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New words.climb /a/ - climbed v.爬;攀爬爬;攀爬bite /a/ - bit / v.咬;叮咬;叮hide /a/ - hid / v.躲藏躲藏pain /pen / n.痛;疼痛痛;疼痛 there is a pain on your hand.medicine /e / n.药;药物药;药物take some medicinefridge / n.冰箱冰箱 behind the fridgeworse /:/ adj./adv.更糟;更坏更糟;更坏get worse Module 8 Accidents Unit2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.Pre-readingWhere was he?What was Henrys job? What was he doing at that time?Why?/ What happened?A cook. In a kitchen.He was taking a photo of the snake .smile,please!1. The snake bit Henry again when _. a) he was throwing it across the kitchen b) he was trying to pick it up c) it was climbing out of a box2. When Henry was trying to find the snake, _. a) he could take a photo b) the snake became cool c) his hand began to hurt badly3. Henry hurried to hospital because _. a) his hand was hurting b) he had a photo of the snake c) the doctors called him on his mobile phone4. The doctors gave Henry the right medicine after _. a) they knew what kind of snake bit him b) they saw the snake in the photo c) he left hospital the next daybcaaRead and choose the best answer.Careful reading. Read paragraph 1&2, and answer the questions. 1. Which part of the body did the snake bite him? 2. Where was the snake from? The snake bit him on his hand.One day, when Henry was working in a restaurant, a snake suddenly appeared and bit his hand.A few days earlier, the snake arrived from Asia in the box of bananas. It climbed out and hid somewhere.The snake was from Asia./bt/bat/hd/hide /had/klamd/ pd /bite /bat/ Asia south china IndiaMalaysiaIndonesiaRead Paragraphs 3 & 4 , and choose the best answer.Careful reading. 1.What did Henry do with the mobile phone? A) He called the hospital. B) He took a photo of the snake. 2.Where did the snake hide after Henry took its photo? A) It hid in the fridge. B) It hid behind the fridge.Careful reading. Read Paragraphs 5&6 and tell the sentences T or F. 1. As the doctor was checking him, the pain got worse. ( ) 2.At first , doctors could help him. ( ) 3.When the doctors knew the kind of snake , they could give Henry the right medicine . ( ) TFTcouldnt/pen /w:s/medsn /Paragraphs 5&6 When Henry was trying to find the snake, his hand began to hurt badly. He hurried to hospital. As the doctors were checking him, the pain got worse. But they could not know what kind of snake bit him. As he was lying there in great pain. Henry suddenly remembered the photo. The doctor sent the photo to a zoo. As soon as they learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicine, and he left the hospital the next day.=he went to the hospital in a hurry.=looking him over=became worse=sent a zoo the photo剧烈疼痛 Read the last paragraph and fill in the blanks . “If a snake _you , _ _ your mobile phone or camera. Take _photo,and _ the photo _the doctors.” suggests Henry . “ _you know,the snake wont _. ” bites Careful reading. smile,please.swftake outitsshowtosuggest doing: Henry suggests taking its photo.suggest sb. do sth.: Henry suggests us take its photo.advise sb. to do sth. :Henry advises us to take its photo.AssmileComplete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. climb hide hurt medicine pain throwA snake (1) _ out of a box of bananas and (2) _ somewhere. When Henry was working, the snake bit him. He (3) _ the snake on a table and took its photo. When he was trying to find the snake, his hand began to (4) _ badly. At the hospital the (5) _ got worse. The doctors sent the photo to a zoo. After they found out what kind of snake bit him, they gave him the right (6) _.climbedhidthrewhurtpainmedicineone day(work)Suddenly(appear,bite)then(take)whenwas(try,hurt,go)but(not help)As(check, get worse)Finally(leave)(remember)as soon as(know,give)Learning to learn.RetellWhen you write, make sure you use the correct tense. For example:He was working in the kitchen when a snake appeared.He took a photo of the snake. Learning to learn.Tips:If you are in danger / trouble, stay cool(保持冷静保持冷静).Use the mobile phone , it may help you.Tips and homework.Homework: 1. If you havent finish the writing, finish it after class. 2. Read the passage, try to master the new words and key points of this unit . 3. Finish the exercise on the workbook.
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