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Wedding planningPresentation by NameContents-Introduction-Table of events-Planning-Invitations-Guest list-Table layout-Decoration detailsImageimageimageSpeech quotesWedlock or deadlock? That is the question! When you meet someone who can cook and do housework - dont hesitate a minute - marry him. Marriage: A community consisting of a master, a mistress, and two slaves - making in all, two. Event timetableObjectiveContactCompletion dateOrganise dress fitting12/07/06Confirm venue and guests14/07/06Footnote the above imagesphotosFootnote theimages above篇章剖析本文采用提出问题分析问题的模式,指出支付高昂的大学学费对很多家庭来说都有些力不从心,以及一些助学贷款及其它资助项目所起的作用。第一段提出问题,以哈特家为例,说明支付大学学费对家庭造成的压力;第二段指出大多数家庭支付大学学费的方式以及存在的一些问题;第三段指出家庭存钱的作用;第四段指出资助项目的形式;第五段指出传统奖学金的吸引力。词汇注释daunting 5dC:ntINadj.使人畏缩的calculus 5kAlkjJlEsn.微积分学, 结石tuition tju:5IF(E)n; (?) 5tu:-n.学费number cruncher n.捣弄数字者;能够进行复杂、大量运算的人boostbu:stv.推进sock away把钱存放起来better off (doing something) adj.(对于做某事来说)是较为明智的maternity ward n.产科病房the College Board大学委员会eligible5elIdVEb(E)ladj.符合条件的,合格的deferdI5f:(r)vt.使推迟, 使延期wrestling 5res(E)lINn.体摔跤in a bind adv.处于困境
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