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Writing:Lets save waterThe natural worldUnit 23CModuleEpisode 4Listening and speaking:How can we save water?Sea water and rain waterPIGGY BANKGOLD MINELook and sayC12341233-1If there is no rain, we will have no water to _.PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC56789101233-2If there is no rain, we will have no water to _.PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC1231233-3If there is no rain, _ will not have any water to _.4-112PIGGY BANKGOLD MINELook and write3C412If there is no rain, we will _.If there is no rain, we will _.have no water to drinkhave no water to brush our teeth or have showers4-2PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC123434If there is no rain, _.we will have no water to wash the dishes or clothesIf there is no rain, _.plants and flowers will die4-3PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC123456If there is no rain, _.cooks will have no water to cook foodIf there is no rain, _.firemen will have no water to put out fires.Listen and learnPIGGY BANKGOLD MINECa dripping tapa running tapa showerPIGGY BANKGOLD MINECThink and sayWhat are they doing?They are wasting water.waste Save water!Dont waste it!PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC1234Write and listenLook at the pictures in the poster below. Complete the sentences. Put a tick ( ) or a cross () in the correct boxes.56788-1PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC1Fix a _dripping tap123456788-2PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC2Wash _ under a _ _.vegetablesrunning tap123456788-3PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC3Turn off a _ _.dripping tap123456788-4PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC4Play _games.water123456788-5PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC5Take a _ instead of a _.showerbath123456788-6PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC6Brush your _ under a _teethrunning tap123456788-7PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC1.Fix a dripping tap.2.Turn off a dripping tap.3.Take a shower instead of a bath.Three DOs1.Dont wash vegetables under a running tap.2.Dont play water games.3.Dont brush your teeth under a running tap.Three DONTs123456788-8PIGGY BANKGOLD MINELook and learnCS1:How can we save water?S2:We can save water by fixing a dripping tap.2-112PIGGY BANKGOLD MINECS1:How else can we save water?S2:We can save water by not playing water games.2-2122-1PIGGY BANKGOLD MINE12CThink and sayLook at page 42 again. In pairs, talk about different ways of saving water.2-2PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC12S1:How can we save water?S2:We can save water by fixing a dripping tap.S1:How else can we save water?S2:We can save water by not playing water games.Lets save water!We can save water by fixing a _.We can save water by not playing _.We can save water _PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEWriteCWrite a report about the poster on page 66 and suggest ways of saving water.Gold mineMake a posterLook and sayPIGGY BANKGOLD MINECMake a posterPIGGY BANKGOLD MINECLook at the picture. Think about how you can save water at home. Make a poster.122-1PIGGY BANKGOLD MINEC122-2Walk around your school to find out if all the students save water. Make a poster to tell all the students to save water at school.ConsolidationWorkbook 6B, page 36.*Write down the different ways of saving water that you and your classmates have discussed. You can surf the Internet to get more ideas. Give your report a title.
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