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高三11英语翻译-13年1月8日1我们老师给了我们许多关于学习语文的建议。2李华是我最好的朋友之一,他很友好、聪明和乐于助人。3正是在李华的帮助之下,我才取得了这么大的进步。4每个硬币都有两面。手机有优点也有缺点。5读了这篇文章以后,我意识到我们应该更加努力学习还回报我们的父母和老师。6不管发生什么,我们都应该对我们自己感到自信。7.他不但鼓励我克服困难而且还时常帮助我做作业。1.我们老师给了我们许多关于学习语文的建议。1.Our teacher gave us a lot of suggestions about studying Chinese.2.李华是我最好的朋友之一,他很友好、聪明和乐于助人。 2. Li Hua is one of my best friends,who are friendly, clever and ready to help others.补充:李华是我唯一一个最好的朋友之一,他很友好、聪明和乐于助人。 补充:Li Hua is the only one of my best friends,who is friendly, clever and ready to help others.3.正是在李华的帮助之下,我才取得了这么大的进步。3. It is with the help of Li Hua that I have made such big progress.4每个硬币都有两面。手机有优点也有缺点。4.Every coin has two sides, and/so cellphone also has advantages (merits) as well as disadvantages (shortcomings).5.读了这篇文章以后,我意识到我们应该更加努力学习来回报我们的父母和老师。5. After reading the passage, I realize that we should study hard to repay our parents and teachers.6.不管发生什么,我们都应该对我们自己感到自信。6. No matter what happens ,we should be confident about ourselves.7.他不但鼓励我克服困难而且还时常帮助我做作业。 He not only helps me to overcome difficulties but also he often helps me with my homework. 句型复习句型复习P137-1381.It be +时间+before/since过多久才 例如:It was two years before he came back from America.过了两年他才从美国回来。2.Its high time that正是做的时候了例如:It s high time that we should take measures to protect the environment.例如:It s high time that we cherished our friendship.sb should do sthsb did sth3.Its up to sb to do sth 由决定做例如:Its up to us to finish the task on time.4.It happens /seems/appears that 某人碰巧/好像/似乎例如:It seems that he is the final winner of the oral English competition(英语口语竞赛).例如:It happens that I know the answer to the question.5.It be the first/second time that.后面跟完成时态,如果be动词是was 后面从句就用过去完成时态,如果be 动词时is,后面从句就用现在完成时态。例如: It was the first time that I had earned so much money.那是我第一次挣这么多钱。例如: It is the first time that I have earned so much money.这是我第一次挣这么多钱。 6.It takes sb (time).to do sth. 花了某人(时间)做什么事情(主语只能是it)例如:It took me five hours to finish the English composition.拓展:花了某人(金钱)做什么事情(主语只能是it)It costs sb(money) to do sth.It cost him three thousand Yuan to buy the bike.表示花费,主语是人的时候用spend,其过去式为spentSb. spend time/money on sth.花费时间过金钱在上。 例如:He spends at least half an hour on English reading every day He spends at least 200 dollars on clothes every month.Sb. spend time/money (in) doing sth.例如:Li Hua spent two days (in) helping me solve the problem caused by study pressure. 例如: If you study harder, you may get scholarship(奖学金) and you can spend less money( in) going to university. 7.It is no wonder that难怪例如: It is no wonder that he did not come to the party. As a matter of fact,he is ill.8. It occurs to sb. that某人突然想起例如:我突然想起,我把英语书落在宿舍里了。It occurs to me that I have left my English book in the dormitory. 8.oweto把归功于例如:我把我的成功归功于父母的关心、老师的指导和同学的帮助。 I owe my success to my parents care, my teachers guidance as well as (和)my classmates help. 9take it for granted that想当然地认为例如:我们经常想当然地认为付出就有回报。例如:我们经常想当然地认为付出就有回报。 We always take it for granted that pains will lead to gains.例如例如:不要想当然地认为别人应该帮助你。当他们不要想当然地认为别人应该帮助你。当他们为你做了什么事的时候,你应该对他们感到感激。为你做了什么事的时候,你应该对他们感到感激。 Dont take it for granted that others should help you. When they do something for you,you should be grateful for them.10.keep it in mind that.牢记. Sb. keepin mind某人牢记例如:无论你在哪里,你都应该牢记是你的父母把你养大的,所以你必须永远记得他们。 No matter where you are,you should keep it in mind that it was your parents who/that brought you up, so you must keep them in mind forever.11.从统计可以看出It can be seen from the statistics that 例如:从统计可以看出,中国的人口变得越来越多了。It can be seen from the statistics that Chinas population becomes larger and larger.12.有人已经证实It has been proved that 例如:有人已经证实这种生物曾经存在过,但是由于地球温度的变化,它500年以前就在南极逐渐灭绝了。 It has been proved that this kind of creature once existed ,but due to the change of the earths temperature ,it died out little by little in the South Polar 500 years ago. 总结:构成句子的结构 基本句(主句)+方式+地点+时间 it died out主句 主语+不及物动词=主谓结构 little by little (逐渐,表方式) in the South Polar(南极,表地点) 500 years ago(500年以前,表时间)动词短语的复习
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