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20202020 年中考英语单选题易错题集锦年中考英语单选题易错题集锦(共(共 100100 题)含答案题)含答案1 What do you think _solve the problem ?A you can do B can you doC you can do to D canyou do to2 In the past he often made his sister_, but now he is oftenmade _by his sister.A to cry; to cryB cry; cryC to cry; cryD cry;to cry3 The teacher told us that the sun _in the east.A risesB roseC raisesD raised4 He lives in a village _there are a lot of trees.A thereB whereC thatD which5 He _ Alice for ten years.A married toB has married toC has marriedD hasbeen married to6 We need fifteen more people _our team to do the job.A butB exceptC as wellD besides7 They wont allow us _ at this beach.A swimmingB to swim C swamD1swim8 Is this factory _you visited last week?A thatB whereC the oneD in which9 The reason _he was absent from the meeting was _hiscar broke down on the way.A that; becauseB why; thatC that; thatD for;that10 Is the river_ through that town very large?A which flowsB flowsC that flowingDwhose flows11 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see wereseen_ football on the playground just now.A playingB to be playingC playD to play12 The red rose is the only one _I real like.A whichB whoC that D whom13 All the apples _ fell down were eaten by the pigs.A those B whichC whatD that14 Dont forgetthe day _you were received into the YouthLeague.A whenB that C at whichD where15 I prefer_ at home to _outside.A staying, playingB to stay, playC staying, playD2to stay, playing16 The box is _what I saw in the shop.A same as B the same likeC the same thatDsame as17 The pen _she writes letters is broken.A whichB thatC with which D by which18 Would you like to _us in our discussion.A take part inB joinC taking part inD joining19 Im sure the red team will _the game .A winB beatC defeatD succeed20 Ahead of me I saw a woman _I thought was my aunt.A whoB whomC of whomD whose21 _your help, everything in the room is in good order now.A SinceB BecauseC Thanks forD Thanks to22 He is known to the world and has a lot of friends_.A in and out of abroadB at home and abroadC at home and at abroadD in home and out ofabroad23 -Are you going there with them ?-If you go,_.A I also goB so do I C so I willD so will I24 -The flower is beautiful.-_A So is itB So it isC It is so D It so isthe325 The number of people invited _fifty, but a number ofthem _absent for different reasons.A were; wasB was ; wasC was; wereD were;were26 We havent had any success _.A before longB so longC by farD so far27 Travellers _our country enjoy the beautiful sights inBeijing, Hangzhou and many other places of interest.A forB toC tillD by28 If a man _succeed, he must work as hard as he can.A willB should C is going toD is to29 -I am sorry I didnt do a good job.-Never mind. _you have tried your best.A Above allB In allC At allD After all30 The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to_healthy eating habits.A findB createC developD prepare31 We have spent _money on English books .A a great deal ofB a good manyC a plenty of Dnumber of32 _met, it wont be easily forgotten.A If onlyB When ifC OnceDOnceyoua4were33 The differences_ these two pictures _ colour areeasy to see.A in, of B from, ofC between ,inD of ,in34 You should put_ “s” at the end of this word.A aB /C anD the35-Whats _populationof China?-Chinahas_population of 1.3 billion.A a; theB the; aC /;/D the; the36 Its _here. We cant work long hours here.A very much coldB much coldC much too coldD toomuch cold37 _terrible weather weve been having these days!A How aB What aC HowD What38 -Have you decided when_?-Yes, tomorrow morning.A will you leaveB to be leavingC are you leaving Dto leave39 The song _My heart will go on is liked by the youngpeople.A callB calling C calledD to call40 Train services are now back to _after three days oftyphoon.5A usualB commonC ordinaryD normal41 He is the best _English in our class.A atB inC forD to42 The policeman caught hold of the thief and hit him _thehead.A in theB on hisC on theD in his43 Did John hit Bob _eye ?A in theB on theC in hisD on his44There is _ interesting _ todays newspaper.A anything;inB nothing;inCsomething;onDnothing; on45 Has your teacher given you any advice_ your study?A inB toC onD with46 Its bad manners to laugh _ others when they are _trouble.A at ,inB over ,atC with ,onDwith47 Betty doesnt have enough money to buy that coat. Its very_.The price is too_.A high, highB expensive, expensiveC expensive, highD high, expensiveto,648 This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen_comfortably.A wearingB wearC wearsD is worn49 The diamond is _.A very valuableB of great valueC great value Dor B50 Behind the dancer there was a woman _a largediamond ring.A carryingB dressingC wearingDhaving51 The young teacher who has a _face can make his classes_and interesting.A lovely, livelyB lovely, lovelyC likely, friendlyD ugly,lively52 They were still _their friends after their childs longillness.A in debt toB in the debt toC in debt withDinthe debt with53 _, my brother passed the exam.A To my great joyB To my great surprisedC With my joyD With my surprise54 I am all tears, _,I am listening to you with all attention.A7A in another wordsB in the other wordsC with other wordsD in other words55 He started early _he could get there before nine.A in order that B because C so as toD in order to56 As you know, whether the person will be elected president ismatter of _interest.A generalB commonC ordinaryD mostly57 I _ by his story that he made up.A was taken onB was taken outC was taken inD amtaken in58 He didnt go into detail on the subject ,he spoke _.A in generalB in particularC in commonDinshort59Wedesignedthemachine_thepurpose_production.A for, of increasingB with, of increasingC for, to increaseD A or B60 Hospital doctors dont go out very often as their work_all their time.A takes away B takes inC takes overDtakesup61 We offered him our congratulation _his passing the8entrance exam.A onB forC withD at62 My mother _classical music while I am _rock music.A is fond of, inB likes, likeC is interested in; intoDinterests; enjoy63 We each _ strong points and each of us on the otherhand _weak points.A have, have B has, haveC has, has D have, has64 He is one of the students who, I am sure, always do _best.A hisB onesC myD their65 The police _determined to bring back the missing boywhen his family_almost given up hope.A is, hasB are, haveC are, hasD is, have66 More than one girl _ late for class this morning.A areB isC wasD were67 Many a student _ in the exam.A have failedB had been failedC has failedDwill be failed68 What he says and what he does _.A is not agreeB are not agreeCdoesnotagreeD do not agree969 Not only politics but also English is important. In otherwords , _is important.A English, as well as politicsBEnglishaswellaspoliticsC both politics and English Dpolitics,aswellasEnglish70 It was at the very beginning_ Mr.Smith made a decision_we should send for a doctor.A what, thatB that, which C which, thatD that, that71 On the way back home from the ball, she suddenly found hernecklace_.A missed B losingC goneD be stolen72 He didnt go to the party not _the time but _hewas ill.A because of, becauseB because, becauseC because,because ofD because of, because of73 The teacher gave me a piece of paper_.A to write on B to be written onC to write inDtobe written74 I cant believe he could jump _high.A very muchB suchC thatD this75 -The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they?-_.1 0A I guess not soB I dont guess soC I dont guessD Iguess not76 The magazine is _reading, so he advised me _it.A well worth; to buyB very worth; buyingC worthing , buyingD worthy, to buy77 She is on a special _to lose _weight.A food; herB food;/D diet; herD diet;/78 Jenny_ a rich man. She has_ him for 5 years.A married with; married withB married; marriedC married to; been marriedDmarried to79 I am _hungry. Give me _of milk.A a bit; a littleB not a little; a bitC little; a bitDnot a little; a little80 A good friend is someone _makes you _.A which; happyB who; happilyC who; happyDwhose; happily81 He was about _when suddenly the telephone rang.A to leaveB to startingC leavingD setting off82 This task is _difficult for us. We need _people.A much too; another threeB too much; otherthreemarried;been1 1C much too; more threeD too much; three more83 He seems to _to Jane. He knows her well.A have been introducedB be introduced C have introducedD introduced84 This is a film _Spielberg used real actors instead ofstunt men.A whichB whoseC in whichD of which85 He _much of his success and happiness _his wifeand children.A thanks; toB owes; toC owns; toDhighly of86 He will never forget the days _he spent with you inJapan.A whenB that C on whichD in which87 Which sentence is incorrect ?A I feel interested in classical musicB I take interest inclassical musicC I am not into classical musicD I dont fond ofclassical music88 No one likes _in _public.A to be laughed at; the B laughing at; thethinks;1 2C being laughed at; / D to be laughing at; /89 We are considering _a sports meet next month.A to holdB holdingC to be heldD as holding90 Which sentence is incorrect?A He devoted himself to the work of childrens health care.B He is devoted to his work.C He devoted all his life to work hard in peoples interests.D He is determined to make more money for his family.91 He doesnt like classical music and_ I .A so doB nor do C or do D nor am92 Friends should _happiness and sorrow _eachother.A share, with B solve, with C share, fromD share, to93 -I missed the first part of the film .It was really a pity.-You _home half an hour earlier.A should have leftB must have leftC should leaveDmust leave94 The storm died away at last with the golden waves _theshore in peace.A beatenB beatC to beat D beating95 The whites are _holiday ,but I dont know where they havegone _their holidays.1 3A in ,forB on ,forC for, inD at, on96 The river _are covered with trees is very long.A which banksB of which banksC whose the banks D thebanks of which97 She likes to use words _clear to her.A of which the meaningB of which meaningC whose of meaningD meaning of which98 The price of this washing machine has been increased_15%.A upB toC byD from99 _someones health, you raise your glass.A Drink toB To drink to C If you drinkDdrink to100 Please _me about the interview_ I forget.A remind; in caseB remember; in caseC remember, in case ofD remind of; in case of参考答案:15 CDABD6-10 DBCBA11-15 ACDAA16-20 DCBAA21-25 DBDBC26-30 DBDDC31-35 ACCCB36-40 CDDCD41-45 BCABC46-50 ACCDC51-55 AAADAIf1 456-60 ACADD61-65 ACDDB66-70 CCDBD71-75 CAACD76-80 ADDBC81-85 AAACB86-90 BDCBC91-95 BAADB96-100 DACBA1 5
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