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专业餐饮管理网站优秀餐饮管理咨询平台Grooming&HygieneGrooming&Hygiene个人仪表与卫生个人仪表与卫生个人仪表与卫生个人仪表与卫生Looking Your Best! Looking Your Best! Looking Your Best! Looking Your Best! 展示给客人你最佳的仪容展示给客人你最佳的仪容展示给客人你最佳的仪容展示给客人你最佳的仪容, , , ,仪表仪表仪表仪表. . . . Creating An Impression. Creating An Impression. Creating An Impression. Creating An Impression. 给客人留下深刻的印象给客人留下深刻的印象给客人留下深刻的印象给客人留下深刻的印象. . . . Our HotelOur HotelOur HotelOur Hotel s Image. s Image. s Image. s Image. 我们酒店的形象我们酒店的形象我们酒店的形象我们酒店的形象. . . . You - A Representation. You - A Representation. You - A Representation. You - A Representation. 你就是这一切的代表你就是这一切的代表你就是这一切的代表你就是这一切的代表. . . .n n课程目录课程目录n nGeneralGroomingStandards个人个人仪表基本标准仪表基本标准n nFemalesGroomingStandards女员女员工仪表标准工仪表标准n nMaleHairstandards男员男员工仪表标准工仪表标准n nKitchenEmployees 厨房员工厨房员工仪表仪表培训目的培训目的n n通过本次培训,你将能够列出并解释出酒店通过本次培训,你将能够列出并解释出酒店通过本次培训,你将能够列出并解释出酒店通过本次培训,你将能够列出并解释出酒店n n的个人仪表和卫生方面的标准。的个人仪表和卫生方面的标准。的个人仪表和卫生方面的标准。的个人仪表和卫生方面的标准。n nAttheendofthetraining,youwillbeAttheendofthetraining,youwillben nabletolist&explainHolidayInnDayaabletolist&explainHolidayInnDayan nBayGrooming&Hygienestandards.BayGrooming&Hygienestandards.n n UniformsUniformsshouldshouldbebechangechangeaccordingtoaccordington ndepartmentprocedures.departmentprocedures.n n 要穿部门所规定的制服要穿部门所规定的制服n nNametagtobewornatalltimesandNametagtobewornatalltimesandcorrectlycorrectlyn npositionedonthelefthandup-sideofthepositionedonthelefthandup-sideofthen nuniformed.uniformed.n n上班时名牌一定要随时佩戴在制服左上方正确的位置上班时名牌一定要随时佩戴在制服左上方正确的位置DressCode/Uniforms 服装服装Uniforms or any part of the uniform Uniforms or any part of the uniform must must not be worn outside of the Hotel not be worn outside of the Hotel unless unless specific duties require doing so. Any specific duties require doing so. Any damage to the uniform must be damage to the uniform must be reportedreportedto the Linen Room immediately so to the Linen Room immediately so that that repair can be donerepair can be done n n除非工作需要,禁止在酒店外穿整套或任何一部分除非工作需要,禁止在酒店外穿整套或任何一部分n n的制服。制服若有损坏,必须立即通知制服间,以的制服。制服若有损坏,必须立即通知制服间,以n n及时修补。及时修补。DressCode/Uniforms服装服装/ /制制服服 Whywearanametag?为什么要戴名牌?为什么要戴名牌?n nIt enable new staff to integrate fasterIt enable new staff to integrate faster。n n它能使新员工快速进入状态它能使新员工快速进入状态n nIt gives an organization a friendlier and more It gives an organization a friendlier and more n npersonal imagepersonal image。n n可以带给饭店亲切及个人化服务的形象可以带给饭店亲切及个人化服务的形象n nCustomers and visitors like to know who Customers and visitors like to know who n nthey are talking to?they are talking to?n n顾客想知道他们在和谁讲话顾客想知道他们在和谁讲话Whywearanametag?为什么要戴名牌?为什么要戴名牌?n nIt encourages staff to take greater It encourages staff to take greater n nresponsibility for their actions and responsibility for their actions and behavior.behavior.n n它能加强员工对自己的表现及行为的责任感它能加强员工对自己的表现及行为的责任感n nIt enable new staff to integrate faster.It enable new staff to integrate faster.n n它能使员工很快的辨认新同事它能使员工很快的辨认新同事GeneralGroomingStandards个人仪表基本标准个人仪表基本标准n nHair may not look wet and oily.Hair may not look wet and oily.n n头发看起来不要非常油腻,要保持清洁头发看起来不要非常油腻,要保持清洁。n nNo strong hair spray, gel, lotion on hair. No strong hair spray, gel, lotion on hair. n n不要在头发上涂抹过多的发胶不要在头发上涂抹过多的发胶n nNo fancy design hair styles. No fancy design hair styles. n n不要留怪异的发型不要留怪异的发型n nNo fancy jewelry. You are allowed a simple No fancy jewelry. You are allowed a simple n nwedding band, a watch and a pair of small wedding band, a watch and a pair of small n near studs for femalesear studs for femalesn n不要佩带耀眼的首饰,只可佩带结婚戒指、手表,不要佩带耀眼的首饰,只可佩带结婚戒指、手表,n n女员工可佩带小耳钉,且一只耳朵只能戴一个耳钉女员工可佩带小耳钉,且一只耳朵只能戴一个耳钉GeneralGroomingStandards个人仪表基本标准个人仪表基本标准PocketsPocketsmaymaynotnotcontaincontaintootoomanymanyarticles,articles,norlookbully.norlookbully.工装口袋不允许装太多的东西,或看起来臃肿工装口袋不允许装太多的东西,或看起来臃肿Shoesshouldbepolished.Shoesshouldbepolished.n n保持皮鞋的光亮保持皮鞋的光亮n nFingernailsshouldbeclean,short,Fingernailsshouldbeclean,short,n nwelltrimmed.welltrimmed.n n指甲要整洁、整齐指甲要整洁、整齐GeneralGroomingStandards个人仪表基本标准个人仪表基本标准n nAvoidAvoid garlic,garlic, onion,onion, andand strongstrongspicyspicyn nsmellingsmelling foodfood beforebefore reportingreporting totowork.work.n n工作前要去除口腔或身体的异味,如:工作前要去除口腔或身体的异味,如:工作前要去除口腔或身体的异味,如:工作前要去除口腔或身体的异味,如: n n蒜,元葱及某些刺激性食品较强的气味。蒜,元葱及某些刺激性食品较强的气味。蒜,元葱及某些刺激性食品较强的气味。蒜,元葱及某些刺激性食品较强的气味。 n nHandsHandsmustmustbebewashedwashedafteraftereacheachvisittovisitton nthethe toilet,toilet, beforebefore andand afterafter mealsmealsandandn nhandlingoffood.handlingoffood.n n饭前便后要洗手饭前便后要洗手饭前便后要洗手饭前便后要洗手。GeneralGroomingStandardsGeneralGroomingStandards个人仪表基本标准个人仪表基本标准 n nHairmustbeclean,neatandtidyatalltimes.Hairmustbeclean,neatandtidyatalltimes.Hairmustbeclean,neatandtidyatalltimes.Hairmustbeclean,neatandtidyatalltimes.n n时刻保持头发干净整洁时刻保持头发干净整洁时刻保持头发干净整洁时刻保持头发干净整洁。 n nFringemustbeabovetheeyebrow.Fringemustbeabovetheeyebrow.Fringemustbeabovetheeyebrow.Fringemustbeabovetheeyebrow.n n垂在额前的短发,不可遮盖眼垂在额前的短发,不可遮盖眼垂在额前的短发,不可遮盖眼垂在额前的短发,不可遮盖眼。 n nColorofhairmustbeofa“natural”color.Colorofhairmustbeofa“natural”color.Colorofhairmustbeofa“natural”color.Colorofhairmustbeofa“natural”color.n n头发的颜色要自然头发的颜色要自然头发的颜色要自然头发的颜色要自然。 n nNofancyunnaturalcoloredhair.Nofancyunnaturalcoloredhair.Nofancyunnaturalcoloredhair.Nofancyunnaturalcoloredhair.n n头发不可染刺眼的或不自然的颜色头发不可染刺眼的或不自然的颜色头发不可染刺眼的或不自然的颜色头发不可染刺眼的或不自然的颜色WOMENSGROOMING女员工仪表标准女员工仪表标准n nMustbeclean,well-cutandregularlyMustbeclean,well-cutandregularlyn nmaintained.maintained.n n头发要梳理整齐头发要梳理整齐头发要梳理整齐头发要梳理整齐n nLooseLoosehairhairmustmustnotnottoughtoughthetheshoulders,Ifso,shoulders,Ifso,n nitit mustmust bebe wornworn upup inin anan elegantelegantprofessionalprofessionaln nstyle.E.g.:braided,pony-tail,bun.style.E.g.:braided,pony-tail,bun.n n头发长度不能到肩膀,否则的话一定要优雅专业扎头发长度不能到肩膀,否则的话一定要优雅专业扎头发长度不能到肩膀,否则的话一定要优雅专业扎头发长度不能到肩膀,否则的话一定要优雅专业扎n n起来。如:辫子、绑成马尾状、盘成发髻起来。如:辫子、绑成马尾状、盘成发髻起来。如:辫子、绑成马尾状、盘成发髻起来。如:辫子、绑成马尾状、盘成发髻。 WOMENS GROOMING女员工仪表标准女员工仪表标准Hair发型发型n nHairHair wornworn inin aa pony-tailpony-tail onon thethecrown.crown.n n头发像皇冠似的绑的很高的马尾头发像皇冠似的绑的很高的马尾头发像皇冠似的绑的很高的马尾头发像皇冠似的绑的很高的马尾n nHairHairfringefringecoveringcoveringthetheeyebrows.eyebrows.n n流海遮住了眉毛流海遮住了眉毛流海遮住了眉毛流海遮住了眉毛n nWetlook.Wetlook.n n头发看起来是湿的头发看起来是湿的头发看起来是湿的头发看起来是湿的n nExtremestyleorlight-colors.Extremestyleorlight-colors.n n奇怪的发型或颜色奇怪的发型或颜色奇怪的发型或颜色奇怪的发型或颜色NOTACCEPTABLE不允许不允许n nHairHair accessoriesaccessories mustmust bebe ofof aaconservationconservationn nnature.nature.n n头发上戴的饰品一定要保守自然头发上戴的饰品一定要保守自然头发上戴的饰品一定要保守自然头发上戴的饰品一定要保守自然n nAllAllribbons,ribbons,ready-madeready-madebowsbowsandandscrunchesscrunchesn nshouldbeblackshouldbeblack。n n头饰仅能使用黑色头饰仅能使用黑色头饰仅能使用黑色头饰仅能使用黑色HairAccessories头发上戴的头发上戴的饰品饰品n nMale & Female staff is not allowed Male & Female staff is not allowed n nto wear jewelry or other accessoriesto wear jewelry or other accessoriesn n with their uniforms with their uniforms n n男女员工上班均不允许佩戴首饰或饰物男女员工上班均不允许佩戴首饰或饰物JEWLLERY珠宝珠宝Brooch, bracelet, anklets and lip/nose/earrings not allowed.不允许佩戴胸针,手镯,脚链,嘴鼻耳环n nExcept Except for for wristwatch, wristwatch, wedding wedding ring ring and and stud stud n nearrings for female staff. The maximum earrings for female staff. The maximum n ndiameter diameter of of ring ring can can not not wider wider than than the the finger. finger. n nEarrings Earrings should should be be either either gold,silver,or gold,silver,or pearl pearl n nStuds, Studs, No No hanging hanging earrings earrings should should be be worn.worn.n n手表、结婚戒指除外,女员工可允许佩戴钉状手表、结婚戒指除外,女员工可允许佩戴钉状n n耳环)耳环), ,戒指宽度不能宽于手指。耳环只能戴金、戒指宽度不能宽于手指。耳环只能戴金、n n银或珍珠,不能戴吊式耳环。银或珍珠,不能戴吊式耳环。n nBangle(foot-lace)should not be worn. Bangle(foot-lace)should not be worn. n n不能戴脚链不能戴脚链. .MAKE-UP化妆化妆n nMake-up has to be light, and classicMake-up has to be light, and classicn n化妆必须是淡妆并且高雅化妆必须是淡妆并且高雅n nLadies are required to wear a Ladies are required to wear a minimum of a minimum of a n nlipstick and blusher.lipstick and blusher.n n女员工最基本要涂口红即腮红女员工最基本要涂口红即腮红n nUse simple / light / close to skins nail Use simple / light / close to skins nail polish.polish.n n使用透明色或接近肤色的指甲油使用透明色或接近肤色的指甲油FemalesGroomingStandards女员工仪表标准女员工仪表标准False eyelashes not permitted.False eyelashes not permitted.不允许戴假睫毛。不允许戴假睫毛。No Strong perfume.No Strong perfume.不允许用味道过浓的香水。不允许用味道过浓的香水。n nNo No black black or or dark dark maroon maroon color color lip lip stick. stick. n n不可涂抹黑色或深褐色的口红。不可涂抹黑色或深褐色的口红。No tattooed eye lid/brows and lips.No tattooed eye lid/brows and lips.不准纹眉。纹眼线;纹唇不准纹眉。纹眼线;纹唇Stockings丝袜丝袜n nMust be worn by all female Associate.Must be worn by all female Associate.n n所有女员工都要穿丝袜所有女员工都要穿丝袜n nSkirts must always be worn with Skirts must always be worn with pantyhose pantyhose n nstockings. Plain, skin colour and no runs/stockings. Plain, skin colour and no runs/n nno holes.no holes.n n应穿酒店统一发放的丝袜。并保证丝袜无破洞、应穿酒店统一发放的丝袜。并保证丝袜无破洞、n n无抽丝无抽丝MaleHairstandards男员工仪表标准男员工仪表标准n nHair, Hair, which which must must be be clean clean and and of of a a conservative conservative n nstyle, style, should should be be maintained maintained regularly, regularly, And And not not n nreaching the collar.Minimum hair length of reaching the collar.Minimum hair length of n nNumber Number 2 2 on on razor razor setting. setting. No No hair hair fringe fringe could could n ncover cover the the eyebrows. eyebrows. Side Side burns burns should should not not extend extend n nbeyond the middle of the ear.beyond the middle of the ear.n n男员工的头发要保守,并梳理整齐,长度不到衣领,男员工的头发要保守,并梳理整齐,长度不到衣领,n n最最短短长长度度为为2 2公公分分前前面面的的头头发发不不能能挡挡住住头头发发, , 鬓鬓角角不不能能n n超过耳中央超过耳中央MENSGROOMINGn nNo No Print Print T-Shirt T-Shirt should should be be worn worn under under uniforms.uniforms.n n不能在制服下穿着有印花的不能在制服下穿着有印花的T T恤恤n nHands Hands and and nails nails must must be be and and well well manicured at manicured at n nall all times.Length times.Length of of nail nail could could not not be be over over the the n ntop of the finger.top of the finger.n n双手及指甲要整齐清洁,指甲不宜超过双手及指甲要整齐清洁,指甲不宜超过n nUniforms Uniforms must must be be clean, clean, well-ironed well-ironed and and free free n nfrom spots and stains with no Buttonsfrom spots and stains with no Buttons n nmissing and on loose threads. missing and on loose threads. n n制制服服须须干干净净,熨熨烫烫平平整整,无无污污渍渍,钮钮扣扣齐齐全全,无开线无开线MENSGROOMINGKitchenEmployees厨房员工仪表厨房员工仪表KitchenEmployees厨房员工仪表厨房员工仪表n nHatsmustbewornatalltimes.Hatsmustbewornatalltimes.n n工作时必须佩带工作帽工作时必须佩带工作帽工作时必须佩带工作帽工作时必须佩带工作帽n nHairmustbewashedeveryday.Hairmustbewashedeveryday.n n每天必须洗头每天必须洗头每天必须洗头每天必须洗头Kitchen EmployeesKitchen Employees厨房员工仪表厨房员工仪表n nFemalesmustwearhairnets.Femalesmustwearhairnets.n n女员工应该佩带发网女员工应该佩带发网女员工应该佩带发网女员工应该佩带发网n nNojewelryofanysortallowed.Nojewelryofanysortallowed.n n不准佩带任何装饰物不准佩带任何装饰物不准佩带任何装饰物不准佩带任何装饰物n nmustwearkitchenshoes/boots.mustwearkitchenshoes/boots.n n必须穿厨房的鞋和靴子必须穿厨房的鞋和靴子必须穿厨房的鞋和靴子必须穿厨房的鞋和靴子PersonalHygiene个人卫生个人卫生PersonalHygiene个人卫生个人卫生n nBathe daily . Bathe daily . 每天洗澡每天洗澡。n nBrush your teeth. Brush your teeth. 每天刷牙每天刷牙n nWash your hair and keep it clean and Wash your hair and keep it clean and n ndandruff free.dandruff free.n n清洗头发,保持头发干净,没有头皮屑清洗头发,保持头发干净,没有头皮屑PersonalHygiene个人卫生个人卫生n nUsedeodorant.Usedeodorant. n n可使用除臭剂可使用除臭剂可使用除臭剂可使用除臭剂n nUseUseperfumeperfumeororcolognecologneininmoderation.moderation. n n可使用温和清淡的香水可使用温和清淡的香水可使用温和清淡的香水可使用温和清淡的香水PersonalHygiene 个人个人卫生卫生n nAvoid garlic, onions, strong spicy smelling food before Avoid garlic, onions, strong spicy smelling food before n nreporting to work.reporting to work.n n工作前不允许吃蒜,元葱及某些刺激性气味较强的食品工作前不允许吃蒜,元葱及某些刺激性气味较强的食品n nKeep your fingernails clean, short and rounded and Keep your fingernails clean, short and rounded and dirt dirt n nfree.free.n n保持指甲干净、整齐,无污物保持指甲干净、整齐,无污物n nHands must be washed after each visit to the toilet, Hands must be washed after each visit to the toilet, n nbefore and after meals and handling of food.before and after meals and handling of food.n n饭前便后及接触食物前要洗手。饭前便后及接触食物前要洗手。n nNo protruding nasal hair.No protruding nasal hair.n n鼻毛不可露出鼻孔外鼻毛不可露出鼻孔外 Toilet Etiquette厕所礼仪n nUse toilet properly.Use toilet properly.n n正确使用厕所设备。正确使用厕所设备。n nFlush the toilet after use. Flush the toilet after use. n n便后冲水便后冲水n nPut toilet paperPut toilet paper,sanitary napkin in the sanitary napkin in the basket.basket.n n将卫生纸、卫生巾放进垃圾篓中将卫生纸、卫生巾放进垃圾篓中n nNo scribble in toilet. No scribble in toilet. n n禁止在厕所乱写乱画禁止在厕所乱写乱画n nKeep toilet clean at all timesKeep toilet clean at all timesn n时刻保持厕所干净时刻保持厕所干净n nThe presentation and deportment of n nall team members must complement n nand enhance the standing of Holiday n nInn at all times. n n我们队伍的所有成员行为表现必须随时n n随地体现假日形象。 nnTHANK YOU !THANK YOU !
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