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. 句式填空句式填空1. 否定转移否定转移I dont think (我认为我认为不不)I will be bored in Ms Shens class! 2. 倍数表达法倍数表达法In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys (女生人数是男生人数的三倍女生人数是男生人数的三倍). 3. It matters (to sb. )+if 从句从句/wh-从句从句He said it didnt matter if we made mistakes (如果我们犯错如果我们犯错没关系没关系). 4. so 引导的倒装引导的倒装Ive just been to my first language class. Oh really?So have I (我也是我也是). . 教材设题教材设题1. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are _ . A. amaze B. amazingC. amazed D. amazement【解解析析】选选B。本本题题考考查查amaze“使使惊惊奇奇,使使惊惊愕愕”的的不不同同变变形形的的区区别别。应应特特别别注注意意amaze加加-ing和和-ed后后变变为为形形容容词词的的区区分分,amazing adj. 令令人人吃吃惊惊的的(主主语语常常为为物物),amazed adj. 吃吃惊的,惊讶的惊的,惊讶的(主语常为人主语常为人)。2. Ms Shen gave us _ and then we worked _ ourselves. A. instruction; by B. instruction; ofC. instructions; by D. instructions; of【解解析析】选选C。第第一一空空表表示示“指指示示;说说明明”,常常用用复复数数;第第二二空空用用by oneself表表示示“单单独独地地,独独自自地地”,而而of oneself 意意为为“自动地自动地”。3. My previous teachers method of teaching is different from _ of Ms Shen. A. that B. what C. one D. it【解解析析】选选A。此此处处that作作method of teaching的的替替代代词词,that作替代词后常接介词短语,而作替代词后常接介词短语,而one作替代词时为泛指。作替代词时为泛指。4. I _ all kinds of after-school activities. A. join B. participateC. attend D. take part in【解解析析】选选D。take part in表表示示参参加加有有组组织织的的活活动动;join指指加加入入某某一一组组织织并并成成为为其其中中一一员员;participate表表“参参加加”时时要要与与介词介词in搭配搭配; attend 指出席、参加正式场合、会议。指出席、参加正式场合、会议。 1. The purse found on the playground matches the _ by Mary, so it must be hers. 2011泰安模拟泰安模拟A. direction B. expressionC. description D. instruction【解解析析】选选C。句句意意: 在在操操场场发发现现的的钱钱包包正正好好和和玛玛丽丽的的描描述述一一致致, 因因此此肯肯定定是是她她的的。description “描描述述”,符符合合题题意意。direction“方方向向”; expression “表表达达; 表表情情”; instruction“指指导导”。2. Unless you change your _ towards your studies, you wont make any progress, I believe. 2011北京模拟北京模拟A. point B. idea C. sight D. attitude【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:我我认认为为,除除非非你你改改变变学学习习态态度度,否否则则就就不不会会有有任任何何进进步步。attitude“态态度度”符符合合题题意意。point“要要点点”;idea“主意主意”;sight“视力视力”。3. This book is said to be a special one, which _ many events not found in other history books. A. writes B. covers C. deals D. refers【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:据据说说这这本本书书很很特特别别,它它涉涉及及到到许许多多在在其其他他历历史史书书中中找找不不到到的的事事件件。cover此此处处意意为为“包包含含;涉涉及及”符合题意。若选符合题意。若选C可改为可改为deals with;若选;若选D可改为可改为refers to。4. At the meeting, all the people were deeply _ with her brilliant report. A. impressed B. surprisedC. excited D. comforted【解解析析】选选A。句句意意: 在在会会上上, 所所有有人人都都对对她她出出色色的的报报告告印印象象很深。很深。be impressed with“对对印象深刻印象深刻”符合题意。符合题意。5. Do you have enough to _ all your daily expenses? Oh yes, enough and to spare. 2009山东山东, 26A. cover B. spend C. fill D. offer【解解析析】选选A。cover在在此此表表示示“(钱钱)够够用用”。句句意意:你你有有足足够够的的钱钱来来支支付付你你的的日日常常花花销销吗吗?是是的的。足足够够并并且还有结余。且还有结余。1. Like some of my classmates, I cant live up to my teachers expectations, _ , I let them down. 2011聊城模拟聊城模拟A. in other words B. after allC. whats more D. more or less【解解析析】选选A。句句意意: 像像一一些些同同学学一一样样, 我我没没有有达达到到老老师师们们的的期期望望, 换换句句话话说说, 我我让让他他们们失失望望了了。in other words“换换句句话话说说”, 符合题意。符合题意。2. The party we had been looking forward to _ part in came at last. How excited we were! A. take B. taking C. took D. taken【解解析析】选选B。考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。look forward to意意为为“盼盼望望”, 后后跟跟动动词词-ing形形式式作作宾宾语语, 此此题题中中we had been looking forward to taking part in是是省省略略that的的定定语语从从句句, 修修饰饰先先行行词词party。句句意意为为“我我们们盼盼望望参参加加的的晚晚会会终终于于到到来来了了。我我们们多多么么兴奋啊!兴奋啊!”3. 完成句子完成句子1)The big house was divided into (被分成被分成)several flats. 2)Good apples should be separated from (被分开被分开)bad ones. 1. Helping others is a habit, _ you can learn even at an early age. 2010山东山东, 32A. it B. that C. what D. one【解解析析】选选D。考考查查代代词词。it代代替替前前面面所所指指的的同同一一东东西西, 属属于于同同名名同同物物的的替替代代;that用用来来替替代代前前面面出出现现过过的的特特指指的的单单数数可可数数名名词词或或者者特特指指的的不不可可数数名名词词, 相相当当于于“the+单单数数可可数数名名词词/不不可可数数名名词词”, 属属于于同同名名异异物物的的替替代代, that后后一一般般有有限限定定成成分分;one只只能能替替代代可可数数名名词词单单数数, 是是泛泛指指概概念念, 相相当当于于“a/an+单单数数可可数数名名词词”, 属属于于同同名名异异物物的的替替代代;what必必须须引引导导名名词词性性从从句句, 且且在在句句子子中中作作成成分分。此此题题中中one替替代代a habit, 是是habit的的同同位语位语, you can learn even at an early age是是one的定语从句。的定语从句。2. To our surprise, we got _ people to attend the meeting as we expected. 2011大连模拟大连模拟A. as twice B. twice manyC. twice many as D. twice as many【解解析析】选选D。考考查查倍倍数数表表达达法法: 倍倍数数+as many/much+n. +as. . . 。句句意意: 使使我我们们感感到到惊惊奇奇的的是是, 参参加加会会议议的的人人数数是是我我们们预预想想的两倍。的两倍。3. My room gets very cold at night. _ . 2007江苏江苏, 31A. So is mine B. So mine isC. So does mine D. So mine does【解解析析】选选C。句句意意: 我我的的屋屋子子夜夜里里很很冷冷。我我的的也也是是。表表示示“也也”用用so引引导导的的倒倒装装; 再再根根据据上上句句的的gets可可知知应应用用助动词助动词does, 故选故选C。1. 用用amaze的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。We were _ by the _ news that an eight-year-old child went to college. 答案答案: amazed; amazing2. Swimming is my favorite sport. There is _ like swimming as a means of keeping fit. 2010江西江西, 27A. something B. anythingC. nothing D. everything【解解析析】选选C。句句意意: 游游泳泳是是我我最最喜喜爱爱的的运运动动, 没没有有比比游游泳泳更更好的锻炼方式了。好的锻炼方式了。nothing like“没有什么比得上没有什么比得上”符合题意。符合题意。. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空amaze, instruct, bore, behaviour, describe, impress, correct, fluency, misunderstand, disappoint1. Children should be taught how to behave towards adults. 2. I am surprised that you had a bad impression of him. 3. She can speak English very fluently . 4. A misunderstanding was the beginning of their quarrel. 5. The child is so naughty that his behaviour is badly in need of correction . 6. It was amazing that such a little boy should be a computer expert. 7. You should follow the instructions on the bottle. 8. It was boring to sit there without anything to do. 9. The scenery is beautiful beyond description . 10. Her failure made her parents disappointed and they were in a bad mood. . 完成句子完成句子1. 学生们盼着过周末呢。学生们盼着过周末呢。The students are looking forward to the weekend. 2. 这门课程一点也不像我期望的那样。这门课程一点也不像我期望的那样。The course was nothing like what Id expected. 3. 他们请他走人,也就是说,他被解雇了。他们请他走人,也就是说,他被解雇了。They asked him to leave in other words he was fired. 4. 他绝不是个傻子。他绝不是个傻子。He is far from a fool. 5. 这次调查结果可分为三大类。这次调查结果可分为三大类。The results of the survey can be divided into three main categories. 6. 我们相信她是不会到这里来的。我们相信她是不会到这里来的。We dont believe that she will come here. 7. 在街道的尽头,你会发现两个书店。在街道的尽头,你会发现两个书店。At the end of the street, you will find two bookstores. 8. 如果他去那儿,我也去。如果他去那儿,我也去。If he goes there, so will I . . 单项填空单项填空1. Did you have _ fun in Australia? Sure. It was _ unforgettable experience. A. a; an B. /; theC. the; an D. /; an【解解析析】选选D。fun是是不不可可数数名名词词。have fun是是固固定定短短语语。experience表表示示“经经历历”时时为为可可数数名名词词,此此处处指指一一次次难难忘忘的的经历。经历。experience表表“经验经验”时,为不可数名词。时,为不可数名词。2. His attitude _ this promotion is similar _ mine. A. to; in B. towards; asC. to; to D. about; with【解解析析】选选C。考考查查介介词词。表表示示“的的态态度度”应应用用attitude to/towards; 表表示示“与与相相似似”应应用用be similar to; “在在方面相似方面相似”用用be similar in。3. This play is _ a success _ the famous actresss absence. A. far from; due toB. by far; owing toC. above all; because ofD. far away from; thanks to【解解析析】选选A。句句意意为为:由由于于这这位位著著名名的的女女演演员员的的缺缺席席,这这出出戏戏远远非非成成功功。far away from远远离离; by far“很很,最最”; above all“首首先先,最最重重要要的的是是”; far from“远远非非; 一一点点也也不不”符符合合题题意意; due to/because of/owing to /thanks to都都可可表表示示“由由于于; 因因为为”,此外,此外,thanks to还有还有“幸亏幸亏”之意。之意。4. _ and angry, Mary began to cry loudly and then she ran out of the room. A. Disappointed B. DisappointingC. Being disappointed D. To be disappointing【解解析析】选选A。句句意意为为:由由于于失失望望和和生生气气,玛玛丽丽开开始始大大声声哭哭起起来来,然然后后从从屋屋里里跑跑了了出出去去。此此处处形形容容词词短短语语disappointed and angry作原因状语。作原因状语。5. I dont suppose Sabrina will volunteer, _ ?A. do I B. dont IC. will she D. wont she 【解解析析】选选C。题题干干为为否否定定转转移移的的句句子子,且且主主语语为为第第一一人人称称时时,其其反反意意疑疑问问句句需需根根据据从从句句的的主主谓谓来来变变化化,排排除除A、B; 前前面有面有not,故后面用肯定式。,故后面用肯定式。6. Everyone looked _ when they knew the _ news that Michael Jackson was announced dead at the hospital after suffering a heart attack on June, 25. 2011烟台模拟烟台模拟A. amazing; amazed B. amazing; amazingC. amazed; amazing D. amazed; amazed【解解析析】选选C。第第一一空空表表示示“惊惊奇奇的的”,用用amazed; 第第二二空空表示表示“令人惊奇的令人惊奇的”用用amazing。7. The old couple preferred a flat in a small town to _ in so large a city as Chongqing. 2011重庆模拟重庆模拟A. this B. it C. that D. one【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:这这对对老老年年夫夫妇妇宁宁愿愿住住在在一一座座小小城城镇镇的的房房子子里里而而不不愿愿住住在在像像重重庆庆这这样样的的大大城城市市的的房房子子里里。此此处处空空格格内若填名词应为内若填名词应为a flat为泛指,用代词替代时用为泛指,用代词替代时用one。 【举一反三举一反三】Equipped with modern facilities, todays hospitals are quite different from _ of the past. 2011宁波模拟宁波模拟A. that B. those C. one D. ones【解解析析】选选B。句句意意: 现现在在的的医医院院装装备备了了现现代代化化的的设设备备, 和和过过去有很大的不同。此处空格内的词代表去有很大的不同。此处空格内的词代表hospitals, 应用应用those。8. He divided the sweets _ the children who were divided _ three groups. A. in; in B. into; intoC. between; in D. among; into【解解析析】选选D。句句意意为为:他他把把糖糖果果分分给给被被分分成成三三组组的的这这些些孩孩子子。第第一一空空表表示示在在这这些些孩孩子子之之间间分分配配,用用among; 第第二二空空用用be divided into表示表示“被分成被分成”。9. When my grandpa was young, he had to _ several miles a day to school since he had no money to take a bus. 2011合肥模拟合肥模拟A. cover B. take C. get D. make【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:当当我我爷爷爷爷年年轻轻时时,他他不不得得不不每每天天行行走走几几英英里里去去上上学学,因因为为他他没没有有钱钱乘乘坐坐公公共共汽汽车车。此此处处cover意意为为“行走行走(一段路程一段路程)”,符合题意。,符合题意。 【举一反三举一反三】Will $1,000 _ the cost of the trip? Im afraid not. Perhaps I need another $400. A. pay B. charge C. cover D. afford【解解析析】选选C。句句意意为为:1 000美美元元够够这这次次旅旅行行的的花花费费吗吗?恐恐怕怕不不够够,或或许许我我还还需需要要400美美元元。pay“支支付付,付付钱钱”; charge“收收费费”; afford“负负担担得得起起”; cover表表示示“(钱钱)够够用用”,符合题意。,符合题意。10. We waited and waited, and the exciting moment we were looking forward to _ at last. A. come B. cameC. coming D. had come【解解析析】选选B。句句意意为为:我我们们一一直直在在等等,我我们们一一直直期期盼盼的的那那个个激激动动人人心心的的时时刻刻终终于于到到来来了了。第第二二个个and后后面面的的句句子子中中the exciting moment为为主主语语,we were looking forward to为为省省略略that/which的的定定语语从从句句,空空格格内内所所填填的的词词为为谓谓语语部部分分,再再根根据前文可知应用一般过去时据前文可知应用一般过去时came。 【方法技巧方法技巧】突破思维定式突破思维定式 在在上上面面的的题题中中,有有些些同同学学会会受受look forward to的的影影响响而而误误选选coming, 但但所所填填之之词词与与look forward to 无无任任何何关关系系。英英语语中中有有些些时时候候我我们们会会受受到到思思维维定定式式的的影影响响而而想想当当然然地地进进行行选选择择,因因此此,突突破破思思维维定定式式也也是是一一个个值值得得我我们们特特别别注注意意的的问问题题。试试看下面几个例句:看下面几个例句:He did what he could _ (pass) the exam. 此此处处不不要要受受could 的的影影响响而而误误用用pass; 而而应应是是不不定定式式to pass作作目的状语。目的状语。He spent as much time as he could _ (practise) playing the piano. 此此处处易易受受could 的的影影响响而而误误用用practise, 而而此此处处考考查查的的是是spend some time doing sth. 的结构的结构; 故填故填practising。The old man referred to _ (tell) me nothing but the telephone number. 此此处处为为过过去去分分词词短短语语referred to 作作定定语语修修饰饰the old man, 而而空空格内应填谓语动词格内应填谓语动词told,不要受,不要受to的影响而填的影响而填telling。11. Paper bags produced every year are _ the worlds production of vehicles.2011上海模拟上海模拟A. three time weight ofB. three times the weight ofC. as three times heavy asD. three times as heavier as【解解析析】 选选B。句句意意为为:每每年年生生产产的的纸纸袋袋的的重重量量是是世世界界上上车车辆辆总总重重量量的的三三倍倍。此此题题考考查查倍倍数数表表达达法法。A项项three time应应为为three times, 且且应应在在weight前前加加the; C项项three times 应应在在as heavy as 之前之前; D项项heavier应为应为heavy。12. The new tax policy only affects people on yearly incomes over ¥120, 000, _ the very rich. 2011吉林模拟吉林模拟A. by the way B. as a resultC. in other words D. as a manner of【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:新新税税法法只只对对年年收收入入十十二二万万以以上上的的人人,即即特特别别富富裕裕的的人人有有影影响响。in other words“也也就就是是说说”,符符合合题题意意。by the way“顺顺便便说说”; as a result“结结果果是是”; as a manner of“作为作为的方式的方式”。 【举一反三举一反三】People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. _ , she is a great musician. 2011晋中模拟晋中模拟A. After all B. As a resultC. In other words D. As usual【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:人人们们对对Karen可可能能有有不不同同的的看看法法,但但我我佩佩服服她她,毕毕竟竟她她是是一一位位伟伟大大的的音音乐乐家家。after all“毕毕竟竟”符符合合题题意意。as a result“结结果果是是”,in other words“换换句句话话说说”; as usual“和往常一样和往常一样”。13. The school has a system of _ and punishments to encourage good behaviour. A. attitudes B. trapsC. rewards D. commands【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:这这所所学学校校有有一一套套奖奖惩惩制制度度来来鼓鼓励励好好的的行行为为。rewards“奖奖励励”与与punishments相相对对应应,符符合合题题意意。attitude“态度态度”; trap“陷阱陷阱”; command“命令命令; 指挥指挥”。14. We all think it was a _ football match between Guoan and Shenhua and we were all _ at it. A. disappointing; disappointingB. disappointed; disappointingC. disappointed; disappointedD. disappointing; disappointed【解解析析】选选D。第第一一空空表表示示足足球球赛赛是是“令令人人失失望望的的”,用用disappointing; 第第 二二 空空 表表 示示 我我 们们 都都 “感感 到到 失失 望望 ”, 用用disappointed。15. She wont go to the library tomorrow. _ . 2011拉萨模拟拉萨模拟A. So will I B. Me, neitherC. Nor am I D. Me, too【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:她她明明天天不不去去图图书书馆馆,我我也也不不去去。A、D两项都表肯定,故应排除两项都表肯定,故应排除; 若选若选C应为应为Nor/Neither will I。 【举一反三举一反三】He promised to come at 9: 30 and _ . A. so was he B. so he wasC. so did he D. so he did【解解析析】选选D。句句意意为为:他他答答应应九九点点半半来来,而而且且他他确确实实做做到到了了。so+主主语语+助助动动词词/情情态态动动词词用用来来表表示示“的的确确如如此此”,排排除除A、C; 再根据谓语动词的形式可知用再根据谓语动词的形式可知用so he did。. 阅读理解阅读理解 I told my friend Graham that I often cycle two miles from my house to the town centre but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route. He replied, “You mean fortunately. ” He explained that I should be glad of the extra exercise that the hill provided. My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used to grumble as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs. It will help me to lose weight and get fit. It will mean that I live longer. This hill is my friend. Finally I comfort myself with the thought of all those silly people who pay money to go to a gym and sit on stationary exercise bicycles when I can get the same value for free. I have a smile of satisfaction as I reach the top of the hill. Problems are there to be faced and overcome. We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to gain a university degree. Her activism and writing proved inspirational. She wrote, “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. ” One of the main determinants of success in life is our attitude towards adversity(逆逆境境). From time to time we all face hardships, problems, accidents, afflictions and difficulties. Some are of our making but many confront us through no fault of our own. While we cannot choose the adversity we can choose our attitude towards it. Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs cut off following a flying accident. He was determined to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aces in the Battle of Britain with 22 aerial victories over the Germans. He was an inspiration to others during the war. He said, “Dont listen to anyone who tells you that you cant do this or that. Thats nonsense. Make up your mind, youll never use crutches(拐拐杖杖) or a stick, then have a go at everything. Go to school, join in all the games you can. Go anywhere you want to. But never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible. ” The biographies(传传 记记 ) of great people are full of examples of how they took steps to overcome the difficulties they faced. The common thread is that they did not become depressed. They chose their attitude. They chose to be positive. They took on the challenge. They won. Nevertheless, there is still the problem of how you change your attitude towards adversity. 【文文章章大大意意】生生活活中中,决决定定成成败败的的主主要要因因素素之之一一是是我我们们对对待待逆逆境境的的态态度度。虽虽然然我我们们不不能能避避开开逆逆境境,但但是是我我们们可可以以选选择择面面对它的态度。对它的态度。1. The underlined word “grumble” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _ . A. tremble B. complainC. speed up D. slow down【解解析析】选选B。词词义义猜猜测测题题。根根据据语语境境判判断断,我我以以前前认认为为自自己己很很不不幸幸运运,因因为为路路途途中中要要经经过过一一个个大大山山岗岗。所所以以每每当当我我接接近近大大山山岗岗时时就就会会“抱抱怨怨”(complain)。后后文文作作者者告告诉诉自自己己的的话是积极的,说明话是积极的,说明grumble具有消极含义,因此选具有消极含义,因此选B项。项。2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the author of the passage? A. Climbing hills on bicycles is the best way to take exercise. B. People are silly to pay to go to the gym. C. Those who want to achieve success cant expect to live an easy life. D. Peoples attitude towards adversity is the only factor that determines whether they will succeed. 【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章第第三三段段中中的的We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. 可可判判断断C项项是是作作者者的观点。的观点。3. By quoting what Douglas Bader said, the author intends to tell us “_”. A. Failure is the mother of successB. A fall into the pit, a gain in your witC. If you venture nothing, you will have nothingD. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try【解解析析】选选D。推推理理判判断断题题。选选项项A的的含含义义为为“失失败败乃乃成成功功之之母母”; 选选项项B的的含含义义为为“吃吃一一堑堑,长长一一智智”; 选选项项C的的含含义义为为“不不入入虎虎穴穴,焉焉得得虎虎子子”; 选选项项D的的含含义义为为“世世上上无无难难事事,只要肯登攀只要肯登攀”。D项含义与所引用的话项含义与所引用的话(倒数第三段倒数第三段)含义相符。含义相符。4. Which of the following can best function as the title of the passage? A. Face adversity with a smileB. Different attitudes towards adversityC. Nothing is impossible D. Life is full of adversity【解解析析】选选A。主主旨旨大大意意题题。本本文文围围绕绕面面对对逆逆境境我我们们应应持持乐乐观观的的态态度度这这一一话话题题展展开开,所所以以选选项项A“笑笑对对逆逆境境”适适合合作作本本文文标题。标题。. 任务型阅读任务型阅读 根根据据短短文文内内容容,从从短短文文后后的的选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入入空空白白处处的的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 1 Weve worked to make their streets and their schools safer, to give them something positive to do after school and before their parents get home. Weve worked to teach our children that drugs are dangerous, illegal and wrong. Today, I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nations children from an even more deadly threat. 2 Smoking kills more people every day than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, murders, suicides, drugs and fires combined. Nearly 90 percent of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turned 18. Consider this: 3, 000 children start to smoke every day illegally, and 1, 000 of them will die sooner because of it. 3 For more than five years weve worked to stop our children from smoking before they start, starting anationwide campaign to educate them about the dangers of smoking to reduce their access to tobacco products, and to severely restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young people. 4 That means if we act now, we have it in our power to stop 3 million children from smoking and to save millions of lives as a result. So this is an emergency that needs quick action of all of us. 5 A. Since I took office Ive done everything in my power to protect our children from harm. B. This is a national tragedy that every American should help prevent. C. The quicker action we take, the less teen smokers there will be. D. We had to educate them about the dangers of smoking. E. It is smoking that is more terrible than drugs. F. Compared with other disasters, drugs kill more people every day. G. If we do these, well cut teen smoking by almost half over the next five years. 答案:答案:15. AEBGC .单词拼写拼写1.Children should be taught how to behave(举止,表止,表现) towards adults.2.I am surprised that you had a bad impression(印象)(印象) of him.3.She can speak English very fluently(流利地)(流利地).4.A misunderstanding(误解)解) was the beginning of their quarrel.5.The child is so naughty that his behaviour is badly in need of correction(改正,纠正)(改正,纠正).6.It was amazing(令人吃惊的)(令人吃惊的) that such a little boy should be a computer expert.7.You should follow the instructions(用法(用法说明)明) on the bottle.8.It was boring(令人(令人厌烦的)的) to sit there without anything to do.9.The scenery is beautiful beyond description(描述)(描述).10.Her failure made her parents disappointed(失望的)(失望的) and they were in a bad mood.完成句子完成句子1.学生学生们盼着盼着过周末呢。周末呢。The students are looking forward to the weekend.2.这门课程一点也不像我期望的那程一点也不像我期望的那样。The course was nothing like what Id expected.3.他他们请他走人,也就是他走人,也就是说,他被解雇了。,他被解雇了。They asked him to leave in other words he was fired.4.他他绝不是个傻子。不是个傻子。He is far from a fool.5.这次次调查结果可分果可分为三大三大类。The results of the survey can be divided into three main categories.6.我我们相信她是不会到相信她是不会到这里来的。里来的。We dont believe that she will come here.7.在街道的尽在街道的尽头,你会,你会发现两个两个书店。店。At the end of the street, you will find two bookstores.8.如果他去那儿,我也去。如果他去那儿,我也去。If he goes there, so will I . 语法和法和词汇知知识1. Did you have _ fun in Australia? Sure. It was _ unforgettable experience. A. a; an B. /;theC. the; an D. /;an【解解析析】选D。fun是是不不可可数数名名词。have fun是是固固定定短短语。experience表表示示“经历”时为可可数数名名词,此此处指指一一次次难忘忘的的经历。experience表表“经验”时,为不可数名不可数名词。2. His attitude _ this promotion is similar _ mine. A. to; in B. towards; asC. to; to D. about; with【解解析析】选C。考考查介介词。表表示示“的的态度度”应用用attitude to/towards;表表示示“与与相相似似”应用用be similar to;“在在方方面相似面相似”用用be similar in。3. This play is _ a success _ the famous actresss absence. A. far from; due toB. by far; owing toC. above all; because ofD. far away from; thanks to【解解析析】选A。句句意意为:由由于于这位位著著名名的的女女演演员的的缺缺席席,这出出戏远非非成成功功。far away from远离离;by far“很很,最最”; above all“首首先先,最最重重要要的的是是”; far from“远非非;一一点点也也不不”符符合合题意意;due to/because of/owing to /thanks to都都可可表表示示“由由于于;因因为”,此外,此外,thanks to还有有“幸幸亏亏”之意。之意。4. _ and angry, Mary began to cry loudly and then she ran out of the room. A. Disappointed B. DisappointingC. Being disappointed D. To be disappointing【解解析析】选A。句句意意为:由由于于失失望望和和生生气气,玛丽开开始始大大声声哭哭起起来来,然然后后从从屋屋里里跑跑了了出出去去。此此处形形容容词短短语disappointed and angry作原因状作原因状语。5. I dont suppose Sabrina will volunteer, _ ?A. do I B. dont IC. will she D. wont she 【解解析析】选C。题干干为否否定定转移移的的句句子子,且且主主语为第第一一人人称称时,其其反反意意疑疑问句句需需根根据据从从句句的的主主谓来来变化化,排排除除A、B;前前面有面有not,故后面用肯定式。,故后面用肯定式。6. Everyone looked _ when they knew the _ news that Michael Jackson was announced dead at the hospital after suffering a heart attack on June, 25. A. amazing; amazed B. amazing; amazingC. amazed; amazing D. amazed; amazed【解解析析】选C。第第一一空空表表示示“惊惊奇奇的的”,用用amazed;第第二二空空表表示示“令人惊奇的令人惊奇的”用用amazing。7. He found this kind of cellphone both good and cheap, so he decided to buy _ . 2011西安模西安模拟A. this B. that C. it D. one【解解析析】选D。句句意意:他他发现这种种手手机机既既好好又又便便宜宜,因因此此他他决决定定去去买一一个个。此此处空空格格内内若若填填名名词, 应为a cellphone,是是泛指,可用代泛指,可用代词one替代。替代。 【举一反三一反三】The old couple preferred a flat in a small town to _ in so large a city as Chongqing. A. this B. it C. that D. one【解解析析】选D。句句意意:这对老老年年夫夫妇宁宁愿愿住住在在一一座座小小城城镇的的房房子子里里而而不不愿愿住住在在像像重重庆这样的的大大城城市市的的房房子子里里。此此处空空格格内若填名内若填名词应为a flat为泛指,用代泛指,用代词替代替代时用用one。Equipped with modern facilities, todays hospitals are quite different from _ of the past. A. that B. those C. one D. ones【解解析析】选B。句句意意: 现在在的的医医院院装装备了了现代代化化的的设备, 和和过去有很大的不同。此去有很大的不同。此处空格内的空格内的词代表代表hospitals, 应用用those。8. He divided the sweets _ the children who were divided _ three groups. A. in; in B. into; intoC. between; in D. among; into【解解析析】选D。句句意意为:他他把把糖糖果果分分给被被分分成成三三组的的这些些孩孩子子。第第一一空空表表示示在在这些些孩孩子子之之间分分配配,用用among; 第第二二空空用用be divided into表示表示“被分成被分成”。9. When my grandpa was young, he had to _ several miles a day to school since he had no money to take a bus. A. cover B. takeC. get D. make【解解析析】选A。句句意意:当当我我爷爷年年轻时,他他不不得得不不每每天天行行走走几几英英里里去去上上学学,因因为他他没没有有钱乘乘坐坐公公共共汽汽车。此此处cover意意为“行走(一段路程)行走(一段路程)”,符合,符合题意。意。 【举一一反反三三】Will $1,000 _ the cost of the trip? Im afraid not. Perhaps I need another $400. A. pay B. chargeC. cover D. afford【解解析析】选C。句句意意为:1 000美美元元够这次次旅旅行行的的花花费吗?恐恐怕怕不不够,或或许我我还需需要要400美美元元。pay“支支付付,付付钱”; charge“收收费”; afford“负担担得得起起”; cover表表示示“(钱)够用用”,符合符合题意。意。10. We waited and waited, and the exciting moment we were looking forward to _ at last. A. come B. cameC. coming D. had come【解解析析】选B。句句意意为:我我们一一直直在在等等,我我们一一直直期期盼盼的的那那个个激激动人人心心的的时刻刻终于于到到来来了了。第第二二个个and后后面面的的句句子子中中the exciting moment为主主语,we were looking forward to为省省略略that/which的的定定语从从句句,空空格格内内所所填填的的词为谓语部部分分,再再根根据前文可知据前文可知应用一般用一般过去去时came。 【方法技巧方法技巧】突破思突破思维定式定式在在上上面面的的题中中,有有些些同同学学会会受受look forward to的的影影响响而而误选coming, 但但所所填填之之词与与look forward to 无无任任何何关关系系。英英语中中有有些些时候候我我们会会受受到到思思维定定式式的的影影响响而而想想当当然然地地进行行选择,因因此此,突突破破思思维定定式式也也是是一一个个值得得我我们特特别注注意意的的问题。试看下面几个例句:看下面几个例句:He did what he could _ (pass) the exam. 此此处不不要要受受could 的的影影响响而而误用用pass; 而而应是是不不定定式式to pass作作目的状目的状语。He spent as much time as he could _ (practise)playing the piano. 此此处易易受受could 的的影影响响而而误用用practise, 而而此此处考考查的的是是spend some time doing sth. 的的结构;故填构;故填practising。The old man referred to _ (tell) me nothing but the telephone number. 此此处为过去去分分词短短语referred to 作作定定语修修饰the old man, 而而空格内空格内应填填谓语动词told,不要受,不要受to的影响而填的影响而填telling。11. Paper bags produced every year are _ the worlds production of vehicles. 2011上海模上海模拟A. three time weight ofB. three times the weight ofC. as three times heavy asD. three times as heavier as【解解析析】 选B。句句意意为:每每年年生生产的的纸袋袋的的重重量量是是世世界界上上车辆总重重量量的的三三倍倍。此此题考考查倍倍数数表表达达法法。A项three time应为three times, 且且应在在weight前前加加the; C项three times 应在在as heavy as 之前;之前;D项heavier应为heavy。12. The new tax policy only affects people on yearly incomes over ¥120, 000, _ the very rich. A. by the way B. as a resultC. in other words D. as a manner of【解解析析】选C。句句意意:新新税税法法只只对年年收收入入十十二二万万以以上上的的人人,即即特特别富富裕裕的的人人有有影影响响。in other words“也也就就是是说”,符符合合题意意。by the way“顺便便说”;as a result“结果果是是”;as a manner of“作作为的方式的方式”。 【举一一反反三三】People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. _ , she is a great musician. 2011晋中模晋中模拟A. After all B. As a resultC. In other words D. As usual【解解析析】选A。句句意意:人人们对Karen可可能能有有不不同同的的看看法法,但但我我佩佩服服她她,毕竟竟她她是是一一位位伟大大的的音音乐家家。after all“毕竟竟”符符合合题意意。as a result“结果果是是”,in other words“换句句话说”;as usual“和往常一和往常一样”。13. The school has a system of _ and punishments to encourage good behaviour. 2011济南模南模拟A. attitudes B. trapsC. rewards D. commands【解解析析】选C。句句意意:这所所学学校校有有一一套套奖惩制制度度来来鼓鼓励励好好的的行行为。rewards“奖励励”与与punishments相相对应,符符合合题意意。attitude“态度度”;trap“陷阱陷阱”;command“命令;指命令;指挥”。14. We all think it was a _ football match between Guoan and Shenhua and we were all _ at it. A. disappointing; disappointingB. disappointed; disappointingC. disappointed; disappointedD. disappointing; disappointed【解解析析】选D。第第一一空空表表示示足足球球赛是是“令令人人失失望望的的”,用用disappointing; 第第 二二 空空 表表 示示 我我 们 都都 “感感 到到 失失 望望 ”, 用用disappointed。15. She wont go to the library tomorrow. _ . 2011拉拉萨模模拟A. So will I B. Me, neitherC. Nor am I D. Me, too【解解析析】选B。句句意意:她她明明天天不不去去图书馆,我我也也不不去去。A、D两两项都表肯定,故都表肯定,故应排除;若排除;若选C应为Nor/Neither will I。 【举一一反反三三】He promised to come at 9: 30 and _ . A. so was he B. so he wasC. so did he D. so he did【解解析析】选D。句句意意为:他他答答应九九点点半半来来,而而且且他他确确实做做到到了了。so+主主语+助助动词/情情态动词用用来来表表示示“的的确确如如此此”,排排除除A、C;再根据;再根据谓语动词的形式可知用的形式可知用so he did。. 阅读理解理解 Watching a huge crowd, we can see laughter, cheers, hugsbut also many tears. It makes us wonder: why do people cry? Surely tears must be good for usa way to calm the mind and cleanse(使使清清洁;清清洗洗) the body. Yet studies show that crying sometimes makes people feel worse. Three researchers in Florida and the Netherlands recently looked more deeply into the subject. They examined detailed descriptions of crying experiences. The team analyzed(分分析析)information from the International Study on Adult Crying. As part of that study, 3, 000 people in different countries, mostly college students, wrote about recent crying experiences. They noted causes, surroundings and any people involved in the events. They also reported how they felt after they cried. Professor Rottenberg, one of the three researchers, says the research showed that all crying experiences are not created equal. Crying does not always make a person feel better, he says. About ten percent of people reported feeling worse after they cried. But a third felt better after crying. And a majority reported the experience as helpful. The research showed that people who cry alone may not do as well as those with others around. People who reached out for emotional( 情情 感感 的的 ) support at the timeand received itreported better results from the crying experiences. But Professor Rottenberg says those who felt shame(羞羞愧愧)or embarrassment while crying were less likely to report that crying had been helpful. Research has shown that women cry more often and more strongly than men. But it may not be to better effect, says the psychologist. The new findings, he says, did not show that a persons sex was a predictor of beneficial crying. In other words, it does not mean they are more likely to have a“good”cry just because women cry more. 【文文章章大大意意】众众所所周周知知,眼眼泪泪对人人体体有有很很大大的的好好处,但但哭哭后后人人们并不会都感并不会都感觉良好,有些反而会感到心情更糟。良好,有些反而会感到心情更糟。1. Why are tears good for us? A. They can protect bacteria from entering into our eyes. B. They can calm us down and remove something bad. C. They can make others care about our feelings. D. They can make us feel less ashamed. 【解解析析】选B。事事实细节题。从从第第二二段段Surely tears must be good for us-a way to calm the mind and cleanse the body. 可可知知选B。2. According to the passage, people crying with others around _ . A. must get support from othersB. would never cry againC. felt worse than beforeD. felt better than those crying alone【解解析析】选D。事事实细节题。根根据据第第五五段段,在在别人人面面前前放放声声痛痛哭哭,可可以以得得到到他他们的的安安慰慰,但但那那些些偷偷独独自自哭哭泣泣的的人人哭哭后后心情会更糟糕。故心情会更糟糕。故选D项。3. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _ . A. women have stronger feelings than menB. crying can make women feel betterC. women are more likely to cry wellD. the effect of crying has little to do with sex【解解析析】选D。推推理理判判断断题。最最后后一一段段表表明明,跟跟男男的的相相比比,女女的的哭哭的的次次数数较多多,并并且且也也较强强烈烈,但但哭哭后后效效果果却却不不一一定定比比男的好,男的好,这就就说明哭的效果跟性明哭的效果跟性别没有多大关系。故没有多大关系。故选D项。4. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Crying is helpful. B. How to get a “good” cry. C. A study behind tears. D. The more you cry, the better you will feel. 【解解析析】选C。主主旨旨大大意意题。本本文文具具体体介介绍了了对人人们哭哭后后心心情的情的调查结果,因此果,因此C项最能表达本文的大意。最能表达本文的大意。 . 任任务型型阅读2011咸阳模咸阳模拟 根根据据短短文文内内容容,从从下下框框的的AF选项中中选出出能能概概括括每每一一段段主主题的最佳的最佳选项,选项中有一中有一项为多余多余选项。AI value honesty. BI believe in God. CI did pretty well as a taxi driver. DI feel good for doing something right. EWe taxi drivers are often misunderstood. FI serve people well whether they tip or not. 1 I believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts there are. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days, like integrity(正正直直)and forthrightness(坦坦率率). But it doesnt make any difference what they call it; its still what makes a man a good citizen. This is my code, and I try to live by. 2 Ive been in the taxi business for thirty-five years, and I know there is a lot about it that is not so good. Taxi drivers have to be rough and rude fellows to be able to take it in New York. Youve got to be tough to fight the New York traffic eight hours a day these days. Because taxi drivers are tough, people get the wrong impression that they are bad. Taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will shake down as honest fellows. You read in the papers almost every week where a taxi driver turns in money or jewels or bonds, stuff like that, people leave in their taxi. If they werent honest, you wouldnt be reading those stories in the papers. 3. One time in Brooklyn, I found a diamond ring in my taxi. I remembered helping a lady with a lot of baggage that day, so I went back to where I had dropped her off. It took me almost two days to track her in order to return her ring. I didnt get as much as “thank you”. Still, I felt good because I had done what was right. I think I felt better than she did. 4 I was born and raised in Ireland and lived there until I was nineteen years old. After I came to this country I bought my own cab and have owned one ever since. It hasnt been too easy at times, but my wife takes care of our money and we have a good bit put away for a rainy day, even in those days. In all my years of driving a taxi, I have never had any trouble with the public, not even with drunks. Even if they get a little troublesome once in a while, I just agree with them and then they behave themselves. 5 People ask me about tips. As far as I know, practically everyone will give you something. Come to think of it, most Americans are pretty generous. I always try to be nice to everyone, whether they tip or not. I believe in God and try to be a good member of my parish(教教区区). I try to act toward others like I think God wants me to act. I have been trying this for a long time, and the longer I try, the easier it gets. 答案:答案:15. AEDCF 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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