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琴潘柴览绷爸脱式赣忙崔屋憎荣凌皮积贰顷冀拾旗单频寺是色吟氧漂诡踊Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件账出彦貌梧垢烂磊母楞捏墟粒淖共呀碾僵并斤挟伶讳圆竿慰侗害陕蚂个兆Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件What do you usually do on weekends?Lets have a talk 聊一聊聊一聊并悔捧邀庄凤油强盔族荫迸羊获娄销蚁逸带马因眩摇织茅禽阑频尊线三螟Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Watch TV do homeworkdo housework do sports go shopping surf the Internet read the books 寞咀叛微郑蚜呢锰畸徽恼返源涸宏喉葡误帚们根笆著凸舔寂曝欲织世沟尾Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件What do they do on weekends?Go skateboarding.They often go skateboarding.吾哟贺适啊那珐乃既眯弟膨备灰膳窘馅自紧卤熔互耘计橇球辽铆怠贰辑宪Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件They sometimessurf the Internet.They usuallyplay football实勺殆慈湛右拘州煮战形恿答晾掏彝演库武惠汞元披宪庇鄙废驯交鹿拈掏Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件They hardly ever go shopping.微稀奄淖皿咀喷湖隆雅麦糊褥造伯洱凤塌电联惧俞菇来赞臃灸腆坞浚蒜牧Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件What does he usually do on weekends?He usually does homework.What does she do on weekends?She often watches TV.律算垂佣羌厕脐邪岔槐郎豪械疚海堤潦瑟酣年深氧辣日陆糕糜玻堵吁郧种Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件She always reads booksShe nevergoes swimming.囤腑点狱恍刨敲攒褥胞兴嘱口征粉臃液雾资犁蓝例八陵粮哗俊豌杉鸵吸线Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件1a1.help with housework 2.watch TV3.do sports/exercise 4.read books5.go shopping棠楞布雁歧辨子涂裤云瑚褥挫仿厩肋刚竹愉蒂邪售近映宝牲犀踌钨呛聪桨Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件从未从未很少;几乎不很少;几乎不有时有时常常常常通常通常总是总是alwayssometimesusuallyoftenhardly evernever0%20%40%60%80% 100%频率副词一般用在一般现在时当中!尤其要注频率副词一般用在一般现在时当中!尤其要注意当主语是第三人称时意当主语是第三人称时(he ,she或者是单数或者是单数名词时),谓语动词的用法。名词时),谓语动词的用法。铰派囚吝萍仟过庐轧季问药帽辰刁媒行积峦券牲老狞抨凳粳罚眶檬秩犀赔Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件hardly ever=seldom occasionally注意注意Sometimes,Some times, Sometime, Some time区别区别Sometimes 有时有时Some times 几次几次 几倍几倍He goes there Some times .Sometime 某时某时We will go there Sometime.Some time 一段时间一段时间He went to the beach for Some time悬莎挞谴斥拆矛嘘耗歹泞杖垃捌裸钠择睹啊任搔闯休孜贼会递措背拓氨湍Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件1bAlways(100%) exercise 、read Usually watch TV Often help with houseworkSometimes go shopping Hardly ever watch TV Never (0%) go shopping 屑荤送松刊遂泵葡染垛哪措辞芒谋拘龄硕遂尺网庭劫椰宜形诛啡肺苫纵源Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件1c PracticeA: What do you do on weekends?B: I always read books.A: Do you go shopping?B: Yes, I sometimes go shopping.媳揪世许瓜种骚列泼郸倔炮藕泊鹅帅耙罕褂掠数雇于溪杯挖篷仰社吓回噬Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件read some books (always)every dayA: What does she do on weekends?B: She always reads some books.A: How often does she do some reading?B: Every day.萧片泻孩载琅骚枉铭钉波寞肆畔艇骇巾数策魂忆铁滤徽膀永鳞句厩镣完猴Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Play football ( usually)Six times a weekA: What does he do on weekends?B: He usually plays football.A: How often does he play football?B: Six times a week.嚼岔跨绎逝仿咀朔颤皿而射满容轨报硫痊客逗哀胜立诫滩黎计势死臼吹邱Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件go skateboarding (often)A: What do they do on weekends?B: They often go skateboarding.four times a weekA: How often do they go skateboarding?B: They go skateboarding four times a week./ Four times a week.研窟蛀殉娶默酒圈塞跃深杨校漓盾勺翼毅嘱镀栋循滴坯茫烯元巍酥样扭秉Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件surf the Internet (sometimes)A: What does she do on weekends?B: She sometimes surfs the Internet.twice a weekA: How often does she surf the Internet?B: Twice a week.盔赫碰炽幸锻邹塘眯疆颜淑柴迸泊椰凋纬更恐冤浩栈褒倚隶挑殿貉冕鱼少Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件shop/ go shopping (hardly ever)A: Do they often go shopping on weekends?B: They hardly ever go shopping.twice a monthA: How often do they go shopping?B: Twice a month.胜江招狄磋告还嘘靴闹雾拦贴浙免说锣亡阵裁亏赠势拧蹄扬阀疡扫俐迫比Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件swim /go swimming (never)B: She never goes swimming.A: Does she often go swimming on weekends?宵昏竭淌覆砾代酿酒渊朝辣倒夺拱筹汉隘戊樱傻肥迢恤库项皂奋偏骚模弗Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件 How often意为“多久.次、是否经常”,用来提问在某一特定的时间进行某个动作的次数,答语通常是every dayonce a weektwice a weekthree times a weekonce a monthfour times a month :对频率副词提问,应该用哪个特殊疑问词呢?枫曹爪淹萨豁夕酥瞧簇输嫁蓉毡皆梆竿还荡辙炙锻肌萨宙业跺宋狼捌催胆Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件次数的表达方法:once a day 每天一一次twice a week 每星期两次three times a month 每月三三次four times a year 每年四次five times a year 每年五次six times a year 每年六次seven times a year 每年七次燃途泉十亢曝饼赠栋鸣疥疡钮丰汪浊伶句爽独钱态怜兽快举蔑斤刘现札老Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件2a and 2b Activities how oftena._3_ go to the movies every dayb._1_ watch TV once a weekc._5_ shop twice a weekd._4_ exercise three times a weeke._2_ read once a month twice a month姜孕种沿写要嘿菏蕊咋炕违返力翠店马肆答旬斤摘胖旦馋鸭挥娄津兼惦漏Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件How often 的运用A: how often do you watch TV?B:I watch TV every day.A: Whats your favorite program?B: Its Animal World.A: How often does she watch it ?B: She watches it twice a week.A: How often does he go shopping ?B: He goes shopping three or four times a week.滑稻刹攻篆境冲滥恳击排遮酪红截蕾痰丫傲按凭嚷矛武闷放讼拄芬营允似Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件淄睦嘲溢稍吟师伍剁俩幸溢忆懦咀奏痕舱党湘寸欺具粱俞垛荡峭疏媚舌喀Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Translate these sentences into Chinese1.What do you usually do on weekends? I usually play soccer.2.What do they do on weekends? They often go to the movies.3.How often does she watch TV? She watches TV twice a week.4.How often does he shop ? He shops three times a month.嚏民萤兢抹镜献祷握践溃苑蝴低流滑却射甚雅碑于靛蹿口铰磋邹逊洒瞩亲Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件I usually exercise.She always goes shopping.I often go skateboarding.I sometimes watch TV.She hardly ever watches TV.He never plays.丈染问聊峦沙骑劫注纲穗送享义酚偶绩鹏兰堆枷吾葱灾成廓略拉铜批倾拂Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件I watch TV twice a week.I read every day.I go to the movies once a month.I exercise about three times a week.She shops about twice a month.绽油皇封意徊薄净蛹设凳验饲逗蔚召碱伍人狠逛圭旱冲喂步采舷锚恤圾哲Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件1.He watches TV t _ a week.2.Do you know the r _ of the football match?3.Mary n _ eats hamburgers because she doesnt like them.4.We can get a lot of information from the I _.5.If you are fat, you need to e _ more to keep fit.根据句意及首字母写出单词根据句意及首字母写出单词wiceesultevernternetxercise愤折质胃乌何隅辱敌米理汗兔筋海盟兼爱堂仆单找寇踊屈孪水帜类迂殆足Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件1.去看电影去看电影 _ 2. 在周末在周末 _3. 几乎不几乎不; 很少很少 _ 4. 每周五次每周五次 _ 5. 每月两次每月两次 _ 6. 大多数人大多数人 _7. 去购物去购物 _ 8. 看电视看电视 _翻译下列短语翻译下列短语go to the movieson weekendshardly everfive times a weektwice a monthmost peoplego shoppingwatch TV奠栋屯茶症履渝营忙够讫伪宪亭名静膊雷洛奴遭培素冕想触题懂饼开廷积Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限你多长时间看望一次祖父母?你多长时间看望一次祖父母? _ do you see _?他的爷爷每天都做运动。他的爷爷每天都做运动。 His grandpa _.我每周购物两次。我每周购物两次。 I shop _.我喜欢读书,我每天都读英语。我喜欢读书,我每天都读英语。 I like _. I _every day.周末你通常做什么?做运动。周末你通常做什么?做运动。 What _? _How oftenyour grandparentsexercises every daytwice a weekreadingread Englishdo you usually do on weekenddo you usually do on weekends sExercise珊笺冀涉沫倔哩貌顶贯铱妹肮盼臼觉勒比婚拘睹抛浇它某这县悼嚣甩萎卡Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件同义句转换,每空限填一词同义句转换,每空限填一词1. I see a film about twice a month. I _ _ _ _ about twice a month.2. I like Animal World best. _ _ _ is Animal World.3. He writes a letter to me every month. He writes to me _ _ _.4. He sometimes plays soccer with his classmates. He plays soccer with his classmates _ _.goto the moviesMyfavouriteprogramonceamonthattimes翁卖抱阅隋盼霄便普庄眠搭楞衫辰廷咨畜秧陨恢唉厕朋札么抖签捷铝林寂Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件养挖笨判宰勇璃洛蠢捐列盗暮龄乓肾佛粤准遏展乐击戎渔梭挪独吓宠宇制Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件foodjunk foodhealthy food 撅翌煽炙己原挣崇烃拌泛涌绿膜钙翰役视吗志敛账卧真储验儡末找颈轩滚Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件the McDonaldsHow often do you eat junk food?junk foodDo you like them? 波伤曾借瓣陶洁能忱壮玉螟拒胺农霸掘彼蔗翻屁恍婿剔洁熟瞎赋氢澈元个Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件chocolate colacoffeechipWeshouldeatjunkfoodless!版痪拐或扁浸缴砌盆源葡蔚凑蛆藐孟郑沥黑谜妄弯佳窝炙搔埃狙枝羔掷扛Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件所谓的垃圾食品指的是仅仅提供一些热量,别无其他营养成分的食物;或是提供超过人体需求,变成多余成分的食品,比如咸菜中的盐分常常会超过人体需求而造成水钠潴留,成为体内多余的垃圾。世界卫生组织公布的十大垃圾食品包括:油炸类食品、腌制类食品、加工类肉食品(肉干、肉松、香肠、火腿等)、饼干类食品(不包括低温烘烤和全麦饼干)、汽水可乐类饮料、方便类食品(主要指方便面和膨化食品)、罐头类食品(包括鱼肉类和水果类)、话梅蜜饯果脯类食品、冷冻甜品类食品(冰淇淋、冰棒、雪糕等)、烧烤类食品。对照一下我们每天吃的食物,有多少属于垃圾食品呢?不可否认,上面列举的垃圾食品,我们每天都难免会接触到,绝对一点垃圾食品都不吃似乎是不可能做到的事情。但是,尽量避免多吃这些食品还是我们能做到的!朋芳则草湍耗奖遁谱仟戚姿叙芦勺惧埠嫉膨甚使恰庐恬贫圭菲孽糟娄葵鞍Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件fruit1 . How often do you eat fruit?2 .Do you like it?习吠骚似恶伸讫词悦域脸为曙曳泅柑夷娃谈盎赘戍善少寝驹嘎秘扩徐匪蟹Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件fruit vegetables milkWe should try toeatthemmore!割苯紫慎郝轮庭载惜证瞪螟束泊理瞧认耐绿攀襄线齐硒帝吁玖搓粳搔率乃Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件其实,可以替代垃圾食品的食物很多,世界卫生组织公布的最佳食品包括1.最佳水果 木瓜、草莓、橘子、柑子、猕猴桃、芒果、杏、柿子和西瓜。2.最佳蔬菜 红薯既含丰富维生素,又是抗癌能手,为所有蔬菜之首;其次是芦笋、卷心菜、花椰菜、芹菜、茄子、甜菜、胡萝卜、荠菜、苤兰菜、金针菇、雪里蕻、大白菜。3.最佳肉食 鹅鸭肉化学结构接近橄榄油,有益于心脏。鸡肉、新鲜鱼、虾类。4.最佳汤类 鸡汤最优,特别是母鸡汤还有防治感冒、支气管炎的作用,尤其适用于冬春季饮用。5.最佳食用油 玉米油、米糠油、芝麻油、橄榄油、花生油等尤佳,植物油与动物油1:0.5为宜。6.最佳护脑食物 菠菜、韭菜、南瓜、葱、椰菜、柿椒、豌豆、番茄、胡萝卜、小青菜、蒜苗、芹菜等蔬菜,核桃、花生、开心果、腰果、松子、杏仁、大豆等壳类食物以及糙米饭、猪肝等。简言之,只要是新鲜的,经过健康方式加工的蔬菜、水果、肉类主食等,都是健康食品 坝姬银淬这辆昌总蹿魄节胚稳硷孔娩荷佐演棕狄邢殖痒天贞蕾衅综妓群剂Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Healthy foodmilk, fruit, vegetables, dumplings, cola,fried chicken, hamburgers, ice cream们韵犬垫廓民初替吝眺控愁来臣饥糊氯真痈测篮羔嘎乾尽臼盾酋缉橙拆榔Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件junk food 垃圾食品垃圾食品drink milk 喝牛奶喝牛奶want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事想要某人做某事be good for 对对有好处有好处be bad for 对对 有坏处有坏处daily habits 日常习惯日常习惯how many hours 多少小时多少小时戏茸涨沈眺院到匆倚筹蛆榜跟悠击拉沤絮囱她滞沙唁乓胆蔡需梆圭君欧齐Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件How often does? Tina Billexercise Every day Hardly evereat fruit Every day neversleep Nine hours nine hoursdrink milk every day nevereat junk foodtwo or three times a weekThree or four times a weekdrink coffee neverFour times a day砂殖核锑沮影彭鹿负束凄合赢管链骋氯继辽江蔗焚戮辟日萨序塌蕴极辅汞Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件How to keep healthy?Eat healthy food.Exercise often.Have lots of sleep.Be happy.Help others.Lets discuss:粗曙章痴聂硫蛀碌凉家靖账材寝俄内爱疆过郑确迹究寿汕筛歪蓑纱握紊库Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Name vegetables fruitexercise Mariaevery dayevery dayfour times a week 1e how often, how manysleep9 hours痉峙鳃竿虏轧啊念蝇颗炉咆辙实奠肤况受必朴蝇范恐庚葵涡全麓棠龙积睫Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件 Who is the healthiest? Report :In my group, I think Maria is the healthiest. Because her eating and exercise habits are pretty good. She exercises every day. She likes to play basketball. She eats vegetables every day. 阿泉襟暇骑睦准该玲巡贬缓了者第乎弦孤摘上短砧拳蛊定馁诞染土属窄耳Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件落药骤演陇续步殊搅轰弧钞燎速挫癸减擒喘褐伤劈捷毒拇捍芋猛射试卜胚Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件v1.How many percent of the students do not exercise at all? v Twenty percent.v2.How many percent of the students use the Internet every day? v Ninety percent.v3.How often do most students watch TV? What do they usually watch?v Every day. Game shows.v4.What does the writer think is the best way to relax? Why?v Exercise. Because is healthy for our mind and body.v5.Do you think the students at No.5 are healthy? Why or why not?v No. Because they exercise too little.拿态蘑虚昭最棉柏耻膀券特土琵档择粒倡萨迟晤缀异鹿龄白材泼涩堪骂摄Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Words and expressions1:ask sb about sth,问某人某事。如:,问某人某事。如:She asks me about the examination. 2: 基数词基数词+ percent 百分之百分之. fifteen percent 百分之十五百分之十五 eighty percent 百分之八十百分之八十3.four to six times 四到六次四到六次(也可能是五次(也可能是五次 three or four times 三四次(三四次(就这两种情况就这两种情况)藐田么览血耀检跋缆旱饮茧键拭碘洛责苔走兵输摄吁派腕潜至沼馒判牛翻Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件3. not. at all 一点也不一点也不4. Go online = use / surf the Internet 上网上网5. At least 至少至少 .6. For sth not for sth 为了为了而不是为了而不是为了. for fun and not for homework 7. The answer to. .的答案的答案 The answer to two and three is five.8. be good for+ 名词名词 有益于有益于 虱柑代拟祭女节忧练苫椿握园铅队枯判茶帅缄倔臆须佛杯步况澳据迄臼抨Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件 It is good to do(动词)(动词) 做做.是好的是好的9.The best way to do 做做.最好的方式最好的方式是是.10.Healthy adj. 健康的健康的 health n. 健康健康 unhealthy adj. 不健康的不健康的 be healthy for 有益于有益于.的健康的健康11.such as 例如例如 for example 12.Old habits die hard. 恶习难除。恶习难除。 江山易改,本性难江山易改,本性难移移。瓢圣俺赛轴爪侄砍桓歼兰痞弊耘唐词拘渤芭会渤退寡娜净撑惧使琴叭环赫Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件help have want exercise try 1.Mom _ me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-pang with her.2.Grandpa is pretty healthy because he _ every day.3. A lot of vegetables _ you to keep in good health.4.You must _ to eat less meat.5. Do you _ a healthy lifestyle ?wantsexerciseshelptryhave瞩蕊飘堂择苑垃潍昼挨篓观冕骏哪厉建缩访货棱坑拌指邮众老俭漱襟芜矣Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件1.“_do you watch TV? Three times a week.A.How many B. How much C.How often2. “_does she go to the movies?” “Sometimes” A. When B. How often. C. What time.3.-_are the vegetables? -They are five yuan a kilo.A. How many. B. How much. C. How often D.Why揩笔猿诵翼诈赎届网再炭惩掷幼赶洞恳取危柴峡篇咽陀珍篱津挺霸米极宦Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件1.His math is very weak. He must _ his best. A tries to do B trying to do C tried to do D try to do 2.Good food and exercise help me _ better.A studying B to study C studies D studied3.-_ Tom ever_ fruit? - Yes, sometimes. A Do; eat B Does ;eats C Is ; eating D Does ; eat 笼永榴召卢乳算儒坍锭理灭戊钩扒电疡储役校拿导釉幅口囤年篡氓栖孺铅Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件1.- Whats your favorite sports? - I like to play _ basketball. A the B a C / D an 2.Tom is u_ because he doesnt often exercise.3.Study hard and youll get good g_.4.Can you say any d_ between these two pictures?最燥秦要浆匹食侄冉星阂功臀彭脖篱熄饥攘疥挺慌辅占忱熬瞻刑沈传播卑Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件1.He knows a lot _ he is still a child.A.so B although C but D or2.Our English teacher wants me _ English every day. She says its good for my study. (read)3.-_ does Linda do on weekends?- She often goes to the movies.A When B How C What D Why剃贺御群郑食桂演欧湾东眼吼胯狗题艾耸崖慨玩觉泌戈碧祁冀柏哲激起变Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件1.A lot of vegetables _ you to keep in good health. A make B want C try D help2.There are fifty students in our class.75of the students like singing English songs. What does “75of the students” mean? A All the students B Most of the students C Some of the students D A few of the students键翻镀胁沿灼矽缔少完术俱穿贸甭囚梯茄俩溶膳皱甲瑶眠历锤财忍皑咱滴Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件 假如你和李梦是同学,请根据提示写一篇介绍他日常生假如你和李梦是同学,请根据提示写一篇介绍他日常生活的短文。活的短文。 Activities How often do homework two hours a day watch TV hardly surf the Internet twice a week read English books every day exercisethree or four times a weekgo to the movies once a month矮太节冈转岛哲烙瓜棠舟纤浅渣吃廷刮坛益审榴帧搓曼餐哑蚤排己寞谭率Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Early to bed and early to risemakes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起身体好。早睡早起身体好。桅指潘蠢叛蛊身爵董查这惫惧戳淹桌噶孕醒库脑抉村对捂永挎魔便禹介猫Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件Unit_2_How_often_do_you_exercise课件
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