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117岁进入电影行业,1992年因在大卫林奇的公路影片我心狂野中扮演男主角而获第43届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖。 1996年主演的动作片勇闯夺命岛使他跃身成为全球国际票房巨星,同年凭借离开拉斯维加斯中扮演的酒鬼一角夺得当年度奥斯卡最佳男主角奖 23勇闯夺命岛勇闯夺命岛4Hundreds of male angels keep watch over Los Angeles.They stand on the beach in Santa Monica to bask in the first rays of the new day,its said that they can heard the sounds of nature.5He is not He is not satisfied satisfied with merely with merely being a man being a man who can read who can read about the about the wonders of wonders of human.human.6He choices the one he loves instead of being an angel!7Classic Classic quotationsquotationsWhat good would wings be if you couldnt feel wind on your face? 如果感受不到风的吹拂,那么要翅膀还有什么用?I dont understand the God whod let us meet if we could never be together. 上帝既已安排我们相识,怎能不让我们相守.8inspiratiinspirationonLive for ourselves !Let us enjoy our life!True love is invincible!910
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