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Lesson 69The car race1沐风教资Wordsfinishtowncrowdexcitingstandyearrace2沐风教资wordsbehindwayjustwinner3沐风教资(1) year: n. 年。年。last year 去年去年next year 明年明年every year 每年每年the year before last 前年前年the year after next 后年后年this year 今年今年4沐风教资(1) year: n. 岁数。岁数。基数词基数词 + year (s) + olde.g.My friends mothers 40 years old. How old are you?Im 11 years old.5沐风教资(2) race: n. 比赛、竞赛、赛跑。比赛、竞赛、赛跑。a car race 汽车比赛汽车比赛a boat race 划船比赛划船比赛a horse race 赛马赛马6沐风教资(3) town: n. 城镇。城镇。 city: 城市。城市。hometown: 家乡家乡 country: 乡村、国家。乡村、国家。 countryside: 农村、乡下。农村、乡下。 village: 乡村。乡村。7沐风教资(4) crowd: n. 人群。人群。a crowd of children: 一群小孩。一群小孩。in a crowd: 在人群中。在人群中。 (5) stand: v. 站立。站立。Stand up! 起立!起立!Sit down! 坐下!坐下!8沐风教资(5) exciting: adj. 使人激动的。使人激动的。This is an exciting film.(6) just: adv. 正好,恰好。正好,恰好。It is just what I wanted.刚才,刚刚。刚才,刚刚。He has just arrived.正要。正要。Im just leaving.9沐风教资(7) finish: n. 结尾,结束。结尾,结束。It is an exciting finish.(8) winner: n. 获胜者。获胜者。win: v. 获胜,赢。获胜,赢。The winner is Betty.结束,完成。结束,完成。I havent finished reading the book yet.Who can win this game?10沐风教资(9) behind: prep. 在在之后。之后。There is a cat behind the house.(10) way: n. 路途。路途。On the way home, his anger slowly cooled.11沐风教资phraseshundreds ofin 1995on the lefta very big racein the crowda car raceevery year汽车比赛每年在1995年数以百计的一次盛大的比赛在人群中在左边12沐风教资phraseson the way homefive other carsan exciting finish激动人心的结尾其它5辆车在回家的途中13沐风教资2. Grammar一般过去时态一般过去时态bebe动词动词14沐风教资beamis arewaswere was现在式:现在式:过去式过去式:15沐风教资There be 单:单:There is a/ an 复:复:There are some 单:单:There was a/an 复:复:There were some 一般一般现在现在时时一般一般过去过去时时16沐风教资There was an apple on the table yesterday . . 17沐风教资There were some appleson the table yesterday. 18沐风教资be 动词口诀动词口诀There was a big car race in 1995.There was not a big car race in 1995. 肯定变否定,肯定变否定,be后要把后要把 not添,添,肯定变疑问,遵循以下四个点,肯定变疑问,遵循以下四个点,1找、找、2提、提、3抄、抄、4要变要变。 bebe。 ?其它内容其它内容Was there a big car race in 1995?Yes, there was. No, there wasnt.19沐风教资Its time to watch. 20沐风教资 there be 句型的现在时和过去时句型的现在时和过去时:现在时:表示某时现在时:表示某时/某地有某人或某物。某地有某人或某物。过去时:表示过去的某时过去时:表示过去的某时/某地有某人或某物。某地有某人或某物。21沐风教资there be现在时现在时过去时过去时单数单数there isthere was复数复数there arethere werethere be 句型的句型的现在时现在时和和过去时过去时:22沐风教资(1)there be句型中的句型中的be动词:动词:is/are(2)is后面跟后面跟可数名词单数可数名词单数/不可数名词不可数名词; are后面跟后面跟可数名词复数可数名词复数。如:如:There is a piece of cake on the table.There are a lot of students in the park.there be句型句型现在时现在时:23沐风教资there be 句型的句型的过去时过去时:(1)there be 句型中句型中be动词动词:was/were(2)was后面跟后面跟可数名词单数可数名词单数/不可数名词不可数名词; were后面跟后面跟可数名词复数可数名词复数。如:如:There was a piece of cheese on the plate.There were a lot of teachers in the garden.24沐风教资介词介词 at1、用介词、用介词at的时间短语通常表示:的时间短语通常表示:确切的时间、具体时刻确切的时间、具体时刻(at 10 oclock 10点整)点整)用餐时间用餐时间(at lunchtime 午餐时间)午餐时间)其他时刻其他时刻(at noon/night 在正午在正午/夜晚)夜晚)节日节日(at Spring Festival 在春节,在春节, at Christmas 在圣诞节。等没有在圣诞节。等没有day的节日)的节日)年龄年龄(at the age of 27:27岁时)岁时)25沐风教资介词介词at可表示地点,通常用于某个小地点之前。可表示地点,通常用于某个小地点之前。at the butchers 在肉店在肉店at the office 在办公室在办公室at the bakers 在面包店在面包店at the dairys 在乳品店在乳品店at school 在学校在学校 at home 在家在家 26沐风教资一周中的星期几一周中的星期几(如(如 on Monday 在星期一)在星期一)一天中的某段时间一天中的某段时间(如(如 on Monday morning 在星期一早上)在星期一早上)具体日期具体日期(如(如 on April 1st 在在4月月1日)日)星期几星期几+日期日期(如(如 on Monday, April 1st 在在4月月1日,星期一)日,星期一)具体时间具体时间(如(如 on that day 在那一天)在那一天)周年纪念日周年纪念日(如(如 on your birthday在你的生日)在你的生日)节日节日(如(如 on Christmas Day在圣诞节)等。在圣诞节)等。介词介词 on27沐风教资一天中的某段时间一天中的某段时间(in the evening 在晚上)在晚上)月份月份(in March 在三月份)在三月份)年份年份(in 1997 在在1997年)年)季节季节(in spring 在春天)在春天) 世纪世纪(in the 20th century 在在20世纪)世纪)节日节日(in Easter week【时间长的时间长的】 在复活节的那一周)在复活节的那一周)时期时期(in the holidays 在假期里)在假期里)介词介词in28沐风教资总结总结【in】是是“大姐大姐”,因为后面所接的,因为后面所接的都是较长时间(月、年、季节等)。都是较长时间(月、年、季节等)。【on】是是 “二姐二姐”,后面所接的时,后面所接的时间多与日期有关(星期、日期、具体间多与日期有关(星期、日期、具体时间、纪念日等)。时间、纪念日等)。【at】是是“小妹小妹”,因为接在后面的,因为接在后面的时间最短(具体时刻或某短暂时间)。时间最短(具体时刻或某短暂时间)。29沐风教资There were hundreds of people there.成百上千的成百上千的 数以百计的数以百计的(1)hundreds of:不确定具体数量的复数形式。不确定具体数量的复数形式。(4)people:人们。后面不能加人们。后面不能加s或或es。(2)thousands of:数以千计的、成千上万的数以千计的、成千上万的 thousands of cars 成千上万的汽车成千上万的汽车(3)hundred百百/thousand千等词,前面有具体数千等词,前面有具体数字时,后面不能字时,后面不能+s:5 hundred五百;五百; 4 thousand 四千四千30沐风教资My wife and I were at the race.Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too.在赛场上(2)当其它人称代词与当其它人称代词与I并列做主语时,并列做主语时,I放在后面。放在后面。(1)at是指在某个场合的意思。是指在某个场合的意思。at the party 在聚会上在聚会上at the meeting 在会议上在会议上at the concert 在音乐会上在音乐会上My mother and I went shopping yesterday.31沐风教资You can see us in the crowd.We are standing on the left.在人群中在人群中在左面在左面(1)on the right 在右面在右面 on the left 在左边在左边(2)us是人称代词是人称代词we的宾格。的宾格。(3)主语主语+be动词动词+动词动词ing:某人某人/某物现在正在做某事。某物现在正在做某事。32沐风教资There were twenty carss in the race.在比赛中There were English cars, French cars, German cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars.(1)and是连词。当连接是连词。当连接2个以上的并列成分时,个以上的并列成分时,and一般放在最后一般放在最后2个并列成分之间。并且个并列成分之间。并且and前面前面的并列成分要用升调,后面要用降调。的并列成分要用升调,后面要用降调。33沐风教资It was an exciting finish.The winner was Billy Stewart.(1)在以元音发音开头的单词前,在以元音发音开头的单词前, 要用不定冠词要用不定冠词an。an exciting race 一场激动人心的比赛一场激动人心的比赛an exciting film 一部激动人心的电影一部激动人心的电影(2)it: 指代指代the car race。(3)winner: n. 胜利者;胜利者; win: v. 赢,获胜。赢,获胜。34沐风教资He was in car number fifteen.Five other cars were just behindhim.在第在第1515号车里号车里(1)other: adj. 其它的;另外的。其它的;另外的。(2)just: 正好,恰好。正好,恰好。(3)behind:在在.后面。后面。(3)him: 人称代词人称代词he的宾格。的宾格。2 other teachers 其他的其他的2位老师。位老师。35沐风教资On the way home, my wife said to me在回家的路上在回家的路上(2)said: 动词动词say的过去式(说)。的过去式(说)。say to sb.(somebody人人)(宾格宾格):对某人说。:对某人说。What did you say?Some say yes; some say no. Let me do this! he says to us.(1)on the way (to.):在去在去.的途中。的途中。on the way to school在去学校的路上在去学校的路上on the way to walk在去散步的路上。在去散步的路上。句中句中home是副词,前面不能加是副词,前面不能加to。36沐风教资Dont drive so quickly!Youre not Billy Stewart!(1)祈使句的否定形式,表示祈使句的否定形式,表示“不要不要.!”(2)quickly:快速地。副词。修饰动词:快速地。副词。修饰动词drive。He runs so quickly.(3)quick:快的。形容词。修饰名词。:快的。形容词。修饰名词。Be quick! Or youll be late.37沐风教资This is a car race near our town every year. In 1995, there was a very big race.38沐风教资There were hundreds of people there.My wife and I were at the race.39沐风教资Our friends Julie and Jack were there too.40沐风教资You can see us in the crowd.We are standing on the left.41沐风教资42沐风教资There were twenty cars in the race.There were.cars.EnglishFrench GermanItalianJapaneseAmerican43沐风教资It was an exciting finish. The winner was Billy Stewart. He was in car number_.Five other cars were just behind him.1544沐风教资On the way home,my wife said to me,Dont drive so quickly! You are not Billy Stewart!45沐风教资46沐风教资用用was 或或were 填空填空1.I _at church on Monday.2.She _in China in 1995.3.Sam _absent from work last week.4.We _in the classroom yesterday.5._they at the hairdressers on Tuesday?6._you and Susan at the office at 7:00 ?waswaswaswereWereWere47沐风教资lesson 70 When were they there?(1) Q: When were they at the stationers? A: They were there on Monday.(2) Q: Where were they on Jan. 21st? A: They were at church.(3) Q: When were they in Australia? A: They were there in July.(4) Q: Where were they in 1985? A: They were in India.48沐风教资介词介词in/on/at总结总结in: 月份月份 (in July)、年份、年份 (in 2013)、国家国家 (in China)、季节、季节 (in summer).on: 星期几星期几 (on Sunday)、具体日期具体日期 (on Novermber 25th).at: 具体时刻具体时刻 (at 1 oclock)、at the butchers 在肉店在肉店 at the bakers 在面包店在面包店 at the dairy 在乳品店在乳品店at the grocers 在杂货店在杂货店at the greengrocers 在蔬菜水果店在蔬菜水果店at the hairdressers 在理发店在理发店at the stationers 在文具店在文具店at the office 在办公室在办公室 at church 在教堂在教堂 at home 在家在家 at school 在学校在学校 49沐风教资用用when 或或where填空填空1._were you at the hairdressers ?2._was he at bakers ?3._was she at the grocers ? 4._were they at the butchers ?5._was she on March 23rd ?6._was she in 1995 ?7._was she on Tuesday ?8._were they in December ? WhereWhereWhenWhenWhenWhenWhereWhere50沐风教资Thank you!51沐风教资
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