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商务合同的翻译商务合同翻译合同是平等主体的自然人、法人、其他组织之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议。(1999, 合同法)A promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty. (Law Dictionary, Steven H. Gifts)商务合同翻译1. Sales/ Purchase Contract销售或购货合同2. Contract for Technology Transfer技术转让合同3. Contract for Joint Venture/Joint Operation合资或合营合同4. Contract for Compensation Trade补偿贸易合同5. Contract for International Engineering Projects国际工程承包合同6. Agency Agreement代理协议7. Processing Trade Contract来料加工合同商务合同翻译8. Contract for Different Trade Forms多种贸易方式相结合的合同9. Contract for Credits Loans信贷合同10. Contract for International Build-Operate-Transfer国际BOT 投资合同11. Contract for International Leasing Affairs国际租赁合同12. Contract for International Transportation国际运输合同13. Employment Contract 凭请雇员合同14. Insurance Contract保险合同商务合同翻译商务合同的结构前言(Preamble)正文(Main Body)结尾(Final Clauses)商务合同翻译1. 前言(Preamble): A. 订约日期和地点(Date and place of signing)B. 合同当事人及其国籍、主营业所或住所(Signing parties and their nationalities)C.当事人合法依据(Each partys authority)D. 订约缘由、说明条款(Recitals or WHEREAS clause)Whereas: when in fact, considering that, that being the case商务合同翻译Whereas, Manufacturer is engaged in the manufacture and sale of the Products;Whereas, Manufacturer is desirous of selling the Products in the Territory;Whereas, Distributor is engaged in the importation and distribution of the related products of the Products in the Territory; andWhereas, Distributor is desirous of becoming a distributor of the Products in the Territory.Now Therefore, the parties hereto agree as follows:(operative part)商务合同翻译制造人乃从事本商品制造之公司。制造人希望在经销区域进行本商品之销售。销售人乃在经销区域从事与本商品相关商品进口与销售之公司。销售人希望能在经销区域代销本商品。基于以上之认识,双方当事人遂就下列各事项达成协议:商务合同翻译This Share Purchase Agreement is made on the 3rd day of May, 1991 by and between_&_:(1) ENTERPRISES HOJAEC SA, a company organized and existing under the laws of France and having its registered office at 89 rue Albert Thomas, 75010 Paris and(2) Mark Gilbert Handerson, an individual with nationality of the United States of America (Passport No.12345678), residing at 2199 Palm Street, Pleasant Hill, California 94509, USA.商务合同翻译正文(Main Body)(1)Subject matter合同标的物(2)description and specification有关合同标的物的描述或规定,包括数量、质量、性质、资金或价款等(3)responsibilities and obligations双方的责任和义务(4)transfer of the contract合同能否转让及合同转让的条件商务合同翻译(5)compensation and other obligations due to breach of the contract违反合同的赔偿和其他责任(6)settlement of disputes/arbitration合同发生争议时的解决方法(7)force majeure and insurance明确风险责任,约定保险范围(8)Validity, renewal and termination of the contract合同的有效期限,以及可以延长合同期限和提前终止合同的条件(9)appendices合同的附件商务合同翻译结尾( Final Clauses )A. 结尾语(Concluding Sentence), 包括份数、使用的文字和效力等有时还包括对合同进行修改或补充的内容或附件B. 签名(Signature)C. 盖印(Seal)商务合同翻译措辞正式庄重The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq.所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。商务合同翻译合同用语合同用语一般用语一般用语汉语译文汉语译文commencebegin开始construeexplain解释purchase, procurebuy购买variation/alteration/modification change改变,变更pertaining to/ in respect ofabout关于商务合同翻译合同用语合同用语一般用语一般用语汉语译文汉语译文as per/in accordance with/ under/ subject toaccording to按照,根据assign/ transfer give转让require, requestask请求,申请商务合同翻译 Quality to be strictly as per the sample submitted by the Seller.质量严格按照卖方提供的样品为准。This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.本合同受中国法律管辖,并按中国法律解释。商务合同翻译一般用语一般用语合同用语合同用语译文译文agreegrant consent to赞同,同意applygive application to申请approve give approval o f许可,批准assistgive assistance to协助,帮助permitgive permission to许可,允许商务合同翻译使用术语权利和义务仲裁终止不可抗力赔偿合同双方生效rights and obligationsarbitrationterminationforce majeurecompensationboth parties to the contractcome into force商务合同翻译A Japanese diet member from the Liberal Democratic Party discussed with a Chinese trading delegation yesterday on future cooperation 一个日本自民党议员昨天和某个中国贸易代表团讨论了今后合作的事宜 。商务合同翻译用词严密、具体、准确This agreement is made and entered into on April 16, 2007 by and between Party A and Party B.本合约由甲方和乙方于2007年4月16日达成。商务合同翻译求同型同义词null and void无效terms and conditions条款provision and stipulations规定agent or representative代表claim or allegation主张商务合同翻译any part or parts of it其中任何部分insufficiency or inadequacy不足arising or resulting from引起商务合同翻译求异型近义词modification and alternation修改和变更obligation and liability义务和责任approve and accept认可并接受able and willing能够与愿意商务合同翻译express or implied明示或暗示loss or damage灭失或损坏use, misuse or abuse使用,误用或滥用void and voidable无效的和可以撤销的voidable and void可以撤销的甚至无效的商务合同翻译连续使用介词over and above 15% over and up to 15% inclusive 15%plus or minus 5%15%以上,超过15%(不包括15%)15% 以上(含15%)加减15%商务合同翻译缩略语及翻译In the early 1990s the EMS was strained by the differing economic policies and conditions of its members,especially the newly reunified Germany,and Britain permanently withdrew from the system Express Mail Special邮政特快专递 European Monetary System欧洲货币体系 商务合同翻译(4) 套语及其翻译The undersigned buyer and seller have confirmed in accordance with the following terms and conditions.下面签名的卖方和买方已根据以下条款确认本协议自签订之日有效。This agreement shall come into force on and from the day of signature.商务合同翻译Including but without limiting包括但不限于Except if and to the extent otherwise provided in the contract除合同另有规定及在合同规定的范围外constitute a breach hereof构成违反本协议/合同的行为商务合同翻译NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that it is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows:兹特立约为证,并由订约双方协议如下:商务合同翻译英文合同中多使用情态动词shall, 汉语使用能愿动词“必须”、“应该”等合同中,shall并非单纯表示将来时,而常用来表示法律上可强制执行的义务,具有约束力,宜译为“应”、“应该”、“必须”; will无论语气还是强制力要比shall弱,宜译为“将”、“原”、“要”;should通常只用来表示语气较强的假设、比如“万一”。商务合同翻译商务合同翻译的原则1. 用词严谨准确,合乎规范2. 译文完整,注重细节3. 句法正确,语气贴切4. 行文通顺,条理清楚商务合同翻译During the period from the date of effectiveness to the termination of the Contract, two Parties shall hold a meeting every year to discuss problems arising from the execution of the Contract.在合同生效之日起到合同终止之日的期间内,双方每年举行一次会议,讨论合同发行中出现的问题。本合同有效期间, 双方应每年举行一次会议,讨论本合同履行期间存在的问题商务合同翻译 The Buyer shall pay the Seller US$350,000 within 20 days after the Bank of China has received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order, but not earlier than 12 (twelve)months after the date the Contract Plant for the first time reached 95% of guaranteed capacity of the whole Contract Plant according to the guaranteed quality indices as per Annex IV to the Contract or 65 months after the date of signing the contract, whichever is earlier.商务合同翻译买方须于中国银行收到卖方下列单据,并经审核证实无误后的二十天内向卖方支付350,000美元,但此款项的支付不得早于合同工厂第一次达到附件IV 所规定之质量保证指标的95%以后的12个月,或本合同签字后的65个月,以早到的日期为准。商务合同翻译 If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2, then in addition to any other remedies available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws, it shall indemnify and keep indemnified the other Party and the company against any losses, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such breach.商务合同翻译如果一方违反任何其在18.1 条中所作之陈述或担保或在18.2条中所重述之陈述或担保,则另一方除根据本合同或相关法律寻求任何可能的救济之外,违约方应当赔偿另一方或合营公司因此种违反而招致的任何损失、损害、费用、开支、责任或索赔。商务合同翻译
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