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LOGOLOGOLesson31ALovableEccentricwww.themegallery.com几对词组的辨析几对词组的辨析Contents写作模板写作模板-为生活增添亮色的事物为生活增添亮色的事物初探几个单词的背后意义初探几个单词的背后意义Word的多重翻译的多重翻译Insist的复习的复习WordsandExpressionsAdorablecutelovableWordsandExpressionsdisregardDisregard故意忽略故意忽略ignoreNeglect没有给予某人没有给予某人/ /事恰当的重视事恰当的重视Overlook不经意间忽略不经意间忽略1Itiseasyto_asmalldetaillikethat.2Shedrank,_thechildren,andlefttheclothesunmended.3Someonemadearudenoise,whichtheteacherdecidedto_.overlookdisregardneglectedWordsandExpressionsPaynoattentiontoTurnadeafearto对对置若罔闻置若罔闻/ /置之不理置之不理disregardWordsandExpressionsconventionConvention:generalagreement惯例,协定惯例,协定 Tradition:customorwayofdoingthathasbeengoingforlong.传统传统GenevaConvention公约公约WordsandExpressionsCompetition-consciousBudget-consciouseco-conscioustime-consciousconsciousWordsandExpressionsfollowtheroutine 墨守常规墨守常规breaktheroutine 打破常规打破常规routineTextTrue eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves. Nonconformist 特立独行的人特立独行的人intentionally Try to doTextThey disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.Be unaware/unconscious thatThey disregard social conventions, quite unconscious/unaware that they are doing anything extraordinary.They disregard social conventions, quite unconscious/unaware of the fact that they are doing anything extraordinary.TextThis invariably wins them the love and respect of others, for they add colour to the dull routine of everyday life. Add flavor/spice to sthAdd life to L21for he brought science to the game.写作模板写作模板-为生活增添亮色的事物为生活增添亮色的事物Theyinvariablywinthemselvesthelove加强版加强版HotTopicsInternetReading booksMovies Extreme sportsMusicConcert Tourism Pets TV shows (supper girl)Stars Technology ( PC, MP3, digital camera, GPS)Credit cardPrivate carText网上冲浪总是能赢得年轻人的喜爱和痴迷网上冲浪总是能赢得年轻人的喜爱和痴迷(fascination),因为它给平淡的日常生活增添了一丝,因为它给平淡的日常生活增添了一丝亮色。亮色。Surfing the Internet invariably wins itself the love and fascination of the young, for it adds color to the dull routine of everyday life.TextUp to the time of his death, Richard Colson was one of the most notable figures in our town. It was not until his death 有名的有名的 famous, well-known, remarkable, eminent无名的无名的 unknown, little-known, obscureTextHe was a shrewd and wealthy business-man, but most people in the town hardly knew anything about this side of his life. L12The other side of the picture is quite the opposite. TextHe was known to us all as Dickie and his eccentricity had become legendary long before he died. L21They were known as prizefighter.We called him DickieL 14He came to be known to the Italian as-美国人把美国人把Earvin Johnson称作为称作为“魔术师约翰逊魔术师约翰逊”Earvin Johnson is known to Americans as Magic Johnson.TextDickie disliked snobs intensely. Though he owned a large car, he hardly ever used it, preferring always to go on foot. badlyTextEven when it was raining heavily, he refused to carry an umbrella.Refuse to do= do not want to do Fail to do= do not do Deny doing= do not admit doing TextOne day, he walked into an expensive shop after having been caught in a particularly heavy shower. I get caught in the door the problem the snowstormL25She was struck by a very heavy storm.TextHe wanted to buy a 300 watch for his wife, but he was in such a bedraggled condition that an assistant refused to serve him. TextDickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag. As it was extremely heavy, he dumped it on the counter.NCE2I cant hear a word!The waiter taught me a few words of Italian.As it weighed a lotAs it weighed much?He knows a lot about it.He doesnt know much about it.TextThe assistant asked him to leave, but Dickie paid no attention to him and requested to see the manager. Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely. intenselyTextAbuse 谩骂谩骂Insult 辱骂辱骂Condemn 谴责谴责Reprimand 严厉斥责严厉斥责1 They offered me $20 for a whole days work I really felt _.2 He came to the help of another driver who was being racially _ by three white passengers.3 He was _for skipping classes. 4 We all_ the inhuman brutal crimes against children insultedabusedreprimandedcondemnTextWhen Dickie was given the watch, he presented the assistant with the cloth bag. It contained 300 in pennies. HandIn cashTextHe insisted on the assistants counting the money before he left -30,000 pennies in all!He insisted that the assistant should count the money before he left.I insisted that I should count the money.I insisted counting the money.一般情况一般情况虚拟语气的常用虚拟语气的常用动词动词/名词名词Demand, propose, adviseDemand, proposal, advice核心是核心是“应该应该”Hesuggestthatweshouldgothere.Weagreedtohissuggestionthatweshouldgothere.特殊情况特殊情况Insist表坚持表坚持要求要求用用虚拟虚拟,表坚持,表坚持认为认为用用真实真实He insisted that he didnt steal the camera and be set free at once.Suggest表表建议建议用用虚拟虚拟,表,表暗示暗示表明用表明用真实真实Hesuggestedthatwe(should)setoutearlier.Hissmilesuggestedthathewassatisfied.虚拟语气大总结虚拟语气大总结Wish,if only,as if (可陈述可陈述) 三个倒推三个倒推If 非真实条件句非真实条件句did/would do,had done/would have do, did-should do-were to do/would doWould rather thatdid (现现/ /将将),had done (过过)虚拟语气大总结虚拟语气大总结Demand, suggest, advise (名词也适用名词也适用)表表“应该应该”用用(should) do 其他含义用陈述其他含义用陈述ExerciseShallIcometomorrow?Idratheryou_.A.wontB.didntC.dontD.wouldntIvetoldhimaboutit.ButIdratheryou_.A.didntB.hadntC.dontD.wouldntHewilltakeyouaswell.ButIdratherhe_.A.wontB.didntC.doesntD.wouldntBBBExerciseThe doctor recommended that you _ swim after eating a large meal. A. wouldnt B. couldnt C. neednt D. shouldntIf only he _quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lieHow I wish every family _a large house with a beautiful garden.A. has B. had C. will have D. had hadDCBYou did not let me drive. If we _in turn, you _ so tired A. drove; didnt getB. drove; wouldnt getC. were driving; wouldnt getD. had driven ; wouldnt have gotI suggested the person _ to be put into prisonA. refersB. referringC. referredD. referDCExerciseWhen a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it_A. breaksB. has brokenC. were brokenD. had been brokenI insisted _to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing _ wrong with him A. on him to go; should beB. he went; beC. he go; wasD. he should to; isCCExercise-Your aunt invites you to the movies today-I had rather she _ me tomorrow than todayA. tells B. told C. would tell D. had toldIf my lawyer _here last Sunday, he _ me from goingA. had been, would have preventedB. had been, would preventC. were, preventD. were, would have prevented BATextOn another occasion, he invited a number of important critics to see his private collection of modern paintings. L21Mendoza met Humphries in the ring on a later occasion and he lost for a second time. TextThis exhibition received a great deal of attention in the press, for though the pictures were supposed to be the work of famous artists, they had in fact been painted by Dickie. L8These young people, who love the peace of mountains, always receive a warm welcome at St. Bernards monastery.L23No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail.TextIt took him four years to stage this elaborate joke simply to prove that critics do not always know what they are talking about.that critics do not always talk sense.38 以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,谢谢大家!谢谢大家!
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