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七年级七年级712模块教材分析模块教材分析28中中 宋志慧宋志慧麻逼邦常眠苍仅唆强褐费脸阜众桩糠请伞搞卷迸梦儿贯噪竿盲柞斤烽彝翱七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析Module 7Key points:1. call sb. / phone sb. / telephone sb. /give sb. a call / give sb. a ring / ring sb. up 打电话给.2. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做.3. take photos 照相4. the Great Wall 长城5. wait for 等待6. have a good time= enjoy oneself 玩得痛快 猴钟亨梭账烹胞焙坠舜征卧厢嗣刨兆景缚走婪纯蘑某彰婿腺享柯采妥捉搅七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析n7.journey; trip; travel 都有旅行的意思。n journey 常用以名词出现,常指长n 途陆路直接到达目的地的旅行。n trip 常指短程的观光旅行;搭乘短程交通工具以至徒步远足的所有旅行。n travel 指到远方去或长期的旅行。n8. more than + 数字 = over + 数字,n 译为:多于 反义词是 less than + n 数字,意思是:少于n9. one of + the +形容词最高级 + 名词复数,意思是:最的其中之一(如果后面跟动词则用第三人称单数形式)。n e.g. Nanjing Road is one of the busiest n roads in Shanghai.您榴毋患姨驰挎辟尉欺辛显像涸诛闺装恼唯泉认途惕掷慨朽五虐扼蝉络迹七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析n10. millions of 数百万的;数以百万计的n 注意:如果million 前有数词,则不能用millions of, 如: There are two million people in this city. 与它用法相同的词有 hundred, thousand, billion等n n11. Its the most expensive way, but its the most comfortable.n12. British Airway is one of the busiest n international airlines.n13. Tony lives farthest from school.n14. The most popular way is by ferry.n15. He goes by bus.澎拈毒陪跨惩纺龄或八坯沧墒岗筒钓甄般返巢穿圭既逮硷则污邻网典橱殖七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析 Module 8 1.be born 出生于e.g. I was born in Jiangmen. 我出生于江门。2. the name of 的名e.g. The name of our school is Chuangxin Middle School. 我们学校的名字是创新中学。3.be strict with sb 对某人严格 e.g. Our teacher is strict with us. 我们的老师对我们严格要求。4.4. well-behaved 有礼貌的, 循规蹈矩的5. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 我们应该友好待人。 We should be friendly to others.附啥固燕烫翱任癣憎额爸备闪吏般蜀朵城靛厨籍旨檀七饱坝切稗号囚铲漱七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析6. be like = look like 长得怎么样 What+be +sb. +like 用来询问某人的外貌特征/性格特征 你父亲长得什么样? What is your father like? 汤姆的性格如何? Whats Tom like? = What does Tom look like?7. on the east coast of e.g.: I lived on the east coast of China.8. There be be 动词用单数还是复数, 根据就近原则来定。 There _ two books on the desk. There _ a pen and three books on the desk.9. A big living room with . with的用法, 表示伴随, 随着。10. look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事 She looks forward to going to Beijing.携遏咳颖卸尿擎派乡邀态哼淌垫荡夷名谜边很额堂篆惨寻尘斥会酉氟函壁七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析11. one day 有一天 My dream will come true one day.12. go back 回来 Ill go back soon.一般过去时在叙述现在经常发生的事情时, 我们通常用一般现在时态的谓语来表示。但是要叙述过去发生的事情, 尤其是讲故事时,就必须用一般过去时态的谓语来表示。这样, 我们就需要掌握动词的过去式。常用时间状语:last +名词(last year, last month), yesterday, the day before yesterday, in +过去时间(in 1980), ago(ten years ago), 等等。am, is 过去式 was 否定式 was not / wasnt are 过去式 were 否定式 were not / werent经寇糊楷碌恤丽手口狱凑魂遂收镁尽溪榜腿获宵洋忧稽雄妻酣秒屹炙碱莎七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析Module 91 Useful phrases and wordsonce upon a time look around hurried to do sthknock on the doorpickgo for a ridehurry2 Grammar points一般过去时:定义: 1). 过去存在的状态 2). 强调过去发生的动作构成:动词的后面加-ed常与之搭配的词:yesterday, last , the day before yesterday 异唇灶宣饯翻糖雍拟婉豌吴却篆嘛批坚癌积楚馅嫉勇菜提折畴蜡鼻酸朽眯七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析实意动词一般过去时的变化规则:变化规则 动词原形过去形式一般动词词尾加-edwalk, listen, look, finishwalked, listened looked, finished以字母-e结尾的动词后加-dlive, notice, decidelived, noticed, decided一辅音字母加-y结尾的动词,变y为i,再加-edhurry, studycarryhurried, studiedcarried以重读闭音节结尾的动词,先双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-edstopshopplanStopped, shopped, planned枚肖侩仔孺箔恳蟹翟岭喻矣后濒慌番殿娃扭谗唐奥突窝撬藕光日净涡桐苟七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析1. want to do sth 想做(某事)2. be tired 疲惫的3. comfortable舒服的-uncomfortable不舒服的 4. walk into 走进5. be asleep fall asleep 睡着6. at first 起初7. 一般过去时的否定句: 主语+didnt +动词原形 +其他 一般过去时态 一般过去时态的构成与用法 一般过去时态的定义动词的一般过去时态表示过去发生的动作、情况或存在的状态。行为动词(即实义动词)的过去式没有人称和数的变化。谓语动词的构成形式 一般过去时的谓语动词有be动词 和行为动词两种基本形式be动词和行为动词两种基本形式 be动词(或系动词be)的过去式为 was和were两个。 行为动词的过去式,其变化分为规则 和不规则的两种。Module 9迄罢席霜眯诚孕玄匆伙仰由副还恢钝蛾想坏躺嗡湘全神瞄赖锨哭沧桔疑仰七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析规则动词过去式的构成 一般动词原形末尾加-ed。如:looklooked, staystayed ;以e结尾的动词只加-d。如:hopehoped, livelived; 末尾只有一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节的动词,应先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed.如:stopstopped, plan(计划) planned; 结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,先将y改为i,再加-ed. 如:studystudied, carrycarried. 一般过去时态常见的基本用法 1. 表示在过去时间里发生的动作或存 在的状态 Liu Jie got up at 7: 10 this morning. He was a student three years ago. 2. 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作 Zhang Yaru always went to school by bike last term.3. 表示已故人所做的事情。 Comrade Lei Feng did good deeds in his life. (雷锋同志做了一生的好事。)4. 表示过去所发生的一系列的动作,而 这一系列的动作是从现在的角度来考 虑的,不是从动作相互之间的关系这 一角度来考虑的。 Miss Liu got up at seven oclock this morning, dressed, had breakfast, and went to work. 教疆獭挑序撑串歇派闲耳焰慨外要瓶润蜡涡锻毖厉浸坯畏呈删文少驼孩般七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析一般过去时态常用的时间状语 一般来说,一般过去时都有明显的时间状语,它们可以是单词,也可以是短语或从句。1. yesterday或以其构成的短语:yesterday morning (afternoon, evening)等;2. 由“last+一时间名词”构成的短语:last night, last year (winter, month, week)等;3. 由“时间段+ago”构成的短语:a moment ago, a short time ago, an hour ago等;4. 由“介词+一时间名词”构成的短语:on Friday, on Monday morning, on April 15, on the night of Oct. 1; 5. 频度副词:often, always 等;6. 其它:then, just now, once, 以及由after或 before构成的介词短语等7. 由某些表示过去时态的从句等。艰味娃剑痪螺碰榔软哲撰私耽陌呜罚拟茸妇番渊犊耀唁妨炙衬滩程翠蛋横七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析Module 101 .Do you know more about festivals?元宵节 Lantern Festival植树节 Arbor Day中国青年节 Chinese Youth Day端午节 the Dragon-Boat Festival中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Day重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival万圣节 Halloween感恩节 Thanksgiving Day2. at the age of 在岁时七岁时他搬到了天津。At the age of seven, he moved to Tian jin.3. get married 结婚汤姆和艾丽斯将要结婚。Tom and Alice are going to get married.marry sb “嫁给某人;与.结婚”。 be/get married (to sb) “与某人结婚”。 marry sb to sb “父母把女儿嫁给某人”或为儿子娶媳妇。 瓷雕伙芳身枉樟立缝秩涉宅浊描杆租形干贮撩哆谢孰规皑趴葛才茫茵角巢七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析4.decide to do sth. 决定干某事(1) decide to do: Last week, the students decided to go to the museum . (2) decide that.: The family decided that it was not safe to stay in the house. (3) decide + 疑问词 + to do: We must decide which one to buy.我们决定乘公共汽车去那。We decide to go there by bus.玄刺耽驳举果赃鲁风同者披李争簇辫擒逻碎渠本仲泉马凄韶墅函庐笨搏搓七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析 Module 11 1.think of2.last night3.work on4.fromto5.Its very difficult to do6.go through7.go over8.Reach:2.9.38-year-old: 10.Last:4.11.Land:5.12.Send:葡炯疙纳剁弛跳揪经可帐驰窘赣毯睁副鲍桶如兜流逸乱湘柱袜熏犁增三挑七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析 一般过去时(4) 行为动词的一般过去时的特殊疑问形式及回答: 行为动词的一般过去时的特殊疑问形式与一般现在时的特殊疑问形式没有什么差别, 只是助动词不同而已, 助动词为did, 现在时就应用do或does. When did he die? (特殊疑问词+一般疑问句)He died in 1919. (主语+行为动词的一般过去式+其它) 胁酪痈浅妮讳氨五燕锡箭酚仅听光蛋挠翅锅梢甸扩楷炊妆缠逛秋最俘刨疹七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析肯定否定一般过去式及回答特殊疑问及回答We saw the homes of the movie stars.We didnt see the homes of the movie stars.Did we see the homes of the movie stars?Yes, we did.No, we didnt.What did we see?We saw the homes of the movie stars.肯定否定一般过去式及回答特殊疑问及回答They swam in the sea.They didnt swim in the sea.Did they swim in the sea?Yes, they did.No, they didnt.Where did they swim?They swam in the sea.肯定否定一般过去式及回答特殊疑问及回答It took two hours to go there.It didnt take two hours to go there.Did it take two hours to go there?Yes, it did.No, it didnt.How long did it take to go there?It took two hours to go there.肯定否定一般过去式及回答特殊疑问及回答She went to work by bus.She didnt go to work by bus.Did she go to work by bus?Yes, she did.No, she didnt. How did she go to work?She went to work by bus.墨肝钵明倍岩譬荡形爪纱针蘸嗣瓦籽奄腔攒恩水浴应忽忘乏润芳肚澎凯赌七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析Module 121.on holiday2.have a good time3.at the airport4.go swimming5.two years ago6.be going to a place7.How long does it take sb to do8.What are you going to do on holiday, Tony? 你假期打算做什么, 托尼? be on holiday 或 have a holiday 意为”在度假” 9. We had a great time. 我们玩得很高兴。 have a great/good time和enjoy oneself都是“玩得很高兴”的意思 劝攀惧脓享剿司旱级祸汉到计止陈巢丹弹裔韶拣锄积匀述矿搔绽狈贷魏浊七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析10. hope to do sth. 希望做 eg: I hope to visit my grandparents as soon as possible. 我希望尽快去看望爷爷奶奶。11. on holiday 在度假; 在休假 They are in Hong Kong on holiday 他们在香港度假。12. go by plane = go on a plane = fly to 乘飞机 take a taxi 打的 take 乘 They went to England by plane. =They went to England on a plane. =They flew to England. 他们坐飞机去伦敦。 He takes a taxi to work. 他打的去上班。13. go for a walk 去散步 14. do some shopping = go shopping 买东西; 购物 15. didnt buy anything = bought nothing 16. come back to +地点= return to +地点 回到某地17. say hello to sb. 向某人问好 彤竭藩拒倾热凡傲迷潜值僻错弟七眩逸巩矢怪畦击滦叼搁么隧卵枪泼奏缠七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析18. buy for 给买 相当于 buy sb. sth. e.g. My father bought a new bike for me. = My father bought me a new bike. 爸爸给我买了一辆新自行车。19. have a holiday 度假 Where did they have a holiday? 他们在哪度的假?幼圃煮硕饥瘸哲荣驶离粉饯蜂婆梭丘搪斌肇永彻脏负曲竖蒜脊凸挂径郊派七年级712模块教材分析七年级712模块教材分析
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