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Unit 4 At the farm Part C Story time授课教师:河源市源城区光明学校授课教师:河源市源城区光明学校 欧金花欧金花What does Mary have?What does Mary have?a kittena kittena kittena kittena lamba lamba lamba lamba puppya puppya puppya puppyDo you like animals?Look at the vegetables. I love vegetables. I dont like vegetales.What are those?Theyre cows. I like them. I like milk.Are those turkeys?No, they arent. They are hens.turkeyturturtletlemonmonkeykeyturkeyI like turkeys.I like turkey.Are those sheep?Yes, they are. I like them. I like mutton.muttonbadmintonI like mutton.I like mutton.I like mutton.I like mutton.mumumumuchIts hot. Lets make a hat.Good idea!grassgrasshathatIm hungry. Me too. I love grass.Ah.Watch the video and answer:1.How many kinds of animals do they see?2.What are they?3. Does Zoom like cows?Watch the video and answer:1.How many kinds of animals do they see?2.What are they?3. Does Zoom like cows?Three.Three.They are cows, hens and sheep.They are cows, hens and sheep.No, he doesnt.No, he doesnt.Read and imitate.模仿跟读模仿跟读 1. 看书能表演出来。看书能表演出来。OK!2. 不看书,声音响亮、发音正确。不看书,声音响亮、发音正确。Good!3. 加上适当的动作表情和道具,加上适当的动作表情和道具, 自然地表演出来。自然地表演出来。Super!Act out the storyRetell the storyIts today. Zoom and Zip are at .They go to see the and the .Zip loves vegetables,but Zoom doesnt like .Zip likes cows, but Zoom likes .Zip likes hens, but Zoom likes .Zip likes sheep, but Zoom likes .Its 12 oclock. It s very .So they make a .Zoom is hungry, and is hungry , too.The cow loves so the cow eats the .the cowgrasshatvegetalbesthe farmvegetablesanimals hatmilkchicken and eggsmuttonhotsunny Homework1. Read the story twice and try to retell the story .2. Act out the story with your partners.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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