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日常交际用语中考对日常交际用语的考查比重越来越大。涉及在各种情景下的问和答以及英美国家的文化习俗。答题时要注意:1根据不同的情景,使用不同的表达;2根据习惯用语进行选择;3使用文明礼貌的语言;4遵照口语交际特点,不要死套语法规则。高频考向一感谢与应答表示感谢Thank you./Thanks./Thank you very much./Thank you so much./Thanks a lot./Youre kind!/.回答别人感谢的应答语Youre welcome./Not at all./Dont mention it./Its my pleasure./Thats all right./.【例1】 Id like to choose yellow as the colour of our bedroom._.The colour brings me a warm and comfortable feeling.(2016,苏州)ANo wayBSounds greatCIn your dreams DI cant decide解析:No way“决不”;Sounds great“听起来好极了”;In your dreams“想得美”;I cant decide“我不能决定”。根据答语“The colour brings me a warm and comfortable feeling(这种颜色给我温暖舒适的感觉)”可知,此处表示赞同对方的意见。答案:_B高频考向二祝愿与祝贺当某人取得成功时Well done!Congratulations(to you)!当某人外出旅行时Good luck with your trip!Have a good trip/journey.I wish you a good trip/journey./Good trip to you./Nice journey to you.Have a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.I wish you a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.Have fun!Enjoy yourself/yourselves!当某人生日时Happy birthday to you!Thank you!当某人即将做某事时Good luck (to you)!(I wish you success!)上述几点中祝愿(贺)的回答可用:Thanks./Thank you./Thanks a lot.或Its kind of you to say so.在公共节日里Happy New Year (to you)!新年快乐!Thanks.The same to you!(Happy New Year to you,too!) 谢谢!您也一样!(也祝您新年快乐!)【例2】 I came first in the long jump._.Im so proud of you.(2016,呼和浩特)AGood luck BHave funCWell done DYoure joking解析:A项意为“祝你好运”;B项意为“祝你过得愉快”;C项意为“干得好”;D项意为“你在开玩笑吧”。结合上文文意“我跳远比赛得了第一名”和下文文意“我为你感到骄傲”可得知正确答案。答案:_C高频考向三表示遗憾、同情表遗憾时be afraid (that).Its a pity (that).What a pity!表同情时Im sorry to hear.【例3】 Im feeling terrible!I have a bad cold._.Youd better see a doctor at once.(2016,重庆B)AIm afraid not BSorry to hear thatCSounds great DYou are right解析:根据外国人的习惯当听到对方不舒服的时候,要说Sorry to hear that。故选B。答案:_B高频考向四提醒和警告祈使句表示提醒、禁止和警告Look out!/Be careful!/Take care!/Danger!/Slow down!/Entrance!/Exit!/Stop!含条件状语从句的复合句型表示警告Dont do sth.,or.If you.,you.否定祈使句或“No动词ing”表示提醒、禁止和警告Dont feed the animals!Dont forget to water your plant!Dont smoke!/Dont be late!/Dont take pictures here!No smoking!/No parking!/No spitting!用cant/mustnt表示禁止和警告【例4】 _!Something is falling down from the tall building.Dear me!Its too dangerous.(2016,广东)ALook out BHelp yourselfCWhat a pity DShut up解析:look out意为“当心”;help yourself意为“请自便”;what a pity意为“真遗憾啊”;shut up意为“住口”。由“有东西正从高楼上掉下来”可知应提醒对方“当心”。答案:_A高频考向五道歉和应答表达道歉Pardon?Excuse me!I beg your pardon.Im sorry./Sorry.Sorry,I wont.回答别人的道歉的应答语Thats all right/OK.It doesnt matter./ Thats nothing./ Never mind.No problem./ Dont worry about it!【例5】 Im sorry that I shouted at you this morning._,but please dont get angry so often.AAll right BNo problemCNever mind DWith pleasure解析:A选项“行了,好吧”;B选项“没问题”;C选项“没关系,不要紧”;D选项“很乐意”。由上句“很抱歉,今天早上我对你大叫”可知,下句句意为“不要紧,但请不要经常生气”。答案:_C高频考向六劝告和建议表建议的用语Would you mind opening the door?Would you like to join us?What/How about playing pingpong now?Why not put off the meeting till tomorrow?Would/Could you please turn off the TV?Shall we go to the park?Lets go to school.表劝告的用语Wed/Youd better go now.You should.Please be quiet.应答建议的用语肯定回答:Yes,please./OK./Certainly./Good idea./Thats a good idea!/What a good idea!/All right./Sure./Yes,lets./I would like to./Yes,Id like/love to.(其中to不能省略)否定回答:No,thank you./Sorry,we cant./Sorry,you cant.Sorry,but./Sorry,Ill./Yes,Id like (love)to,but.【例6】 Lets go for a swim on Saturday,Jack.Oh,_ I have to work on a science report.(2016,泰安)Awhat a pity! Bwith pleasure.Cgo ahead. Dhow come?解析:A项意为“真可惜!”;B项意为“乐意效劳”;C项意为“可以,干吧”;D项意为“怎么会呢?”。由空格后的I have to work on a science report.(我必须做一份科学报告。)可知,杰克不能去游泳,用what a pity表示惋惜。句意“杰克,我们周六去游泳吧。”“哦,真可惜!我必须做一份科学报告。”答案:_A高频考向七电话用语电话问语:Hello!This is .speaking.Whos that (speaking)?Hello!May/Could/Can I speak to.电话答语:Hold on/Wait a minute/One moment,please.Can I take a message for you?Im sorry.is not in/at home now.Ill ring him up again.【例7】 Hello,may I speak to John,please?_AWho are you? BWhats the matter?CThis is John speaking. DHe is John.解析:电话用语中自我介绍用“This is.”。答案:_C高频考向八提供帮助询问语Can/Could I help you?Can/Could I do.for you?What can I do for you?Would you like some help?Would you like me to do sth. for you?Do you want me to.?Is there anything (else) I can do (for you)?Let me do.for you.应答语需要帮助:Yes,please.Thanks.Thats very kind/good/nice (of you)谢绝帮助:No,thanks/thank you.I can do it myself.No,I can do it,but thank you all the same.【例8】 Is there anything else I can do for you?_.AOf course BYoure welcomeCNo,thanks DThats OK解析:拒绝某人帮助时应用“No,thanks”表示礼貌。答案:_C高频考向九就餐主人征求或建议对方吃什么Would you like something to eat/drink?What would you like to have?Would you like some more.?Which do you prefer,rice or noodles?What would you like to drink,tea or coffee?主人让客人随意吃喝自己喜欢的食物或饮料Help yourself/yourselves (to.)客人的应答语Id like.Just a little,please.Thank you.Ive had enough.Im full,thank you.Its delicious,but I cant eat any more.【例9】 Would you like some orange juice,Julie?_ I prefer to drink milk.(2016,吉林)ANo,thanks. BYes,please.CId love to.解析:“Would you like.?”意为“你(们)想要吗?”表示向对方提出请求、邀请或进行询问等。回答“Would you like.?”问句时,肯定回答常用Yes,please./Yes,Id like (love) to./Certainly等;否定回答常用No,thanks./No,thank you./Thats nice of you,but.等。由答句中的I prefer to drink milk.(我更喜欢喝牛奶。)可知应作否定回答。答案:_A高频考向十请求允许Can/May/Could I.?我可不可以?表允许或同意:Yes./Sure./Certainly./Of course,you can/may.Yes,do please./Thats OK/all right.Go ahead,please.表不允许或不同意:No,please dont./Im sorry you cant.Im sorry,but./Youd better not.Would you mind my/me.?你介意我吗?表允许/不介意:No,I dont mind./Certainly not./Of course not./Not at all.表不允许/介意:Im sorry you cant.Im afraid.Im afraid its not allowed.【例10】 Could I borrow your camera?_,but please give it back by Saturday.AIm sorry BOf courseCCertainly not DNo,thanks解析:选项A意为“对不起”;选项B意为“当然”;选项C意为“当然不”;选项D意为“不,谢谢。”由问句句意“我能借你的相机吗?”和答语中的“but please give it back by Saturday(但请在周六前还给我)”可知,是同意了别人的请求。答案:_B【例11】 Cindy,would you mind not opening the window?Its cold outside._.AId like toBSorry,Ill do it right nowCYes,that sounds goodDNo,I wouldnt解析:上句句意为“辛迪,不要开窗户,你介意吗?外面很冷。”A选项“我很乐意”;B选项“对不起,我马上照做”;C选项“是的,那听起来不错”;D选项“不,我不愿意。”对于Would you mind.?问句,常回答“Not at all”(根本不,一点也不)表达不介意,也可用“Of course not”或“Certainly not”来回答;或回答“Sorry,Ill do it right now”(对不起,我马上去做)。答案:_B高频考向十一谚语、格言与常识谚语Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌。Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。格言No pains,no gains.一分耕耘,一分收获。Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。常见的标志和说明NO SMOKING请勿吸烟NO PHOTOS请勿拍照NO PARKING请勿停车ENTRANCE入口EXIT出口NO ADMITTANCE闲人免进【例12】 Which of the following signs means “No photos”?解析:No photos意为“不准拍照”。答案:_D【例13】 A homeless man won a lottery ticket.He became rich over night._.ABetter safe than sorryBThe early bird catches the wormCEvery dog has its dayDToo many cooks spoil the broth解析:A选项“谨言慎行不吃亏,轻率莽撞必后悔”;B选项“早起的鸟儿有虫吃/捷足者可先得”;C选项“人人皆有得意日”;D选项“人多反误事”。答案:_C
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