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HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Slide title :40-47pt Slide subtitle :26-30ptColor:white Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : Arial英文标题:32-35pt 颜色: R153 G0 B0内部使用字体:FrutigerNext LT Medium外部使用字体: Arial中文标题:30-32pt 颜色: R153 G0 B0字体:黑体英文正文:20-22pt子目录 (2-5级) :18pt 颜色:黑色内部使用字体:FrutigerNext LT Regular外部使用字体: Arial中文正文:18-20pt子目录(2-5级):18pt 颜色:黑色字体:细黑体 配色参考方案:建议同一页面内不超过四种颜色,以下是组配色方案,同一页面内只选择一组使用。(仅供参考)客户或者合作伙伴的标志放在右上角.HedEx Lite产品介绍产品介绍轻松获取、使用华为文档轻松获取、使用华为文档轻松获取、使用华为文档轻松获取、使用华为文档V5.0V5.0HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei Confidential Page 2Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.使用文档的挑战使用文档的挑战如何管理不同产品、不同版本的文档如何管理不同产品、不同版本的文档如何管理不同产品、不同版本的文档如何管理不同产品、不同版本的文档软件升级后,配套文档仍然是旧版本的软件升级后,配套文档仍然是旧版本的软件升级后,配套文档仍然是旧版本的软件升级后,配套文档仍然是旧版本的如何在大量的信息中快速查找如何在大量的信息中快速查找如何在大量的信息中快速查找如何在大量的信息中快速查找如何集中浏览和搜索多格式文档如何集中浏览和搜索多格式文档如何集中浏览和搜索多格式文档如何集中浏览和搜索多格式文档华为产品文档分为描述类、参考类及操作指导类数十本文档,每本文档包含数百甚至上千页内容。如何在这庞大的文档系统中找到所需信息?一个网络、一个局点通常包含多个产品的多类文档如何有效管理这么多的文档?软件升级后,不能及时获取配套文档,使用旧版本配套文档给工程、维护带来很大困惑。如何方便及时获取配套文档?PDF、WORD、EXCEL、PPT、TXT等文档格式比较多。如何有效集中浏览和搜索多格式文档?HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei Confidential Page 3Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.HedEx Lite六大亮点六大亮点HedEx Lite无需安装,无需安装,简单易用简单易用准确、快速、全准确、快速、全面地查找信息面地查找信息集中管理华集中管理华为产品文档为产品文档快捷的读快捷的读书笔记书笔记便捷反馈便捷反馈文档意见文档意见主动推送主动推送产品文档产品文档HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei Confidential Page 4Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.准确、快速、全面地准确、快速、全面地查找信息找信息信息查找信息查找搜索搜索:在多个文档包中搜索高级搜索在搜索结果中找搜索结果过滤导航导航:按场景导航丰富的链接文档包分类管理书签书签:添加书签按标题排序按日期排序HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei Confidential Page 5Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.集中管理集中管理华为产品文档品文档最大可支持10G的文档容量大分类管理增加文档包多格式升级文档包联网查询多层级、分类管理文档包联网后可查询下载HDX文档包联网后文档包可自动升级HedEx Lite可以增加文档包支持PDF、WORD、PPT等多格式文档HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei Confidential Page 6Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.集中浏览和搜索多种格式文档集中浏览和搜索多种格式文档HedEx Lite支持的文档格式支持的文档格式HTMLPDFWORDEXCELPPTTXT通过添加本地目录方式,通过添加本地目录方式,HedEx Lite支持浏览和搜索以下支持浏览和搜索以下6种类型文档:种类型文档:HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei Confidential Page 7Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.获取取HedEx Lite软件件移动、电信、联通等运营商客注册并升级其华为运营商业务技术支持网站运营商业务技术支持网站support.huawei.com帐号至级后从该网站下载最新HedEx Lite软件及HDX格式文档包HedEx Lite最新版本为V200R001C00,请及时下载更新政府、企业等行业客户注册并提升其华为企业业务技术支持网站企业业务技术支持网站support.huawei.com /enterprise权限至后从该网站下载最新HedEx Lite软件及HDX格式文档包。提升权限见链接http:/support.huawei.com/enterprise/NewsReadAction.action?newType=0701&contentId=NEWS1000000907HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei Confidential Page 8Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.HedEx Lite V200R001C00的亮点的亮点n n 集中浏览和搜索多格式文档集中浏览和搜索多格式文档集中浏览和搜索多格式文档集中浏览和搜索多格式文档通过添加本地目录,支持浏览和搜索本地目录中的非HDX文档,如PDF、WORD、PPT等格式文件。 n n 导出部分章节文档导出部分章节文档导出部分章节文档导出部分章节文档可保存导出当前节点下的所有内容,也可以选择导出范围。n n自动登录和自动启动自动登录和自动启动自动登录和自动启动自动登录和自动启动支持客户自动登录Support网站和随电脑开机自动启动HedEx Lite。支持集中浏览和搜索本地多格式文档,随电脑开机自动启动、自动登录。HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei Confidential Page 9Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.HedEx Lite部署条件部署条件操作系统:Microsoft Windows XP/2000/2003/VistaMicrosoft Windows 7浏览器:IE 6.0/7.0/8.0/9.0Firefox 3.5/4.0/5.0/6.0Chrome 9.0/10.0/11.0/12.0Safari 4.0/5.0硬件要求:内存:512MB及以上CPU:1.8GHz及以上硬盘:2GB及以上HedEx LiteHedEx Lite在普通在普通在普通在普通电脑电脑上即可使用,可上即可使用,可上即可使用,可上即可使用,可单单独使用,也可独使用,也可独使用,也可独使用,也可联联网网网网获获取文档包取文档包取文档包取文档包野外维护网办公网Support.huawei.com独立使用独立使用查找信息标记批注文档管理联网使用联网使用HedEx Lite升级文档包查找/升级意见反馈HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Huawei Confidential Page 10Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5: 18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.HedEx Lite已在全球获得广泛已在全球获得广泛使用和使用和认可认可HedEx Lite已在全球各大电信运营商中推广使用,目前已有二十多万用户正在使用已在全球各大电信运营商中推广使用,目前已有二十多万用户正在使用HedEx Lite。谢谢!www.huawei.com版权所有版权所有 华为技术有限公司华为技术有限公司 2012。 保留一切权利。本资料仅供参考,不构成任何形式的承诺。保留一切权利。本资料仅供参考,不构成任何形式的承诺。谢谢!谢谢!
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