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Unit 6 More reading(中国载人航天飞行(中国载人航天飞行) Find out how China became involved in space exploration by reading this article.2. *attempt (v.) 企图企图;试图试图-They attempted to finish the task before July. -He attempted to get in touch with them. 试图做试图做attempt to do2. *attempt (n.) 企图企图;试图试图-He made an attempt on the world record. = He attempted to break the world record.-Her attempt at poetry was a failure.= She attempted to write poems but failed.首次尝试做首次尝试做-The enemy failed in their attempt to land on the island. in ones attempt to do 力图力图;试图做试图做【介词短语介词短语】make the first attempt at/on sth3. *tie (v.)= to attach or hold two things together with a string or rope-The child is old enough to tie his shoelaces. 绑紧安全带绑紧安全带tie ones seat/safety belt系系;栓栓;扎扎绑鞋带绑鞋带 = fasten-The kidnapper tied him to a chair. 把把A绑到绑到B上上-Tie the dog to the tree, or it will hurt children.把狗栓到树上,不然它会伤到孩子。把狗栓到树上,不然它会伤到孩子。(tie)tie A to B绑架者绑架者4. *boom (n./v.)= a loud deep sound-We heard the boom of a jet overhead.-The big guns boomed in the distance.boom (vi.) out 发出低沉的声音发出低沉的声音(雷雷,大炮等的大炮等的)隆隆声隆隆声远处远处大炮声隆隆作响。大炮声隆隆作响。4. *boom (n./v.)(商业等的商业等的)繁荣繁荣;(形势等的形势等的)突然好突然好转转-He made his fortune during the property boom.在在地产地产生意兴隆期间他发了财。生意兴隆期间他发了财。-Business boomed after the depression. 萧条萧条之后生意兴隆起来。之后生意兴隆起来。5. *consume (v.)= to completely destroy sth, especially in a fire-I saw the flames consuming the whole building.吃吃;喝喝-The kids soon consumed all the food on the table. time-consuming (a.) 费时的费时的烧毁烧毁 = ruin5. *consume (v.)-She consumed most of her time in reading. -His old car consumed much gasoline. consumer (n.) 消费者消费者consumption knsmpn (n.) 消费消费;消耗消耗消耗消耗;耗尽耗尽汽油汽油6. *explosion (n.) 爆炸爆炸-There was a terrible explosion at the chemical plant.-The construction workers used an explosion to tear down the old buildings.-The atomic/nuclear explosion is always accompanied by huge fireball. 原子弹原子弹爆炸总是爆炸总是伴随着伴随着巨大的火球。巨大的火球。 化工厂化工厂6. *explosion (n.) 剧增剧增-How can we account for the recent population explosion?我们如何能我们如何能解释解释最近最近人口猛增人口猛增的现象的现象? (v.) 爆炸爆炸;激增激增explode7. orbit (vt.) 环绕轨道运行环绕轨道运行 = in orbit (a)round sth 使使进入轨道进入轨道 = put sth in orbit-The earth orbits the sun.-The space shuttle will orbit a weather satellite.航天飞机航天飞机将把一颗气象卫星送入运行轨将把一颗气象卫星送入运行轨道。道。8. name A after B 以以B命名命名A-The girl was named after her grandmother.女孩是根据她祖母的名字命名的。女孩是根据她祖母的名字命名的。-The machine is named after its inventor.这台机器是以其发明者的名字命名的。这台机器是以其发明者的名字命名的。9. mission (n.) 飞行使命飞行使命-John has already flown two space missions.约翰已经执行了两次约翰已经执行了两次太空飞行任务太空飞行任务。 使命使命;任务任务-He went on a secret mission. 他他前去执行前去执行一项秘密任务一项秘密任务。1. manned (a.)2.= being operated by a person or people riding inside of it3.manned spacecraft4.unmanned lunar probe无人月球探测器无人月球探测器载人宇宙飞船载人宇宙飞船由人操纵的由人操纵的;载人的载人的
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