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Module1 Small Talk核心单词核心单词1. lackv. 缺少,缺乏;没有,不足;缺少,缺乏;没有,不足;n.U缺乏;短缺。缺乏;短缺。lack作名词时,为不可数名词,常接作名词时,为不可数名词,常接of;作动词时,无被动语态,;作动词时,无被动语态,可直接接宾语,也可作不及物动词,后接可直接接宾语,也可作不及物动词,后接for或或in。常用结构常用结构:lack sth.缺乏某物缺乏某物lack for(=need/want)需要需要for/through lack of sth. 因缺少某物因缺少某物lack (n.) of sth.缺乏某物缺乏某物I lack words with which to express my thanks. 我难以用语言来表达谢意。我难以用语言来表达谢意。 He doesnt lack for your help.他不需要你的帮助。他不需要你的帮助。He said the trip to the seaside was cancelled for/through lack of interest.他说因为缺乏兴趣,去海边的旅行被取消了。他说因为缺乏兴趣,去海边的旅行被取消了。联想拓展联想拓展lacking adj. 缺乏的;不足的缺乏的;不足的be lacking in 缺乏(某种品质、特点等);不够缺乏(某种品质、特点等);不够She is not lacking in confidence and courage.她很有信心和勇气。她很有信心和勇气。2. advanceadj. 预先的,在前的;预先的,在前的;n.&v.进展;进步,推进;预付;提前;提早进展;进步,推进;预付;提前;提早常用结构常用结构:in advance 提前,预先,事先提前,预先,事先in advance of sth. (时间上)在某事之前(时间上)在某事之前advance warning of the storm 暴风雨的预警暴风雨的预警advance towards .向向前进前进advance on/upon 逼近逼近advance the money to sb.=advance sb. the money预付某人钱预付某人钱advanced maths 高等数学高等数学Its cheaper if you book the tickets in advance.预订票其价格要便宜一些。预订票其价格要便宜一些。They had advanced 20 miles by nightfall. 夜幕降临时,他们已经前进了夜幕降临时,他们已经前进了20英里。英里。We received no advance warning of the storm.我们没有收到风暴的预先警报。我们没有收到风暴的预先警报。The mob advanced on us, shouting angrily. 暴民愤怒地喊叫着向我们逼近。暴民愤怒地喊叫着向我们逼近。We are willing to advance the money to you.我们愿意预付钱给你。我们愿意预付钱给你。联想拓展联想拓展advanced adj. 高级的高级的;先进的先进的;发达的发达的3. imaginev. 想象,设想,假想想象,设想,假想常用结构常用结构:imagine sth. that .想象想象imagine (sb./sb.s) doing sth. 想象(某人)做某事想象(某人)做某事imagine sb./sth. as 把某人把某人/物想象成物想象成Imagine a big house with a beautiful garden.想象一座带着美丽花园的大房子。想象一座带着美丽花园的大房子。Can you imagine working with your companion happily in the future?你能设想一下将来和你的伙伴一起快乐地工作的场景吗?你能设想一下将来和你的伙伴一起快乐地工作的场景吗?I just cant imagine why they liked that girl so much.我就是想象不出来为什么他们那么喜欢那个女孩儿。我就是想象不出来为什么他们那么喜欢那个女孩儿。I never knew my grandmother but I always imagine her as a kind gentle person.我从未见过我的祖母,但我总是把她想象成一个心地善良的人。我从未见过我的祖母,但我总是把她想象成一个心地善良的人。此外,还有一点要说。此外,还有一点要说。联想拓展联想拓展in addition to .除除之外(还),后接名词或动名词,相当于之外(还),后接名词或动名词,相当于besides; apart from。In addition to English, I have to study a second foreign language.除了英语之外,我还得再学一门外语。除了英语之外,我还得再学一门外语。5. leave out省去,删去;遗漏;缺漏;忽视省去,删去;遗漏;缺漏;忽视;不理会不理会He left out the most important word in the sentence.在这个句子中他漏掉了最重要的词。在这个句子中他漏掉了最重要的词。No one speaks to him, he always feels left out.没有人和他说话,他总是觉得被冷落了。没有人和他说话,他总是觉得被冷落了。联想拓展联想拓展leave behind 遗留遗留;遗忘遗忘;把某人抛在后面把某人抛在后面leave alone 不打扰不打扰;不理会不理会leave off 停止停止;中断中断leave for 动身去动身去You had to follow closely if you want to avoid being left behind.如果你不想掉队的话,你就得跟紧些。如果你不想掉队的话,你就得跟紧些。Why cant you just leave her alone?你为什么不能让她一个人待会呢?你为什么不能让她一个人待会呢?The rain left off at daybreak. 破晓时雨停了。破晓时雨停了。My brother has just left Sydney for a tour of the world.我哥哥刚离开悉尼去周游世界。我哥哥刚离开悉尼去周游世界。重点句型重点句型6. It is+过去分词过去分词+that从句从句在这个句型中,在这个句型中,it为形式主语,真正的主语为为形式主语,真正的主语为that从句。从句。常见句式有:常见句式有:It is said/reported/announced/known/hoped/thought/supposed/suggested/believed/agreed/estimated .that .It is suggested that a meeting (should) be held to discuss the problems.人们希望中国队赢得这场比赛。人们希望中国队赢得这场比赛。It is said that he is the best player in the football club.=He is said to be the best player in the football club.据说他是这个足球俱乐部最好的球员。据说他是这个足球俱乐部最好的球员。It is reported that three villagers have been killed in the landslide.=Three villagers are reported to have been killed in the landslide.据报道,已经有三位村民在这次山体滑坡中丧生。据报道,已经有三位村民在这次山体滑坡中丧生。7.We stood around making small talk.我们站在某人旁边闲谈。我们站在某人旁边闲谈。making small talk是现在分词在句中作状语。分词或分词短语作状是现在分词在句中作状语。分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随语时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随情况等。表示时间关系的分词短语有时可由连词情况等。表示时间关系的分词短语有时可由连词while或或when 引出。引出。Hearing the news, they got excited.(时间状语)(时间状语)听到这个消息,他们兴奋极了。听到这个消息,他们兴奋极了。Be careful while/when crossing the street.(时间状语)(时间状语)横穿马路时要小心。横穿马路时要小心。Having been bitten by a snake,she was frightened at it.(原因(原因状语)状语)由于被蛇咬过,所以她怕蛇。由于被蛇咬过,所以她怕蛇。The cup dropped to the ground,breaking into pieces.(结果状(结果状语)语)那个杯子掉在地上摔碎了。那个杯子掉在地上摔碎了。Having been told many times, she still repeated the same mistakes.(让步状语)(让步状语)虽然告诉她很多次了,但她仍犯同样的错误。虽然告诉她很多次了,但她仍犯同样的错误。He lay on the grass,looking at the sky.(伴随状语伴随状语)他躺在草地上,看着天空。他躺在草地上,看着天空。构词法构词法利用派生法,写出下列单词的正确形式利用派生法,写出下列单词的正确形式perform_1_表演者clean _2_清洁工foreign_3_外国人manage_4_经理strange_5_陌生人law_6_律师shop_7_购物者win_8_获胜者employ_9_雇主_10_雇员interview_11_采访者_12_被采访者invent_13_发明家visit_14_参观者sail _15_水手survive_16_幸存者translate_17_翻译者operate_18_话务员act_19_男演员_20_女演员wait_21_侍者_22_女侍者empire_23_皇帝_24_女皇host_25_主人_26_女主人 答案: 1. performer 2. cleaner 3. foreigner 4. manager 5. stranger 6. lawyer 7. shopper 8. winner 9. employer 10. employee 11. interviewer 12. interviewee 13. inventor 14. visitor 15. sailor 16. survivor 17. translator 18. operator 19. actor 20. actress 21. waiter 22. waitress 23. emperor 24. empress 25. host 26. hostess同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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