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第一部分第一部分 模块复习方略模块复习方略Unit 5First aid轻微的;温柔的 流血 倒;灌;注;涌 症状;征兆 橱柜;衣柜 器官 aid temporary vital squeeze brave bravery injury injure poison poisonous swell swollen pressure press tight tightly apply applicant application variety various vary firm firmly treat treatment (对伤患者的)急救 生病 榨出;挤出 反复;多次 in place a number of put ones hands on make a difference as you can imagine unless it is stuck to the burn take a few weeks to heal was studying when It was Johns quick action that saved Ms Slades life There is no doubt that if possible be treated as forto seriousseriously applied application applicant to for Applying yourself to the job in hand,youll soon finish it. Applied to the job in hand,youll soon finish it. no any/a made a great difference tell the difference between is vital to/for it is vital to (should) be taken in to to manage to in in place out of place in place of take the place of was studying when readhad read playedwere playing wag waiting for the green light at a crossing when given before yourself harmful such There are called depending a in 谢谢观看!
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