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Lesson Lesson 1515Your passport, please.1沐风教资 颜色颜色 相同的相同的 姐,妹姐,妹 谁的谁的 绿色绿色 可爱的可爱的 母亲母亲 蓝色的蓝色的 来来 箱子箱子 兄弟兄弟 大概大概 楼上楼上 地毯地毯 领带领带 白色的白色的 colour same sister whose green lovelymother blue come case brother perhaps upatairs carpet tie white单词复习单词复习2沐风教资 hat dog his catch smart father her blouse 帽子帽子 狗狗 他的他的 抓住抓住 时髦的时髦的 父亲父亲 她的她的 女衬衫女衬衫3沐风教资课文复习课文复习What colours your new dress?1.你的连衣裙是什么颜色的?你的连衣裙是什么颜色的? Its green.2.是绿色的。是绿色的。 Come upstairs and see it.3.到楼上来看看吧。到楼上来看看吧。Look! Here it is!4.瞧,就是这件。瞧,就是这件。4沐风教资5.这件连衣裙真好,真漂亮。这件连衣裙真好,真漂亮。 Thats a nice dress. Its very smart.6.我的帽子也是新的。我的帽子也是新的。 My hats new, too.7.一样的颜色,也是绿的。一样的颜色,也是绿的。 Its the same colour. Its green, too.8.真是一顶可爱的帽子真是一顶可爱的帽子!That is a lovely hat!5沐风教资6沐风教资语音强化训练语音强化训练鼻音鼻音:nm7沐风教资音标例词ffive/fav/face/fes/fish/f/life/laf/vvery/ver/every/evr/over/v/vast/vast/ssay/se/sorry/sr/sea/si/first/ fst/zzero/zr/zoo/zu/zone/zn/zip/zp/thin/in/thanks/ks/think/k/mouth/ma/this/s/those/z/there/e/them/em/8沐风教资New words & expressions1. customs kstmzn. 海关海关 2. officer fsn.官官员office n. 办公室公室 海关官海关官员 customs officer3. girl gln. 女孩,姑娘女孩,姑娘 boy 男孩男孩 9沐风教资4. Danish denadj. 丹麦的丹麦的n. 丹麦人,丹麦语丹麦人,丹麦语Denmark n.丹麦(国名丹麦(国名) 5. friend frendn. 朋友朋友friendly adj. 友好的友好的10沐风教资7. passport pasptn. 护照护照6. Norwegian nwinadj. 挪威的挪威的 n. 挪威人,挪威语挪威人,挪威语Norway n.挪威(国名挪威(国名) pass v.经过,通,通过 port n.港口港口 11沐风教资8. brown branadj. 棕色的棕色的9. tourist trstn. 旅游者旅游者10. Russian rnadj. 俄罗斯的俄罗斯的 n.俄罗斯人,俄语俄罗斯人,俄语11. Dutch dtadj. 荷兰的荷兰的 n.荷兰人,荷兰语荷兰人,荷兰语12沐风教资12. these iz pron. 这些(复数)这些(复数)this.这个(个(单数)数) red 红色的红色的 grey 灰色的灰色的yellow 黄色的黄色的black 黑色的黑色的 orange 橘黄色的橘黄色的 colours 13沐风教资14沐风教资15沐风教资16沐风教资Are you Swedish?No, they arent. Are your friends Danish, too?No, we are not. 句子排序句子排序They are Norwegian.We are Danish.17沐风教资组词成句组词成句youSwedisharefriendstooareDanishyourDanisharearetheyNorwegianwe?.18沐风教资No, they arent.Are these your cases?Here they are.Your passports, please.Our cases are brown.句子排序句子排序Here they are.19沐风教资组词成句组词成句theyherearecasestheseareyourarebrowncasesour.?.20沐风教资Yes, we are.Are you tourists?Yes, they are.Are your friends tourists, too?Thank you very much.Thats fine.句子排序句子排序21沐风教资组词成句组词成句touristsyouarefriendstooareyouristhatfinetourists?.22沐风教资1. Are you ? 你们是你们是吗?吗?重重 点点 句句 型型2.Are these your? 这些是你们的这些是你们的吗?吗?3. What colour are your?Are you French?Are these your cases?What colour are your cases?Are you tourists?Yes, we are./No, we arent.Yes, they are.They are brown.23沐风教资24沐风教资25沐风教资一.可数名词可数名词可以分为单数形式和复数形式单数形式:abookanapple复数形式:somebooks5apples26沐风教资可数名词名词单数单数形式变复数变复数的变化规则1.一般直接加一般直接加sbook(s);boy(s)2.以以“ s,x,sh,ch” 结尾,加结尾,加esbusbuses;boxboxesbrushbrushes;watchwatches3. 以以o结尾,加结尾,加s,特殊:,特殊:黑人黑人英雄英雄爱吃爱吃西红柿西红柿和和土豆土豆 Negroes,heroes,tomatoes,potatoes4. 以以辅音字母辅音字母+y结尾结尾,变,变y为为i再加再加esfamily-families27沐风教资5.以元音字母加y结尾,或专有名词以y结尾的,加sboy-boys;Henry-Henrys6.以f,fe结尾,变f,fe为v再加esleaf-leaves,knife-knives;7.不规则变化foot-feetgoose-geesetoothteethman-menwoman-womenchild-childrenox-oxenmouse-micefishsheepdeerChineseJapanese不规则变化要特别记,oo常常变ee,foot-feet是一例;男人、女人a改e,woman-women是一例;中日不变英法变,其余s加后边28沐风教资8、合成名词,将主体词变为复数形式passer-bypassers-bysister-in-lawsisters-in-law9、由man和woman构成的合成名词,两个构成部分都要变成复数manworkermenworkerswomandoctorwomendoctors10、有些名词只有单数形式advice(劝告,忠告)luggage(行李)11、有些名词只有复数形式clothes,goods,scissors,pants,trousers29沐风教资二.单数句变复数句1.变化规则thisthesethatthoseisare名词单数变复数2.eg:Thisisabook.Thatisanumbrella.These are books.Those are umbrellas30沐风教资三.陈述句变一般疑问句1.变化规则谓语动词为be动词时,变疑问句be提前即可,注意人称变化一变二,三不变2.eg:Thisisabook.Theseareumbrellas.Is this a book? Yes, it is./ No, it isntAre these umbrellas? Yes, they are./ No, they arent31沐风教资语法回顾(一语法回顾(一)定定语语概念:概念:用来修饰、限定、说明用来修饰、限定、说明名词或代词的品质与特征的,名词或代词的品质与特征的,表示表示“的的”。32沐风教资语法回顾(一)语法回顾(一)定定语语定语和定语和中心语中心语之间是之间是修饰和被修饰和被修饰修饰的关系。的关系。Annaisabeautifulgirl.1.Anna 是个美丽的是个美丽的女孩女孩。形容词形容词beautiful作定语修饰作定语修饰girl.33沐风教资语法回顾(一)语法回顾(一)定语Ihaveabluepen.2.我有一只蓝色的我有一只蓝色的钢笔钢笔。形容词形容词blue作定语修饰作定语修饰pen.34沐风教资语法回顾(二)语法回顾(二)问:Whatcolourisyour(名词名词)?你的你的是什么颜色的?是什么颜色的?答: Its+颜色。颜色。是是色的。色的。35沐风教资本课重点语法(二本课重点语法(二)句子的单数变复数句子的单数变复数:句型句型:主语主语+谓语谓语(be)+其它其它(表语表语)He is a student.eg. 他是一名学生。他是一名学生。36沐风教资She is a teacher.eg. 她是一名老师。她是一名老师。eg. 你是一名工程师。你是一名工程师。You are an engineer.37沐风教资本课重点语法(二本课重点语法(二)1. 主语主语: 单单复复注注意意做做笔笔记记哦哦!this that he /she/ it you these those they you 38沐风教资本课重点语法(二本课重点语法(二)2. 谓语(谓语(be): 单单复复注注意意做做笔笔记记哦哦!am is are are 39沐风教资本课重点语法(二本课重点语法(二)2. 其它(职业)其它(职业): 单单复复注注意意做做笔笔记记哦哦!student teacher students teachers engineer engineers40沐风教资练练习习1. 他们是学生。他们是学生。They are students.2. 她们是老师。她们是老师。They are teachers.3. 你们是工程师。你们是工程师。You are engineers.41沐风教资精讲课文42沐风教资1.AreyouSwedish?Swedish:瑞典人(国籍)。瑞典人(国籍)。2.AreyoufriendsDanish,too?注意做笔记哦注意做笔记哦!friend:变复数直接加变复数直接加“s”。friends: “d”+“s”念念 。43沐风教资3.NO,theyarent.4.Heretheyare.注意做笔记哦注意做笔记哦!单数:单数:Here it is.they = your friends 44沐风教资5.Aretheseyourcases.6.Areyoutourists?注意做笔记哦注意做笔记哦!词尾发音为词尾发音为 s , 故故-s发发iziz。tourists: “t”+“s”念念 。45沐风教资Lesson15-161 Are the girls Swedish? No, they arent. They are not Swedish.2 What nationality are they? They are Danish.3 Are they Danish? Yes, they are. They are Danish.4 Are their friends Danish, too? No, they arent. They are Norwegian.46沐风教资Lesson15-165 What nationality are they? They are Norwegian.6 What colour are their cases? Theyre brown.7 Are the girls cases brown? Yes, they are. The girls cases are brown.8 Are the girls tourists? Yes, they are. They are tourists.47沐风教资Lesson15-169 Are their friends Norwegian? Yes, they are. They are Norwegian.10 What nationality are their friends? They are Norwegian.48沐风教资Lesson15-161 Ask me if the girls are Swedish. Are the girls Swedish?2 Ask me what nationality the girls are. What nationality are the girls?3 Ask me if they are Danish. Are they Danish?4 Ask me if their friends are Swedish. Are their friends Swedish?49沐风教资Lesson15-165 Ask me what nationality they are. What nationality are they?6 Ask me if the girls cases are brown. Are the girls cases brown?7 Ask me whose cases are brown. Whose cases are brown?8 Ask me what colour their cases are. What colour are their cases?50沐风教资Lesson15-169 Ask me if the girls are tourists. Are the girls tourists?10 Ask me what nationality their friends are. What nationality are their friends?51沐风教资Are you ?52沐风教资tickets yellowYes, they are.Are these your tickets?What colour are your tickets?Theyre yellow.53沐风教资passports greenYes, they are.Are these your passports?What colour are your passports?Theyre green.54沐风教资选择题号,完成对话选择题号,完成对话55沐风教资ties orangeYes, they are.Are these your ties?What colour are your ties?Theyre orange.56沐风教资tickets yellowYes, they are.Are these your tickets?What colour are your tickets?Theyre yellow.57沐风教资dogsbrown and whiteYes, they are.Are these your dogs?What colour are your dogs?Theyre brown and white.58沐风教资blouses yellowYes, they are.Are these your blouses?What colour are your blouses?Theyre yellow.59沐风教资umbrellas blackYes, they are.Are these your umbrellas?What colour are your umbrellas?Theyre black.60沐风教资passports greenYes, they are.Are these your passports?What colour are your passports?Theyre green.61沐风教资blouses greyYes, they are.Are these your coats?What colour are your coats?Theyre grey.62沐风教资hats grey and blackYes, they are.Are these your hats?What colour are your hats?Theyre grey and black.63沐风教资cars blueYes, they are.Are these your cars?What colour are your cars?Theyre yellow.64沐风教资carpets redYes, they are.Are these your carpets?What colour are your carpets?Theyre red.65沐风教资66沐风教资
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