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Warming-up, pre-reading & readingWarming-up, pre-reading & readingWhat are they shaped like?What are they shaped like?Vivid Vivid colorscolors On a On a snorkelingsnorkeling trip trip At an At an aquariumaquarium On a On a boat tourboat tour In filmsIn films On TV On TV nature nature programsprograms On the On the internetinternetWhere can you see them?Where can you see them? In booksIn books at an _ aquariumon a _ tripsnorkelingGuessing game:Guessing game:There is an English website on the internet. If you guess the names of the sea animals or plants according to the English, you can see the pictures.Group work: what are they?A.a large reptile(爬行动物) which has a thick shell covering its body.B.a hard substance formed from the skeletons(骨骼,骨干) of very small sea animals. It is often used to make jewelry.C.a sea creature with a clear soft body and tentacles(触须,触角) that can sting you.D.a large animal with flippers (鳍状肢), which eats fish and lives partly on land and partly in the sea, usually in cold parts of the world.Group work: what are they?E. a sea plant like a garden plant with red, purple, or white flowers.F. a very large mammal with the general shape of a fish and one or two blowholes for breathing. G. a mammal which lives in the sea and looks like a large fish with a pointed mouth, related to the whales but generally smaller.H. A type of small fish which appears to swim in an upright position and whose head looks a little like the head of horse. turtle 海龟海龟A:a large reptile(爬行动物) which has a thick shell covering its body.B:a hard substance formed from the skeletons(骨骼) of very small sea animals. It is often used to make jewelry.coral(珊瑚)(珊瑚)jellyfish(水母)(水母)C: a sea creature with a clear soft body and tentacles (触须,触角) that can sting you.D:a large animal with flippers (鳍状肢), which eats fish and lives partly on land and partly in the sea, usually in cold parts of the world.seal 海豹海豹anemone海葵海葵E: a sea plant like a garden plant with red, purple, or white flowers.F: a very large mammal with the general shape of a fish and one or two blowholes for breathing.whale 鲸鲸 dolphin 海豚海豚G: a mammal which lives in the sea and looks like a large fish with a pointed mouth, related to the whales but generally smaller. sea horse 海马海马F: A type of small fish which appears to swim in an upright position and whose head looks a little like the head of horse.Share what Share what elseelse you know about these animals and you know about these animals and plantsplantsTurtle: a large reptile(爬行动物) which has a thick shell covering its body.Coral: a hard substance formed from the skeletons(骨骼,骨干) of very small sea animals. It is often used to make jewelry.Jellyfish: a sea creature with a clear soft body and tentacles(触须,触角) that can sting you.Seal: a large animal with flippers (鳍状肢), which eats fish and lives partly on land and partly in the sea, usually in cold parts of the world.Anemone: a sea plant like a garden plant with red, purple, or white flowers.Whale: a very large mammal with the general shape of a fish and one or two blowholes for breathing. It is often mistaken as a fish.Dolphin: a mammal which lives in the sea and looks like a large fish with a pointed mouth, related to the whales but generally smaller.Sea horse: A type of small fish which appears to swim in an upright position and whose head looks a little like the head of horse.Share what Share what elseelse you know about these animals and you know about these animals and plantsplantsPre-reading:Pre-reading:What words can you use to describe it?What words can you use to describe it?black and whiteblack and whitefish shapedfish shapedfiercefiercecruelcruelenormousenormous.What questions can you raise according to the picture?What questions can you raise according to the picture?whatwhatwhenwhenwherewherewhowhowhywhyhowhow Clancy Clancy OccupationEventPlaceTimeStyleWriterReading for the introductionReading for the introduction a whaler a whaler an anecdotes an anecdotesAt the beginning of the 20At the beginning of the 20thth century centuryOn the south-eastern coast of AustraliaOn the south-eastern coast of AustraliaThe killer whalers, helped the whalers The killer whalers, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migrationtheir annual migrationthe _ helped the _ catch the _the _ helped the _ catch the _Killer whales baleen whaleswhalersThe killer whalesThe whalersAnecdotes 1Anecdotes 1 1. _was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station. 2._ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay. 3. _told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale. 4._was carried by the waves further and further away from the whalers. 5. _knew that Old Tom would protect James. Clancy Clancy George George Jack Jack James James Red RedRead for the characters Read for the characters (whalerswhalers)( ) George started beating the water with his oar ( ) They jumped into the boat and headed out. ( ) Clancy saw a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers. ( ) Another whaler yelled out, “Rush-oo Rush-oo”. ( ) When sorting out his accommodation, Clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay. ( ) Clancy grabbed his boots and raced after George ( ) The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale, let it go and the harpoon hit the spot.6512437Read for the order of what the whalers didRead for the order of what the whalers didSome Verbs give the stories a sense of excitement,action.the _ helped the _ catch the _the _ helped the _ catch the _Killer whales baleen whaleswhalersThe killer whalesThe whalersAnecdotes 1Anecdotes 1The lead characterThe lead characterRead for the evidence that the killers helped out the whalersRead for the evidence that the killers helped out the whalersthrow itself out of the water and crash down again Telling the whalers theres a whale out thereTelling the whalers theres a whale out there swim by the boat lead to the hunt Showing the whalers the way to the huntShowing the whalers the way to the huntA pack of killers are_ themselveson the top of the whales blow-hole to stop it _; and some others are stopping it _ out to sea.throwingbreathingfleeingWork as a teamWork as a teamThe killers started _ between our boat and the whale just like a pack of _ dogs. racingexcitedthe _ helped the _ catch the _the _ helped the _ catch the _Killer whales baleen whaleswhalersThe killer whalesThe whalersAnecdotesAnecdotes 1 1Work as a team?Work as a team?Why do you think the whalers allowed the killer whales to drag Why do you think the whalers allowed the killer whales to drag Why do you think the whalers allowed the killer whales to drag Why do you think the whalers allowed the killer whales to drag the whale under the water to feed on its lips and tongue?the whale under the water to feed on its lips and tongue?the whale under the water to feed on its lips and tongue?the whale under the water to feed on its lips and tongue?Read for thinkingRead for thinkingWork as a team!Work as a team!They knew the killer whalers would leave the rest of the body to themThey let the killer whales have their share for what theyve done.Read for the title Why did the whalers call the killer whale “Old Tom”?The killer whale is translated “杀人鲸” by some people. What do you think of the translation?Read for consolidationRead for consolidation-The killer whale, -The killer whale, 杀人鲸?杀人鲸?Evidence of helping whalers catch the baleen whalersEvidence of helping James escaping from being drown and attacked by shark Enormous as I am, I never h_or a_ people. I am called _ _by people in A_. And I am feeling _ with the Chinese translation 杀人鲸. There is evidence showing that I always _ _ the whalers catch baleen whales. And once I saved James from being d_ and attacked by a shark. Complaint from Old Tom itself:Complaint from Old Tom itself: I am not I am not 杀人鲸杀人鲸! ! armttackOld Tomustraliasad/help out rown If there is a whale out there for whalers, I will _itself _ _ the water and _down again. When they see this and h_ out to the hunt, I will swim by the boat,_ them the _. Usually we work as a team- a _ of about six of us killers. Some throw ourselves on top of the whales blow-hole to stop it _. And those others stop it _ out to sea. Then men could use the harpoon to hit it.throw out of crasheadshowingwaypackbreathingfleeing One day, James was w_ o_ the boat.The sea was rough. The waves were carrying him _and _. From James face, I could see he was terrified of being a_ by others and attacked by a shark. When they a_, I has been h_ up him in the water for half an hour. Believe it or not, there were shouts of “Well done, Old Tom” and “Thank God” as they p_ James back to the hunt. Hopefully all of you could w_ it with your eyes.furtherfurtherpproachedoldingashed ffulleditnessbandoned“If you see the giant whales dancing with us, there is nothing in the world that you cannot believe.如果你看到巨大的Killer Whale都能和人类在音乐中如此和谐地舞蹈,你还有什么事情不能相信呢?” Read for further thinkingRead for further thinking Why was the show given the name -“Believe” ?Why was the show given the name -“Believe” ?Believe it or not,if .HomeworkHomeworkSuppose you are Old Tom, write a composition, complaining that you are mans good friend with some brief evidence.Appreciate and remember some phrases and beautiful sentences.1.在在开始的时候开始的时候2.那时候那时候3.在那边在那边4.大喊大喊5.在远处在远处6.一群一群7.团队协作团队协作8.浮出水面浮出水面9.与此同时,在此期与此同时,在此期间间10.饱餐一顿饱餐一顿11.害怕(做)某事害怕(做)某事12.托着,举起托着,举起13.帮助(摆脱困境)帮助(摆脱困境)14.正要做某事正要做某事15.在在前面前面 1.at the beginning of 2.at the time 3.out there 4.yell out 5.in the distance 6.a pack of 7.work as a team 8.float up to the surface 9.in the meantime10.have a good feed on 11.be terrified of doing sth. 12.hold up 13.help out 14.be about to do 15.ahead ofRead and appreciate beautiful sentencesRead and appreciate beautiful sentences1.It was a time when the killer whaleshelped the whalers catch the baleen whales2.This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.3.I had already heard that George didnt like being kept waiting, so even though I didnt have the right clothes on, I grabbed my boots and raced after him.4.As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers.5.From Jamess face, I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us. Period 3 A New Dimension of LifeLead-in Can you name the following creatures? Try to use adjectives to describe them. ( colourful, splendid, vast )coral eel (grey, long, smooth)sea horsesea flower / anemoneanemonefish (海葵鱼海葵鱼/小丑鱼小丑鱼)Sea StarSea Star Angel fish Angel fisha Jellyfishclamsea-slug 海蛞蝓海蛞蝓parrotfishturtlesharkdolphinvAre they beautiful? vWhere do you think we can find them? You can find them at an aquarium or at the bottom of oceans.vHow can we go down to the bottom of oceans? We can go snorkeling.Lets enjoy the writers experience down into the depths of a sea.Read the text fast and try to number the paragraph topics in the correct order.TopicParagraph numbercolors and shapesdangersreflectingthe reefs edgea final thoughtsome sea creatures241563Scanning1.What did the writer do in the morning on 19th January?He went snorkeling.2. What did he think after seeing such extraordinary beauty?He thought every cell in his body woke upand it was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.Ask and answer vivid colours redyellow purpleblue greenorange What is the first thing he became aware of under the sea?The corals were fantastic. What did the shapes of corals look like?coralsfansplatesbrains, lacemushrooms, lettucesdeer branches , deer horns Sea anemone Sea-slug ParrotfishAnemone fish Sea-star Turtle AngelfishThen what other creatures did he find? Match the information about the creatures.Sea anemone Sea-slug ParrotfishAnemone fish Sea-star Turtle AngelfishBlueLittle orange and blue-stripedLarge wise-lookingPoisonous tentaclesLittle orange and whiteYellow and green with hard bird-like mouthYellow-spotted redcreaturesdescription1._air 2._anenomefish3._lips4._reef sharks5._teeth 6._angelfish7._water8._mouth9._sea-slug 10._turtle Warm nightLittle orange and whiteThick greenTwo grey reefStrong sharpAn orange blue-stripedDeep clearHard bird-likeA yellow-spotted redA large wise-lookingComplete these noun groups from the diary entry.What do you notice about the order of these adjectives in the noun groups?twolittlethicklargeorangeand whitegreenstripedspotted限定数量描大小限定数量描大小, ,高低新旧颜国材高低新旧颜国材number size colour patternThinking and discovering Was there anything that made him feel frightened besides the wonderful creatures ? What were they?Yes. There were dangerous creatures. He didnt want to get close to the eel, the giant clam and reef sharks. The grey reef shark made him scared to death. How did he when he found the reef shark? Did you ever have such feelings? vLook at the expressions below and tell each other about the times you had feelings like these.a day of pure magic extraordinary beauty it was the most fantastic thing I have ever donemy heart was beating wildlyevery cell in my body woke upI felt scared to deathit was like discovering a whole new dimension of lifeDiscussionTherefore, there are dangers as well as delights.list the delights and dangers when snorkeling.delightsdangers1.seeing such _ _ under the waves1. _2. seeing _ 2. _in small caves3. exploring _ under the sea3. _by sharksextraordinarygetting lostbeautyso many differentkinds of fishsmall cavespoisonous fishbeing attrackedHomework :1.Finish the writing .2.Preview the content of the next period. Listening Listening and and speakingspeakingIf you want to have a whale watching tour, which will you choose to take ?a snorkeling trip under the seaa watching tour in an aquariuma watching tour on a boatDo you dare to take a snorkeling trip under the sea ?If not, what kind of trip would you take to see whales in their natural environment?a boat tour (1) What can you experience on this tour?(1) What can you experience on this tour?(2) What aspect of the tour would you like best? (2) What aspect of the tour would you like best? (3) (3) Would you like to go on this tour? Your Would you like to go on this tour? Your reasons?reasons?(4) When would you get a refund according to the (4) When would you get a refund according to the advertisement?advertisement?(5) In what situation will you ask for a refund?(5) In what situation will you ask for a refund?Pre-listeningGo through the aspects of the tour, decide which ones the tourists might think were good and the aspects they might complain about.Saw whales filmed underwaterSaw whales filmed underwaterSaw only one whale in the distanceSaw only one whale in the distanceHeard whalesHeard whalesSaw dolphins and sealsSaw dolphins and sealsToo wet to go outsideToo wet to go outsideSaw lots of birdsSaw lots of birdsBoat got back too lateBoat got back too lateSaw wonderful whalesSaw wonderful whalesAspects Good/bad Saw whales filmed underwaterSaw only one whale in the distanceHeard whalesSaw dolphins and sealsToo wet to go outsideSaw lots of birdsBoat got back too lateSaw wonderful whalesAspects orderListen and check your answers. Then listen again and number the aspects in the order you hear about them.1 1good/ bad2 23 34 45 56 67 78 8badbadgoodgoodgoodgoodbadbadgoodgoodgoodgoodbadbadgoodgoodDialogue 1Result wanted: Actual result: Dialogue 2Result wanted: Actual result:Dialogue 3Result wanted:Actual result:When complaining, what result did the tourist want to get ?What was the actual result ?ListeningDialogue 1Result wanted: not stated by the tourist although she did say she wanted to speak to the manager.Actual result: not stated although the tourist probably would not get another tour or a refundDialogue 2Result wanted: a full refundActual result: a full refundDialogue 3Result wanted: a full refundActual result: a refund of half the fareDialogue 11)Im sorry but _ with the tour.2)Well, it was _ outside My two kids _ . Listen to the expressions that each Listen to the expressions that each customer used to make his/her complaint. customer used to make his/her complaint. Complete the sentences.Complete the sentences. (Page26)(Page26)we werent very happyso wet we couldnt goare very disappointedDialogue 21) Yes, the whales were awesome but _ .2) Im sorry but _ , I now have to make another airline booking and I have no idea whether therell be any seats available. _ .Im feeling very annoyedthats not good enoughId like a full refundDialogue 3Dialogue 31)1)Excuse me, the tour _Excuse me, the tour _ _ and wed _ and wed _ please._ please.2) _ as 2) _ as were visitors to this area and were were visitors to this area and were leaving tomorrow morning.leaving tomorrow morning.3) Well, actually, _.3) Well, actually, _. husband and I had expected like a refundIm afraid thats no good for uswed like a full refundwasnt what my Listen to the first dialogue and fill in the Listen to the first dialogue and fill in the missing words. Then read the lines aloud, missing words. Then read the lines aloud, paying special attention to stress and paying special attention to stress and intonation. intonation. (Page26)(Page26)TOUR GUIDE: Im sorry but we _ _ the weather and you _ _ the whales.ANGELA: Well, Im afraid thats not _ _. Id like to talk to the manager.TOUR GUIDE: Im sure that wont _ _ _ _ . I know hell _ with me. The _ is that you _ _ whales.cant controldid seegood enoughdoyou anyagreefactdid seegood Im sorry but Im afraid.Thats not good enough.Id like a refund, please. Id like a full refund.Thats no good for me.Id like to talk to the manager.Im not feeling (happy about / satisfied withetc)Im not feeling (unhappy about /unsatisfied with / annoyed withetc) Expressions used to make compliant: Expressions used to make compliant: Situations:Situations:1.You missed your flight because you think that it was not announced over the loudspeaker.2.The fish you ordered tastes terrible. Complain to the manager of the restaurant.3.The trousers the tailor had made for you are too short. Complain to the tailor.Make up dialogues for the following Make up dialogues for the following situations, using the previous expressions.situations, using the previous expressions.1.You missed your flight because you think that it was not announced over the loudspeaker. Customer: Excuse me but Im feeling very annoyed because Ive missed my flight. Im sure it wasnt announced. Ive got to get to Beijing by tonight. Is there another flight I can go on?Situations: Airline official: All our flights are announced, sir/ madam, but Ill see if I can book you on another flight. Can you show me your ticket? Customer: Sure. Airline official: Im sorry but there arent any seats available on the flights today but I can get you on a flight early tomorrow morning. Customer: Im sorry but thats not good enough. Ive got to get to Beijing today. Airline official: Well, theres nothing I can do about it. Customer: Then, Id like a refund please. Ill go with another airline. Airline official: Fine. 2. The fish you ordered tastes terrible. Complain to the manager of the restaurant. Customer: Excuse me. Waiter: Yes, sir/madam. Customer: Im afraid that this fish I ordered tastes terrible. Waiter: Oh really. Whats the problem with it? Customer. It doesnt taste fresh to me. Id like to order something else. Waiter: Well, Ill go and talk to the manager. Customer: Thanks. (A moment later) Waiter: Yes, thatll be fine. Heres the menu. Customer: Thanks.3. The trousers the tailor had made for you are too short. Complain to the tailor.Customer: Good morning. Im sorry but when I put these trousers on this morning I found that they were too short. Can you let them down for me?Tailor: Well, thatll cost extra. Customer: But its not my fault that they are too short. Tailor: Well, I measured the length when you were here and you agreed to that length. Customer: Are you sure you wont lengthen it? Tailor: No, I certainly cant. If you want me to lengthen the trousers, youll have to pay a bit more. Customer: Well . OK.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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