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Period 2 Language pointsTo the speaker: Confidence; Fluency; Accuracy!To the audience: Attention; InteractionEnglish speechLearning aims 1. Grasp 7 words and 3 phrases in this unit firmly; learn to express yourself by using them. 2. Learn the method of constructing knowledge trees through self-study and cooperative exploration. 3. Enjoy the fun of expressing yourself using English and participate in class with full of passion. For groups: 抓住自学,讨论,展示,点评环节抓住自学,讨论,展示,点评环节 争创争创争创争创“ “优秀小组优秀小组优秀小组优秀小组” ” For members: 认真落实各项任务认真落实各项任务content 1. Learn the important words, phrases and grammar by yourself and try to make a summary of the usage of them according to the examples2. Finish the little quiz to see if you have mastered them. demands1. Study the sentences carefully and you can refer to the dictionary or other reference books2. Make a mark where you cant understand 3. Finish this task within 15 minutes Self-directed study 1. strength n. 强强项项;长处长处;力量;力量 ;力气;力气 strengthen vt. 加加强强,变变强强,强强壮壮force指物理学意指物理学意义义上的力,也指上的力,也指为为做成某事而使用的力量,做成某事而使用的力量,还还常指常指武力。武力。power意意为为“动动力,能力,力,能力,权权力、力、势势力等力等”各种力量,引申指各种力量,引申指“政政权权”、“强强国国”。energy原是物理学上的原是物理学上的术语术语“能量能量”、“能源能源”;用于人;用于人时则时则指指“精力精力”。strength指某人或某物所具有的内在力量,可指指某人或某物所具有的内在力量,可指“体力,力气体力,力气”。2. n. U平衡;平衡;权权衡衡 keep ones balance 保持平衡;保持保持平衡;保持镇镇静静lose ones balance 失去平衡;心慌意乱失去平衡;心慌意乱 on balance 总总的的说说来,全面考来,全面考虑虑之后之后 vt. 平衡,平衡,权权衡衡: balance A against B 权权衡二者之利弊衡二者之利弊 Special attention3. consult sb. about sth. 就就向某人咨向某人咨询询/请请教教 consult a doctor 看医生看医生 consult with sb. 与某人商量与某人商量4. look at 强强调调看的看的动动作,不管作,不管结结果,没有感情色彩。果,没有感情色彩。 glare at是指由于是指由于愤愤怒而瞪怒而瞪视视或怒目而或怒目而视视。 stare at 意意为为“凝凝视视”,表示由于惊奇、羡慕或恐怖而,表示由于惊奇、羡慕或恐怖而张张大眼睛,目大眼睛,目 不不转转睛地注睛地注视视。 glance at意意为为“瞥一眼,看一下瞥一眼,看一下”5. limit n.C 界限,界限,边边界;限度,极限;最大量(限度)界;限度,极限;最大量(限度) set a limit to 对对加以限制加以限制without limit 无限地,无限制地无限地,无限制地 there is no limit to无可限量无可限量 vt.限制,限定限制,限定 limit to 把把限制在限制在范范围围之内之内 be limited to 局限于(某地方、局限于(某地方、团团体或范体或范围围)Special attention6. benefit vt. 有益于,有助于有益于,有助于 benefit vi. 得益,受益(常与得益,受益(常与from连连用,有用,有时时与与by连连用)用) benefit from/by从从中得益中得益处处 A benefit B = B benefits from/by A beneficial adj. (+to sb./ sth.) 有益的;有用的;有好有益的;有用的;有好处处的的7. combine vi.vt. (使)(使)结结合;(使)合;(使)联联合合 combine A with B=combine A and B 把把A和和B结结起来起来【联联想】想】combined adj. (仅仅用于名用于名词词前)前)联联合的,共同的合的,共同的 短短语语 II. 1. cut down 砍伐,砍倒(砍伐,砍倒(树树)cut down 缩缩短,短,压缩压缩(如文章);改小,(如文章);改小,缩缩短(衣服)短(衣服)cut构成的短构成的短语归纳语归纳 cut across 抄近路穿抄近路穿过过,横越,横越 cut back (on) 削减,减少削减,减少 cut off 中断,切断(水、中断,切断(水、电电等的)供等的)供应应; cut up 切碎,切割切碎,切割 Special attention短短语语 II. 2. be tired of sth. / doing sth. 对对感到感到厌烦厌烦/厌厌倦倦 be/get tired with/from 因因而疲倦而疲倦 be tired out 累得筋疲力尽累得筋疲力尽 3. get away with sth.携携带带逃跑逃跑 get away from表示逃离表示逃离Special attention自主学习成果检测自主学习成果检测 1. keep his balance 2. consulted 3. (1) glanced at (2)glared at (3) stare at (4) gazed 4. to 5. This kind of food benefits you./ is beneficial to you. / is of benefit to you. 6.把把with改为改为of 7.把把from改为改为with Check the answer Crazy EnglishCrazy English1.Recite the usage of the language points and the sentences crazily.2. The group leaders control the time and process.训练目的:灵活运用所学知识点,学会运用实际操练的方法感悟训练目的:灵活运用所学知识点,学会运用实际操练的方法感悟语言知识并在运用中体验英语表达之美。语言知识并在运用中体验英语表达之美。Practice and presentationcontent Finish Challenge I and II demands1 Put what we have learned into use and try to analyze the exercise carefully 2. Describe the story of come and eat here by using the the expressions as many as possible. 3. Finish this task within 10 minutes Challenge I 1. Theory should be combined with practice. 2. (1) of (2) with 3. C 4. D 5. B 6.B 7.D 8. A 9. D剖析:本题考查名词词义辨析。剖析:本题考查名词词义辨析。 power“权力,势力权力,势力”; strength“力气,优势力气,优势”; energy“精力精力”; force“力;武力力;武力”。 be full of energy指指“精力旺盛精力旺盛”,符合题意,符合题意 Check the answer请请你用上本你用上本节课节课所学知所学知识识的任意几个,概的任意几个,概述我述我们刚刚们刚刚学学过过的的课课文文come and eat here(1)。strengthen, balance, consult, glare, limit, benefit, be tired of, cut downWalk into life Consolidation 巩固落实:巩固落实: 10分钟分钟 动口动脑动笔,疯狂背诵基础知识动口动脑动笔,疯狂背诵基础知识 对桌互查,组长统计结果;老师抽查对桌互查,组长统计结果;老师抽查要求:仔细梳理本节课的知识脉络要求:仔细梳理本节课的知识脉络+整理错题整理错题目标:目标:A层:掌握用法达到灵活运用并利用非常学案拓展。层:掌握用法达到灵活运用并利用非常学案拓展。B层:掌握用法并熟练运用。层:掌握用法并熟练运用。 C层:理解并掌握每个单词短语的重要用法。层:理解并掌握每个单词短语的重要用法。Summary & Advice from our English monitor:What did we have learnt?What to do after class to be better?The best groups and students.
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