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2021/6/411.1. (10/P80) The edge of a sugar cube is about 1 cm. Roughly how many sugar cubes could you put in a dry, empty swimming pool which measures 25 m by 10 m by 5 m?2021/6/422.2.(19/P82)You are told that certain unknown positive integersp,q,r,ssatisfy = .Which of the followingstatements must be true? 2021/6/433.3. (09/P84) If the radius of the circle is 1 , what is the area of the region located between the 2 squares?2021/6/444 4. . (02/P87) Two gears,one with 15 teeth and the other one with 20 teeth, fit together as shown in the figure. Each has a marked tooth as indicated. After how many rotations of the gear with 15 teeth will the marked teeth be together again for the first time?2021/6/455.5. (09/P88) A solid cube with 3 meter side lengths has square holes cut through it from the middle of each face to the middle of the opposite face, as shown. The three holes intersect in themiddle of the cube. The square windows so produced have side lengths of 1 meter each. What is the total surface area,in square meters,of the new solid?2021/6/462021/6/471 1.(15/P90) A square is inscribed in a circle of radius 1. What is the sum of the lengths of the squares perimeter and the circle circumference?2021/6/482.2. (19/P90) Find the value of this product of 98 numbers:2021/6/493 3. . (12/P81) The houses and trees in the diagram are all in a straight line. In each of the six houses lives a child. At which tree should the children meet so that the sum of the distances they walk to that tree is a minimum?2021/6/4104.4. (18/P82)How many 3 letter wordscan be made using the consonants BCD, and the vowels A and E? A wordsis defined to be any sequence of 3 letters containing two consonants and one vowel in any order ( allowing letters to be repeated ). For example,ABC and CCE are both words.2021/6/4115.5.(07/P84) Atrain triggers a warning bell when it is kilometer from a crossing. If the speed of the train is 45 kph , how many seconds after the bell is triggered will the train reach the crossing?2021/6/4126.6. (18/P86) How many squares are there in the symmetric diagram at the right?2021/6/4137.7. (04/P87) The sum of the squares of two integers is 34 and thedifference of the squares of those same integers is 16. Find the cube of the smallest of those integers.2021/6/4148.8. (10/P89) The edge of a cube is increased by 50%. The ratio of its new surface area to its old is?2021/6/4152021/6/4161.1. (09/P80) A set of 10 numbers has sum 100. Each number of the set is increased by 20, then multiplied by 20 then decreased by 20. What is the sum of the numbers in the new set?2021/6/4172 2. . (02/P83) How many non-isosceles triangles of perimeter 23 units can be formed with sides of whole number units?2021/6/4183.3. (15/P85) For the non-zero numbers a ,b , and c , define (a , b , c )= . Find (2 ,4 , 6).2021/6/4194.4. (08/P88) In a woodlot a forest engineer has found that 3 000 trees are ready for cutting. In this woodlot 40% of the trees are conifers,and 60% are “leafy”trees. Also 62% of the leafy trees are maples,while 25% of the conifers are pines. Altogether, how many maples and pines can be cut?2021/6/4205 5. . (17/P90) x and 2x are both 3 digit integers. If the sum of the digits of x is 19, what is the sum of the digits of 2x?2021/6/4216.6.(16/P90) An ant walks around a triangle with sides 5 cm,6 cm, and 7 cm so that it always stays 1 cm from the outside of the triangle. When it returns to its starting point for the first time, in cm, it has walked2021/6/4227 7. . (08/P80) The women in a club outnumber the men by 16. 7times the number of women exceeds 9 times the number of men by 32. Find the number of men.2021/6/4238.8. (06/P88) What is the unitsdigit of 2021/6/424部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!
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