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Unit ThreeUnit Three GRAMMAR and usageGRAMMAR and usageGrammar and usageLinking verbsA linking verb is a word used to connect the subject of a sentence to furtherinformation about the state which the subject is in.Point out the linking verbs in the following sentences.1.I am Zhu Zhenfei.2.Surfing the Internet is really interesting.3.We are now in need of English teachers.4.The question is how to solve the problem.5.What we want to know is who will give us the lecture next Monday.6.Your suggestion sounds reasonable.7.It seems that everyone here knows him quite well.8.Milk goes bad easily in summer if you do not put it in the fridge.1.I am Zhu Zhenfei.2.Surfing the Internet is really interesting.3.We are now in need of English teachers.4.The question is how to solve the problem.5.What we want to know is who will give us the lecture next Monday.6.Your suggestion sounds reasonable.7.It seems that everyone here knows him quite well.8.Milk goes bad easily in summer if you do not put it in the fridge.1.Words like appear, seem, prove, keep, stay and remain can all be linking verbs.She appears all right.They appear in favour of the Internet.He appears to be very friendly with us.They appear to have misunderstood me.It appears that she will win.It appears to me that you are all mistaken.2.Words relating to the five senses-sound, taste feel, look and smell-can also be linking verbs.That sounds wonderful, but some people claimthat the Internet is a waste of time.If you always eat fast food, vegetables may nottaste delicious to you.It feels good to sit in front of the TV after a hard days work.When he got up on stage, he looked a little nervous.The air often smells bad in Internet cafes.3. Linking verbs like turn, go, fall, grow, get and become usually indicate a change of state.Leaves turn green in summer.The boy will go mad if you dont allow him to use the computer.Your son had grown much talled.He gets easily excited when playing computer games.She fell asleep the moment shegot into bed.4.Linking verbs are most often followed by an adjective. Sometimes, they can also be followed by a noun or a prepositional phrase.I feel it remains important for us to eitherlimit our use of the Internet, or learn how to solve the problem it has caused.He became a teacher after graduating fromcollege.The article is about using the Internet to helppeople of all ages.seem (to be) +表语表语seem to have done sth.seem to be doing sth.seem +从句从句become + noun.become + adj.become + v-ed/inggrow + adj.grow to do sth.Its growing colder at night now.I grew to (came to) like the dog.remain + n.remain + adj.remain + pron.remain + v-ed/ingremain + prep.remain + to do sth. Peter became a judge but John remaineda fisherman.His knowledge of French remained very weak, because he was not good at learning languages.I remain yours truly.The door remained closed.You cant let the room remain like this.It remains to be proved.1. The cloth that _ smooth and soft _. A. feels; sells well B. feels; is well sold C. is felt; sells well D. is felt; sells good2. _ delicious, the food was soon sold out. A. Tasted B. Being tasted C. Tasting D. To tastePractice:3. Happy birthday, Alice! So you have _ twenty-one already. A. become B. turned C. grown D. passed4. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing. A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating5. Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may _ run over by a car. A. have B. get C. become D. turn6. Your suggestion _ good. A. hears B. sounds C. listens to D. listens7. I havent seen Mary these past few days. Im afraid she _ herself for some time. A. isnt feeling B. hasnt been feeling C. hadnt been feeling D. wasn;t feeling8. What he said caused us _. A. to feel frightening B. feel frightened C. feeling frighten D. to feel frightened9. We dont care if a hunting dog smells _, but we really dont want him to smell _. A. well; well B. bad; bad C. well; badly D. badly; bad10. The traffic lights _ green and I pulled away. A. came B. went C. got D. grew A Answers:18 MarchToday I feel worn out. This morning, I took part in a debate about the Internet. The Internet is very controversial. It seems very popular with many people, but there are stillsome people who do not like it at all.They say that it is full of information that can not be trusted, and that it stops people from spending time with their families and friends.I admire the boy I debated againstbecause he was very skillful. He madesome quite reasonable points and gave a good speech. I talked to him after thedebate. He seemed tired too. He doesntreally think the Internet is bad, but hethinks we should pay attention to the problems it can cause. I agreed and toldhim I felt sure that if we use it in anintelligent manner, the Internet can be a good tool.We were both happy with the outcomeof the debate. People stayed silentand listened to us, and applauded at theend. Mum predicts that I will becomequite a good public speaker if I continueto take part in debates. I am hopefulthat I will, and I am eager to debate again because today proved verysuccessful!B Answers:1 proved/seemed/appeared2 appeared/seemed3 feel4 stayed/remained5 remained/stayed6 seemedHomework:1.Review what we have learned in class.2.Finish the workbook exercises.GOODBYEGOODBYE同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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