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一二三四一、澳大利亚(Australia)被誉为人间天堂,英文可分解为amazing (叹为观止),unexpected(超乎想象),stylish(时尚流行),tempting(诱人魅力),relaxing(悠然一刻),adventurous(体验极限),liberating(自由自在),inspiring(灵感无限)和attractive(梦萦魂牵)。说起澳大利亚,你首先会想到什么呢?悉尼歌剧院、袋鼠、土著人的回旋镖还是光彩夺目的钻石?一起来谈谈澳大利亚吧!答案:略 一二三四二、短语互译A.从文中找出与下列汉语对应的英文短语。1.在20世纪80年代2.爱慕,依恋3.当心4.认真对待5.大量的,许多的B.从文中找出下列短语并写出它们的汉语意思。6.a mix of different cultures7.in the desert areas8.in pretty poor condition9.the Great Barrier Reef10.be proud ofin the 1980s be attached to look out for take.seriously loads of 不同文化的混合 在沙漠地区 情况非常糟糕 大堡礁 为感到骄傲 一二三四三、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子1.I worked there for five years but never really felt I (属于) there.2.It took a couple of minutes (固定) the trailer(拖车) to the back of the truck.3.Stratford-upon-Avon was Shakespeares (出生地),that is,Stratford-upon-Avon was the place where Shakespeare was born.4.(广袤的) areas of the Amazon rainforest have been destroyed.5.Most of the clothes made in his factory are (出口) to worldwide markets.belonged to attach birthplace Vast exported 一二三四6.Ive always been (喜爱的) of poetry and one certain piece has always stuck in my mind.7.Only a (少数) of people support these new laws.8.Many employers have recognised that gender discrimination(歧视) is (不公平的).9.I (原谅) him for the many occasions on which he had made me embarrassed.10.He would like a job that will let him work (在户外).11.Its been great for me,getting a (预展) of all these clothes without leaving my office.12.Why do they want to build a house on this particular (地点)?fond minority unfair forgave outdoors preview spot 一二三四四、阅读课文,选择正确答案1.“Countries of the World” is most probably .A.a fashion show B.a skill showC.a talk showD.a quiz show2.Both George and Fiona .A.were born in AustraliaB.are originated from EuropeC.are living in big citiesD.are from rich families答案:C 答案:B 一二三四3.What can we know about kangaroos according to George?A.There are kangaroos living in Melbourne.B.They mainly live in the middle of Australia.C.They are among the most dangerous animals in the world.D.They are not allowed to be cooked as food.4.If youre travelling in the desert areas of Australia,you will .A.find diamonds and coalB.see many people living thereC.not see sheep farmsD.probably meet groups of kangaroos答案:B 答案:D 12345671.At first,we didnt feel we belong here,but now we are attached to the land we live on.起初,我们并不认为自己属于这里,但现在我们已喜欢上了我们生活的这片土地。剖析这是but连接的并列句。but前的分句中,“we belong here”是宾语从句,作“feel”的宾语;but后的分句中,“we live on”是省略了关系代词that(或which)的定语从句,修饰先行词“land”。1234567考点一 belong vi. 适应;属于He doesnt belong here.他不属于这里。English and Chinese dont belong to the same language system.英语和汉语属于不同的语系。The book belongs to the library.这本书是图书馆的。He didnt put the things where they belonged.他没有将东西放回原处。归纳:belong表示“属于”时,常与介词to连用。注意:belong不能用于进行时态和被动语态。1234567考点二 be attached to 依恋,爱慕;附属于Its easy to be attached to the children you work with.人很容易喜欢上与自己一起工作的小孩。The hospital is attached to the university.这所医院附属于那所大学。Though we should not be attached to it,we cannot ignore it,either.虽然我们不能迷上它,但也不能忽略它。1234567attach vt. 系,固定attach.to 把系在,把附上He attached his horse to a tree.他将马拴在树上。Dont forget to attach the label to your luggage.别忘了把标签贴在你的行李上。The old man did not seem to attach any importance to the question.那位老人似乎不重视这个问题。注意:在翻译带有“attach.to”结构的句子时,对应的汉语非常灵活。例如,attach importance to的意思是“认为重要”。1234567活学活用语法填空(1)These boys (belong) our football team;we often play football with other teams.(2)Among these ships is one (belong) to us.(3)Parents attach much importance education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.(4)A good ad often uses words which people attach positive meanings.belong to belonging to to 1234567翻译句子(5)The two girls are attached to each other.(6)The middle school is attached to the university.(7)I attach great importance to the research.答案:这两个女孩形影不离。 答案:这所中学附属于那所大学。 答案:我认为这项研究十分重要。 12345672.But its not the only sport Australians are fond of.但是它(冲浪)并不是澳大利亚人唯一喜爱的运动。剖析“Australians are fond of”是省略关系代词that的定语从句,修饰先行词“sport”。考点 fond adj. 喜爱的Im fond of pop music.我喜欢流行音乐。【高考典句】The children were fond of the US presidents daughters.孩子们都喜欢美国总统的女儿。She likes playing the guitar while her brother is fond of playing football.她喜欢弹吉他,她的弟弟则喜欢踢足球。1234567活学活用语法填空More and more young people are fond playing tennis nowadays.of 归纳fond表示“喜爱的”时,常用作表语,并和of连用,be fond of后可接表示人或物的词及动名词短语。12345673.Contrary to popular belief,Australia is not a dull place at all for people wanting culture.同一般人们的认识相反,对在文化方面有需求的人来说,澳大利亚不是一个枯燥的地方。考点 contrary adj. 相反的contrary to 与相反Contrary to all advice,he started to climb the mountain without a guide.他不顾一切劝告,不带向导就开始爬那座山。Things turned out quite contrary to what we had expected.事情的结果和我们原来想的正好相反。归纳: contrary to.常用作状语,有时也用作表语。1234567contrary n.相反的事实on the contrary 与此相反,恰恰相反to the contrary 相反的;相反地Do you think her divorce will upset her family?你觉得她的离婚会给她的家人带来痛苦吗?On the contrary,it will probably come as a relief.恰恰相反,那可能会是一种解脱。Their criticism did not discourage me.On the contrary,I worked even harder.他们的批评并没有使我感到气馁,相反,我比以前更加努力了。I will come on Monday unless you write me to the contrary.我将于星期一来,除非你写信叫我不要来。1234567活学活用语法填空(1)What you have done is contrary the doctors orders.Its bad for your recovery.(2)This is not a cheap way to get more water; the contrary,it is very expensive.(3)Unless there is evidence the contrary,we ought to believe them.to on to 12345674.And in Sydney,youll find a broad choice of opera,drama,classical concerts,rock concertstheres too much choice really!并且在悉尼,你会发现有各种各样的选择歌剧、戏剧、古典音乐会、摇滚音乐会选择真是太多了!考点 broad adj. 各种各样的;广阔的Students here study a broad range of subjects.这儿的学生学习各种各样的科目。She has a broad knowledge of computers.她有广博的计算机知识。1234567(1)broad的本义为“宽阔的,广阔的”。The room is three metres long and two metres broad.这个房间长3米,宽2米。(2)形近词:board n.板子;甲板abroad adv.到国外;在国外(3)近义词:wide(4)反义词:narrow1234567活学活用翻译句子(1)This is a broad river.(2)There is broad support for the governments policies.答案:这是一条宽阔的河流。 答案:政府的政策得到了广泛的支持。 12345675.I cant bear the way the native Australians have been treated.我不能容忍对待澳大利亚土著居民的方式。考点 bear vt. 容忍【高考典句】Theyve been too badly hurt and they cant bear to let it happen again.他们很伤心,他们再也忍受不了让这种事再次发生。I cant bear having a cat in the house.家中养猫我受不了。He cant bear people smoking while hes eating.他不能容忍人们在他吃饭时抽烟。归纳: bear后可接动词不定式或动名词作宾语;也可以接宾语的复合结构,复合结构中用现在分词作宾语补足语。在否定句或疑问句中,bear常与情态动词can/could连用。1234567常用结构(1)bear it(+if/when从句)容忍I cant bear it when people complain for no reason.我受不了人们无缘无故地抱怨。(2)bearable adj.可容忍的unbearable adj.无法忍受的1234567活学活用语法填空(1)I cant bear (laugh) at.(2)She was the kind of person who just couldnt bear (throw) anything away.(3)He cant bear others (do) what he wouldnt like to do.翻译句子(4)The pain was almost more than he could bear.to be laughed/being laughed throwing/to throw doing 答案:这种痛苦几乎使他无法忍受。 12345676.I think thats unfair.我觉得那不公平。考点 unfair adj. 不公平的It is unfair to think that goods from abroad must be better than those made at home.认为国外来的商品一定比国内生产的好,这是不公正的。Youre unfair to criticise her like that;shes never done you any harm.=Its unfair of you to criticise her like that;shes never done you any harm.你那样批评她太不公正,她从未伤害过你。She thought it most unfair that girls were not allowed to take part.她认为不允许女孩参加是很不公平的。 1234567反义词:fair adj. 公平的In order to be fair to everyone,ticket sales are limited to two for each person.为了公平起见,每个人只能购买两张票。【高考典句】It was a fair tradeI got a pleasure,and she had yet another tasty treat.这是一场公平的交易我得到了快乐,她也得到了另一顿美餐。1234567活学活用单词拼写(1)Its not only dishonest but (不公平的) to all the other students in the class.翻译句子(2)法官必须公正。(3)It is unfair to ask him to do all the work.unfair 答案:A judge must be fair. 答案:要他做所有的工作对他不公平。 12345677.I wonder if theyll ever forgive the way theyve been treated.我想知道他们是否会原谅人们对待他们的方式呢。剖析 if引导宾语从句;theyve been treated是定语从句,修饰先行词way。考点 forgive vt. 原谅,宽恕,饶恕forgive sb.for sth.原谅某人某事I forgave her a long time ago.我早就原谅她了。I can forgive a mistake but I cant forgive dishonesty.我能原谅错误,但我不能原谅不诚实。Ive never forgiven myself for the way I treated her.我一直没有原谅自己对待她的方式。Can you ever forgive him for being so selfish?他那么自私,你能原谅他吗?1234567归纳: forgive后直接接人作宾语,也可以接物作宾语;还可与介词for连用,表示“原谅”。辨析:forgive和excusePlease forgive me for bringing you so much trouble.请您原谅我给您带来这么多的麻烦。Please excuse me for being late.对不起,我迟到了。归纳: forgive感情色彩较浓,表示不再为某事而生某人的气,强调主观和内心的宽恕;excuse语气较轻,通常指原谅社交上或惯例上礼节性的疏忽。1234567活学活用完成句子我希望你能原谅他的鲁莽。I hope you can him rude.forgive for being
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