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初三英语初三英语第一轮复习第一轮复习 几点思考与安排几点思考与安排金华五中初三英语备课组1课堂教学What is revision?It is to re - vision your paperto see your paper with new eyes2课堂教学Revision is not justl checking for errorsl fixing errors in grammarl simply looking again3课堂教学Revision is much morel rethinkingIts a bit like saving information on a disc or recording some music on a tape. Revision also involvesl rearrangingl rewritingl reworking4课堂教学Vocabulary 词词 汇汇Expressions短语短语Sentence structure重点句型重点句型Basic writing写作训练写作训练The first round of revision第一轮复习第一轮复习Extra reading拓展阅读拓展阅读5课堂教学一、词汇一、词汇(一)(一)整合整合2012浙江省考试说明词浙江省考试说明词汇表与教材的词汇表,进行每册汇表与教材的词汇表,进行每册过过关测试。关测试。Tips: 重视重视一词多义一词多义单词的教学,对于学生单词的教学,对于学生不常接触的语义要讲透。不常接触的语义要讲透。6课堂教学例如:例如:(2011年金华年金华)26. The singer felt very sorry and decided he would never drive again after drinking. The traffic accident was really a _ to him. A. game B. pleasure C. skill D. lessonTips: Lesson n. 课;功课;课;功课;教训教训(浙江省考试说明)(浙江省考试说明)7课堂教学例如:例如:(2011年金华年金华)29. Personally, I dont quite agree that people _ dangerous animals as pets. A. depend B. afford C. keep D. followTips: Keep v. 保持;保存;继续不断 vt. 培育,饲养培育,饲养(浙江省考试说明)(浙江省考试说明)8课堂教学(二)梳理重点单词、(二)梳理重点单词、“四会四会”中考常考单词的知识点中考常考单词的知识点归纳到位归纳到位。 Tips: 教师要善于洞察洞察学生的 学习困难,如知识的薄弱点、盲点薄弱点、盲点,理解上的偏差。9课堂教学everything中考考点中考考点(1)主谓一致作主语时谓语动词)主谓一致作主语时谓语动词 用单数;用单数;(2)用在不完全否定句式中)用在不完全否定句式中;(3)与形容词的位置关系;)与形容词的位置关系;(4)在定语从句中的考查;)在定语从句中的考查;(5)与)与anything的区别。的区别。10课堂教学(三)梳理(三)梳理近义词、易混词近义词、易混词,辨,辨析其不同用法,链接中考,创设析其不同用法,链接中考,创设语境,使学生能举一反三。语境,使学生能举一反三。学习境界二、学习境界二、举一反三举一反三:具备了思考的能力,掌握具备了思考的能力,掌握了学习的方法,能够举一了学习的方法,能够举一反三,知其然,也知其反三,知其然,也知其所以然。所以然。 李开复李开复11课堂教学初中英语初中英语40组组易混词易混词近义词及易混词近义词及易混词辨析及用法辨析及用法 1.1. advice, suggestion, tip advice, suggestion, tip2.2. ago, before ago, before3.3. all, both all, both4.4. alone, lonely alone, lonely5.5. arrive, get to, reach arrive, get to, reach6.6. between, among between, among7.7. borrow, lend, keep borrow, lend, keep8.8. else, other else, other9.9. everyday, every day everyday, every day10.10. except (for), besides except (for), besides12课堂教学初中英语初中英语40组组易混淆词易混淆词近义词、易混淆词近义词、易混淆词辨析及用法辨析及用法11. forget, leave12. full, fill13. happen, take place14. hope, wish15. house, home, family16. ill, sick17. in front of, in the front of18. information, message19. invent, discover20. job, work13课堂教学初中英语初中英语40组组易混词易混词近义词或易混词近义词或易混词辨析及用法辨析及用法21. join, take part in22. listen, hear, sound23. little, a little, few, a few24. Look for, find, find out25. look, see, watch, read, notice26. many, much27. neither, both, either28. noise, voice, sound29. none, no one, neither, nobody30. one, it, that14课堂教学初中英语初中英语40组组易混淆词易混淆词近义词、易混淆词近义词、易混淆词辨析及用法辨析及用法31. pass, past, cross, across, through32. problem, question33. put on, wear, dress, in34. raise, rise35. receive, accept36. sleepy, asleep37. sometime, sometimes, some time, some times38. speak, say, talk, tell39. take, bring, carry, fetch40. take, spend, pay, cost15课堂教学(四)关注中英文差异,加强英语单词相同词义不同词性的综合复习,设计相同词根不同词性的综合练习,让学生在比较中真正领会并掌握词的用法。Tips: “比较比较是一切理解和思维是一切理解和思维的基础的基础,我们正是通过比较来了解我们正是通过比较来了解世界上的一切的。世界上的一切的。” -著名教育家乌申斯基著名教育家乌申斯基16课堂教学词性 词义典型例句用法总结successn. 名词成功Jeremy Lin is a big success.a+n.successfuladj. 形容词成功的Jeremy is successful / a successful man. be+ adj.adj. +N.successfullyadv. 副词成功地Jeremy played successfully in NBA.v.+adv.succeedv. 动词成功We believe that Jeremy will succeed. S+v.复习练习设计复习练习设计17课堂教学( (五)梳理学生五)梳理学生常拼错常拼错的词、的词、学生学生有共性有共性的错误,进行的错误,进行集中突破集中突破。 老师可以设计特别的老师可以设计特别的练习进行有练习进行有针对性针对性的训练。的训练。18课堂教学设计练习设计练习 Can you correct these words? Have a try!pround heathy beleivediffcult frist twelvethfourty writting eatting Score: ( ) You are excellent! (90-100)You are good! (80-90) You need to work hard! (under 80)19课堂教学二、词组二、词组1、梳理每册重点词组,进行过、梳理每册重点词组,进行过关测试。关测试。2、专项整理相同、专项整理相同动词的不同搭动词的不同搭配的辨析配的辨析,如,如: 20课堂教学put的短语辨析与用法例句 put away put off put down put on put up 设计练习设计练习 21课堂教学3 3、梳理相同、梳理相同介词介词或或副词副词的不同搭配。的不同搭配。22课堂教学up的短语的短语辨析与用法辨析与用法 例句例句 put up get up stand up stay up use up eat up set up clean up clear up pick up 23课堂教学4 4、运用重点短语做、运用重点短语做替换练习替换练习或或造句造句,并适当扩展一些,并适当扩展一些课外课外常用的词组,培养学生多种常用的词组,培养学生多种表达的意识,落实表达的意识,落实初步写作初步写作的的能力,为语篇写作打好扎实的能力,为语篇写作打好扎实的基础。基础。24课堂教学 赢得赢得的心的心 ( ) 替换练习:替换练习: Harry Potter is very popular with teenagers. Harry Potter _ _ _ _ _ teenagers. For example: _ I create: _ Lets share: _复习练习设计:复习练习设计:25课堂教学主题主题 钟爱钟爱/ /热爱热爱/ /着迷着迷/ /喜欢喜欢的的多种表达多种表达 初中要求掌握的表达初中要求掌握的表达课外扩展表达课外扩展表达like / love / enjoyprefertobe a fan ofbe interested infall in love with care for go for be fond of be crazy about be mad about be fascinated about have a passion for be keen on26课堂教学I am fond of /rock music/替换:替换:/stamp-collecting/.我喜好摇滚我喜好摇滚乐乐/集邮。集邮。主题主题钟爱钟爱/热热爱爱/着迷着迷/喜欢喜欢爱爱好好b1I am fond of /drawing/.替换:替换:/the fine arts/.我喜好画画我喜好画画/美术。美术。主主题题钟爱钟爱/热热爱爱/着迷着迷/喜欢喜欢爱爱好好b2英文例句英文例句中文例句字中文例句字译译主题主题细细分分27课堂教学三、基本句型三、基本句型(一)加强基本句型的(一)加强基本句型的仿写练习仿写练习,放慢节奏放慢节奏,让学生真正掌握并体,让学生真正掌握并体会英语表达。会英语表达。Tips: “慢”是一种意境,一种回归自然、轻松和谐的意境。 28课堂教学be +adj.I hope will be 例句例句I hope you will be happy.I hope my parents will be safe all their lives.I hope Mao will be successful in the final exam.I hope Wangs life will be colourful.I hope my life will be meaningful.I hope the world will be peaceful.I hope everyone will be simply delighted about everything.设计复习练习:设计复习练习:仿仿 写写29课堂教学(二)不能只做选择题,多一(二)不能只做选择题,多一些些开放性开放性的设计,激发学生的的设计,激发学生的思维思维,使学生养成,使学生养成用英语表达用英语表达自己思想自己思想的习惯。的习惯。30课堂教学Harry Potter is a novel whose _whose writer is J.K. Rolling.whose story is loved by millions of teenagers.whose story has been translated into different languages.whose story has been made intomovies.whose theme is about magic and friendship.whose story has won the hearts of teenagers. 设计复习练习:设计复习练习:31课堂教学四、整合教材,分体裁归纳四、整合教材,分体裁归纳话题话题,教师进行适当教师进行适当扩展扩展 ,激发学生,激发学生思维,落实写作。思维,落实写作。32课堂教学初中英语作文重点话题 Introduce myselfMy teacher / my friends / parents /familyMy school day / lifeMy hobbyMy favourite animalMy childhoodMy heroA holiday journey in the past记记 叙叙 文文33课堂教学初中英语作文重点话题初中英语作文重点话题 My school / My dream schoolHow to keep healthyThe Spring FestivalMy hometownHow to learn EnglishWriting about animals in dangerDescribing customs说说 明明 文文34课堂教学初中英语作文重点话题 school activities how to protect our environment Save water mobile phones homework / study /pressure communication 议议 论论 文文35课堂教学写作训练写作训练“八部曲八部曲”(一)审题“三步走”: 1、审体裁 2、审人称和时态 3、审要点(二) 头脑风暴, 罗列词汇 学生收集,教师提供扩展词汇(三)呈现好的句式,重点句式仿写 (四)呈现范文,点评精彩之处 (五)学生自由发挥写作并自我修改(六)老师面批(七)重写(八)优秀作文展评与赏析36课堂教学复习设计:复习设计:写作训练写作训练-描写人物描写人物 试题:试题: 在即将过去的初中三年里,那些 陪你共同经历成长的挫折与成功, 与你分享欢乐与忧愁的正是你的同 班同学。请你通过一件事的记述, 让我们认识一下你的某位同学吧!37课堂教学课内词汇课外扩展short /tall thin / fatstrongblack /curly hair round facebeautifulprettynicelovelyhandsomeslim 苗条苗条overweight 胖胖 medium height 不胖不瘦不胖不瘦 elegant 优雅优雅 good-looking 长的好看长的好看 外外 貌貌 特特 征征38课堂教学课内词汇课外扩展active 活泼的 able 能干的attractive 有魅力的 brave 勇敢的 careful 仔细的creative 富创造力的energetic 精力充沛的 strict 严格的 polite 有礼貌的 popular 受欢迎的easy-going 随和的 out-going外向的 passionate 充满热情generous 宽宏大量humorous 有幽默 sweet-tempered 性情温和的 cheerful 开朗的 confident 有信心的 reliable 可信赖的 性性 格格 特特 征征39课堂教学课内词汇课外扩展clever 机灵的honest 诚实的 friendly 友好的 funny 有趣的happy 开心的hard-working 勤劳的helpful 助人的,有益的 kind 仁慈的,和蔼的 kind-hearted 好心的 responsible 负责的 independent独立的 optimistic乐观 enthusiastic 充满热情的 expressive 善于表达 knowledgeable 有见识的 modest 谦虚的 40课堂教学 友谊的经典谚语友谊的经典谚语 A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生没有朋友, 犹如人生没有了太阳。 A friend is a second self. 朋友乃第二个自我。 Friendship is a love without wings. 友谊是一种无形的爱。 Old friends and old wine are best. 陈酒味醇, 老友情深。 True friendship lasts forever.真正的友谊恒久不变。Friendship is like wine-the older the better.友谊像美酒, 越陈越醇厚。41课堂教学好的句式好的句式She is a tall girl with two bright eyes.She is easygoing as well as friendly,She is a really kind girl who never failsto make others happy.He always makes us laugh by telling funny stories and jokes.Wherever she is, there is joy.I feel lucky to have such a nice friend.She is the sunshine of my world.42课堂教学好的句式好的句式样样句句She is a really kind girl who never failsto make others happy.我我创创造,造,我我精精彩彩She is a really careful girl who never fails to get good marks.He is a really outgoing boy who never fails to make friends with others.She is a really unselfish girl who always puts others in the first place.43课堂教学范文品读范文品读My classmate“A good example has twice the value of good advice.” I couldnt have gotten through the last three years without her help.She is my classmate-Marry.She is a really kind girl who never fails to make others happy.She often helps us with our lessons.At first,I wasnt very happy to be her classmate because she was so excellent.I thought that this would put too much pressure on me.However,something changed my opinion and we became close friends. It was a cold winter moring,and I had a bad cold.Nobody noticed that I was sick and I felt ran ti the school clinic and bought some medicine for me.Then she gave me some fruit and poured hot water for me.Watching her doing these things,I was moved.Thanks to her help,Ispent the terrible day happily. That is my classmate.She gave me help and warmth.I feel lucky that I have such a good classmate.She is the sunshine of my world. 44课堂教学五、拓展阅读五、拓展阅读 精心选择精心选择英语美文英语美文或有哲理的或有哲理的小品文小品文作为作文范文或补充阅读。作为作文范文或补充阅读。 增加一些新词汇,培养学生的增加一些新词汇,培养学生的兴趣,提升学生的思想认识。在兴趣,提升学生的思想认识。在复习课上有复习课上有新的收获、新的期待新的收获、新的期待。45课堂教学 You are the only one Youre amazing! Youre awesome! And by the way, TAG, youre it. As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more so. Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you dont become “beautiful” just by virtue of the aging process. Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life. You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you. Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it offers. You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.温馨悦读温馨悦读46课堂教学我的生词本我的生词本1、awesome :sm adj.引起敬畏的引起敬畏的, , 可怕的可怕的英英解释:1、inspiring or displaying awe 2、excellent or outstanding2、virtue v:tju: n.德行德行, , 美德美德英英解释:英英解释: the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong3、 accelerate kselreit v.加速加速, 促进促进英英解释:英英解释: to go, occur, or cause to go or occur more quickly; speed up我喜欢这句我喜欢这句: You are the artist that paints your futurewith the brush of today.你就是手握今日之刷描你就是手握今日之刷描绘自己未来的艺术家。绘自己未来的艺术家。47课堂教学学生作品欣赏学生作品欣赏 (一)(一)Reading is funBy Lan Yilin Theres an old saying, “Books are your friends, today And forever .” I still remember the first book I read, its called “Dragon Dale” . I was moved by the writers words. Although the hero of the story Lu dies in the end, he knows what friendship and bravery mean.48课堂教学 Reading makes me know when you feel lonely and hopeless, there is always a door which is always open for you. As long as you have a dream and try to make it come true, even stupid child will also be a successful person. Now when I finish reading a book, I will have a new feeling. And when I read books, its just like I talk to my friends. One day I will become old, but Im sure I wont put down books. Reading is fun.49课堂教学学生作品欣赏学生作品欣赏 (二)(二)Literature is funBy Yang Sisi If my life is a sky, literature will just be the shiny sun. If my life is a story book, literature and I will meet on the very first page. Literature is fun. Reading works by great writers abroad and home, I believe that I have found the key to the wonderful world of literature.50课堂教学 When I was young, I always read the novels by writers ,such as Lao She, Bing Xin and Ge Cuilin with respect and pure love. Their works are full of creation and always describe the sadness and happiness of different people. I was moved and impressed a lot, Since then, the rich literature kingdom has been open to me.51课堂教学 Every time I read the passages with the writers memories, I am often touched deeply. What attracts me most is that every page shows me how a great man is made, every line tells me what kindness is , every word speaks to me with a warm welcome. I enjoy the feeling of reading and reciting. I often lose myself in the world literature shows to me. I taste the tears and laughter with the accompany of literature. Literature is fun, which brings me delight and warmth forever. 52课堂教学Thank you!Your Contribution is Never Too Small“Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.” 53课堂教学
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