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Unit 2English around the world1voyage n航行;航海航行;航海It is a successful voyage of the ship.这是那艘船的一次成功的航行。The Titanic sank in April 1912 on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York.泰坦尼克号是在1912 年4 月从南安普敦驶往纽约的首航中沉没的。上一页上一页on/during a/the voyage在航行中a voyage to 前往的航行a voyage of discovery 发现之旅 上一页上一页voyage/journey/travel/trip/tour(1) Voyage 指一趟旅程,尤指海上之旅,也可以指空中旅行。Many people are finding that the most pleasant way to travel is avoyage on a cruise ship.许多人认为最愉快的旅行方式是搭乘游轮,来一趟逐波之行。(2)journey主要指单程较远距离的海、陆、空“旅行”,表示“去旅行”时,英语应说go on a journey,而不说go to a journey。 上一页上一页Mr Smith made a journey from Paris to New York.史密斯先生作了一次从巴黎到纽约的旅行。(3)travel一般指到国外或远方旅行,它同journey不同之处在于它不着重指某一目的地,有“到各地游历”的意思,作名词时常用复数形式。He has just returned from his travels.他刚刚旅行回来。上一页上一页(4)trip常指短距离的,直达目的地的旅行,在日常用语中,trip可与journey通用。He went on a trip/journey to the seaside.他到海边旅行去了。(5)tour表示“旅行;周游;观光”,主要目的是游览或视察,距离可长可短,常带有“最后回到出发地”的含义。They spent two months on a tour through most of the countries of Europe.他们用了两个月的时间去旅行,游历了欧洲的大部分国家。上一页上一页上一页上一页学以致用学以致用(单项填空)When I give up work I shall take a long sea _.Atrip Btravel Cjourney Dvoyage上一页上一页【解析解析】句意:当我不工作时,我将进行一次长途的海上旅行。voyage指海上旅行,符合句意。【答案答案】D2. base vt. 以以为根据为根据 n基部;基地;基础基部;基地;基础The film is based on a novel by Pat Conroy.那部电影是以派特康罗伊的一部小说为根据的。One should always base ones opinion on facts.一个人应总是把自己的观点建立在事实的基础上。The company is trying to expand its customer base.这家公司正努力扩大自身的客户基础。上一页上一页(1)base.onbe based on. 根据;以为基础(2)on the base of 以为基础 a military/naval base 军事/海军基地 上一页上一页Sues knowledge of Japan was based only on what shehad read in books.苏对于日本的了解仅限于书本知识。The country maintains military bases on foreign soil.那个国家在国外设有军事基地。上一页上一页上一页上一页学以致用学以致用(单项填空)_ true events,the film follows the life of Braddock,a boxer in New York. (2010温州任岩松中学适应考试)ASet on BTaken on CBased on DCarried on 【解析解析】句意:基于真实的事件,这部电影讲述的是纽约一个拳击手布洛多克的生活。be based on“以为基础;基于”,符合句意;这里是用过去分词短语作状语,修饰the film。set on“把置于之上”;take on“呈现”;carry on“继续”。【答案答案】C上一页上一页3. command n. & vt. 命令;指令;掌握命令;指令;掌握The general commanded his men to attack the city.将军命令部下攻城。She has an excellent command of French.她的法语棒极了。He was in complete command of the situation.他完全控制了局势。上一页上一页(1)in command of 指挥;控制under the command of sb. 在指挥之下at ones command 由某人支配;听从某人的指示word of command (军事训练中的)口令;号令(2)command sb.to do sth. 命令某人做某事command that.(should do) 命令做 上一页上一页The division was under the command of general George.这个师由乔治将军指挥。Im at your command-what would you like me to do?我听从你的吩咐你需要我做什么?上一页上一页command/order/instruct/direct 四者都含有“命令;指挥;指示”的意思。(1)command 为较正式用语,指权威方面正式下令。(2)order 为常用词, 虽然有时指权威人士或武断地命令,但多用于非正式或个人之间下的命令。His father ordered him to leave. 他父亲叫他走开。上一页上一页(3)instruct意为“指示;命令;指导”, 属于正式用语,强调有系统地指导。She instructed him (in) how to do the experiment.她指导他怎样做这项实验。(4)direct意为“指导;指挥;指示”, 多指权威性地指导。His boss directed him to cancel the meeting.他的老板指示他取消这次会议。上一页上一页上一页上一页学以致用学以致用(单项填空)Excuse me,could you help me to work out the physics problem?Id like to,but youd better turn to Li Hua for help. She has a good _ of physics.Amaster Bopinion Ceducation Dcommand【解析解析】 句意:请问,我可以向你请教物理问题吗?你最好向李华求助,她物理学得很好。have a good command of 意为“精通;对熟练掌握”,符合语境和句意。【答案答案】D上一页上一页4. request n& vt. 请求;要求请求;要求The teachers were deaf to our requests.老师对我们的请求一点都听不进去。It is my last request. I shall never ask you anything again.这是我最后的请求。我再也不会向你提任何要求。He requested that they should come early.他请求他们要早来。Vistors are requested not to touch the exhibits.参观者被要求不要触摸展示品。上一页上一页上一页上一页(1)at sbs request 应某人的要求 by request 应要求 on/upon request 根据要求 request for 的要求;的请求(2)request sb. to do sth. 请求/要求某人做某事 request that.(should) do sth. 请求做某事 request sth. from/of sb. 向某人请求某物The play was written by Agatha Christie at the request ofQueen Mary.这部戏是阿加莎克里斯蒂应女王的要求写的。We will arrange accommodation on request.我们将根据要求安排膳宿。上一页上一页上一页上一页request引导宾语从句或构成主语从句结构“it is requested that”时,从句中的谓语动词使用“should动词原形”,should可以省略。request作名词时,其后的同位语从句或表语从句中也使用相同结构。上一页上一页学以致用学以致用(单项填空)Dont respond to any e-mails _ personal information,no matter how official they look.Asearching BaskingCrequesting Dquestioning【解析】句意:不要回复索取个人信息的电子邮件,不管它们看起来多么正式。request“要求;请求;索取”,符合句意。【答案】C上一页上一页5recognize vt. 辨认出;承认;公认辨认出;承认;公认Julia hardly recognized Jill when they met.相遇时朱莉娅几乎没认出吉尔来。He recognized that he was not qualified for a teacher.他承认自己没有资格担任教师。These qualifications are recognized by the Department of Education.这些证书得到教育部的认可。上一页上一页recognize.as/to be.承认是recognize.by. 通过认出recognize.from. 从认出 上一页上一页He recognized the man as one of the police officers.他认出那个人是其中一名警察。 I recognized her by her red hair.我根据她红色的头发认出了她。I recognized them from a television show.我从一个电视节目上认出了他们。上一页上一页学以致用学以致用(单项填空)My neighbours daughter changed so much that I didnt _ her at first sight.(2011菱湖中学期中考试)Arealize Brecognize Cresearch Dreserve上一页上一页【解析解析】句意:我邻居的女儿变化这么大以致于我第一眼没认出她来。recognize“辨认”,符合句意。realize“意识到”;research“研究”;reserve“储备;保留”。【答案答案】B上一页上一页6because of 因为;由于因为;由于I came back because of the rain.因为下雨,所以我回来了。It was because of the job that he took the flat.他因为工作的原因租了那套公寓。Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severepollution.因为污染严重,许多美丽的鱼类正在面临灭绝。上一页上一页because of/owing to/due to/thanks to这一组词都表示“由于”的意思,在使用时应注意以下区别:(1)because of“由于;因为”,强调因果关系,在句中仅作状语,修饰句中的一部分,与其他成分不用逗号隔开。We must not get discouraged because of such a minor setback.我们决不可因为这样一个小小的挫折而灰心丧气。上一页上一页(2)owing to也强调因果关系,除作状语外,也可作表语。作状语时修饰整个句子,可放在被修饰句前或句后,用逗号隔开。They decided to cancel the flight,owing to the storm.由于这场暴风雨,他们决定取消这个航班。(3)due to引出造成后果的原因,在句中作表语、状语或定语作表语或状语时与owing to同义;作状语时,一般不与其他成分隔开。上一页上一页This accident was due to (owing to) his careless driving.这次车祸是由于他的粗心驾驶造成的。(4)thanks to表示“幸亏;多亏”,多用于表达正面的意思,相当于感谢,在句中作状语或表语。Thanks to your advice,much trouble was saved.多亏你的建议,我们省去了许多麻烦。上一页上一页 because 是连词,其后接句子;because of是复合介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词、what 从句等。上一页上一页学以致用学以致用(单项填空)He realized she was crying _ what he hadsaid.Abecause Bbecause of Cas Dsince上一页上一页【解析解析】句意:他意识到她因为他的话才哭的。这里because of后跟what引导的名词性从句在句子中作状语。because/as/since都不能接what引导的从句。【答案答案】B上一页上一页7come up 走近;上来;提出走近;上来;提出While we were talking,a man came up.我们正在谈话时,一个人走了过来。I expect something to come up soon.我预料很快就要出事。The project came up in their conversation.他们在谈话中提到了这项工程。上一页上一页come about 发生;改变方向come across 偶然碰见;被理解;越过come along 出现;进展;赶快;一起向前走come back 回来;忆起come down 下来;倒塌;降落come from 出身于;来自come out 出来; (花)开;出版come to 苏醒;到达;共计;突然想起come up with 想出;赶上come upon 偶然碰见;突然产生 上一页上一页Its hard to understand how the accident came about.很难理解事故是怎样发生的。Hes the most unpleasant man Ive ever come across.他是我见到过的最令人厌恶的男人。上一页上一页上一页上一页学以致用学以致用(单项填空)Ill be late home tonight because something has just _ at work.Acome up Bcome outCcome over Dcome across【解析解析】句意:今晚我回家要晚些,因为在工作时刚刚出了点事。这里come up 意为“发生”,符合句意。【答案答案】A上一页上一页8. play a part (in) 扮演一个角色;参与扮演一个角色;参与Income,education,and occupation all play a part in determining a persons smoking habits.收入、教育以及职业,在决定一个人是否有吸烟习惯方面都有很大关系。In the speech,he stressed that Mrs Clinton would play a part in his administration.他在演讲中声称,克林顿夫人将在他的内阁政府中任职。He would like to play a part in this historic process.他愿意在这一历史进程中扮演一个角色 上一页上一页play a role in在方面起作用play the role/part of sb. 扮演某人的角色play the leading role 起主要作用 上一页上一页学以致用(单项填空)He spends all his spare time collecting stamps. He seems to _ this.Abe crazy about Bbe concerned aboutCbe native to Dplay a part in上一页上一页【解析】句意:他把所有的空闲时间都花在了集邮上,好像迷上了它。be crazy about “对疯狂”,符合句意。be concerned about “关心;挂念”;be native to “原产于”;play a part in “扮演一个角色;参与”。【答案】A上一页上一页9make use of 利用;使用利用;使用We should make good use of our time and money.我们应好好利用时间和金钱。Make full use of every chance you get to speak English.要充分利用所得到的每一个机会来说英语。上一页上一页it be no use (doing sth.)(做某事)没有意义;没有用处bring/put.to good use 有效利用;从中获益come into/go out of use 开始被用/不用be of use (to sb.) 对有用;有帮助be in/out of use 在/不在使用 上一页上一页学以致用(单项填空)They began to think about _ could be made of these valuable materials.Ahow use Bfull useCbetter use Dwhat use上一页上一页【解析】句意:他们开始考虑这些有价值的材料能有什么用处。本题考查“make use of”结构的被动形式,what在此作定语,修饰名词use,意为“什么用处”。【答案】D上一页上一页10Today,more people speak English as their first,second or a foreign language than ever before.如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多了,他们有的是作为第如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多了,他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。一语言来说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。more than意为“超过;很;非常;不只是”。His insolence is more than I can stand.我受不了他的无礼。I was more than a little angry when I saw how theyd ruined it.当我见到他们是怎样把它破坏时,我不禁大为愤慨。上一页上一页His answer more than satisfied me.他的回答使我非常满意。His report is more than a survey.他的报告不只一份调查。More than one answer is to your question.你的问题不止一个答案。上一页上一页(1)more than名词不仅仅;不只是more than数词 超过;多于more than形容词/副词 十分(相当于very)(2)more.than.表示对不同的人或事物同一性质或方面比较,常见两种用法如下:比更(形容词或副词的比较)与其说不如说(名词间的比较)no more than(only) 仅仅;只不过not more than 至多;不超过 上一页上一页学以致用(单项填空)He has killed no less than 10 innocent children. The cruelty of his is we can imagine. (2010台州中学期中考试)Amore than Bbetter thanCother than Dless than上一页上一页【解析】句意:他杀死了不少于10个无辜的孩子。他的残忍超出了我们的想象。more than“超过”,符合句意。better than“比更好”;other than“除了”;less than“少于;决不”。【答案】A上一页上一页11Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,信不信由你,(世界上世界上)没有什么标准英语。没有什么标准英语。(1)believe it or not 意为“信不信由你”,常作插入语。Believe it or not,more than half of our bodys weight comes from water.信不信由你,我们身体重量的一多半是水。I am still,believe it or not,very nervous about speaking in public.说真的,对于在公众场合讲话我还是非常紧张。上一页上一页(2)no such thing 意为“没有这样的事情”。such与all,some,any,few,little,many,much,several,one等词连用时,通常位于它们的后面。Land belongs to the city;there is no such thing as privateownership of land.土地是属于这个城市的,没有土地私有这样的事 。上一页上一页学以致用(单项填空)Im astonished to hear from my brother Tom again._,it is ten years since we met last. (2010洛阳统考)AIn a word BBelieve it or notCThats to say DWhats more上一页上一页【解析】句意:再次收到哥哥汤姆的信,我非常惊讶,信不信由你,我们10年没见面了。believe it or not“信不信由你”,符合句意。in a word“总而言之”;thats to say“也就是说”;whats more“而且”。【答案】B上一页上一页同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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