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木桐中学 李海霞初中常见的初中常见的6种时态种时态动词的时态动词的时态谓语动词构成谓语动词构成(以以make为例为例)一般现在时一般现在时make/makes一般过去时一般过去时made一般将来时一般将来时will/be going to make现在进行时现在进行时am/is/are making过去进行时过去进行时was/were making现在完成时现在完成时have/has made【方法突破方法突破】 时态的判断时态的判断 时时态态是是河河南南中中招招中中的的重重点点、难难点点,初初中中阶阶段段一一般般需需要要掌掌握握六六种种基基本本时时态态,因因此此学学生生应应掌掌握握动动词词时时态态的的判判断断技技巧巧来来解解题题。通通过过分分析析归归纳纳,河河南南近近8年年关关于于时时态态试试题题的的解解题题技技巧巧主主要要有有以以下下三三点点:1.根根据据时时间间状状语语确确定定时时态态;2.根根据据上上下下文文已已有有的的时时态态信信息息确确定定时时态态;3.利利用用上上下下文文语语境境和和生生活活常常识识判断句子的时态。判断句子的时态。各种时态的用法各种时态的用法一般现在时一般现在时1 1. .用法:用法:A.现在现在经常性经常性的的动作动作或或状态状态 B.客观事实客观事实和和真理真理。2 2. .标志词标志词: : always,usually,often, sometimes, never,every day /week/month/year/1.The boy usually_(get) to school early.gets2.Light _(travel)faster than sound.travels她一到达那儿,就会给你写信。她一到达那儿,就会给你写信。一般现在时的注意点一般现在时的注意点:在在when ,as soon as, until, after, before等到引导的时间状语从句和等到引导的时间状语从句和if 引导的条件状引导的条件状语语从句中从句中, 用一般现在时表示将来用一般现在时表示将来. If it doesnt rain tomorrow, well go camping.如果明天不下雨,我们将去野营。如果明天不下雨,我们将去野营。She ll write to you as soon as she gets there .一般过去时一般过去时1.用法:用法:过去过去的的动作动作或或状态状态。2.标志词:标志词:yesterday,the day before yesterday, three days ago, last night/week/month,in the past;just now=a moment ago一般将来时一般将来时1.用法:用法:将来的动作或状态将来的动作或状态。2.标志词:标志词:tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,in three days,in (the) future,next week/month/term, from now on现在进行时现在进行时1.用法:用法:A.现刻动作现刻动作:目前正在发生的动作。:目前正在发生的动作。B.现阶段动作现阶段动作:目前一个时期一直在进行的动作,:目前一个时期一直在进行的动作,此刻不一定在进行。此刻不一定在进行。2.结构结构:is/am/ are + doing3.标志词:标志词:now,Look! Listen!中考模拟中考模拟:-Mike, who_football in the yard? -Let me go and see. (20102010顺义)顺义)A.has playedB.will play C.was playingD.is playing注意注意A.A.有几个有几个位移性位移性动词动词可以用可以用现在进行时现在进行时表表将来,如:将来,如:come,go ,leave,arrive ,flycome,go ,leave,arrive ,fly。 它们可以用现在进行时表达将来时的意思。它们可以用现在进行时表达将来时的意思。1.-Lucy! Would you like to give me a hand? -OK. I_. A.will comeB.come C.am comingD.would come2.-When_you_for Toronto? -Tomorrow.A.do;leaveB.are;leavingC.will;leavingD.shall;leaveThe boy _always _ us! B. .现在进行时和现在进行时和alwaysalways连用,表示说话连用,表示说话人较强烈的人较强烈的感情色彩。感情色彩。You _ always _ the same mistake!ishelping(夸赞夸赞)aremaking(责备责备)过去进行时过去进行时1.用法:用法:过去过去某时某段时间某时某段时间正在进行的动作正在进行的动作。2.结构:结构:was/were +doing3.标志词:标志词:at that time,this time yesterday,then,when1.用法:用法:1)过去过去的动作对的动作对现在现在的影响。的影响。I have finished my homework. 2)过去过去的动作持续到的动作持续到现在现在,还可能继续持续还可能继续持续。I have stayed here for an hour! 2.结构:结构:have/has+done3.标志词:标志词:already, just, yet, ever, never, so far(till now/up to now), recently, in the past 3 years, before, since+时间点,for+时间段 现在完成时现在完成时4.瞬间动词和延续性动词瞬间动词和延续性动词 若句中出现若句中出现时间段时间段,则必须使用,则必须使用延续性动词延续性动词。瞬间动词和延续性动。瞬间动词和延续性动词转换关系如下:词转换关系如下:1.The film began 5 minutes ago.2.They left an hour ago.3.The man died a week ago.4.He joined the club 3 days ago.5.They got married 10 years ago.6.He came here an hour ago.7.Jack got home 2 hours ago.8.Mum opened the door just now.9.I borrowed the book a week ago.10.I bought the car a year ago.The film_ _ _ for 5 minutes.They_ _ _for an hour.The man_ _ _ for a week.He_ _ _the club for 3 days.They_ _ _for 10 years.He_ _ here since an hour ago.Jack_ _home for 2 hours.The door_ _open for a while. I_ _the book for a week.I_ _the car since a year ago.has been onhave been awayhas been deadhas been inhave been marriedhas beenhas beenhas beenhave kepthave had常见的可根据时间状语确定时态的用法如下常见的可根据时间状语确定时态的用法如下:(1)at present, at the moment, these days, look, listen等标志着等标志着现在进行时现在进行时;(2)just now, this morning, the other day, used to等标志着等标志着一般过去时一般过去时;(3)at 1:00 last night, at that moment, this time yesterday等标志着等标志着过去进行时过去进行时;(4)tomorrow, from now on, soon,in the future,next等标志着等标志着一般将来时一般将来时;Exercise 1.The volleyball match will be put off if it . A . will rain B. rains C .rained D. is raining 2.-Do you want to see the film “Harry Potter ”? -The film “Harry Potter ”? I _ it . Its very wonderful. (2008黄岗中考黄岗中考)A.see B.have seen C.was seeing D.has seen3.The boy _(not swim) in the river yet.hasnt swum5.-Where is Liu Mei? - She_(go) home.4.- Where is your father?- He _ (watch) TV in the room.7.He asked what time they_(do) at eight last night.were doing8.I know that he _(join) the army in1985.joined6.We dont know if it _(rain) tomorrow. If it _ (rain) tomorrow, well not go for a picnic.is watchingwill rainrainshas gone9 .Hes not hungry. He_ just_ (have) lunch.10. Im sure he _(work) it out in one hour.11.-_the Blacks _(visit) the Great Wall before? -Yes , they_. -When _they _(visit) it? -Only a month ago.has will workHave had visited havedid visit 1.Sorry,I_to help you at ten.I was busy at the moment. A.wont come B.cant come C.didnt come D.shouldnt come2.He_this pen for five years.He_it in 1997. A.has bought,bought. B.bought,bought C.has kept,has bought D.has had,bought3.She_the flowers in the garden when I_to see her yesterday. A.watered,went B.was watering, went C.watered,was going D.was watering,was going4.I don t know if my friend_.If he _,Ill let you know. A.comes,comes B.comes, will come C.will come,comes D.will come,will come5.It_10 years since I_here. A.is,come B.is,have come C.was,came D.is,came6.His brother_from home for a long time. A.has left B.has been away C.left D.will leave 7.-Lucy,_you_your ticket? -Not yet. (2003河北省河北省) A.did;find B.have;foundC.has;foundD.do;find8.-I dont know if his uncle_ -I think he_if it doesnt rain. A.will come; comes B.will come; will comeC.comes; comesD.comes; will come9.-Hurry up! Its time to leave. -OK,_.(2003江西江西)A.Im comingB.Ill comeC.Ive come D.I come10. I must return the camera to Li Lei, I_it for two weeks.A.keepB.borrowed C.have kept D.have lent (2003辽宁辽宁)11.-When_ this kind of computer_? -Last year.(2002天津天津)A.did; useB.was; usedC.is; usedD.are; used12.-Jerry,_you_your lost book? -Not yet.A.did;findB.have;foundC.has; foundD.do;find13.Do you know if_back next week? If he_back,please let me know.(2002黑龙江黑龙江)A.he comes, will comeB.will he come; comesC.he will come; comesD.will he come, will comeMany thnks!
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