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Module 10Unit 4Listening on P751. Discuss these questions briefly2. with others in your group.1). What makes a good talk?Prepare a talk by listing the things to be talked about. When you present your talk, first tell your audience what youre going to talk about. Then say it. Finally, sum up what youve said.2). What things should you NOT do when giving a talk?You should not write down every thing you want to say and read it aloud to your audience.2. Han Tao has to give a talk to his English class. He knows what he wants to say but he doesnt know the best way to present his talk. His neighbor, Mrs Jones, is giving him some advice. Listen and answer these questions.1).What is Han Tao talk going to be about?His talk is about stamp collecting as a hobby.2). What has Han Tao done so far to prepare his talk?He has made a list of the things he wants to talk about.3. Taking notes. Say what you are going to talk about, say it and then summarize what you said.Write topics on the board.Use visuals if possibleHand out examples after the speech so audience are not distracted.Dont read your speech.Make eye contact with the audience and use a conversational tone.Make notes to remind you of what to say.Talking - Giving a TalkNow its your turn to prepare a two-minute talk abut something your are interested in. It could be a hobby or sport, a book or film, a career you hope to follow when you leave school or a country you know a lot about.Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking. Hiking is a great way to travel. You might get close to the nature and take exercise at the same time. Hiking is easy to do and dont have to be very expensive. A sample talkYou can hike close to home or travel to other places. You can hike in the mountains, in a forest, or along a river. You can also go for a hike in the city.The basic equipment you need for hiking is simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack. Hiking is fun and exciting, but you shouldnt forget safety. Here are some basic tips for successful hiking: 1.Dont hike alone. 2. Tell someone where you are going. 3. Bring water and a good map. 4. Watch out for dangers, such as spiders, snakes, or poisonous plants. 5. Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun. 6. Bring a cell phone if you have one.Using words & Expressions1.Use the visual cues to guess the words. r_c_ainbowassettec_a_m_ablbumessy2. Answers.1. centigrade2. currency3. seminar4. resemble5. tiresome6. assess7. consult8. oral9. concrete10. component 3.Answers.1. shabby 2. caption 3. beneath4. preview5. competent4. Answers.Across:1. ballet 4. bent 5. adopt 6. visual 9. cuisine 10. frequent 11. acquisitionDown:1. bonus 2. tend 3. component6 vague 7. acute 8. digestUsing Structures:1.Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in appropriate form of the subjunctive mood.1).We should act as though he _ us. (watch)were watching2). The rules require that two people _present at all times. (be)3). If I _ in charge, Id do things differently. (be)4). I wish I _ faster at typing than I am. (be)bewerewere5). If only you _John as well as I do. (know)6). I insist that you _quiet. (be)7). It is necessary that you _ your safety belt on at all times. (keep)knewbekeep8). Imagine what it would be like if we _ wings. (have)9). She suggested that we all _ a good nights sleep before the exam. (have)hadshould have10). It is important that everyone _ ready to leave at 6 am. (get)get1).They insisted that all workers be allocated an apartment in the new building.2).The teacher recommended that they preview the questions before reading the text.2. Keys to sentence translation3).The car is so old I wouldnt be surprised if it were to fall to pieces before we get there.4). If you were not so outspoken, you would be more likely to please others.5). It is important that the holiday bonus be paid before the end of the months.6). I wouldnt mind asking her to explain if she wasnt always so vague.7). If I were you, I would consult an expert before I start building my own house.8). I could replace these shabby curtains if Bill gave me the money he owes me.9). If it were up to me, Id change all my money into local currency immediately.3. Suggested answers.1). (omitted)2). If you had got there earlier, the shop would still have been open. / You would have been there earlier if you hadnt stopped to talk to your friends.3). If you hadnt spent so much money on new clothes, you would have had enough money for a holiday. / You would have had enough money for a holiday if you had saved more.4). If you hadnt put your glasses on the chair , you wouldnt have sat on them. / You wouldnt have sat on your glasses if you had put them on the table.5). If you always put your keys in the same place, you wouldnt lose them. / You wouldnt lose your keys if you kept tem in your bag. / You wouldnt have lost your car keys if you had put them in a safe place.6). You cold have handed in your homework if you had remembered to bring it. / If you had put your homework in your school bag as soon as you have finished it, you wouldnt have left it at home.Speaking Task1.Did you enjoy writing in English? Explain your answer.2.What is the most difficult thing about writing in English? Here are some possibilities. Thinking up good ideas / Collecting and organizing raw materials / Writing an argumentative essay / Planning and organizing the structure / Using correct grammar and spelling / Using words and idioms correctly / Making the writing interesting3. What kind of activities do you think would help you to improve your writing?Listening on Page 75If you have time, listen to Han Taos talk. Listen only once and use Han Taos notes on the right to help you follow the talk. After his talk, discuss with others in your group what you liked about Han Taos talk and what he could do to improve it.Listening on Page 79Ms White want to introduce a new study technique to her class. As she is a little worried that parents may not approve, she has called a meeting to explain it to them. Listen once to her talk to find the answer to the questions.1 What problem does Ms White say here students have?2 What technique does Ms White suggest the students try?Note-taking: Students have difficulty (1) _ in EnglishWhy? Worry too much about getting their writing (2) _ and so dont write much.writingcorrectNeed to help students to write (3) _more and to write more fluentlyWhat is journal writing?Students write in a special bookeach (4) _ for (5) _ minutes, increasing to (6) _ minsdaythree tenmustnt (7) _ writing can write about (8) _dont worry about (9) _stopanything they likeaccuracyWhy do journal writing?Will help them concentrate on fluency rather than (10) _.Does that mean correctness is not important?accuracyNo, but it is not important when writing in their (11) _.Please encourage your children to (12) _ journal writing.tryjournalHomework1. Writing task on page 79.2. Reading task on page 80.
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