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Unit 5 Look at meStory time看看Please watch the story time and answer this question What is Yang Ling wearing?What is Yang Ling wearing?How does mother give praise?妈妈是如何赞扬的?妈妈是如何赞扬的?Lets readIts nice.How nice!Its great.Great!要求要求: : 二看二看动画,注意语音语调及表情。看完动画,注意语音语调及表情。看完后后默读默读课文,用铅笔课文,用铅笔划下划下妈妈赞扬的句子!妈妈赞扬的句子!How does mother give praise?Lets chant: T-shirt , T-shirt , Look at my T-shirt. Nice , nice, Oh, its nice. Lets chant: , , Look at my . , , Oh, its . 要求要求: 2: 2人一组,人一组,秀一秀秀一秀自己今天穿自己今天穿的漂亮衣服吧,对于别人的赞扬,不的漂亮衣服吧,对于别人的赞扬,不要忘了回应要忘了回应“谢谢谢谢”哦!哦! A: Hi/, Look at my B: Its nice/ . A: Thank you! B: Look at my A: Its great/ . B: Thank you!
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