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gkxx精品课件The curse of the mummy(1st period)gkxx精品课件gkxx精品课件1.1.What is Egypt famous for?What is Egypt famous for?2. What are in the pyramids?2. What are in the pyramids?( (treasurestreasures and and mummies mummies) )3. Have you ever heard of the 3. Have you ever heard of the cursescurses of the of the mummies?mummies? gkxx精品课件 1. Go through the Reading Strategy.gkxx精品课件2. Fast reading: Finish 2. Fast reading: Finish Part APart A1. The article is about a mummys curse.1. The article is about a mummys curse.2. The name of the Egyptian King was Tutankhamun2. The name of the Egyptian King was Tutankhamun. .3. They fell ill and died.3. They fell ill and died.Questions:Questions:gkxx精品课件 3. Detailed reading: Finish C1&C2 Answers: C1 1F 2F 3T 4F F 6T 7F 8F C2 Para 1 e Para 2 b Para 3 d Para 4 c Para 5 g Para 6 h Para 7 a Para 8 fgkxx精品课件4.Finish D&E Answers: D 1f 2c 3b 4d 5a 6e E 1)Egypt 2)preserved 3)mummies 4)lucky 5)Lord Carnarvon 6)Kings 7)amazing 8)famous 9)snake 10)curse gkxx精品课件2.Do Parts 2.Do Parts A1&A2A1&A2 on Page 94 in Workbook on Page 94 in Workbook1.Discussion: Part F1.Discussion: Part Fgkxx精品课件Write a summary about Howard Carter.Read Part A in Reading on Page 106 in Workbook.gkxx精品课件The curse of the mummy(2nd period)gkxx精品课件be curious about during ones lifetime right away set sail (for)as well as search forby the 1920s by the timebe known as have something to do withfall ill with a fever go out hear of the following daythe dead result in breathe in die ofgkxx精品课件1. In 1891, at the age of 17 , he_ Alexandria, Egypt. (travel to somewhere by boat) Eg. The sun was sinking as we set sail for home. Next week they will set sail for Europe.set sail forset sail for gkxx精品课件2. By the 1920s, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. (by: no later than or before; search for: look for)Eg. By the time (conj.) doctor arrived, the woman had given birth. Mike must have made some friends in his school by now. By the time (conj.) you get there, it will be dark.gkxx精品课件3. “The tomb contained more riches, gold and jewels than any of us had ever seen before, as well as the mummy of the king,” said Carter. (riches: wealth “财财富富”; jewels: “珠宝饰品珠宝饰品”; as well as: “除了除了之外之外(也也),和和”Eg. All his riches are no good to him if he is ill. She was too poor to buy jewels, so she borrowed some from her friend. Last month I visited Qingdao as well as Tianjing.gkxx精品课件4. When a tomb is opened, fresh air _the viruses. (change the usual or natural condition of) Eg. A light wind disturbed the surface of the water. She has disturbed all his plans for going abroad. He was disturbed to hear her illness. (make someone worry) Dont disturb the papers on my desk. (move something or change its position) disturbsdisturbsgkxx精品课件5. Within seven years, 21 people who _the opening of the tomb died. (“与与有关有关”, “与与有联系有联系”) have something/nothing/much/little/a lot to do with Eg. The suspect insisted that he had nothing to do with the murder. He said he was at home the whole night watching TV. had something to do withhad something to do withgkxx精品课件6. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. =If (the viruses are ) breathed in, they can cause illness Eg. He will come if (he is )asked. The illness will result in total blindness if (it is) left untreated. If (it is) taken correctly, the medicine should work. The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.gkxx精品课件Review the new words and phrases.Finish the relative exercises in Workbook.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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