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初中水平英语短文带翻译初中水平英语短文带翻译初中水平英语短文带翻译:郁金香 Tulips I chanced to rise early one morning this summer, and took a walkinto the country to divert1 myself among the fields and meadows,while the green was new and the flowers in bloom.今年夏天的一个清晨,我偶尔起了一个大早,遂走到乡间,梦想能在绿草丛中和田野间得以消遣。那时,新绿初醒,繁花似锦。 Since at this season every lane was beautiful and every hedgefull of flowers, I lost myself with pleasure among thickets andbushes filled with a great variety of birds. Listening to them, Icouldnt help but feel joy. It was the pleasantest scene in theworld to one who had passed a whole winter in noise and smoke.duanwenw.com The freshness of the dews that lay upon everything, andthe cool breath of the morning, not only inspired the birds, but mademy heart overflow with satisfaction, duanwenw.com and brought to mindsome of Miltons beautiful verse:每年这个季节,每条小径都是一处美丽的景色,每个灌木丛都藏着各种小鸟。听着它们的歌唱,我情不自禁地感到快乐。这对于在喧嚣和烟雾中挨过了整整一个冬天的人来说,真可谓世间最美丽的景色。清晨的气息是那么清爽宜人,周围的一切还披着一层娇滴滴的露珠,这一切不仅能唤起鸟儿展现快乐的本能,英语短文也使我心中洋溢着一种满足感,情不自禁地忆起弥尔顿的美妙诗句: As one who long in populous city penned Where houses thick and sewers annoy the airForth issuing on a summers morn, to breathe Among the pleasant villages and farms Adjoined, from each thing met conceived delight: The smell of grain, or tended grass, or kine4, or dairy第 1页 共 4页 Each rural sight, each rural sound犹如久锢于躁动的市井之人择一个夏日的清晨,步出城墙步出房屋林立,步出水天污浊吐纳于宜人的田间村舍乡间万物孕育着乐趣稻谷香、干草、黄牛、牛乳每一处农家美景,每一次乡间乐赋初中水平英语短文带翻译:一处美丽的地方 A Beautiful Place I think each of us has a place that stands out in our memory. Ihave such a place that often made me happy many years ago. Butsometimes I ask myself if this place would be as beautiful as Iremember if I were to go back. Perhaps Ive made it beautiful in mymind.我想,每个人心目中都有一个去处,在记忆中熠熠发光。我心目中就有这么一个地方,在很多年前它总让我感到快乐。然而,有时候我会问自己,如果故地重游,这个地方是否还依旧如记忆中那般美丽?或许,我只是在心中将它美化了吧。 This place is meaningful to me because it is part of the county Iloved and grew up in, duanwenw.com and part of my childhood. It is ina town named Pikeville.这个地方对我来说意义深远,因为它就在我所钟爱和成长的县里面,也是我童年的一部分。它在一个叫匹克维尔的小镇里。 Pikeville has been polluted by the coal industry, but has thisclean place on a hill. The hill has seven old trees, and in summer iscovered with wild flowers. I used to go there to sit on a rock, withthe colorful flowers all around me.匹克维尔小镇因煤炭工业的发展被污染,但是在一座小山上却保留着这样第 2页 共 4页一处清洁之地。小山上长着七棵古树,每逢夏日,鲜花遍野。我常常去那儿,坐在岩石上,让五彩缤纷的花儿将我包围。 I liked to go there to lie down on the grass, listen to the wind,kiss the flowers and watch the leaves moving. duanwenw.com The windseemed part of my breath, the leaves part of my song, and the flowerspart of my purity, while the trees were my friends. I used to hugthem every time I went there.我喜欢去那里的草地上躺着,听听风声,亲吻花朵,看树叶翩翩起舞。风似乎是我的气息的一部分,叶子是我的歌曲的片段,英语短文花朵是我的纯洁心灵的象征,而树就是我的朋友。每次去那里,我都会拥抱它们。 The place meant so much to me because it was clean and quiet in aworld of noise and dirt. I hope it is still the beautiful place thatI remember.这个地方对我而言有着非同寻常的意义,因为它是在嘈杂的尘世中的一处洁静之地。我希望它仍然如我记忆中那般美丽。初中水平英语短文带翻译:要有独到的见解,这是才智过人的 Original and out-of-the-way Views are signs of superiorability .We do not think much of a man who never contradicts us thatis no sign he loves us, but rather that he loves himself.要有独到的见解,这是才智过人的标志。对从来不反对你的不要评价过高。这表明他并不爱你。这表明他只爱自己。 Do not be deceived by flattery, and thereby have to pay for it:rather condemn it. Besides you may take credit for being censured bysome, duanwenw.com especially if they are those of whom the goodspeak ill. On the contrary, it should disturb us if our affairsplease every one, for that is a sign that they are of little worth.Perfection is for the few.不要被阿谀奉承所蒙蔽:并为之付出代价,相反,要谴责这种行为。另第 3页 共 4页外,如果你被某人非难,尤其是他们总把好的说成坏的,你可将其视为对你的赞美。当你的言行取悦于所有人时,你应该感到痛不安,因为这说明我们做的事毫无意义。只有少数人才能做到完美。第 4页 共页 4
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