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Module 1 British and American English1_ adv. 迅速地迅速地_adj. 迅速的迅速的2_ n. 声明;宣告声明;宣告_ v. 宣布;声明宣布;声明_宣布宣布3_ n. (广播、广播、电视节目的目的)期;版期;版_ n. 编辑rapidlyrapid announcementannouncemake an announcement editioneditor4_ adj. 逗人喜逗人喜爱的的5_ vt. 加;增加加;增加_ n. 增加;增加物增加;增加物6_ vt. 陈述;提出述;提出(观点、点、计划等划等)7_n. 努力;努力;尝试_adj. 未遂的未遂的8_vt. 简化化_ adj. 简单的的_ adv. 简单地;地;仅仅;只不;只不过cuteaddadditionpresentattempt attempted simplify simplesimply9_ n. 组合;合;结合合_v. 结合;合;联合;合;组合合_与与联合合10_ adj. 与众不同的与众不同的11_ n. 外外观;外表;外表;样子子_焦急的神情焦急的神情 combinationcombine in combination with distinctivelooka worried look 12_vt. 批批评_ n. 批批评;批判;指;批判;指责_因因批批评某人某人13_adj. 标准准_标准的英准的英语14_ n. 参考;参考;查阅_ v. 参考;参考;查阅;谈及;提到及;提到_参考参考书criticise criticismcriticise sb.for (doing) sth. standard standard English referencereferreference book 1_ 进展;相展;相处2_习惯于做某事于做某事3_到目前到目前为止止4_学会学会5_逐逐渐消失消失6_同意;支持同意;支持7_称称为8_幸幸亏亏,多多亏亏get onget used to doing sth. so far pick up wear off in favour of refer to.as. thanks to 1now that引引导原因状原因状语从句从句,意意为“既然既然,因因为”Im getting on just fine,_ (因因为) I understand the local accent.2not与与always连用表示部分否定用表示部分否定In English the spelling of words _ (并不并不总是是) represent the sound.now thatdoes not always3现在分在分词短短语作作结果状果状语By the 1850s it was selling one million copies a year,_ (结果使它成果使它成为最受最受欢迎的校园用迎的校园用书之一之一)making it one of the most popular school books everRead the passage The Man Who Made Spelling Simple and choose the best answer.1Which of the following can replace the word “represent” in the first paragraph?( )Astand forBpresent Ctake DuseACDC(1)The boy picked up the hat for the old man._(2)The school bus picks up the children three times every day._(3)The equipment picked up the signal from the satellite._(4)The car began to pick up speed when it turned into the express way._(5)My friend began to pick up after staying in hospital for several days._拾起拾起,捡起起用用车接送接送接收接收(信号信号)加速加速恢复;好恢复;好转Every failure one meets with adds to ones experience.谚语吃一吃一堑,长一智。一智。Add _ all the figures and find out what they add _把把这些数字加起来些数字加起来,弄清楚弄清楚总计是多少。是多少。(2015重重庆高考高考书面表达面表达)In _ (add),we have more choices by means of wild release.此外,通此外,通过自由分享我自由分享我们有更多的有更多的选择。upup toadditionCould you _ and turn off the light?劳烦您把那您把那盏灯关掉好灯关掉好吗?Its obvious that the situation is _your favour at present.很明很明显,目前形,目前形势对你有利。你有利。do me a favour/do a favour for mein How many people were present at the meeting yesterday?昨天出席会昨天出席会议的有多少人?的有多少人?On Teachers Day,my students presented me with some flowers.On Teachers Day,my students presented some flowers _ me.教教师节那一天,我的学生送那一天,我的学生送给我我许多花。多花。It is reported that many a new house is being built _ present in the disaster area.据据报道,目前在灾区道,目前在灾区许多新房子正在被建。多新房子正在被建。toatIn China,women who remain single in their late twenties are referred to as “leftover women”在中国,女性快在中国,女性快30岁时仍仍单身被称身被称为“剩女剩女”。Tom is going to refer the matter _ the meeting.汤姆打算把姆打算把这件事提到会上去件事提到会上去处理。理。The student referred to just now often referred to his dictionary to teach himself.刚才提到的那个学生才提到的那个学生经常常查阅词典自学。典自学。toHe made an attempt to pass /at passing the exam,but it was too difficult.He attempted to pass /at passing the exam,but it was too difficult.他他试图通通过考考试,但太,但太难了。了。Dont expect to pass the driving test _After all,youve been learning to drive for only a couple of days.不要期望第一次不要期望第一次尝试就通就通过驾驶测试。毕竟,你学开竟,你学开车只学了几只学了几天。天。The man is being questioned about the _ (attempt) murder last night.这个人正在就昨晚的个人正在就昨晚的谋杀未遂受到未遂受到盘问。at your first attemptattemptedOwing _ the bad weather,the plane had to change its course.由于由于恶劣天气,劣天气,飞机不得不更改航机不得不更改航线。Her success was partly _her diligence.她的成功一部分是出于勤她的成功一部分是出于勤奋。(广广东高考高考)Thanks to your encouragement,I made continuous progress in math,and finally made up my mind to study it in the university.由于您的鼓励,我在数学上取得了不断的由于您的鼓励,我在数学上取得了不断的进步,最步,最终下决心下决心在大学里学在大学里学习它它(这门课程程)。todue to Neither (1)Both of the two math problems are not very difficult._ the two math problems are very difficult.(2)Every boy is not interested in sports._ is interested in sports.Not both ofNot every boy能力提升能力提升完成句子完成句子(3)他他们并不都喜并不都喜欢运运动。_(4)他他们都不喜都不喜欢运运动。_Not all of them go in for sports./All of them dont go in for sports.None of them go/goes in for sports.The car was caught in a traffic jam,thus causing the delay.这辆车遇到了交通堵塞,遇到了交通堵塞,结果晚点了。果晚点了。The news shocked the public,_ (lead) to great concern about students safety at school.这个消息震惊了公众,引起了个消息震惊了公众,引起了对在校学生安全的极大担在校学生安全的极大担忧。I hurried there,only _ (find) that all of them had gone.我匆匆赶到那里,我匆匆赶到那里,结果果发现他他们都走了。都走了。leadingto find
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