桥捎诅韭镊湾彪电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.How Do You Know If You Have Supply Chain Management Problems?Customer Service Concerns - Customer complaints, loss of share, delivery problems, customer surprisesMaterials Management Difficulties - High inventory buffers/obsolescence, high transportation costs, supplier shortages, lost purchasing discountsManufacturing Process Problems - Production inefficiencies, overcapacity, undercapacity, cost growthPlanning Difficulties - Inaccurate forecasts, high stockouts, growing overhead costsObsolete Technology - Incompatible systems linkages, inaccurate/inaccessible informationRevenue Cycle Concerns - Lengthy time to market, long order cycle, distribution delays, conflicting channel demandsVendor Management Problems - Poor response levels, lostgrowth, lack of commitment磕逆蚊积逝鼓磐谬坪捎肇骋贱每饺范竖份坪受乌凸价辊矣咎承央箕漓饮煞电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.The Importance of Supply Chain Management Has Increased Significantly Over the Past Few Years.Past (1995-1998)Present(1999)Future(2000+)% Survey Respondents RatingSupply Chain Critical to SuccessSupply Chain Management isIncreasingly Important25%70%91%贰藤获兰散侠翼糕特蚂叉当雌咀佯戊窒步暂取郸薛托胀五郴蔑端乙抿娘灵电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.The Response: Approximately 60% of Manufacturers Currently Have a Major Supply Chain Initiative Underway. However, 42% are “less than satisfied” with theoutcome of their previous improvement efforts.% Survey RespondentsMajor Supply Chain Improvementsare Underway or PlannedWithin 2 YearsAlready doneWithin 3-5 years10%2%6%Within 199913%Currently Underway59%No Plans10%狐灸枉围痔恕冤临麦鞋挝籍价僚剁募圈乡嫡宛郑激栋砰臭扣翱瓣实铂门缘电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Ability to RespondAbility to Predict12-18 MonthsSupplyPlanDemandPlanSupplyChainDesignStrategicPlanIncreasing TimeIncreasing Detail of DataTodayTransportationPlanProductionPlanExcess InventoryMissed OrdersAs the Pace of Business Continues to Increase, a Key Challenge for Todays Supply Chain Managers Is to Make Good Business Decisions, Using All the Information That Is Available, Within a Short Time Period.荣醛反磕扶羊来佃楞粟埔锰浮枢映萧铲猎恃罚泥杀玄术芝郁异专蛋映其谬电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.The Supply Planning (SP) Distribution Planning Master Planning Factory Planning & Scheduling Inventory PlanningDP淘钧旁倪档毕柳报阑奥金下贴县骗谰录白罢冯乔泌偶铁亿旦止打牺贺析待电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.SP - Inventory PlanningInventory Planning Goal:Determine optimal inventory levels and location to protect desired customer service goalsTrade off between inventory and service not understoodLimited ability to know how much inventory, when and where Inability to plan at a sufficient level of detailInability to quantify the impact of demand and supply variabilityChallenges Distribution Planning Master Planning Factory Planning & Scheduling Inventory PlanningDP绣悲蕴拆扯嚣景星桂贴准境樊孝假边嘉徐赫鼻平揍冒馁娥决矾淄攫珠胜畔电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.SP Master PlanningMaster Planning Goal:Globally optimize production plan considering tradeoffs of available capacity, materials, costs, timeLack of visibility Disjointed planningInability to reconcile demand priorities with supply constraintsInability to globally optimize production plan considering multiple constraintsPlanning doesnt support corporate objectivesChallenges Distribution Planning Master Planning Factory Planning & Scheduling Inventory PlanningDP帆审荆多薪酷架挞纱烟宫庐媒疗枪窝涡琶袍汞酸呆谓锋爹邓珐害晌喀晴痴电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.SP Factory Planning & SchedulingFP & Scheduling Goal:Optimal execution ofthe Master Plan to minimize cost and improve quality of the planMaterial and capacity constraints not considered simultaneously Inaccurate representation of real world constraintsSlow, inability to reactLack of problem visibilityPoor delivery date quoting in build to orderChallenges Distribution Planning Master Planning Factory Planning & Scheduling Inventory PlanningDP企侦沉茫肘握柏坎瘁狠唇歼刮庭共气仍紧灸呻芦孟尖饱创睁檬练苹期仁祥电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.SP - Distribution PlanningDistribution Planning Goal:Optimally positioning and deploying inventory to achieve desired customer serviceStore & DC replenishment handled independentlyLimited ability to prioritize demandPredetermined (aka inflexible) distributing rulesInventory distributed in advance of actual salesChallenges Distribution Planning Master Planning Factory Planning & Scheduling Inventory PlanningDP叼滞合绣蓖发蓄皆拎眨罐涟穿僵校罚间就椭馅看尧呵伶闸儿蔫畔离景跺寓电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Customer BenefitsGrowth:Increase revenues Increased margin performance Financial Performance:Reduced inventory costs and obsolescenceOptimal use of available capacity and inventory Reduced procurement expense through accurate orderingImproved Customer ServiceAnd if you do the aboveincreasedstock price话霜买象铱嗓先遭守淀叶恼夫阐杠罗硷酞炭户附脖聪她愚米签鼎僧再巷史电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Selected APS Implementations by IndustryAerospace-Bell Helicopter-U.S. NavyAutomotive-Ford-GM-VolvoChemical-Occidental Chemical-Novartis-MacMillan BloedelConsumer Goods (Durable)-Baker Furniture-Black & Decker-Bose-Herman MillerConsumer Goods (Non-Durable)-3M-Ault FoodsConsumer Goods (Non-Durable)-Coca Cola-E&J Galo-Frito LayHigh Tech-3COM-Dell-Digital-Gateway-SiemensIndustrial-Case-Caterpillar-Mercury MarineMedical-Johnson & Johnson-Bristol-Meyers SquibbMetals-Timken喊系官逆样绳炮汪孩助芥缴诅亏骂洗汽僧访罚箕忠祈析凰痞佬匆新顾关弧电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.There Are a Number of APS Vendors. According to the Gartner Group, i2 Technologies and Manugistics Are the Leaders Today.Deloitte currently has established APS relationships with i2, Manugistics, SynQuest and Paragon. D&T has ERP partnerships with PeopleSoft, JDE Numetrix, Baan and SAP.Source: Gartner Group (03/26/99)Note from Sol.net: The Table was deleted due to copyrights constraints. Refer to the Gartner Group database in Sol.net for current information.瞪磷重缩绪柿雾冶蓖伞烘膝熏硷电锈厅慨颈这梧瓜验巍魔犁只颓善宛吼桅电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.1999 Estimated Total SCM Market ShareSource: Benchmarking Partners, Inc.袋伸龄像霹棺眉阀揪涧渐蜕耕凝俩丽圆矿碟脐涸涪悲粤粪名你抬勾翘疙了电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.1999 Estimated % Share of Market Leaders By VerticalSource: Benchmarking Partners Inc.睦私钥掌驼想彦困卑翔翘莱陆声开撬撮你蜜莉桐跟曾剐醒沥边薛瘴掩塔避电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.1999 Estimated % Growth by Vertical 1998-1999Source: Benchmarking Partners Inc.卓师糕侨亡靶顾灰伯凋擞浪运晓雾疯沧终翰华铡滑世型房朴野质沾甸再束电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.1999 Assessment in the Consumer Packaged Goods IndustrySource: Benchmarking Partners Inc.谈赁缅候遥锗辜县山纤哼怎纫搔残防久狼影疤册暑够杠涝帝铣甩皆冰巢新电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Appendix奄襟幽颂焕恐拽世健尚局暖肆擦郸倔揖棕掷亭裔继蝎埠裔醛啪昂脖吩悸椒电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Demand PlanKEY CONCEPTSTruly incorporates knowledge from various levels within and outside the organizationProactively control events and reduce variations in demand forecastingSupports top-down, bottom-up and hybrid planning approaches Multi-dimensional, enterprise demand planning that integrates systems, processes and people at multiple levelsINPUTConsiders strategic goals, inter/intra-company objectives and constrainedsupply information to construct realistic demand planConsiders external economic and events (promotions, pricing changes, etc.)Multiple scenario comparisons and what-if analysis facilitate appropriateuses to add valueOUTPUTIdentifies opportunities, formulates strategies, translates theminto action plans and actual execution steps, and analyzes resultsProduces realistic forecast that drives inventory, financial andoperational plansReduces supply chain inventory and costs 殆刑钨臭霓呆咏傻借田减惫致老绳码愤搀反德铸敬台奉倪异宗蚀栽们焚阂电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Supply PlanKEY CONCEPTSFacilitates the design of optimal distribution networks, production plans,sourcing decisions, and inventory levelsHelps determine the most profitable supply chain strategy for end-to-endorder fulfillmentReal time, enterprise wide and cross enterprise visibility and optimizationof constraintsReliable real-time market, product and customer-allocated capable-to-promise and due date quotingINPUTConsiders constraints throughout the supply chain at a great level ofdetail, enabling rapid what-if simulationsOUTPUTManufacturing, distribution and sourcing network optimization: improvecustomer responsiveness and reduce costs at the same timeIncreased ability to focus on high-value strategy decisions that drivetactical and operational activities, and responsiveness tochanges in business environmentShorter order fulfillment cycle timeLower inventoriesOptimized asset utilization肪痰归艾嚷永彭企敦作掂嫌榜州体仿宛迸奎晴涉奋慰霜鬃关然啃陌概心吏电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Production PlanKEY CONCEPTSProduces optimized and feasible finite production schedule based onconsideration of dynamic constraintsINPUTWhat-if analysisATP based on up-to-date material and capacity constraints Fast re-planning of orders to accommodate demand volatilityOUTPUTResource optimizationUtilization improves by 10 to 50%Inventory reduced up to 75%Order Lead Times: 10 to 60% reductionDelivery Performance: 25 to 50% improvementOrder Fill Rates: 50 to 90% improvementReduced planning cycle time from weeks to hours 芬氢习牟岸计茂吾否瑟秘吞烈掖未蘸交路听硷处桥筑懊坑耕徒镭袭垢患领电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.Transportation PlanKEY CONCEPTSDetermines the optimal quantities of products allocated to each distribution warehouseDetermines the most economical means of transporting inbound, outbound and inter-company products while meeting service goals INPUTAdjusts to requirements for promotions, unanticipated demandSimultaneously plans for transportation, factory and warehousesourcing, manufacturing and purchasingOUTPUTAttains optimal, least cost solution for material flowGenerates feasible and customer centric enterprise distribution planAchieves close communication with trading partners on shipment and availability changesFeasible enterprise-wide transportation planReal-time in-transit visibility沪驳桃殖彭灼傲乃畔械坐扭玉仑艇蓬申歹针黍恰流箭鞘呻挽么芯蘑金裁绿电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.1999 Assessment in the High Tech & Consumer Electronics IndustrySource: Benchmarking Partners Inc.盅提偿傀黑枢骇阶浑率粱秸间抨挡绦鲸募滥奉价养士啊掩阂郁嗅樊磕呢学电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.1999 Assessment in the Industrial Discrete Manufacturing IndustrySource: Benchmarking Partners Inc.盈急匹鄂容淀缕狱擞钟猿忍侯垂绊间乡毙梆灵撩苑锡闺蛊他删垛篷藻挣与电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.1999 Assessment in the Automotive IndustrySource: Benchmarking Partners Inc.饺扁九逐巢痴荒袒蔷百盗程攘之珍言卢岳沼榴溜铀关蜡钝弟蛹数阶场李阅电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件This information is confidential. Do not disclose outside DTT.1999 Assessment in the Oil & Gas and Commodity Chemicals IndustrySource: Benchmarking Partners Inc.驹朝旅溅盈都论埂枕捉浅时瞒琢辽邻招翅墓岁花湾的匿建迟炎席遇嗽奎人电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件电子商务之供应商管理英文ppt课件
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