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OpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5)The 2022 State of Open Source ReportOpen Source Usage, Market Trends, & Analysis+www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 3The 2022 State of Open Source ReportThere are some familiar stories. The first being that open source adoption is continuing to expand. In 2021, 77% of organizations reported an increase in the use of open source software, with 36% indicating a significant increase. The reasons for that increased adoption are familiar as well most respondents indicated that they use open source software to access the latest innovations.But there are some new stories, too. The continued expansion of the digital economy into all industries when paired with the “great resignation” and the ongoing pandemic has turned finding qualified open source talent into a major hurdle for organizations of all shapes and sizes.Even with that turmoil, the future for open source software is undoubtedly bright. Organizations, at a minimum, are becoming more open source aware and many are contributing back to open source projects and organizations to ensure that the open source they ingest is stable, secure, and community-driven. Open source is finding new footholds in emerging areas, and becoming more accessible and more critical to all manner of organizations.On behalf of OpenLogic by Perforce and the Open Source Initiative, I invite you to read and enjoy this report, to continue to enrich your open source knowledge, and to contribute back to the open source software communities that make reports like these possible.Happy reading,Javier Perez Chief Evangelist, Open Source and API Management OpenLogic by Perforcewww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 4The 2022 State of Open Source ReportExecutive Summary 2Foreword 2Table of Contents 4About the Survey 5Survey Results 8Top Concerns in Using Open Source Software 11Top Factors for Using Open Source Software 13Top Open Source Infrastructure Technologies 16Top Open Source Programming Languages/Runtimes 24Top Open Source Framework Technologies 30Top Open Source Data Technologies 36Top Open Source SDLC and Build Technologies 44Top Open Source Automation and Orchestration Technologies 49Top Open Source CI/CD Tools 55Top Open Source Artificial Intelligence Technologies 60Open Source Priorities, Strategy, Maturity, and Stewardship 66Table of Contentswww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 5The 2022 State of Open Source ReportAbout the Survey The 2022 State of Open Source Report is based on an anonymous survey conducted between November 30, 2021, and January 6, 2022. It targeted professionals around the world working with open source software in their organizations. The survey received a total of 2,660 responses.To help segment and analyze the survey results, we asked respondents basic firmographic questions, including their company vertical, size, region, and job title. VERTICALIt was no surprise that the largest block of respondents work in the technology space. Respondents from a variety of industries also participated, from Consulting and the Financial sector, to other verticals like Healthcare and Manufacturing. Only a small percentage of respondents selected “Other” industry, among them the Gaming and Media industries.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 6The 2022 State of Open Source ReportCOMPANY SIZEOur survey respondents represented a nearly-even distribution of large, medium, and small organizations. Everyone is using open source software.REGIONOpen source software is global, and while the survey initially targeted a North American audience, it quickly drew responses from across the world even a few from Oceania.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 7The 2022 State of Open Source ReportJOB TITLETo finalize demographic information and to help the readers of this report understand who participated in the survey, we asked the respondents to select the closest option to their current job title. There is a large set of current roles involved with open source software among respondents. We also received responses from CEOs, professors, and consultants.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 8The 2022 State of Open Source ReportSurvey ResultsUSE OF OPEN SOURCE SOFTWAREAfter the demographic questions, we started the State of Open Source Software survey with a question about organizational usage and adoption of open source software within the past year. We received an emphatic YES, with over 77% of respondents indicating they have increased the use of open source software in their organizations, and an impressive 36% indicating that they significantly increased the use of open source. Perhaps even more interesting is that only 1.6% of over two thousand respondents indicated that they reduced the usage of open source software. By this, and other measurements, we can safely say that the use of open source software is greater than ever and continues to grow.77% of respondents indicated they have increased the use of open source software in their organizations”“Has Your Organization Increased the Use of Open Source Software Over the Last Year?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 9The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWhen looking at responses by region, there are even more impressive numbers. Four regions - North America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia - increased the use of open source in their organizations by over 80%.We can highlight that, as expected, the growth and diversity of open source data technologies is the result of high demand for innovation and alternatives to proprietary software. This growth is evident in the results, with 36.4% of respondents using open source data technologies in their organization. Open source CI/CD tooling continues to gain adoption, with our results indicating theres more usage of open source CI/CD tooling than the use of container technology or open source middleware.COMMONLY-USED OPEN SOURCE TECHNOLOGIESAfter our demographic and firmographic questions, we asked about the type of open source software used in their organizations. Across all respondents, we can see that the adoption is no longer dominated by one or two types of technologies such as programming languages and Linux operating system. We see that organizations are using open source software across a vast spectrum of technologies.Open source adoption is no longer dominated by programming languages and Linux. Open source usage now spans a vast spectrum of critical technologies.”“www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 10The 2022 State of Open Source ReportAs we break down the usage results of open source CI/CD tooling, we can see a clear distinction between small and large organizations. Over 35% of the respondents working in large organizations (over 1,000 employees) are using open source CI/CD while there is only 19% adoption in small organizations (under 100 employees). Perhaps the reduced number of developers in small organizations allows them to manage releases without CI/CD, while it has become a must-have for large organizations.The 22% use of open source security tools is an important number that we hope to see increasing over the next 12 months.What Type of Open Source Software Is Used in Your Organization?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 11The 2022 State of Open Source ReportTop Concerns in Using Open Source Software The adoption and usage of open source software started many years ago. Last years 30th anniversary of Linux reminded us that open source software started to take off three decades ago. Despite amazing growth by all measurements, and more so with the use of the cloud and cloud-native technologies in recent years, there are still reservations for consuming some open source technologies. We asked for the most common concerns or reservations in the use of open source software, and we obtained five top answers across our large number of respondents:These top five reservations largely didnt diverge for large, medium, or small organizations, although the “I dont have any reservations” jumped to the top response for small organizations. Over 27% of the respondents indicated that they dont have any reservations using open source software, vs. 37% in small organizations.37% of small organizations expressed no reservations in using open source software.”“Lack of internal skills and formal technical support continues to be a top concern in the use of open source software. Respondents in industries such as Finance and Telecommunications clearly showed those reasons as top concerns in adopting more open source software.Lack of internal skills to test, use, integrate, and supportRestrictions in some open source licensesIt doesnt scale as well as proprietary softwareTheres no real-time supportI dont have any reservationswww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 12The 2022 State of Open Source ReportRestrictions in some open source licenses are an important highlight for this report. The Open Source Initiative (OSI), co-sponsor of this report, has worked for years on promoting awareness and education of open source software licensing. This survey result shows us there is significant awareness of open source licenses. This points to an understanding of the impact on proprietary software, depending on what open source license is used, from copyleft options to patent provisions.There is significant awareness of open source licenses marking a solid understanding of open source licenses with copyleft restrictions.”“Breaking down the survey results by the roles of the respondents, restrictions in some open source licenses was a top reservation among Engineers and Developers. All said, it is great to see progress in awareness of open source licenses.What Are Your Reservations (Select all That Apply) in Using Open Source Software?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 13The 2022 State of Open Source ReportIn order of selection, we highlight that access to innovation was the top selection, followed by no license cost and overall cost reduction. This result reinforces the fact that people are choosing open source software because thats where software innovation is happening. The reusability of open source software, including thousands of libraries, allows organizations to reduce costs, and speed up time to market all while modernizing their technology stack. In fact, over 36% of respondents indicated they use open source to modernize their technology stack. Its no surprise that the use of container technology, cloud-related tools, and data technologies are the types of open source software that organizations are using to modernize their stacks and keep up with new technologies.Top Factors for Using Open Source Software After asking about reservations on the use of open source software, the next logical step was to identify the top reasons why organizations choose open source software. We asked for the most common reasons for the use of open source software, and again, we obtained a clear “top-five” selection across all respondents.People are choosing open source software because thats where software innovation is happening.”“Access to innovations and latest technologiesNo license cost, overall cost reductionTo modernize technology stackMany options for similar technologiesConstant releases and patchesOver one third of respondents indicated that the number of options for similar technologies was a top factor in using open source software. From DevOps to data technologies, the maturation of open source communities fosters a growing ecosystem of technologies.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 14The 2022 State of Open Source ReportUsing open source software to reduce vendor lock-in received 27% of responses. Meanwhile, a surprisingly low number of respondents (12%) indicated that open source makes it easier to hire engineers.What Are the Top Reasons for Your Organization to Use Open Source Software?When we look at the top factors to use open source software by geographical region, we made an interesting discovery the top three factors vary widely across our top three respondent regions.In the case of North America and the UK and Europe you can see in the charts below that the reasons to use open source software varies. We should highlight that in the UK and Europe the number one reason to use open source software in organizations is no license cost and overall cost reduction. While in North America, access to innovation and latest technologies is the biggest factor.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 15The 2022 State of Open Source Reportwww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 16The 2022 State of Open Source ReportTop Open Source Infrastructure TechnologiesIn this section of the report, we focus on the most-used open source infrastructure technologies and considerations for their use. To determine the most-used technologies, we created a list of the most popular options, including a combination of open source Linux distributions, virtualization technologies, and container-related technologies. There was no limit in the selection, allowing respondents to select all open source infrastructure technologies used in their organizations.As in previous years, Ubuntu Linux and Docker were the most popular technologies used in open source infrastructure. In many cases, respondents selected multiple Linux distributions indicating that respondent organizations have diverse development and production environments.Container technologies following the Open Container Initiative standards (e.g. Podman, Docker, and others) showed significant usage. But, just like Kubernetes and related container orchestration technologies, they still have plenty of room for growth.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 17The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWhich of These Open Source Technologies Does Your Organization Use Today to Support Your Software Infrastructure?LinuxOtherwww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 18The 2022 State of Open Source ReportAs expected, given the recent CentOS 8 end-of-life (December 31, 2021), we saw a reduction in the use of CentOS compared to last years survey. The top three Linux distributions continue to be Ubuntu, Debian, and CentOS.Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, and Navy Linux showed significant gains.”“Another highlight is the fact that OpenStack usage beat Kubernetes by 2%, with 17% vs. 15% overall usage. When we break down those two results by industry, we see larger differences in the Technology and Telecommunications industries.OpenStack is a popular selection in the telecommunications industry as well as banking, insurance and financial services.”“New Linux distributions that come from copies or forks of CentOS, like Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, and Navy Linux, showed significant gains especially given the fact that they did not exist 12 months ago. TelecommunicationsTechnologyBanking, Insurance, Financial Serviceswww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 19The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWHY TEAMS CHOOSE OPEN SOURCE INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGIES After respondents listed the open source infrastructure technologies used in their organizations, we asked what they considered important when choosing those technologies. In order of importance, respondents selected the top five reasons to use their selected open source infrastructure.The survey found that, just like in the previous years survey, security and patches were the most important point of consideration when choosing infrastructure technologies like Linux distributions and containers. 27% of respondents reported it as their most important consideration, followed closely by stability and robustness of the technology at 26%. Level of proficiency and experience was also a top factor, and was clearly shown as the third most important factor for most respondents.Licensing cost, while an important factor, obtained the fewest “most important” classifications among respondents. This again highlights that open source infrastructure software is widely used for its benefits in security, patching, and stability and that licensing costs are considered a less important factor.NotImportantMildlyImportantImportantVeryImportantMostImportantLicensing cost4.77%17.90%31.58%29.26%16.49%Enterprise technical support4.61%17.02%31.93%30.16%16.29%Security and patches1.32%11.56%27.50%32.57%27.04%Stability and robustness1.59%11.44%26.07%34.15%26.75%Level of proficiency and experience2.14%13.97%29.75%32.89%21.25%In Order of Importance (Not Important Most Important) Rank the Reasons You Chose This Technology Mix for Your Software Infrastructure?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 20The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWhen we look at the same considerations for using open source infrastructure among respondents working for large organizations (over 1,000 employees), having security and patches remains the most important reason. An interesting fact is that the key factor related to having enterprise technical support was classified as only important, not very important or most important. This last statistic highlights the fact that large organizations are using community versions of open source without paying for proprietary versions of important infrastructure technologies like Linux and container tooling.Large organizations use community versions of important open source infrastructure technologies without paying for proprietary versions - like Linux and container tooling.”“By breaking down the reasons to use open source infrastructure by industry, we were able to better understand the requirements and perceptions of each industry. The following chart shows each factor, followed by the industry that selected it most commonly as their top factor in using open source infrastructure software.Most important reasons to select open source infrastructure technology among large organizations: 1.Security and patches 27% 2.Stability and robustness 26% 3.Level of proficiency and experience 20%Licensing cost: Banking, Insurance, or Financial ServicesEnterprise technical support: ManufacturingSecurity and patches: TechnologyStability and robustness: TechnologyLevel of proficiency and experience: Vehicle and Transportationwww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 21The 2022 State of Open Source ReportCHALLENGES WITH OPEN SOURCE INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGIESAfter ranking the top five reasons why respondents use their selected open source infrastructure, we asked about the support challenges while using that selected open source infrastructure. Speaking to the level of maturity and frequent use of these technologies, the responses highlighted the need for improvements, more open source software, more open source contributions, and business opportunities to address those challenges.51% of respondents listed installation, upgrades, and configuration issues as the top challenge in using their open source infrastructure technologies. This top challenge is closely related to the number two reason selected, personnel experience and proficiency which represented 47% of respondents. These findings point to the complexity of administration, support, and maintenance of infrastructure technology and, in many cases, the necessity of expert level and certified personnel.What Are the Main Support Challenges on Your Open Source Software Infrastructure?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 22The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWhen we look at the same support challenges when using open source infrastructure among respondents working for large (over 1,000 employees) and medium organizations (100-1,000 employees), the results are very similar. For respondents working in small organizations (less than 100 employees), infrastructure scalability and performance was not a support challenge.Of course, the top support challenge varies by industry. The chart below shows which industry most closely aligned with each challenge:Support challenges also vary by region. In particular, two regions showed significant differences on the top support challenges when using open source infrastructure.Most important support challenges for open source infrastructure technology among small organizations: 1.Installation, upgrades, and configuration issues: 49% 2.Personnel experience and proficiency: 43% 3.Keeping up with updates and patches: 41%Not enough personnel: Education and Research 35%Personnel experience and proficiency: Education and Research 55%Installation upgrades and configuration issues: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 55%Infrastructure scalability and performance: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 48%Integration and interoperability: Retail 53%Keeping up with updates and patches: Telecommunications 50%Migrations: Public Sector/Government 38%Automation: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 34%Lack of documentation: Manufacturing and Telecommunications 24%www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 23The 2022 State of Open Source ReportMiddle EastLatin Americawww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 24The 2022 State of Open Source ReportThe survey results showed significant use of all programming languages and runtimes, we also allowed respondents to include additional open source languages, with only Ruby passing 1% usage.In looking at the results, we can see the continued growth of Python adoption which is largely due to the increased prevalence of AI-related applications. Our survey found JavaScript as the most-used programming language, and Java still heavily used by many organizations.For this years survey we included the three most popular open source Java runtimes: OpenJDK, OpenJ9 and Oracle Java. With the much larger number of respondents in this years survey, Oracle Java went back to the most used, followed by OpenJDK, and then OpenJ9.We can see the continued growth of Python adoption which is largely due to the increased prevalence of AI-related applications.”“Top Open Source Programming Languages/RuntimesAs in previous years, we dedicated a section in this survey to understand the use of open source programming languages. This year, to keep up with current trends, we increased the list of popular open source programming languages and runtimes to a list of 14 options, including OpenJDK, PHP, Python, JavaScript, Node.js, and more.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 25The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWhich Technologies (Select all That Apply) Does Your Organization Use to Build Applications Today?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 26The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWe can highlight that the use of Java runtimes shows differences depending on the size of the organization. However, large organizations (over 1,000 employees) are almost equally using OpenJDK and Oracle Java (49% vs. 51%).WHY TEAMS CHOOSE OPEN SOURCE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES/RUNTIMESAfter respondents listed the programming languages and runtimes used in their organizations, we asked what they considered important when choosing those languages. In order of importance, respondents chose the top five reasons they use their open source programming languages and runtimes.Unlike last years survey where features and functionality was the top consideration, this year respondents listed stability and robustness as their most important consideration at 28%. A further 26% reported availability of security and patches and their most important consideration, and 26% reported level of proficiency and experience as their top choice.OpenJDKOpenJ9Oracle JavaLarge (more than 1,000 employees)48.72%26.53%51.02%Medium (100 to 1,000 employees)29.36%35.73%54.62%Small (under 100 employees)44.75%20.99%59.12%NotImportantMildlyImportantImportantVeryImportantMostImportantFeatures and functionality3.03%13.89%26.56%33.44%23.08%Enterprise technical support5.45%17.34%30.50%30.14%16.57%Security and patches1.55%13.69%26.96%31.84%25.96%Stability and robustness1.09%9.97%27.31%33.45%28.17%Level of proficiency and experience1.68%12.46%27.88%32.29%25.69%In Order of Importance (Not Important Most Important) Rank the Reasons You Chose These Languages for Your Development?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 27The 2022 State of Open Source ReportGoing back to the comparison between OpenJDK and Oracle Java, we found that users of OpenJDK indicate that the availability of security patches is the most important reason to select OpenJDK. This marks a 10% difference with the selection of most important factor for Oracle Java.Oracle Java users listed availability of security patches as 10% less important when compared to OpenJDK users.”“Breaking down the reasons to use the open source programming languages/runtimes by industry resulted in interesting insights about the differing requirements and perceptions by industry.The following chart shows the industries with the highest percentage selected as the most important factor to use a programming language.Features and functionality: ManufacturingEnterprise technical support: Banking, Insurance, or Financial ServicesSecurity and patches: Manufacturing and TechnologyStability and robustness: TechnologyCHALLENGES WITH OPEN SOURCE RUNTIMESAfter ranking the top reasons to use selected open source programming languages and runtimes, we asked about the support challenges while using selected languages and runtimes. Since most programming languages are open source, and they have been used for many years (in some cases, decades), we wanted to see if the support challenges differ from other types of open source. The results were similar, with top challenges clearly identified.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 28The 2022 State of Open Source ReportThe top support challenge in using open source programming languages and runtimes was installations, upgrades, and configuration issues, which was selected by 52% of the respondents. It was not surprising to see personnel experience and proficiency as a close second with 51% of respondents. Build and compilation errors and dealing with libraries dependency management were also among the top challenges.When we look at the same support challenges among respondents working for large organizations (over 1,000 employees) the results changed in the top three support challenges.Most important support challenges for open source programming languages/runtimes among large organizations: 1.Keeping up with updates and patches: 53% 2.Personnel experience and proficiency: 51% 3.Installation, upgrades, and configuration issues: 50%What Are the Main Support Challenges on the Open Source Programming Languages You Use to Build Applications?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 29The 2022 State of Open Source ReportThe support challenges for open source programming languages and runtimes also varied by industry. The following chart shows the industry with the highest percentage selected for each one of the support challenges:Support challenges also varied by region. Specifically, two regions showed clear differences in the selection of support when challenges using open source programming languages and runtimes.Not enough personnel: Education and Research 35%Personnel experience and proficiency: Education and Research 55%Installation upgrades and configuration issues: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 55%Keeping up with updates and patches: Manufacturing 55%Build or compilation issues: Telecommunications and Healthcare/Pharma 51%Libraries dependency management: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 46%Debugging: Healthcare and Pharma 38%Lack of documentation: Manufacturing and Healthcare/Pharma 29%North Americawww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 30The 2022 State of Open Source ReportUK and EuropeTop Open Source Framework Technologies For this years State of Open Source survey, we included a new category for open source frameworks. While open source frameworks are specific to their corresponding programming language, they have become a key open source component for software developers due in part to the rapid expansion of viable options. We have seen significant growth of the various open source framework communities, with some already possessing large communities with contributors from around the world.For our first question, respondents had the option to select all open source frameworks they are using in their organizations. The results show that the typical organization is using more than one or two frameworks. While it could be only for experimentation or learning, its a fact that coding with open source frameworks is an integral part of nearly all software development and there are many options to choose from.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 31The 2022 State of Open Source ReportLooking at other popular programming languages, we see high use of high use of .NET Framework/Core for .NET development, and Spring Boot for Java development.Since our survey found JavaScript as the most used programming language, it is logical to see JavaScript frameworks leading in usage among our large set of respondents. JQuery, React, and Angular were indicated as the top three most-used open source frameworks. Given that AngularJS has recently reached end of life, its surprising to see so many organizations still using it.15% of respondents are still using end-of-life AngularJS. 21% of large organizations are still using end-of-life AngularJS.”“AngularJSWhich Technologies (Select all That Apply) Does Your Organization Use to Build Applications Today?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 32The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWe can highlight that the use of AngularJS (version 1) varies significantly by the size of the organization. In fact, our survey found that 21% of large organizations (over 1,000 employees) are still using AngularJS, vs. 12% and 16% in medium and small organizations, respectively.Another interesting finding is the widespread use of the .NET, .NET 5, and Spring Boot frameworks across organizations of all sizes. The results show just as much use of .NET, .NET 5, and Spring Boot frameworks among medium and small organizations.LargeMediumSmall.NET framework26.40%15.04%25.92%.NET 519.84%7.98%20.30%Spring Boot26.97%14.19%19.10%For JavaScript frameworks, we found differences in the preference of Angular vs. React by industry, with some industries preferring Angular, and some preferring React.Angular 2or NewerReact.JSTechnology29.91%36.80%Consulting17.37%23.94%Telecommunications24.86%20.81%Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services25.54%29.35%Education and Research26.49%23.84%Vehicle and Transportation26.82%20.67%Public Sector/Government21.88%17.19%Healthcare and Pharma32.31%21.54%Manufacturing21.95%13.82%Retail11.76%14.71%www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 33The 2022 State of Open Source ReportThe top selection was the stability and robustness of the open source framework, with 25% of respondents reporting it as their most important consideration. This reflects the expectation to use large and popular open source projects with large communities in order to enjoy a greater overall stability and robustness. An example of that stability and robustness is AngularJS, which was supported by the community for 11 years, with the first 6 years including regular improvements to the framework (until Angular 2.0 was released).Similar to the selection of programming languages and runtimes, respondents selected level of proficiency and experience, as well as availability of security patches, as the most important factors in the selection of their frameworks.NotImportantMildlyImportantImportantVeryImportantMostImportantFeatures and functionality6.94%13.10%27.06%31.46%21.44%Enterprise technical support6.36%14.27%29.00%33.45%16.91%Security and patches5.77%9.90%26.31%33.62%24.40%Stability and robustness5.59%10.04%27.70%31.38%25.30%Level of proficiency and experience6.04%11.67%27.66%32.29%22.34%In Order of Importance (Not Important Most Important) Rank the Reasons You Chose These Frameworks for Your Development?WHY TEAMS CHOOSE OPEN SOURCE FRAMEWORK TECHNOLOGIES After respondents listed the open source frameworks used in their organizations, we asked what they considered important when choosing those frameworks. In order of importance, respondents ranked the top five reasons why they use their selected open source frameworks.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 34The 2022 State of Open Source ReportCHALLENGES WITH OPEN SOURCE FRAMEWORKS After asking about why people choose their open source frameworks, we asked about the support challenges while using their selected frameworks. Similar to open source programming languages and other open source technologies, the top support challenges in using open source frameworks were installations, upgrades, and configuration issues at 52%. It was not surprising to see personnel experience and proficiency, and keeping up with updates and patches tied for second at 51% of respondents.What Are the Main Support Challenges for the Open Source Frameworks You Are Using?Breaking down the reasons to use the open source frameworks by industry, we noted different responses depending on the industry. The following chart shows the industries with the highest percentage selected as the most important factor to use open source frameworks.Features and functionality: Public Sector/Government, Manufacturing and Healthcare/PharmaAvailable community support: TechnologySecurity and patches: Manufacturing and TechnologyStability and robustness: ManufacturingLevel of proficiency and experience: Healthcare and Pharmawww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 35The 2022 State of Open Source ReportFor small organizations (under 100 employees) personnel experience and proficiency was their number one challenge at 51%, and for medium size organization (100 to 1,000 employees) installations, upgrades, and configuration issues was the top challenge with 55%.The support challenges for open source frameworks by industry also showed some interesting differences. The following chart shows the industry with the highest percentage selected on each one of the support challenges:When we look at the results for the same support challenges among respondents working for large organizations (over 1,000 employees), the order of the top three support challenges changed.Most important support challenges for open source programming frameworks among large organizations: 1.Keeping up with updates and patches: 53% 2.Installation, upgrades, and configuration issues: 51% 3.Personnel experience and proficiency: 49%Not enough personnel: Manufacturing 29%Personnel experience and proficiency: Technology 56%Installation upgrades and configuration issues: Manufacturing 60%Keeping up with updates and patches: Healthcare and Pharma 58%Build or compilation issues: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 54%Libraries dependency management: Education and Research 50%Debugging: Manufacturing 43%Lack of documentation: Healthcare and Pharma 30%www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 36The 2022 State of Open Source ReportTop Open Source Data Technologies On the important topic of managing data, we have seen a proliferation of open source data technologies. Its no longer only about databases or database types data technologies cover streaming data, functionality for efficient creation of analytics, a variety of integration capabilities, and more. With this in mind, we selected the most popular open source data technologies in this survey. Without limiting the number of selected options, we allowed respondents to select all the open source data technologies in some cases more than four used in their organization.As in last years report, the top three most used data technologies were MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. We kept MongoDB, ElasticSearch, and CockroachDB in the survey to track their usage, despite the fact that their licenses are not compatible with the Open Source Definition, and therefore are not to be considered open source. This year, PostgreSQL took second place among the respondents passing MongoDB which was the second most popular in last years survey.We kept MongoDB, ElasticSearch, and CockroachDB in the survey to track their usage, despite the fact that their licenses are not compatible with the Open Source Definition and therefore are not to be considered open source.”“Outside the options provided for the most popular open source data technologies, almost 2% of respondents indicated Apache Solr as an open source data technology used in their organizations.The top 3 most used data technologies were MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. This year PostgreSQL took second place among the respondents, passing MongoDB.”“www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 37The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWhich Open Source Data Technologies (Select All That Apply) Does Your Organization Use Today?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 38The 2022 State of Open Source ReportBreaking down the use of open source data technologies by the size of organizations resulted in some very different results. MySQL had 40.8%usage in small organizations (under 100 employees), which was higher than large organizations (37%)and medium organizations (29%). There were similar stats for PostgreSQL, which showed higher usage among small organizations. In the case of MongoDB, our results showed that large organizations use it at a higher rate than medium and small organizations. This is likely related to enterprise pricing and support outside the scope of open source licenses.A higher usage of MySQL and PostgreSQL was evident among small organizations vs. large organizations. MongoDB obtained a high percentage of use among large organizations.”“When looking at the open source data technologies used by industry, we can see some interesting differences in technology selection, some of which are driven by technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). In some cases, it is likely that the selected technology is only based on legacy and historical use of that technology.MySQLPostgreSQlMongoDBLarge (more than 1,000 employees)36.96%33.60%32.32%Medium (100 to 1,000 employees)29.42%28.96%26.00%Small (under 100 employees)40.87%35.96%26.97%MariaDBMySQLPostgreSQLCassandraMongoDBCouchDBTechnology26.52%48.01%40.07%17.64%36.68%18.11%Consulting15.96%30.99%29.11%22.54%22.54%18.31%Telecommunications11.56%20.23%30.06%20.23%26.01%21.97%Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services19.02%32.61%26.09%25.00%25.54%15.76%Education and Research25.17%34.44%33.11%17.88%23.84%20.53%Vehicle and Transportation16.20%10.06%18.99%23.46%23.46%19.55%Public Sector/Government14.06%31.25%32.81%21.09%21.09%21.09%Healthcare and Pharma17.69%24.62%25.38%20.00%17.69%19.23%Manufacturing17.89%18.70%21.14%17.07%13.82%15.45%Retail14.71%32.35%23.52%20.59%20.59%5.88%www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 39The 2022 State of Open Source ReportCockroachDBApache SparkApache HadoopElasticSearchRedisApache KafkaTechnology12.97%15.07%12.15%18.69%21.50%19.63%Consulting16.43%10.80%8.92%9.39%12.21%16.90%Telecommunications13.29%13.87%8.09%9.83%13.29%20.81%Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services13.04%12.50%14.67%17.39%11.96%19.02%Education and Research12.58%19.87%12.58%15.23%17.88%9.93%Vehicle and Transportation16.20%9.50%6.15%6.15%11.73%16.76%Public Sector/Government7.81%9.38%4.69%13.28%10.94%17.19%Healthcare and Pharma16.15%13.08%7.69%15.38%9.23%14.62%Manufacturing11.38%16.26%5.69%10.57%15.45%13.82%Retail11.76%17.65%5.88%14.71%14.71%14.71%Apache FlinkHazelcastInfluxDBFluentDFlunet BITTechnology13.67%11.67%12.03%6.89%2.10%Consulting15.02%15.02%13.62%7.51%4.69%Telecommunications20.81%20.81%11.56%3.47%4.05%Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services13.04%13.04%10.87%7.07%3.26%Education and Research13.25%13.25%12.58%9.93%2.65%Vehicle and Transportation18.99%18.99%9.50%2.79%4.47%Public Sector/Government15.63%15.63%6.25%6.25%9.38%Healthcare and Pharma14.62%14.62%13.85%10.00%3.08%Manufacturing11.38%13.82%14.63%4.07%7.32%Retail5.88%14.71%5.88%5.88%2.94%www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 40The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWHY TEAMS CHOOSE OPEN SOURCE DATA TECHNOLOGIESAfter respondents listed the open source data technologies used in their organizations, we asked what they considered important when choosing those technologies. In order of importance, respondents ranked the top five reasons they use their selected open source data technologies.Security and patches were selected as the most important factor for the selection of open source data technologies (26%). This speaks to the need to keep up with the latest patches to address bugs and security vulnerabilities.At 25%, features and functionality was another important factor for the selection of open source data technologies. Due to the large variety of open source data technologies, this factor is very relevant since users can evaluate and test multiple options to compare functionality.NotImportantMildlyImportantImportantVeryImportantMostImportantLicensing cost8.04%14.71%27.88%31.52%17.85%Enterprise technical support8.28%14.65%29.03%30.85%17.2%Security and patches5.73%10.15%25.71%32.48%25.93%Level of proficiency and experience4.73%12.24%28.84%31.85%22.29%Features and functionality5.28%10.23%26.92%32.38%25.19%In Order of Importance, (Not Important Most Important) Rank the Reasons You Chose This Mix of Data Technologies.The overall considerations for using open source data technologies did not change significantly based on organization size, which tells us that the market share, functionality, and popularity of these technologies seem to be well defined. As an example, we found that the importance of features and functionality for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB were almost identical.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 41The 2022 State of Open Source ReportIn the case of these factors by industry, the results are different. The following chart shows the industries with the highest percentage selected as the most important factor to use open source data technologies.CHALLENGES WITH OPEN SOURCE DATA TECHNOLOGIESAfter ranking the top reasons to use selected open source data technologies, we asked about the top support challenges while using those data technologies.Installations, upgrades, and configuration issues are the most selected challenge on open source data technologies (52%), followed by keeping up with updates and patches (47%), and personnel experience and proficiency (46%). As we have seen throughout this report, these are the most common top three challenges in open source. Perhaps surprisingly, not having enough personnel ranked low with 24% of the respondents, a significant contrast with the challenge to have personnel experience and proficiency with 46%. We can conclude that there is available personnel, but they are not proficient.Licensing cost: Education and ResearchEnterprise technical support: ManufacturingSecurity and patches: TechnologyLevel of proficiency and experience: TechnologyFeatures and functionality: ManufacturingFeatures and Functionalitywww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 42The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWhen we look at the same support challenges among respondents working for large organizations (over 1,000 employees) the top three challenges shift with keeping up with updates and patches as the number one challenge for large organizations.Most important support challenges for open source data technologies among large organizations: 1.Keeping up with updates and patches: 51% 2.Installation, upgrades, and configuration issues: 49% 3.Personnel experience and proficiency: 46%What Are the Main Support Challenges for the Open Source Data Technologies You Are Using?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 43The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWith over 62% of the respondents selection, the retail industry has two major support challenges with open source data technologies, keeping up with updates and patches, and scalability issues.Support challenges also varied by region. Notably, North America and the Middle East showed significantly different selections for support challenges when using open source data technologies.Not enough personnel: Healthcare and Pharma 30%Personnel experience and proficiency: Education and Research 52%Installation upgrades and configuration issues: Vehicle and Transportation 59%Keeping up with updates and patches: Retail 62%Scalability issues: Retail 62%Libraries dependency management: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 46%Distributed computing: Healthcare and Pharma 44%Backups and recovery: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 30%North AmericaThe support challenges for open data technologies by industry varies, the following chart shows the industry with the highest percentage selected on each one of the support challenges:www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 44The 2022 State of Open Source ReportTop Open Source SDLC and Build Technologies In the category of software development lifecycle (SDLC) and build application technologies, we added more popular open source technologies for this years survey. It is clear from the results that development teams are using a variety of open source options in their SDLC. As in previous years, the use of Git repos is popular, but only 37% of the respondents using Git repos seems low. After follow-up research with some of the respondents, we can conclude that the use of Git repos via offerings like GitHub and GitLab are extremely popular. We intentionally focused the State of Open Source survey on open source software, and we tried as much as possible not to include software outside the definition of open source. The use of Git as a free and open source distributed version control system is clearly a leader in the software control management (SCM) space.Middle EastLast year, Maven edged Gradle as the most popular Java build tool, but not this year. Gradle passed Maven as the most used open source Java build tool at 20.6% vs. 19.2%. It will be interesting to see how much this data changes in the next 12 months.Gradle passed Maven as the most used open source Java build tool 20.6% vs 19.2%.”“www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 45The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWhich Open Source SDLC and Build Technologies (Select All That Apply) Does Your Organization Use Today? For open source testing tools, the respondents ranked Selenium as the most used open source testing tool (19%), followed by other popular testing frameworks like JUnit and Mocha for Java and JavaScript, respectively.Webpack and Cargo were also mentioned by a small percentage of respondents (we plan to include them in next years survey).www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 46The 2022 State of Open Source ReportWhen we break down the use of open source SDLC and build tools by organization size, we find some interesting differences in selection. Not using any tool jumped significantly for small organizations. The use of Git is very even, regardless of the size of the organization. SonarQube, Nexus, and Artifactory are more popular among large organizations.The “Not using any” open source SDLC and build tools option obtained a 7% selection. Does it mean that 7% use only proprietary offerings? Do we have 7% of respondents not using any SDLC tooling? Or, are management roles not aware of the SDLC tooling? To help us answer these questions, we cross referenced the responses based on the job title of the respondents. As expected, roles outside engineering and software development did not select SDLC tooling.Not Using AnyGITSonarQubeSonatypeNexusArtifactoryLarge (more than 1,000 employees)3.84%40.00%25.44%15.36%16.96%Medium (100 to 1,000 employees)4.68%31.70%21.09%15.39%10.49%Small (under 100 employees)13.76%41.15%12.64%9.97%8.99%WHY TEAMS CHOOSE OPEN SOURCE SDLC AND BUILD TECHNOLOGIES After respondents listed the open source SDLC and build tools used in their organizations, we asked what they considered important when choosing those tools. In order of importance, respondents ranked the top five reasons to use their selected open source SDLC tools.The top reason was features and functionality of the open source SDLC and build tools, with 26% of respondents reporting it as their most important consideration. Rounding out the top three, ease of use/deployment (a new category this year), and level of proficiency and experience tied at 21%. From the results, we can see that the combination of features and functionality with ease of use are the winning elements for popular open source SDLC and build tools.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 47The 2022 State of Open Source ReportNotImportantMildlyImportantImportantVeryImportantMostImportantScaling for many clients10.38%15.34%28.81%28.81%16.66%Enterprise technical support10.52%15.76%30.74%27.23%15.76%Ease of use, deployment6.92%11.53%26.88%33.12%21.55%Level of proficiency and experience7.74%12.26%28.79%29.93%21.28%Features and functionality7.2%11.08%25.11%30.13%26.48%In Order of Importance (Not Important Most Important) Rank the Reasons You Chose This SDLC and Build Technology Mix?Among the choices, scaling for many clients varied most based on the size of the organization. As expected, respondents from small organization rated scalability as “not important” to a significantly larger degree than medium and large organization. The surprising statistic is that small organizations selected scalability in the same percentage as the “most important” factor. From this, we can infer that some small organizations are growing or have plans for growth, and that scaling the number of clients is a key factor in the selection of open source software for SDLC.Breaking down the reasons to use open source SDLC and build tools by industry provided a variety of results. The following chart shows the industries with the highest percentage selected as the most important factor when using open source SDLC and build tools.Scaling for many clients: ManufacturingEnterprise technical support: Public Sector/GovernmentEase of use, deployment: Healthcare and PharmaLevel of proficiency and experience: TechnologyFeatures and functionality: Technology and Healthcare/PharmaScaling to many clientswww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 48The 2022 State of Open Source ReportCHALLENGES WITH OPEN SOURCE SDLC AND BUILD TECHNOLOGIES After ranking the top reasons to use selected open source SDLC and build tools, we asked about the support challenges they experience while using their selected open source tools.Installation, upgrades, and configuration issues was selected as the top support challenge at 54%, which ranks high among support challenges for other open source technologies. While the objective of this type of tool is to facilitate software development, there are technical details around installation and configuration that clearly create support challenges. Not surprisingly, the next two top support challenges were a virtual tie, with personnel experience and proficiency, and keeping up with updates and patches each gaining 48% of responses. Not enough personnel in this open source category ranked low, which is similar to the results on data technologies. According to the results, the issue is not resources, it is with experience and proficiency.What Are the Main Support Challenges for the Open Source SDLC and Build Tools You Are Using?For the same support challenges among respondents working for large organizations (over 1,000 employees) the results changed in the top three support challenges. www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 49The 2022 State of Open Source ReportSupport challenges for open source SDLC and build tools by industry also show differences. The Education and Research vertical ranked the highest in four challenges. The following chart shows the industry with the highest percentage selected for each one of the support challenges:Most important support challenges for open source SDLC and build tools among large organizations: 1.Keeping up with updates and patches: 54% 2.Installation, upgrades, and configuration issues: 52% 3.Personnel experience and proficiency: 46%Not enough personnel: Healthcare and Pharma 30%Personnel experience and proficiency: Education and Research 52%Installation upgrades and configuration issues: Vehicle and Transportation 59%Keeping up with updates and patches: Retail 62%Scalability issues: Retail 62%Libraries dependency management: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 46%Distributed computing: Healthcare and Pharma 44%Backups and recovery: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 30%Top Open Source Automation and Orchestration Technologies Over the last few years, DevOps has been top of mind for organizations across all industries. This is evident in organizations moving and advancing DevOps initiatives, and the veritable boom of open source software for everything related to DevOps. For this survey, we narrowed the scope to only automation and orchestration, listing only the most popular open source automation and orchestration tools, and leaving open source Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) tools in a separate category.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 50The 2022 State of Open Source ReportSalt also had a significant increase from last year, jumping up from 7% to 22%. Puppet is the other highlight, surpassing Ansible in the last 12 months in our respondents usage selection.Perhaps owing to the much larger number of responses in this years survey, we have some major year over year changes. For example, last year 50% of the respondents indicated that they were not using any of the listed tools. This year, it went down to only 16%. Like everything else in open source, there is significant growth and adoption of DevOps related tooling.Last year 50% of the respondents indicated that they were not using automation and orchestration tools. This year, it went down to only 16%.”“Which Automation and Orchestration Technologies (Select All That Apply) Does Your Organization Use Today?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 51The 2022 State of Open Source ReportBreaking down the use of automation and orchestration technologies by the size of organizations, we noticed some diverse results. The “not using any” tool option went up to 31% for small organizations, which speaks to not having enough expertise, need, or not using cloud services typically associated with open source automation and orchestration tools.When we break down the use of open source automation and orchestration technologies by the size of the organization, we found differences in some of the popular options we presented in the survey. Ansible topped Puppet and Chef among large and small organizations, while Puppet was number one among medium organizations.WHY TEAMS CHOOSE OPEN SOURCE AUTOMATION AND ORCHESTRATION TECHNOLOGIES After respondents listed the open source automation and orchestration technologies used in their organizations, we asked what they considered important when choosing those technologies. In order of importance, respondents ranked the top five reasons they use their selected open source automation and orchestration technologies.As with other new technologies, the top reason was features and functionality at 24%. Security and access control in these technologies received 23% of responses for most important consideration, followed by ease of use/declarative as the third most important consideration at 19%.Not Using AnyAnsiblePuppetChefLarge (more than 1,000 employees)8.32%31.36%30.88%29.12%Medium (100 to 1,000 employees)9.24%20.52%31.93%26.68%Small (under 100 employees)31.46%24.44%16.29%14.33%www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 52The 2022 State of Open Source ReportNotImportantMildlyImportantImportantVeryImportantMostImportantScaling for many clients12.43%14.39%28.73%28.05%16.39%Central management11.36%12.73%29.71%29.30%16.89%Security and access control10.60%10.69%25.49%30.47%22.75%Ease of use/declarative10.00%10.86%28.75%31.22%19.17%Features and functionality9.02%12.03%24.84%29.85%24.25%In Order of Importance (Not Important Most Important) Rank the Reasons You Chose This Automation and Orchestration Technology MixSimilar to our findings for open source SDLC and build tooling, the scaling for many clients option provided interesting results based on the size of the organization. Respondents from small organizations rated scalability as “not important” to a significantly larger degree than medium and large organization. At the same time, respondents from small organizations selected scaling for many clients as the “most important” factor. From this, we can infer that some small organizations are growing or have plans for growth, and scaling the number of clients is a key factor in the selection of open source software for automation and orchestration.Breaking down the reasons to use open source automation and orchestration technologies by industry provided a variety of results. The following chart shows the industries with the highest percentage selected as the most important factor to use open source automation and orchestration technologies.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 53The 2022 State of Open Source ReportScaling for many clients: ManufacturingCentral management: Public Sector/Government and TechnologySecurity and access control: Technology and Healthcare/PharmaEase of use/declarative: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services, Healthcare/PharmaFeatures and functionality: Healthcare/PharmaCHALLENGES WITH OPEN SOURCE AUTOMATION AND ORCHESTRATION TECHNOLOGIES After ranking the top reasons to use selected open source automation and orchestration technologies, we asked about the support challenges while using their selected open source technologies. Installation, upgrades, and configuration issues were selected as the top support challenge at 58%, which is a high percentage when compared with the top support challenge for other open source technologies. As with all DevOps tools, one of the challenges is that developers have to work with unknown or new tooling, and get stuck during complex installations and configurations. Not every organization has DevOps teams with operations experts in the different automation and orchestration tools. Personnel experience and proficiency ranked as the number two challenge with 55%. Similar to other technologies, keeping up with updates and patches ranked third with 51% of respondents.What Are the Main Support Challenges on the Open Source Software You Use for Automation and Orchestration?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 54The 2022 State of Open Source ReportFor the same support challenges among respondents working for large organizations (over 1,000 employees) the top three challenges changed slightly, with keeping up with updates and patches higher by 1% than personnel experience and proficiency.The support challenges for open source automation and orchestration technologies by industry show some interesting and clearly indicated findings. The following chart shows the industry with the highest percentage selected for each one of the support challenges:Most important support challenges for open source automation and orchestration technologies among large organizations: 1.Installation, upgrades, and configuration issues: 59% 2.Keeping up with updates and patches: 55% 3.Personnel experience and proficiency: 54%Not enough personnel: Education and Research 41%Personnel experience and proficiency: Technology 57%Installation upgrades and configuration issues: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 67%Keeping up with updates and patches: Healthcare and Pharma 61%Integration and connectivity: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 57%Debugging: Healthcare and Pharma 48%Lack of documentation: Education and Research 28%Backups and recovery: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 30%www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 55The 2022 State of Open Source ReportTop Open Source CI/CD ToolsWhen we talk about DevOps tooling, the most recognizable space is open source continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery/deployment (CD). Its an open source space that continues to grow and a large variety of tools have become popular to automate software development across all industries. We selected the most popular open source CI/CD tools for this survey and, without limiting the number of selected options, we allowed respondents to select all the open source CI/CD tools used in their organizations.The survey results show a clear leader GitHub Actions was selected by 36% of respondents, followed by GitLab (27.6%), Jenkins X (26.5%), and Jenkins (25.6%). One of the highlights in these results is that Jenkins X surpassed Jenkins which topped open source CI/CD tooling usage for many years. Increased use of containers and Kubernetes has influenced the selection of tooling that run natively in containers like Jenkins X. Other newer or recent tools ranked well with significant percentage of usage, including Spinnaker with 24%, and Tekton at 14%.In the “other” category, 1% of respondents listed non-open source tools.Jenkins X passed the popular Jenkins which toped open source CI/CD tooling usage for many years. Increased use of containers and Kubernetes has influenced the selection of tools that run natively in containers like Jenkins X, Spinnaker, and Tekton.”“www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 56The 2022 State of Open Source ReportThe option “Dont use CI/CD tools” obtained a 9% selection. At a macro level, this can be considered a low percentage. For some, it could be surprisingly high. This dissonance is most likely attributable to the differing levels of DevOps maturity within organizations. When we looked at the use of open source CI/CD tooling by the size of the organization, small organizations showed a significantly higher percentage with regards to not using any CI/CD tools.Which Open Source CI/CD Tools (Select All That Apply) Does Your Organization Use Today?Reviewing the use of open source CI/CD tooling by industry, we found that Banking, Insurance, and Financial Services, as well as Telecommunications and Public Sector/Government have heavily adopted Jenkins X (33%).Dont use CI/CD toolswww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 57The 2022 State of Open Source ReportEducation and Research industries displayed the largest percentage of respondents not using CI/CD tools, which shows there is room for improvement in the adoption of DevOps practices.WHY TEAMS CHOOSE OPEN SOURCE CI/CD TOOLS After respondents listed the open source CI/CD tools used in their organizations, we asked what they considered important when choosing those tools. In order of importance, respondents indicated the top five reasons they use their selected open source CI/CD tools. Features and functionality were selected as the most important factor in the selection and use of open source CI/CD tools with 25%. Security and patches (22%) were the second most important factor, followed by level of proficiency and expertise (20%).Dont UseCI/CD ToolsJenkinsJenkins XTelecommunications5.20%20.81%28.32%Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services7.07%23.37%33.15%Education and Research15.23%23.84%19.21%Public Sector/Government7.81%22.66%27.34%Retail17.65%23.53%11.76%NotImportantMildlyImportantImportantVeryImportantMostImportantLicensing cost10.90%14.21%29.65%29.02%16.21%Moving to DevOps and automation7.83%12.84%30.13%30.54%18.66%Security and patches7.93%11.30%26.51%31.66%22.60%Level of proficiency and experience8.38%11.39%29.02%31.48%19.73%Features and functionality7.55%11.32%26.77%29.36%25.00%In Order of Importance (Not Important Most Important) Rank the Reasons You Chose This Mix of CI/CD Tooling?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 58The 2022 State of Open Source ReportThe overall considerations for using open source CI/CD tooling did not change significantly based on the size of the organization. There were very similar results on each one of the five factors for large, medium, and small organizations.Breaking down these factors and criteria by industry, we can see differences in the reasons why organizations select and use open source CI/CD tooling across different industries. The following chart shows the industries with the highest percentage selected as the most important factor to use open source CI/CD tools:CHALLENGES WITH OPEN SOURCE CI/CD TOOLSAfter ranking the top reasons why teams use their selected open source CI/CD tools, we asked respondents to rank the support challenges they face while using their selected CI/CD tools.For open source CI/CD tools, the top three support challenges were clearly identified and had a similar selection percentage. Installations, upgrades, and configuration issues were the top selection at 55.8%, followed closely by personnel experience and proficiency at 55.2%, and keeping up with updates and patches at 51%. Not enough personnel and scalability presented less of a challenge, according to the respondents.Licensing cost: Education and ResearchMoving to DevOps and automation: Banking, Insurance, or Financial ServicesSecurity and patches: TechnologyLevel of proficiency and experience: TechnologyFeatures and functionality: Healthcare/Pharma and Technologywww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 59The 2022 State of Open Source ReportLooking at the same support challenges based on the respondents organization size, no major differences were found.Most important support challenges for open source CI/CD tools among large organizations: 1.Personnel experience and proficiency: 57% 2.Installation, upgrades, and configuration issues: 55% 3.Keeping up with updates and patches: 54%What Are the Main Support Challenges for the Open Source Software You Use for CI/CD? www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 60The 2022 State of Open Source ReportThe support challenges for open source CI/CD tools varies by industry, the following chart shows the industry with the highest percentage selected on each one of the support challenges:Not enough personnel: Education and Research 28%Personnel experience and proficiency: Manufacturing 61%Installation upgrades and configuration issues: Retail 65%Keeping up with updates and patches: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 58%Scalability: Public Sector/Government 48%Logging and auditing: Healthcare and Pharma 49%Lack of documentation: Healthcare and Pharma 35%Backups and recovery: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 30%Top Open Source Artificial Intelligence TechnologiesA new category in this years State of Open Source survey centers on open source software in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL). This is a rapidly growing space and one that reaches across the globe. The building blocks of all AI/ML/DL applications are open source components and include everything from frameworks to data technologies that enable model creation, administration, training, and deployment of ML/DL models.We selected just a few popular open source AI/ML/DL components, and based on the results, it is clear that we must add even more for next year. We can see that theres significant usage of open source components and in the “do not use open source AI/ML/DL” category we obtained only 18% of the respondents. This is very encouraging news for AI/ML/DL open source ecosystem.Very encouraging news for the open source AI/ML/DL ecosystem, only 18% of respondents are not working with AI/ML/DL.”“www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 61The 2022 State of Open Source ReportPyTorch (21%) edged TensorFlow (18%) by 3% according to the respondents. Both frameworks dominate the space and it will be interesting to see how their prevalence evolves in future surveys.Compared to the other popular open source AI/ML/DL options, Pandas had a low percentage of use at only 15%.Which Open Source AI/ML/DL Technologies (Select all That Apply) Are You Using Today?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 62The 2022 State of Open Source ReportBreaking down the use of open source AI/ML/DL components by the size of organizations, we can see some diverse results. The “not using open source AI/ML/DL” option went up to 30% for small organizations, which tells us that one thirds of small organizations are not investing in AI yet. PyTorch and TensorFlow usage by organization size shows that large organizations are doing more AI/ML/DL, with medium and small organizations adopting these technologies at lower rates.WHY TEAMS CHOOSE OPEN SOURCE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGIESAfter respondents listed the open source AI/ML/DL components used in their organizations, we asked what they considered important when choosing those technologies. In order of importance, respondents ranked the top five reasons they use their selected open source AI/ML/DL components.Looking at these results from a regional perspective we can clearly see some regions with a lower adoption rate. The Asia Pacific region had only 5% of respondents indicate that they do not use open source AI/ML/DL.Dont UseOpen SourceAI/ML/DLTensorFlowPyTorchQ2: Large (more than 1,000 employees)13.92%23.84%23.84%Q2: Medium (100 to 1,000 employees)10.95%15.05%20.64%Q2: Small (under 100 employees)29.92%17.84%19.80%Dont Use Open Source AI/ML/DLwww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 63The 2022 State of Open Source ReportAs with other new technologies, the top reason was features and functionality of open source AI/ML/DL components, with 24% of respondents reporting it as their most important consideration. Security and patches ranked second, receiving 20% of responses, followed by level of proficiency and experience as the third most important consideration at 19%.NotImportantMildlyImportantImportantVeryImportantMostImportantLicensing cost13.35%15.24%28.55%27.16%15.70%Ease of use10.70%13.08%29.50%29.08%17.64%Security and patches11.30%12.33%26.20%29.75%20.41%Level of proficiency and experience12.10%11.36%26.33%30.55%19.66%Features and functionality10.73%10.32%25.88%29.04%24.02%In Order of Importance, (Not Important Most Important) Rank the Reasons You Chose This Mix of AI/ML/DL Software?When we look at this data based on the respondents organization size, the top five considerations for the use open source AI/ML/DL did not change significantly.Breaking down these factors by industry, we can see differences in why teams select and use open source for AI/ML/DL. The following chart shows the industries with the highest percentage selected as the most important factor to use open source AI/ML/DL components:Licensing cost: Education and ResearchEase of use: Consulting and Banking, Insurance, or Financial ServicesSecurity and patches: TechnologyLevel of proficiency and experience: Education/Research and Vehicle/TransportationFeatures and functionality: Manufacturingwww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 64The 2022 State of Open Source ReportCHALLENGES WITH OPEN SOURCE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGIES After ranking the top reasons to use selected open source AI/ML/DL components, we asked respondents about the support challenges they face with their selected components.In the open source AI/ML/DL components category there were four top support challenges with a similar selection percentage. This is the only open source type where we had a virtual top-four tie. Installations, upgrades, and configuration issues were the top selection at 54.4%, followed closely by personnel experience and proficiency with 53.4%, then integration with data technologies 49.6%, and keeping up with updates and patches at 49.2%.Seeing installation, configuration, and personnel experience listed highly isnt surprising, but a key difference for this category is integration with data technologies is also a clear support challenge. It is well known in AI/ML/DL that cleaning and managing data takes a lot of time and effort. When you add in integration issues, this is an area that clearly requires further improvement and development.Support challenges based on the respondent organization size yielded similar results overall. Integration with data technologies was particularly higher for large organizations (55%) vs. medium (49%) and small organizations (45%). What Are the Main Support Challenges for the Open Source Software You Use for AI/ML/DL?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 65The 2022 State of Open Source ReportThe support challenges for open source AI/ML/DL components varies by industry. The following chart shows the industry with the highest percentage selected on each one of the support challenges:Most important support challenges for open source AI/ML/DL components among large organizations: 1.Integration with data technologies: 55% 2.Installation, upgrades, and configuration issues: 55% 3.Personnel experience and proficiency: 53% 4.Keeping up with updates and patches: 52%Not enough personnel: Education and Research 40%Personnel experience and proficiency: Manufacturing 60%Installation upgrades and configuration issues: Vehicle and Transportation 66%Keeping up with updates and patches: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 60%Integration with data technologies: Healthcare and Pharma 60%Moving from training to production: Healthcare/Pharma and Manufacturing 48%Lack of documentation: Healthcare/Pharma and Manufacturing 31%Backups and recovery: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 30%www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 66The 2022 State of Open Source ReportOpen Source Priorities, Strategy, Maturity, and Stewardship OPEN SOURCE PRIORITIESTo start our final section of this years State of Open Source Report, we asked a question about open source priorities. Specifically, we asked about what is not already available in their organizations and their desire to work with modern open source technologies.The question provided a list of popular, new open source technologies and asked respondents to rank their desire to use these new technologies from most important to not important.Our survey found that organizations want to add a variety of new open source to their stacks, with a nearly even preference for adding Kubernetes, IoT / edge computing, data science, and AI/ML/DL technologies. The use of Kubernetes or Kubernetes Operator had the highest number of most important selections with 18.6%. IoT and edge computing received a close 18.1% on the most important category, while Data Science and AI/ML/DL both received 17% of responses.The highest percentage of “not important” selection went to nonfungible tokens (NFT) at 19% and quantum computing at 18%. What this means is that for some respondents these two technologies are not important for the future of their organizations, or may not have been considered at all. Note that these two technologies also received over 20% of “very important” selection. The larger takeaway is that all of these new technologies are under consideration, and we expect to see more use and growing open source projects and communities in these areas.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 67The 2022 State of Open Source ReportNotImportantMildlyImportantImportantVeryImportantMostImportantData Science10.21%15.23%26.08%30.82%17.66%Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Deep Learning8.66%15.69%29.23%29.37%17.05%Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality15.03%15.12%26.59%27.82%15.44%Kubernetes or Kubernetes Operators9.90%12.86%29.61%28.97%18.66%Blockchain / Crypto15.06%16.53%25.39%26.54%16.48%Nonfungible Tokens (NFT)19.05%15.59%25.42%26.85%13.10%Serverless / Functions9.29%14.42%28.85%29.90%17.54%IoT or Edge Computing11.89%14.36%27.49%28.13%18.12%Data Fabric12.58%15.48%28.29%26.77%16.87%Quantum Computing18.00%14.97%25.67%23.92%17.45%OPEN SOURCE MATURITYWith all the survey information by open source technology types complete, the final step is to inquire about the software strategy and open source maturity in organizations. While everyone is a consumer and user of open source software, organizations have taken steps at different levels to use and invest in open source. We used this question to assess the maturity of processes, as well as human and monetary investments in open source. We selected 10 activities to classify the level of open source maturity, ranging from entry-level activities like using open source, to more mature activities like contributing to open source projects, or having a defined strategy for open source. One of the stats that stood out immediately was the 43% use of open source, which seems low. But we know that, for the most part, only engineers/developers are considering the use of open source libraries and dependencies in their response if they are already using open source software in some capacity.www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 68The 2022 State of Open Source Report31% indicated they are contributing to open source projects, which highlights the desire to fix and improve innovation in open source software. Seeing security scans and security compliance at over 30% also provides a view of what organizations are doing to avoid vulnerabilities and future exploits to vulnerabilities.The lowest response percentage went to having a legal team familiar with open source licensing at 13%. Organizations like the Open Source Initiative (OSI) are working with communities to create more awareness around open source licensing, and to instill a higher degree of open source maturity within organizations. These efforts should help improve the adoption of Open Source Program Offices (15%) and improve the number of legal teams familiar with open source licensing.Consumption of and contribution to open source software are not the only factors that define organizational open source maturity. Security, Open Source Program Office and legal teams familiar with open source licenses are also good indicators of that maturity.”“www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 69The 2022 State of Open Source ReportThe level of open source maturity at a regional level shows some similarities and some differences. The North America region shows very similar results to the global totals shown in the previous chart. Asian and European regions show that, while the trend in the selection of maturity activities follows the same pattern, their selection has higher percentages across the board. For example, our survey found that 61% of European respondents use open source software vs. a 43% global average. We also found that Asia contributes at a higher rate to open source (44%) than the global average (31%).In the UK and Europe, 61% of the respondents use open source software in their organizations vs. a 43% global average.”Asia respondents show contributions to open source at 44% vs. a 31% global average.”“Asiawww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 70The 2022 State of Open Source ReportEuropeAsia Pacificwww.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 71The 2022 State of Open Source ReportAcross industries, we see some differences in these activities around open source. A few highlights include very high open source usage within the retail industry (60%), which surpisingly outpaces the technology industry (56%). Manufacturing and healthcare/pharma industries show a low rate of open source usage (30%).The healthcare and pharma industries have the highest percentage of organizations with an Open Source Program Office.”“Latin AmericaWhile some industries contribute to open source more than others, the retail industry shows only 9% of the respondents in this industry contributing to open source projects. The banking, insurance, or financial services industry has the highest participation in InnerSource projects among all other industries. The healthcare and pharma industry showed the highest number of Open Source Program Offices, and, perhaps connectedly, the highest number of legal teams familiar with open source licensing.The banking, insurance, and financial services industries have the highest participation in InnerSource projects among all other industries. This speaks to the adoption of open source models and best practices for software that is closed source.”“www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 72The 2022 State of Open Source ReportUse OpenSource SoftwareHas Open SourceSoftware Expertsfor DifferentTechnologiesContributes toOpen SourceProjectsDevelops NewOpen SourceSoftwareAvailablein Public GITRepos Open SourcesPreviously ClosedSource SoftwareTechnology56.65%46.76%35.57%33.22%11.66%Consulting36.02%36.97%36.49%25.59%11.85%Telecommunications21.51%42.02%29.65%31.40%13.37%Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services34.78%34.78%32.07%26.62%6.52%Education and Research44.37%41.06%32.45%33.77%11.26%Vehicle and transportation27.53%37.08%24.16%33.15%11.80%Public Sector/Government27.56%33.86%29.13%26.77%11.81%Healthcare and Pharma35.38%29.23%25.38%31.54%11.54%Manufacturing30.33%22.95%22.95%20.49%12.30%Retail60.61%30.30%9.09%12.12%3.03%Has InnerSourceProjectsIncludes SecurityScans to IdentifyVulnerabilitiesin Open SourcePackagesHas a Processfor SoftwareDevelopmentSecurityComplianceHas an OpenSource ProgramOfficeHas a LegalFamiliar withOpen SourceLicensingTechnology16.49%33.57%33.33%15.08%15.43%Consulting9.95%36.97%26.07%10.90%14.69%Telecommunications13.37%32.56%35.47%12.21%9.88%Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services19.02%36.96%35.87%17.39%13.04%Education and Research13.91%26.49%20.53%19.21%11.26%Vehicle and transportation14.61%28.09%31.46%14.61%8.43%Public Sector/Government14.96%29.92%21.26%18.11%7.87%Healthcare and Pharma13.85%30.77%27.69%21.54%11.54%Manufacturing11.48%30.33%29.51%18.85%12.30%Retail12.12%36.26%27.27%12.12%9.09%www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 73The 2022 State of Open Source ReportOPEN SOURCE STEWARDSHIP Another important factor in open source maturity is community participation. Mature organizations in open source give back, contribute, and are involved in sponsorships of non-profit open source organizations. We asked respondents to share details regarding their participation in, and sponsorship of, the most popular organizations in the open source space. Since 21% of respondents reported not being a sponsor, the other 79% of respondents sponsor and/or support open source organizations or open source projects.Our survey found that the Linux Foundation (with all its member foundations) received the highest percentage of sponsorships at 28%, followed by the Free Software Foundation at 25%, and the Open Infrastructure Foundation in third at 24%. The Open Source Initiative (OSI) obtained a 21% sponsorship among all respondents.Other organizations mentioned in the “other” section included sponsoring individual open source projects.Do You or Your Organization Sponsor any Open Source Non-Profit Organization?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 74The 2022 State of Open Source ReportIt was not surprising to see small organizations with a lower percentage of sponsoring open source organizations. That said, only 31% said they do not sponsor an open source organization. Overall, we saw good participation and sponsorships regardless of the size of the organization.Not aSponsorOpen SourceInitiativeLarge (more than 1,000 employees)18.71%20.16%Medium (100 to 1,000 employees)15.48%19.72%Small (under 100 employees)31.65%16.88%TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY We end the 2022 State of Open Source survey with a question about technology strategy. As we have seen across all industries in these survey results, open source software is ubiquitous and should be ingrained within every technology strategy. For this question, we identified commonly used technology strategies and asked respondents if their organizations have those strategies. This approach presented us with interesting results about the priorities in organizations around technology (all including open source), what they are pursuing, and what they are not investing in from a monetary and human resources perspective.Having a strategy, or at least indicating to employees that they are following a technology strategy, motivates opportunities for the use, contribution, and creation of open source software. Some of these technology strategies have been around for a long time, others are more recent or havent caught on yet with the majority of the organizations.Keeping in mind that open source software feeds all these strategies, we found that a cloud strategy was the most selected strategy, representing 39% of respondents. In second, 36% reported having an open source strategy. Rounding out the top three technology strategies, 36% reported having an infrastructure modernization strategy. API-first (33%) and containerization strategies (29.5%) were the fourth and fifth most selected strategies, while a “keep the lights on” strategy ranked last at 10%. www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 75The 2022 State of Open Source ReportThese findings are encouraging and show that the wide majority of organizations are looking to push their technology strategies forward, with only a small percentage of organizations content with “keeping the lights on.”When we break down the different technology strategy results by organization size, we found some interesting highlights. Small organization top open source strategy at 41%, which is 10% higher than medium organizations, and higher than large organizations. API-first and cloud strategies received basically equal percentages regardless of the size of the organization. We also noted more AI/ML and edge computing/IoT strategies among large organization. Interestingly, the “keep the lights on” strategy is very equal, around 10% for organizations of all sizes.Smaller organizations tended to be open source strategy-focused, while larger organizations were more focused on cloud and container-centric strategies.”“What type of technology strategy does your organization have?www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 76The 2022 State of Open Source ReportReviewing technology strategy by industry, we can see some differences including some industries that are more focused on specific technology strategies. The following chart shows the industries with the highest percentage selected on each one of the technology strategies, with the caveat that we excluded the technology industry because it tops seven of the nine strategy options:Open Source strategy: Education and Research 38%API-First strategy: Banking, Insurance, or Financial Services 33%Cloud strategy: Banking, Insurance or Financial Services, and Education/Research 42%Containerization strategy: Public Sector/Government and Telecommunications 30%AI/ML strategy: Manufacturing 24%Low code/No code strategy: Vehicle and Transportation 20%Infrastructure modernization strategy: Vehicle/Transportation and Consulting 39%Edge computing/IoT strategy: Telecommunications 33%Keep the lights on, no new technology strategy: Healthcare/Pharma and Retail 15%Open SourceStrategyAPI-FirstStrategyCloud StrategyContainer-ization StrategyArtificialIntelligence/MachineLearningStrategyLow Code/No CodeStrategyInfrastructureModernizationStrategyEdgeComputing/IOTStrategyKeep the LightsOn, No NewTechnologyLarge36.77%32.58%41.94%35.81%21.94%19.35%37.26%27.10%10.97%Medium31.95%32.53%38.85%27.13%16.09%14.71%37.59%23.45%9.43%Small41.16%33.95%36.35%27.02%18.39%17.40%32.67%19.38%10.75%www.openlogic.comOpenLogic by Perforce Perforce Software, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (0220TKP22V5) 77The 2022 State of Open Source ReportABOUT OPENLOGIC OpenLogic by Perforce provides end-to-end enterprise support and services for organizations using open source software in their infrastructure. With support for over 450 open source packages, guaranteed SLAs, and direct access to highly-experienced Enterprise Architects, OpenLogic customers receive a consolidated and holistic open source support solution through our 24x7 ticket-based support, professional services, and training. Learn more about how OpenLogic can help support and improve your integrated open source by visiting www.openlogic.com. ABOUT THE OPEN SOURCE INITIATIVE The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is the steward of the Open Source Definition, setting the founda-tion for the global open source ecosystem. Founded in 1998, OSI protects and promotes open source software, development and communities, championing software freedom in society through education, collaboration and infrastructure. The OSI is a 501(c)3 non-profit, and anyone interested in supporting the defense of Open Source Definitions can join today at https:/join.opensource.org.
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