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Module 8 ReadingImportant film events around the world Unit 4Films and film eventsIsabel RoseCannes Film FestivalHanz MullerBerlin International Film FestivalKathy BarnesSundance Film FestivalMaria BellaVenice Film FestivalMike TaylorToronto International Film FestivalXu LiShanghai International Film Festival(1) Choose the correct answer.1. _ us in the studio are Isabel, Hanz, Kathy, Maria, Mike, and Xu Li.A. Join B. To join C. Joining D. Joined2. Welcome, everyone! Maria, _ tell us a little about the Venice Film Festival. A. do B. does C. to do D. doing3. The Sundance Film Festival only includes small, independent films. That is, it only includes those _ by Hollywood studios. A. not financed B. not having financed C. having not been financed D. being not financed4. Our policy is _ high-quality films regardless of who makes them. A. to includingB. include C. includedD. to include5. _ the films quality meets our standards, we include it. A. As far as B. As much as C. As long as D. As many as6. The Sundance Film Festival boycotts all Hollywood films, and we dont foresee _ including them. A. even B. ever C. just D. still7. It was then that Robert Redford _ and changed the focus to saluting independent films. A. went overB. took over C. went through D. took off8. So, he knew how many actors and directors were making good films _ to the public. A. unknownB. to be unknown C. unknowingD. being unknown9. Now, if a film wins an award at Sundance, _ is a good chance it will become famous! A. itB. this C. thatD. there10. _ the history of our festival, we feel it is important not to favor films from any one country. A. ConsiderB. Considering C. To considerD. Considered11. Films from smaller countries that would be overlooked at Cannes, for example, _ a real chance of winning in Berlin. A. have B. to have C. having D. had12. _ we have only existed a short time, our festival has a good reputation worldwide. A. While B. Though C. Although D. Even though13. Instead of _ a personal opinion, people tend to present their personal opinion as if it were a collective groups opinion. A. putting forward B. putting out C. setting forward D. setting out14. Another reason it might not be appropriate to call the Academy Awards a film festival is that awards are given for _ just the film. A. more than B. other than C. rather than D. better than(2) Choose the correct verbs to fill in the blanks using the verbs given.1) These people _as their most dangerous rivals.2) The museum had several paintings _ the artists early style.3) Mr. Hu _ economic issues very largely in his speech. 4) He has been kind enough to _ my fault.were viewedrepresentingfeaturedoverlookfeature resemble represent reject favor overlook meet view feature resemble represent reject favor overlook meet view 5) The weather _ our voyage.6) In the back room we found many _ clothes.7) She was not beautiful; she did not _ her mother.8) To be a pilot, one must _ certain physical standards.favoredrejectedresemblemeetDifficult points1. Joining us in the studio are Isabel, Hanz, Kathy, Maria, Mike, and Xu Li.(P50 L 4)Nearby _ the house in which they had lived for more than twenty years.1) _on the wall was an old picture. (hang)2) _ in the dark forests are many lakes, some large enough to hold several English towns. (lie)wasInverted structureHanging Lying2. I think it is rather appropriate for me to begin our discussion.(P50 L10)It seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films. It is appropriate for sb. to do It is/seems/appears appropriate that1) _ the question of my promotion.question of my promotion.2)_2)_his music should be played at this festival.It was appropriate for me to raise该我提出我的升职问题该我提出我的升职问题完全合适完全合适It is entirely appropriate thatIt is entirely appropriate that3. We view film as a type of contemporary art. (P50 Line 13) How do you view the current situation?He views the whole thing as a joke.We all view the holiday as a time for reaction, but she has a different idea.view: regard / consider/ think about1) He viewed his chances of success as good luck.2) He regarded his chances of success as good luck.3) He thought about his chances of success as good luck.4) He considered his chances of success to be/as/- good luck.5) He took his chances of success as good luck.Id like to question you on your views about the housing problem. His view of life is different from yours. view - n. opinions / attitude view - n. what can be seen from a particular place, fine natural scenery sight scene scenery view1) Come and see the _ of London. 2) He is a painter of street _. 3) We passed through some beautiful _ on our journey through this district. 4) The valley was hidden from _in the mist. sights风景,名胜,通常用复数形式,指人文景观风景,名胜,通常用复数形式,指人文景观景色,景象景色,景象,通常指某一处的自然风光通常指某一处的自然风光“风景,景色风景,景色” 的总称的总称“景色,风景景色,风景”时,侧重从观看者的角时,侧重从观看者的角度所看到的景色,是一种动态的度所看到的景色,是一种动态的“景色景色”scenessceneryview4. Kathy, I hate to interrupt you, but in defence of the Venice Film Festival, I have to point out that we dont just feature Hollywood films. (P50 L19) but在口语中,用于在口语中,用于Im sorry, excuse me, I hate to do等表达法中来引导有等表达法中来引导有礼貌的提问、请求或陈述,使得语气委婉。礼貌的提问、请求或陈述,使得语气委婉。1) Excuse me, but is there a post office anywhere around here?2) Im sorry, but all our operators are all busy now.3) I hate to go/going to work on such a rainy day, but work comes first.4) -Sorry to trouble you, but could I ask a question? -No problem.point out point at point to1) Would you please _ all my weakness after you listen to my report?2) “Thats the man who did it,” she said, _ me.3) I cannot _ any particular reasons for the matter.point outpointing atpoint to5. I have to point out that we dont just feature Hollywood films. (P50 L20)6. Now, if film wins an award at Sundance, there is a good chance it will become famous. (P51 L31-32)1)法官判给在火灾中受伤的人一大笔钱。法官判给在火灾中受伤的人一大笔钱。The judge awarded a large sum of money to those hurt by the fire. She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard. The judges awarded both finalists equal points.2)她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金。她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金。3)裁判员判定决赛双方分数相同。裁判员判定决赛双方分数相同。award reward compensation1) She showed us the athletics _ she had won. 2) He got a _for helping them. 3) _ of injured workers has cost the company a lot. 4) She won first _in the 100 metres race. 奖品奖品awardsreward报酬,赏金报酬,赏金Compensation 补偿金补偿金prize奖品奖品7.Many of them are American, but we rejected the idea that we have lost our international angle. (P51 L41) “that we have lost our international angle” -an appositive clause 在英语中,在英语中,idea,fact,news,truth,hope,wish,problem,information,thought 等名词后面常常接等名词后面常常接thatthat引导的同引导的同位语从句,表明位语从句,表明thatthat从句所说的内容就是从句所说的内容就是前面名词所表达的内容。前面名词所表达的内容。 1)The fact _ _ is simply unbelievable.2) The hope _ is not gone yet.3) The news _ is true.4) The problem _ _ has been solved.你没有足够的时间去做这件事情你没有足够的时间去做这件事情他康复他康复我们的足球队获胜我们的足球队获胜我们是否应该继续做这项试验我们是否应该继续做这项试验 you didnt have enough time to think about itthat he will recoverthat our football team won whether we should go on doing the experiment 8. Considering the history of our festival, we feel it is important not to favour films from any one country.( P51 L42) considering: present participle, used as adverbial在英语中,一般的现在分词作状语时,要求在英语中,一般的现在分词作状语时,要求它的逻辑主语和主句的主语一致,但是,它的逻辑主语和主句的主语一致,但是,considering,thinking,regarding,judging from,speaking of等几个例外,等几个例外,可以不考虑主句的主语,这类分词在英语上可以不考虑主句的主语,这类分词在英语上被叫做被叫做“悬垂分词悬垂分词”。1)从他的口音判断,他来自于四川从他的口音判断,他来自于四川_, he came from Sichuan.2)说起大城市,我们自然就想起了上海。说起大城市,我们自然就想起了上海。_, we think of Shanghai naturally.Judging from his accentSpeaking of big cities9.Hollywood films are in the minority at our festival, and films from smaller countries that would be overlooked at Cannes have a chance of winning in Berlin.(P51 L50-51)in the minority/majority: in the smaller / larger part of two groups 1) While the army takes both men and women, women are in the minority.2) Among the members of our club those who favour the proposed changes are in the majority. 4) 从小山上的房子可以俯视村庄。从小山上的房子可以俯视村庄。1) 他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误。他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误。He overlooked a spelling error on the first page. The secretary is very careful and never overlooks any little points. 2) 秘书是个很细心的人秘书是个很细心的人,她从不忽视细节。她从不忽视细节。The house on the hill overlooks the village. 3) 选任新经理时没有考虑他。选任新经理时没有考虑他。He was overlooked when they set aboutchoosing a new manager.award overlookview as point out in the minority Joining us in the studio are It is rather appropriate for sb. to do I hate to interrupt you, but ;that (appositive clause) ConsideringGroup discussion: story-making Use the following as many as possible.Presentation award overlookview as point out in the minority Joining us in the studio are It is rather appropriate for sb. to do I hate to interrupt you, but ;that (appositive clause) ConsideringHomework WorkbookRelevant Exercises. 同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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